英语知识点鲁科版英语五年级上册Unit 1TeachersDayword教案-总结

发布时间:2018-05-16 18:45:32   来源:文档文库   

Unit 1 Teachers’ Day






1、能听懂、会说、认读、规范书写单词:card, who, young, kind, his, little, thin, interesting, pupil, but;能听懂、会说、认读单词:September, strict, was, thenwere, ago,active, smart, naughty,并能结合句型灵活运用。

2、能听懂、会说、认读句型:"Who' s your favourite teacher?" "She' s young.

She has long hair.”“She was young.”“Her hair was short.”“Were they active in

class?" "Yes, they were.









能听懂、会说并认读句子“Who' s your favourite teacher?" " She' s young.”“She has long hair"“She was young.”“Her hair was short.”“Were they ac-tive in class?" "Yes, they were.”能灵活运用一般过去时与他人谈论人物以前的外貌及性格特征,并与人物现在的外貌及性格特征进行比较。






共四课时,Lesson 1 1课时, Lesson 2 1课时,

Lesson 3 1课时, Lesson 4 1 课时

【教学方法】:任务教学法、 情境教学法




young, kind, t all, thin, old

1、 He was short then.

Now he’s _________ and_____________.

2、 My aunt was young then.

Now, she’s a grandma. She’s ___________.

3、 They were __________thirty years ago.

They are old now.

4、 Miss zhang is ___________.She has long hair.


1He _________young then.

A、 is Bwere Cwas

( ) 2_________is your favourite teacher?

A、 What BWho CWhose

( ) 3He was short four years ago. Now he is_____________.

A、 thin Btall Cbig

( )4Is she tall?

A、 Yesshe was.

B、 Yes, he is.

C、 Yes, she is.

( )5They were in my class ten years_________.

Anow Bold Cago

Lesson 1 Shes very kind.



《英语》第五册Unit1的主题是TeachersDay.Lesson 1 Shes very kind.其语言功能是描述人物外貌及性格特征。





1. 能听懂、会说、认读单词、规范书写:card, who, young, kind

2. 能听懂、会说、认读句型:Shes very kind. Shes young. Shes strict.







1. 能听懂、会说、认读单词、规范书写:card, who, young, kind

2. 能听懂、会说、认读句型:Shes very kind. Shes young. Shes strict.灵活运用一般过去式描述人物外貌及性格特征。




六、 教学准备:



Step 1 Warm-up:

Free talk: talk about the summer vacation.

T: In my summer vacation, I met some new friends. They are very kind. Please open your books, turn to page 1, and look at the characters together. Can you find who our new friend is?

Ss: Its Lucy.

T: Does she have long hair?

Ss: No, she has short hair.

T: Who can say something about Lucy?

S1: Shes beautiful.

S2: Shes cute.


T: Whos in this circle?

Ss: Its me.

T: Yes. You can draw yourself here.


Step 2 Presentation:

T: Today were going to learn Unit 1 Lesson 1 Shes very kind. Please open your books, turn to page 4. Look, Jenny and Danny are talking.

Task 1: please listen to the tape once, try to find who they are talking.

1. Play the tape, have students listen carefully and try to find.

2. T: Lets check: Can you find who they are talking?

(Invite individual to answer, check: Miss Zhang)

T: Yes, they are talking Miss Zhang. How is Miss Zhang? Is she tall? Is she beautiful?


Task 2: please listen again, try to find the sentences to describe Miss Zhang.

1. Play the tape, have students listen carefully and try to find the sentences.

2. T: Lets check: Who can say something about Miss Zhang?

(Invite individual to answer, check and write: Shes young. Shes tall. She has long hair. Shes very kind. And shes strict. Learn the words: young, kind, strict)

3. Practice the sentences, read one by one or group by group, and check.

T: Look, whats Danny doing?

S1: Hes making cards. (learn: card)

T: Why is he making cards?

S2: Its Teachers Day.

T: Great! Tomorrow is September 10. Its Teachers Day. Dannys making cards for his teachers. (learn: September)


Step 3 Practice:

1. Play the tape, have students listen carefully and try to point and follow. learn: who

2. Listen again, pause and try to follow. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

3. Practice in groups. Each has a role. Teacher walks around and helps them.

4. Invite some to show, praise them in time.

Practice talking about appearances: (2. Lets talk.)

T: Lets see the teachers. Who are they? (Miss Liu, Miss Wang, Mr Li, Mr Black) Please try to describe their appearances in groups.

T: Lets guess who the teacher is.

Invite individual to describe, the others try to guess and say. Praise them or encourage them in time.


Step 4 Production:

Ask Ss to draw their favourite teachers and talk about in groups and then show in front.

Step 5 Summary:

1. What do you learn this period?

2. Can you read the new words and sentences.


Step 6 Homework:

1. Must do: Listen to the tape and read the text after it.

2. Choose to do: Dannys favourite teacher is Miss Zhang. Whos your favourite teacher? Please try to draw and write a passage to describe him or her. (See the example together.)

