
发布时间:2020-07-06 08:08:14   来源:文档文库   




Dog a dog in the manger 狗占马槽

put on the dog 炫耀、摆阔

go to the dogs 一蹶不振

dog-eared books读得卷了边的书

dog sleep 不时惊醒的睡眠

dog watch夜班

a sly dog偷鸡摸狗者

a yellow dog 杂种狗、卑鄙可耻的小人

a big dog看门狗、保镖、要人

You are a lucky dog! 你真是个幸运儿

dog nose 啤酒与杜松子酒的混合酒

a dog in a blanket葡萄卷饼或卷布丁

dog does not eat dag 同类不相残

Every dog has his day 凡人皆有得意时

Love me love my dog 爱屋及乌

Sick as dog 病得厉害

Top dog 最重要的人物

As faithful as a dog 像狗一样忠诚

dog-tired 像狗一样的累

dog-eared books 读得卷了边的书

dog watch 夜班

old dog 上了岁数的人、老手

He that lies down with dogs must rise up with flea. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑

A good dog deserves a good bone. 西方人论功行赏时常说'好狗应有好骨头

a dog chance 极有限的一点儿机会(希望)

dog's days 很热的日子

rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨

go    to    the     dogs        破产

under      dog         走狗

sleeping dogs 阴险的人

love     me   ,love    my    dog       爱屋及乌

lead     a    dog's     life        过着非人的生活

let sleeping dogs lie 别惹事生非

the Hong Kong dog 吃坏了肚子、拉肚子

dog in the manger 占着-- -- to put on the dog 耍阔

in the dog house 陷入困境

a dog  in  the  manger        占着茅坑不拉屎

barking dog doesn`t bite 虚张声势的人

a (case of) dog eat dog.残酷的竞争;自相残杀。

dressed like a dogs dinner.穿着十分时髦或显眼。

put on the dog.炫耀;摆阔。

teach an old dog new tricks.改变老人的想法,做法。

go to the dogs.江河日下

take a hair of the dog that bite you.以毒攻毒

wake a sleeping dog.惹是生非



I can smell a rat 我觉得事有蹊跷

You are a rat 你是一个鼠辈

He rats me out 他把我给卖了

love rat 爱情骗子

mall rat 喜欢到购物中心去逛的年轻人

smell a rat 不太对劲,感觉奇怪

You dirty rat! 你这卑鄙的小人

三、牛/Cow VS /horse


Have a cow 生气

As happy as a cow 快乐的像只小鸟

Why buy the cow when the milk is free. 何必为了一棵树放弃整片森林

Dont have a cow    别大惊小怪

till the cows come home 很久,很久

cash cow     摇钱树

Work like a horse 力大如牛

Beat a dead horse 做无用功,徒劳

Change horse in the midstream 临阵换将

I am hungry. I can eat a horse. 我好饿,我可以吃下一匹马。

Horse white horse 白浪

put the cart before the horse 车在马前(本末倒置)

straight from the horses mouth 听马说的(根据最可靠的消息来源)

a willing horse 积极工作的人

hold ones horses 等一下、忍耐、控制自己的感情

eat like a horse吃得很多

beat a dead horse 鞭打死马(徒劳)

Dont look a gift horse in the mouth


a horse laugh 嘲笑

high horse 趾高气扬、自以为很了不起

on  a horse     快马加鞭

hold your horse 稍等

put the cart before the horse 本末倒置

ride  on  one's  high  horse    趾高气扬

a  dark  horse        黑马

look a gift horse in the mouth.吹毛求疵

四、老虎/tiger vs 狮子/lion


As majestic as a lion 勇猛威严

The British Lion 不列颠之狮(英国)

The lions mouth 虎穴

Throw feed to the lions 送入户口

A lion in the way 拦路虎

have a tiger by the tail 骑虎难下

lion hearted 非常勇敢的

the lion's share 绝大部分

ass in a lion's skin 说大话的胆小鬼

bold as a Essex lion(irony) 勇敢如艾塞克斯之狮

lion-hearted person 勇敢的人

If you dont enter a tigers den, you cant get his cubs. 不入虎穴,焉得虎



Rabbit and hare are on behalf of insecurity or a person who played a game badly .不可靠或玩弄花招的人

