
发布时间:2015-02-28 21:26:05   来源:文档文库   


1-5 CBDCC 6-10 BAADB

11-15 ADBDA 16. at

17. They 18. have been translated

19. best 20. as

21. whether/if 22. traditional

23. whose 24. enjoying

25. the 26-30 BADCB

31-35 DBDAC 36-40 CAADB

41-45 CDABB 46-50 ACDFB


Dear Sun Yuzhen,

I don’t think you should be so anxious about your daughter’s studies because the college entrance examination is only one of the challenges we have to face up to.

I think there are several things you can do for your daughter. On the one hand, after get to know what she is interested in and help her set an appropriate goal, trust her and encourage her to believe in herself, which lets her enjoy what she is doing and learn efficiently. On the other hand, do spare some time to listen to her, because the more she communicates with others, the less pressure she’ll have.

I hope what is suggested above will bring out an easier time in your family during your daughter’s preparation for her college entrance examination.




Many teenagers get involved in physical fights and many even carry weapons when fighting. The author thinks that fights frequently take place because teens misunderstand the solutions to their conflicts with others.

It is quite common that teens frequently fight with each other. The first reason for their fighting is that many of these teens are easy to grow angry and don’t know how to properly control their emotions. Besides, some don’t want to apologize to others even when they realize their faults. In addition, some teens actually don’t know how to live and work in peace with others.

In my opinion, I don’t think that fight is the only solution to conflicts. Once we find we truly have made a mistake, we are supposed to apologize to others. Once we are in a conflict with others, I suggest working out a most possible means to end the conflict. Only in this way, can we protect ourselves effectively from any possible harm or injuries.

【文章大意】阳光动力2号(Solar Impulse 2)是一架全新的改进版太阳能飞机,最近在瑞士进行了展出,计划于20153月从沿波斯湾的某个机场开始进行一次环球飞行,其目的在于支持能效。

1. C。根据下文“a flight around the world in 2015”可知,为2015年的环世界飞行做准备。

2. B。根据第三段“Solar Impulse 1”可推知,Solar Impulse 2Solar Impulse 1的升级版。

3. D。根据下文的叙述可知,这款飞机被命名为Solar Impulse 2

4. C。建造Solar Impulse 2耗费了12年的研究和测试。

5. C。根据下文“This large wingspan”可知,机翼宽达63米。

6. B。根据下文“200 square meters of space for energy cells that charge lithium-ion batteries”可推知,这个大翼幅为给锂离子电池充电的能源元件提供了200平米的空间。

7. A。根据下文“be able to fly around the world in 20 to 25 days and nights”可知,这些特制电池被用于保障飞机的夜间飞行。

8. A。根据下文“It flew ...”可知,Solar Impulse 1最长的航程是在20135月。

9. D。根据下文“over 1,500 kilometers”可知,distance符合语境。

10. B。根据上文“The researchers and testers believe the aircraft will be able to fly around the world in 20 to 25 days and nights.”可推知,Solar Impulse 2能飞较长的距离。

11. A。根据下文“This airplane is an example of energy efficiency.”可知,这款飞机节能。

12. D。根据下文“make the airplane fly in the air day and night”可知,如何让太阳能足够维持飞机日夜飞行。

13. B。根据下文的叙述可知,环球飞行的目的是为了支持能效。

14. D。根据下文“in home buildings, in the transportation, in appliances, it can be lighting”可知,给客户带来更高能效的产品。

15. A。根据上文“to support energy efficiency”可知,高能效的产品。

16. at。考查介词。表示“在……岁时”,为at the age of

17. They。考查代词。此处指代Berenstain夫妇作主语,所以用人称代词主格形式。

18. have been translated。考查时态和语态。因主语books与谓语translate之间存在被动关系,可知此处应用动词的被动语态;根据时间状语since then,可知应用现在完成时,所以用现在完成时的被动语态。

19. best。考查形容词最高级。根据空格前的one of the可知此处用最高级形式。表示“最畅销的书”。

20. as。考查介词。be known as“被称为,被认为”,此处as表示“作为;当作”。

21. whether/if。考查连接词。此处为间接引语,根据句意“一些人问是否这些书在人生道理上太简单,在家庭价值观上太传统”,可知答案。

22. traditional。考查词形变化。根据前文的“too simple”和“and”可知,此处应用tradition的形容词形式traditional

23. whose。考查定语从句引导词。分析句子结构可知,________ favorite book in the series was The Bear Detectives: The Case of the Missing Pumpkin.”为非限制性定语从句,且所填词在从句中作定语。

24. enjoying。考查非谓语动词。根据句意可知,此处是说记起以前发生的事


25. the。考查冠词。特指从那个故事中得到的教训,故用定冠词。


26. B。推理判断题。作者在第二至六段讲述了几件有关父亲的事以及它们带给作者的欢乐;根据第七段可知文章写于父亲节,由此可推知作者举例的目的是表达对父亲的爱;从最后一段可知父亲还在,所以C不对。

27. A。推理判断题。第四段说,他们家外面是碎石铺的路;他们每周末都要去市区买汽车零件,由此可推知,她父亲的家在郊区。

28. D。推理判断题。根据第三段可知,记歌词和唱歌是为了在旅途中消磨时光,那的确是一种有趣的方式,伴随他们穿越了各州。

29. C。细节理解题。根据第六段“Sometimes hes a man of few words, but hell listen better than anyone else. Hes always there by our side, offering support, courage and hope.”可知,在孩子成长过程中,父亲总是支持和鼓励他们。

