高中英语《英语测试报》配套光盘 - Unit3 - Computers--词汇学习教案(人教新课标必修2)

发布时间:2015-11-03 15:45:10   来源:文档文库   


Section 3 Words and expressions from Unit 3 Computers


v. 解答(难题),解决

vt. 解答,解决

1. I can't solve the problem. 我解答不了这个难题。

2. Help me to solve my financial troubles. 请帮我解决经济困难

3. The greatest scholar cannot solve this difficult problem.


4. It's a problem of such perplexity that it was impossible to solve.


5. Our professor is too capable not to solve this difficult problem.


6. It was clever of you to solve the problem. 你能解答那个问题真是聪明。

7. I think I can solve the problem. 我想我能解决这问题。

8. Something is bound to happen one way or another to end the conflict or solve the problem.


as a result


1. He didn't work hard, as a result he failed his exam. 他不用功, 结果考试不及格。

2. As a result, they saved 90% of the trees in the forest.


3. As a result, costs will be reduced by as much as 90%. 因此,成本将会降低90%之多。

4. After-burners have to be used. As a result fuel consumption is heavier.


5. Five hundred jobs were axed as a result of government spending cuts.


6. He was late as a result of the snow. 由于大雪他迟到了。

7. As a result, we have to water the vegetable garden. 因此我们不得不给菜地浇水。

8. Offer to take him out for lunch, then (ie as a result of this) he'll feel in a better mood.

请他出去吃午饭, 那样他心情就会好些


v. 探险,探测,探究

[计算机] 探讨

1. The experts are exploring every part of the island. 专家们正在勘查这个岛的各个部分。

2. He had an itch to get away and explore. 他等不及要动身去探险。

3. Can you explore the market possibility for us? 您能为我们考察一下市场前景吗?


ad. 不管怎样

1. I couldn't think of the name of that man anyhow. 我怎么也想不出那人的名字来了。

2. His clothes were just thrown down anyhow. 他的衣服扔得到处都是。

3. Anyhow I must tell the truth. 无论如何,我必须说出真相。

4. The books were lying on the shelves just/all anyhow. 书都乱放在书架上

5. He made notes anyhow across the page. 他在那页上胡乱作了些笔记

6. Anyhow, you can try. 至少你可以试试

7. It's too late now, anyhow. 无论如何现在已经太迟了

8. I was in such a hurry that I put my clothes on anyhow.

我很匆忙, 所以随便地把衣服穿上了。

human race

n. 人类

1. Is the human race threatened with complete extinction?


2. A full-scale nuclear war could lead to the annihilation of the human race.


3. Everything you say seems to be pervaded with a mistrust of the human race.


4. I do not regard a broker as a member of the human race.



n. 信号,导火线,动机

v. ...作信号

1. A red lamp is often a danger signal. 红灯常常是危险的信号。

2. The police signaled the traffic to move forward slowly.


3. The rise in prices was a signal for rebellion. 物价上涨引起了叛乱。

4. Is this announcement the signal of better times ahead?


5. Her speech yesterday was a signal that her views have changed.


6. He seems to be signaling. 他似乎正在发送信号

7. The President's arrival was the signal for an outburst of cheering.


8. I corrected my watch by the time signal. 我按报时信号校正我的表。


n. 目标,终点


1. You'd better set a goal before you start the drill. 练习开始前,你最好设定一个目标。

2. He has achieved his goal. 他已经实现了他的目标。

3. Who is keeping goal/is in goal (ie is goalkeeper) for Arsenal? 谁给阿森纳队守球门?

4. If we lose sight of the goal, we cease to be Communists.


5. He kicked a penalty goal in the football match. 在这场足球赛中,他主罚,踢进了一个球。

6. That last goal was a beauty. 最後进去的那个球真漂亮。

7. It's in we've got a goal! 球进了--我们射门得分!

8. That's the twentieth goal he's kicked this season. 这是他本赛季踢进的第二十个球


n. 类型,品种,样式,模范铅字,字体

v. 打字

1. There are two types of rocks in this area. 这个地区有两种类型的岩石。

2. Could you type this letter for me? 你能为我打这封信吗?

3. I don't think she's the artistic type. 我认为她不属艺术家那类的人。

4. Press Shiftand type A 换字键然后打字母A

5. I'm unfamiliar with this type of computer. 我不熟悉这种类型的计算机。

6. The juniper is a type of evergreen bush with purple berries. 杜松子是一种生有紫红色浆果的常绿灌木。

7. Blue jay is a type of noisy European bird with brightly colored feathers. 樫鸟是一种爱叫的欧洲鸟,有鲜艳的羽毛。

8. A mammoth is a large hairy type of elephant in ancient times. 猛犸是古代一种身体庞大、长着长毛的大象。

in a way


1. In a way, you're right. 从某一点上看你是对的。

2. You should dress in a way that befits a woman of your position. 你的衣着应与你这种地位的妇女相称。

3. The work is well done in a way. 工作就算做得不错。

4. The scheme rebounded on her in a way she had not expected. 她未曾想到这计谋反倒使她自食其果。


v. 站立,出现

1. Accidents often arise from carelessness. 事故往往起因于粗心。

2. An opportunity has arisen. 机会来了。

3. A new difficulty has arisen. 出现了新困难。

4. A storm arose during the night. 夜间起风暴了。

5. Use this money when the need arises. 有需要时就使用这笔钱。

6. The problem may not arise, but there's no harm in keeping our powder dry. 问题不一定会发生, 但有备无患并无害处。


a. 电子的

n. [-s]电子学, 电子设备

1. This dictionary is available in electronic version. 这部词典有电子版。

2. I like to read books on electronic music. 我喜欢读一些关于电子音乐的书。

3. This dictionary is available in electronic form. 这部词典有电子版本

4. The firm is Britain's main producer of electronic equipment.


5. The machine is operated by an electronic pulse. 这台机器由电子脉冲信号操纵

deal with

vt. 研究(讨论,处理,涉及)

1. The meeting will deal with these problems. 本次会议将就这些问题作出处理。

2. We will deal with events in historical sequence. 我们将按照历史上的先后顺序研究这些事件。

3. Have you any concrete thoughts on how to deal with this difficulty? 处理这种困难你有什么具体的想法?

4. I have a matter of importance to deal with. 我有要事要处理。

5. New laws to deal with this abuse are in the pipeline. 正在制定处理这种弊端的新法令。

6. They refused to compromise their principles by doing a deal with the terrorists. 他们拒绝同恐怖分子做交易,以免原则受到损害。

7. She has a lot of correspondence to deal with. 她有大批信件需要处理。

8. I think we should work out a strategy to deal with this situation. 我想我们应该制订出一项行动计划,用来对付这种情况。

watch over

vt. 看守

1. The nymphs who together with a dragon watch over a garden in which golden apples grow.


2. The soldiers were keeping close watch over the enemies. 士兵们严密注意着敌人的行动。

3. Would you please watch over my booth? 请您照料一下我的摊位好吗?

4. An expert swimmer trained and employed to watch over other swimmers, as at a beach or swimming pool.



《高中英语《英语测试报》配套光盘 - Unit3 - Computers--词汇学习教案(人教新课标必修2).doc》