Rabbit 在口语中指拙劣的运动员(尤指网球运动员)

Odd rabbit 该死

rabbit punch (用掌边对某人颈背的)重击



black sheep 败家子

If one sheep leaps over the ditch, all the rest will follow. 榜样的力量是无穷的。

A lazy sheep thinks its wool heavy. 懒羊嫌毛重。

He that makes himself a sheep shall be eaten by the wolf. 甘心做绵羊,必然喂豺狼



buy a pig in a poke 瞎买东西

八、狐狸/Fox VS /Wolf

a  wolf   in  a  sheep's   clothing       披着羊皮的狼

 eat  like  a  wolf     狼吞虎咽

 be  foxy     吹毛求疵的

(1) Dont trust a goat with the kitchen-garden, or a wolf with sheepfold. 不能请羊管菜园,不能请狼管羊圈。

(2) Who keeps company with wolves, will learn to howl. 和狼在一起,就会学狼叫。

(3) Man is a wolf to man. 人对人是狼。(人心狠,人吃人)

(4) A growing youth has a wolf in his belly. 年轻人,在成长,吃起饭来像饿狼



Bear like a bear with a sore head 易怒的、脾气坏的

a bear garden 嘈杂、喧闹的场所或者会议

bear down 加倍努力



Cat like a cat on hot bricks 非常紧张、象热锅上的蚂蚁

Set the cat among the pigeons 引来可能招惹是非或麻烦的人或事物

more than one way to skin a cat 剥猫皮各有巧妙不同(另有办法)

bell the cat 担当风险,挺身而出

The cat among the pigeons. 人为刀俎,我为鱼肉

rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨

a cat nap 打个盹儿

let the cat out of the bag 放出袋中猫(泄漏秘密)

Kitty corner 小猫的角落(斜对角)

a copy cat 抄袭作弊的人

be like a cat on hot bricks   热锅上的蚂蚁

let the cat out of the bag    泄密

a fat cat   大款,很有钱的人

be catty   爱搬弄是非的,爱诽谤人的

bell the cat    为别人利益冒险的

cat & dog life 争吵不休的生活

cat around 寻欢作乐

let the cat out of bag 泄密

make a cat laugh 好笑的

see how the cat jumps 观望形势

turn cat in the pan 背叛

When the cat is away, the mice will play. 山中无老虎,猴子称代王


Fish plenty of other fish in the sea


fish in troubled waters 浑水摸鱼

bigger fish to fry 有更大的鱼要炸(有更重要的事情要办)

like shooting fish in a barrel 桶里射鱼(瓮中捉鳖)

a big fish in a small pond 小地方的大人物

Teach a fish to swim. 班门弄斧

drink like a fish 牛饮

a fish story 吹牛

a fish out of water 失去依靠

cold fish 冷血

an odd/a queer fish .古怪的人,难以理解得人。


Bird the early bird catches the worm

早起的鸟 才能捉到虫(捷足先登)

an early bird 早到或者早起的人

a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush 一鸟在手胜过两鸟在林

Birds of a feather flock together 羽毛相同的鸟总飞成一群(物以类聚)

for the birds 无聊、无趣、愚蠢的

Feather makes a fine bird. 美人美衣

Birds of a feather flock together.物以类聚

jail bird 关在监狱里的人

eat like a bird 吃的很少

Kill two birds with one stone. 一石二鸟

birds of feather.一丘之貉


a snake in the grass 伪装成朋友的阴险小人


Bull`s eye 正中红心

A bull in a china shop. 鲁莽的人

Bull market 牛市


1sitting duck 容易上当的人

2chicken feed 很小数量的钱

I turned down the job at the hamburger restaurant, because they only pay chicken feed.

3turkey farm 指领导把一些能力低或不愿勤恳工作而又不能解雇的人调到的那个地方。 If you continue to behave that way, one day I am going to send you to the turkey farm.

4goose bumps 鸡皮疙瘩

5have a turkey on ones back 喝醉酒或吸毒成瘾

6let sleeping dogs lie 别惹事生非

7kill the goose that lays the golden eggs 杀鸡取卵

8spring chicken   已不再年轻

9nit- picker 刺儿头

10talk turkey 严肃地谈某事

11Im hungry as a wolf! 我要饿死了!