30. B。推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,作者认为什么都没有抽出更多时间陪陪父亲更能表达对父亲的回报和感激之情。


31. D。细节理解题。根据第四段“Seeing the childrens reactions to having their imaginations come to life is priceless — and for the parents, seeing their children full of hope and life”和第五段“In addition to raising spirits,”可知,Van DaeleDrawing Hope Project的主要目的是鼓励身患绝症的孩子勇敢地战胜疾病;第五段说的捐助器官只是附带做的事。

32. B。细节理解题。根据第五段“Van Daele said he had received hundreds of letters and Facebook comments from people saying theyve registered as an organ donor after seeing his pictures.”可知,人们对他的行为和呼吁的响应很强烈。

33. D。推理判断题。根据第五段“To know that this project has or will, save lives — wow! Wonderful!”可推知,Van Daele对其作品带来的效果感到很满足。

34. A。词义猜测题。句子中的It指的是本段前面提到的那幅叫做“超级英雄”的画;词组所在的句意是,Jack的肖像画superhero向人们“解释/讲清楚”了这些孩子所经历的病痛折磨,以及他们战胜疾病顽强生活的精神。

35. C。标题判断题。本文讲述的是艺术家Van Daele帮助身患疾病的孩子实现梦想,鼓励他们勇敢战胜疾病;第一段即主题段。


36. C。主旨大意题。文章开篇点题,据韩国的一项新的研究表明,绝经后的女性中,上班的女性往往比不上班的更健康。

37. A。推理判断题。根据第二段“Previous studies have found that people who work tend to do financially better and are more physically active,”可知,以前的研究发现职场人士往往有良好的财务状况,有较多的体力活动。由此可推知,有工作的女性在体力方面更活跃。

38. A。词义猜测题。根据第三段画线词下文“because hormone changes make women more sensitive to overmuch weight gain,”可知,因为荷尔蒙的改变使女性对体重增加更敏感。再根据第一段“metabolic syndrome — a collection of overweight-related conditions”可知,代谢综合症是指一种与肥胖相关的症状。由此可推知,更年期可能影响一个女人患代谢综合症的风险。由此可猜出画线词的含义为“影响”。

39. D。细节理解题。根据第四段“That small difference, however, could have been due to chance.”可知,然而,这一小小的差异有可能只是概率原因。由此可知正确。

40. B。综合推断题。根据最后一段可知,据Kang及其同事表示,一个可能的解释就是绝经后职场女性比不上班的女性体力活动要多一些。但韦伦斯表示,很难真正明白绝经后职场女性身体更健康的原因,并且不知道这一研究结果能否适用于美国女性。韦伦斯说,“我已经看到研究结果显示美国职场中女性体重偏轻,但还是不明白,工作会使人保持忙碌,避免超重吗?健康女性更好找工作吗?”由此断定韦伦斯对绝经后职场女性身体更健康持怀疑态度。


41. C。细节理解题。根据第一段“Any career is incomplete without a considerable amount of monetary support.”可知,如果没有金钱支持,任何事业都是不完整的。故没有捐献者的金钱支持,社会活动或是非营利组织不能够很好地发展。

42. D。推理判断题。根据第一段“Even though it may not be tough for you to find a donor for your matter, getting close to him/her can be a completely different story.”可知,要找到一个捐献者可能不是难事,但是接近他/她可能是一个完全不一样的故事。由此推断,想要接近捐献者不是一件容易的事。

43. A。细节理解题。根据第三段“Firstly, determine your prospective donor, and collect his/her correct details including his/her name, address, telephone number, job, place of work and so on.”可知,要写好劝捐信首先要做的就是找到预期捐献者的相关细节信息。

44. B。细节理解题。根据第三段“Never stipulate the amount of donation.”可知答案。

45. B。写作意图题。根据全文内容尤其是第二段“The following tips, alongside the regular letter writing rules, may help you largely to write an effective donation request letter.”可知,本文主要讲述的是如何写一封好的劝捐信。

46. AThomas毕业后在爸爸的农场帮忙。他有卡车驾驶证并想买一部卡车帮忙运输农场产品。这与A中描述“its time for me to sell my truck. Its a good, easy-riding and dependable truck.”相匹配。

47. CJack被派到另一个城市的分公司上班,需要一辆车方便他往返于工作和家之间。这与C中的描述“It is suitable for family or personal use because it is economical on fuel.”相匹配。

48. DMike想买一辆能够锻炼车技的赛车。这与D中描述“New paint and beautiful showroom condition are waiting for winning the contest! ... This sports car is super fast and Im sure you will be No. 1 at any car race.”相匹配。

49. FKate为了保护环境,她想要一部电动车。这与F中的描述“This small 4 door electric car is from Mitsubishi. It has a limited 80 mile range but it can be charged by a home electrical connection and will take 30 minutes to recharge about 80% of its full capacity.”相匹配。

50. BMr. Smith拥有一个大家庭。他需要一辆车来带家人出门旅行。为了确保旅行的舒适愉快,他希望购买一个设备齐全,如同家一样的车。这与B中的描述“The motor home has a luggage room and will carry 9 passengers, a refrigerator, a kitchen, a dining room, a TV set, two beds, a sofa, a DVD player, and LED disco lights that can flash with the music.”相匹配。


