
发布时间:2019-02-25 02:06:40   来源:文档文库   




the various customs of qingming festival are very interesting. in addition to fire prohibition and tomb sweeping, there are also lots of customs and sports activities, including spring outing, playing on a swing, cuju, polo, and plant willows. as the legend tells, fire is prohibited during the qingming festival, so people come to join some sports activities to keep warm and avoid harms caused by cold dishes. as a result, this festival includes not only sorrows from sweeping new tombs, but also laughter from spring outings. this is a festival of diverse emotions.



this is a custom of qingming festival in ancient china. the swing means swinging with hide ropes in hands. it has a long history and was called “qianqiu” in the earliest period, then renamed as “qiuqian” to avoid taboo. in ancient times, tree branches were often used as the frame of a swing, which were tied to colored ribbons. later, it was developed into a swing

with two ropes and one seat. playing on a swing is not only a healthy exercise but also it also raises one’s courage; therefore, it is a beloved activity among chinese, especially children, to these days.



ju is a kind of ball made of leather, which is plugged with hairs. cuju means to kick the ball with feet. in ancient china, it was one kind of game loved by people during qingming festival. according to legend, it was invented by yellow emperor with the initial purpose of training warriors.


spring outing踏青

spring outing is also called spring excursion, which was called spring exploration, spring seeking and so on in ancient times. qingming arrives

in the third month in the lunar calendar, when spring rolls up the ground and the nature world is filled with vigor. this is the perfect time to go for an outing. the tradition of spring outing in qingming has been maintained among people in china for a long period.


planting trees植树

around qingming, the sun of spring shines brightly, and the rain of spring drops sufficiently, which help saplings to survive and grow. therefore, the custom of planting trees in qingming can be dated back to ancient times in china. someone even regards qingming as the “arbor day”. and this custom is still popular nowadays. in 1979, the standing committee of national people’s congress provided march 12th of every year as the arbor day of china. this makes significant senses in mobilizing people of all nationalities to participate in activities to afforest china.



flying kites放风筝

this is also a popular activity of qingming among people. when qingming draws near, people fly kites during day and night. when flying kites in nights, people hang bunches of small lanterns below kites or on bracing wires, and these lanterns look like twinkling stars, which are called “magic lights”. in the past, someone cut strings after sending kites into the sky, allowing them to go to the end of the world with refreshing breeze, which was said to remove diseases and disasters while bringing in fortune.








清明节:ching ming festival;thetomb-sweeping festival




踏青:go hiking;spring outing



打马球:playing polo

插柳:liuin sert

寒食:cold food

富有特色的节日:distinctive holiday


ching ming festival (the tomb-sweeping festival), the custom is full of interesting.

in addition to pay attention to ban fire, tomb-sweeping, as well as spring outing, swinging, cuju, playing polo, liu inserted a series of custom sports.

according to legend, this is because the ching ming festival to cold food observance ban fire, in order to prevent the cold food observance buffet beverages, so we come to participate in some sports, in order to exercise.

therefore, this festival which has both the acid tears of sorrow for the died and the laughter from the players, is a distinctive holiday.


清明节习俗 ??



清明节,英文标准译名:tomb-sweeping day或者pure brightness。是中国的二十四节气之一,每年的阳历四月五日。(此节日现已列入国假3天)。2009年国务院办公厅发出关于2010部分节假日安排的通知。??


牧童遥指杏花村。写出了清明节的特殊气氛。 ??


清明节,英文标准译名:tomb-sweeping day或者pure brightness。是中国的二十四节气之一,每年的阳历四月五日。(此节日现已列入国假3天).2009年国务院办公厅发出关于2010年部分节假日安排的通知。??

明前后,点瓜种豆植树造林,莫过清明的农谚。可见这个节气与农业生产有着密切的关系。 但是,清明作为节日,与纯粹的节气又有所不同。节气是我国物候变化、时令顺序的标志,而节日则包含着一定的风俗活动和某种纪念意义。 ??

清明节是我国传统节日,也是最重要的祭祀节日,是祭祖和扫墓的日子。扫墓俗称上坟,祭祀死者的一种活动。汉族和一些少数民族大多都是在清明节扫墓。按照旧的习俗,扫墓时,人们要携带酒食果品、纸钱等物品到墓地,将食物供祭在亲人墓前,再将纸钱焚化,为坟墓培上新土,折几枝嫩绿的新枝插在坟上,然后叩头行礼祭拜,最后吃掉酒食回家。唐代诗人杜牧的诗《清明》曰:清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。借问酒家何处有?牧童遥指杏花村。写出了清明节的特殊气氛。 ??