12 chicken out(on)    逃脱

13chicken-livered/hearted   胆小的,胆怯的

14count  the  chickens  before  they  are  hatched   高兴的过早

15be chicken    害怕,显得胆怯

16run  around  like  a  chicken  with  its  head  cut  off  晕头转向

17turkey  cock   装腔作势的人

18Jack  ass     愚蠢的人

19 get  ants       紧张,烦躁

20stool   pigeon      卧底,内鬼

21pigeon  hearted  非常胆小

(1) One swallow does not make a spring. 孤燕不报春。

(2) One swallow does not make a summer. 一燕不成夏。

As Busy as bee. 勤奋

white elephant 大而无用的东西

1. have a whale of a time.玩的非常痛快;过的非常愉快。

2. a whale of a victory.巨大的胜利。

4. a lamb of a temper.羔羊般的柔顺。

5. a little shrimp of a fellow.一个小的像虾米似的人

at a snails pace.极慢的。

monkey business.胡闹;骗人的把戏;恶作剧。

18. cling/stick to sb. like a leech.纠缠某人不放;依附与某人。

19. act/play the goat.举止轻浮;不负责任。

20. separate the sheep form the goats.把好人同坏人分开。

even a worm will turn.狗急跳墙

look like a dying duck in a thunderstorm.惊慌失措

break a butterfly on a wheel.小题大做

cast peals before swine.明珠暗投

the cat weeping over the dead mouse猫哭老鼠

a narrow winding trail羊肠小道

even a worm will turn狗急跳墙

glare like a tiger eyeing its prey虎视眈眈

pull a tooth from the tigers mouth虎口拔牙

a tiger s head and a snakes tail虎头蛇尾

dragons and fishes jumbled together鱼龙

14 pass off fish eyes as pearls鱼目混珠

monsters and demons牛神蛇鬼

the fox borrows the tigers fierceness狐假虎威

a pack of rogues狐朋狗党

evil associates狐朋狗友

in bits and pieces鸡零狗碎

a mouse can see only an inch鼠目寸光

a horse galloping without a stop马不停蹄

gain an immediate马到成功

chicken feathers and garlic skins鸡毛蒜皮

even fowls and dogs are not spared鸡犬不宁

the crowing of cocks and the barking of dogs鸡鸣犬吠

monstrously audacious狗胆包天 mere trash狗屁不通


1. as busy as a bee.忙碌至极

2. as merry as a cricket/ grig.非常高兴;非常快活。

3. as slippery as an eel.油滑;不可靠。

4. at one fell swoop.一举;一下子;刹那之间。

5. beard the lion 捋虎须;奋勇还击;在太岁头上动土

6. bell the cat.猫脖子拴铃铛;为了大家的利益承担风险。

7. bird of passage.漂泊不定的人。

8. birds of feather.一丘之貉。

9. black sheep.败家子;害群之马;无用之辈。

10. dark horse.黑马;竞争中出人意料的获胜者。

11. break a butterfly on a wheel.小题大做;杀鸡用牛刀。

12. buy a pig in a poke 买下没有看的东西;隔山买老牛。

13. a pig in a poke 上当之货。

14. by/on shankss mare. 骑两脚马----徒步,步行。

15. cannot make a silk purse out of a sowear.朽木不可雕也。坏材料做不出好东西。

16. cannot say boh /bo to a goose. 胆小如鼠。

17. cast peals before swine.明珠暗投;对牛弹琴。

18. cast sheeps eyes 送秋波;抛媚眼;以目传情。

19. The cat among the pigeons. 猫在鸽群中---人为刀俎,我为鱼肉。

20. cats paw. 被人当爪牙利用的人;受人愚弄的人。

21. a cock-and-bull story.无稽之谈;荒诞的故事。

22. cock-a-hoop.(俚)得意扬扬;自鸣得意。

as busy as a bee (像蜜蜂)忙忙碌碌的

as graceful as a swan (像天鹅)姿态优雅的

as gentle as a lamb (像羊羔)性情温顺的

as cunning as a fox (像狐狸)一样狡猾的

as poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗

b Buddy, where is john 要上厕所?

Bungee jumping 蹦极跳

a rug rat 还不会走路的小婴儿