[设计]: 使堂内外形成一个完整的体系,作设计可以提高学生运用言的能力,使学生学以致用,感受成功的喜悦。


Unit 1 Teachers Day

Lesson 1 Shes very kind.

Shes young.

Shes tall.

She has long hair.

Shes very kind.

Shes strict.










Lesson 2 He was young then.



《英语》第五册Unit1的主题是TeachersDay.Lesson 2 He was young then.其语言功能是用一般过去时描述人物外貌及性格特征。





1.能听懂、会说、认读并规范书写单词:his, little, thin, interesting

2. 能听懂、会说、认读句子:He was young then. He was strong.






() 教学重点:

1.能听懂、会说、认读并规范书写单词:his, little, thin, interesting

2 能听懂、会说、认读句子:He was young then. He was strong.








  Step 1 Warm-up:

Check the homework: invite some to show and try to say something about their favourite teacher. Praise and correct them in time.

Work in groups. Take out their drawings and try to describe. Teacher walks around and helps them.

T: Can you say something about Dannys favourite teacher Miss Zhang?

(Shes young. Shes tall. She has long hair. Shes very kind. Shes strict.)


Step 2 Presentation:

T: Please open your books, turn to page 6. Today we will learn Lesson 2 He was young then.

T: (Point to picture 2) Look, whats Miss Zhang doing?

S1: Shes making a card.

T: Yes, shes making a card for her teacher.

T: Whos her teacher? Lets listen and find.

Task 1:T: Please listen to the tape once and try to find.

(Students listen to the tape and try to find.)

T: Whod like to share your answers? (Invite individual to answer: Its Mr Wang.)

T: Yes, its Mr Wang. Look, this is Mr Wang. How is he now?

S2: He is old. S3: His hair is white.

T: (Show the photo) Look, who is he? (Mr Wang) Who is this little girl? (learn: little) (Miss Zhang)


What was Mr Wang then? What was Miss Zhang then?

Task 2: T: Please listen again and try to find: What was Mr Wang then? What was Miss Zhang then? (learn: was, then)

(Students listen carefully and try to find the answers.)

Check: T: What was Mr Wang then? (He was young then. He was strong. His hair was black.) (learn: his)

T: What about Miss Zhang? How old was she then? (She was nine then.)

T: She says: I was nine then.

What was she then? (She was)

T: She says: I was short and thin. (learn: thin)

Practice the sentences: read after the teacher, invite individual to read to check, point and read, read one by one or group by group.


Step 3 Practice:

1. Play the tape, have students listen carefully and try to point and follow. Learn: interesting.

2. Listen again, pause and try to follow. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

3. Practice in groups. Teacher walks around and helps them.

4. Invite some to show, praise them in time.

5.Lets talk.)

T: Who are they? (Miss Liu, Miss Wang, Mr Li, Mr Black) What were they then? Now lets talk.

1. Discuss in groups. Teacher walks around and takes part in them.

2. Invite some to show. Pay attention to the word was.


Step 4 Production:

Lets do.

T: You can talk about the teachers well. What about you? What were you then? What are you now?

Have students look at the example in the text. Then let them take out their photos and try to say. Then invite some groups to show.

[设计]: 学生描述自己去是外貌,有效拉近了所学言与真生活的系,有效的实现了知的拓展运用。

Step 5 Summary:

1. What do you learn this period?

2. Read the sentences on the board.


Step 6 Homework:

1. Must do: Listen to the tape and read the text after it.

2. Choose to do: Talk about their photos.

[设计]: 使堂内外形成一个完整的体系,作设计可以提高学生运用言的能力,使学生学以致用,感受成功的喜悦。


Lesson 2 He was young then.

He was young then. I was nine then.

He was strong. I was short and thin.

His hair was black.




















Lesson 3 Were they active in class?

课型: 新授课


《英语》第五册Unit1的主题是TeachersDay.Lesson 2 He was young then.其语言功能是用一般过去时描述人物外貌及性格特征。






1. 能听懂、会说、认读并规范书写pupil but并能结合本单元所学句型灵活运用。

2. 能听懂、会说、认读单词:naughtysmart,句子: “Were they active in class?”“Yes, they were.







1. 能听懂、会说、认读并规范书写pupil but并能结合本单元所学句型灵活运用。

2. 能听懂、会说、认读单词:naughtysmart,句子: “Were they active in class?”“Yes, they were.”并能灵活运用。



五、 教学准备



七、 教学过程:

Step 1 Warm up

1. 教师说出关于人物性格或外貌的形容词,全班学生一边重复教师说的词,一边做动作。如:tall, short, thin, strong, young, old, kind, strict复习前两课所学内容。

2. 运用所学句型自由交流,两人一组进行问答Whos your favorite teacher? Whats he/she like? What was he/she like?

[设计]:通松愉悦的堂气氛, 复习所学言,做好铺垫

Step 2 Presentation

1. 教师出示Listen and Say部分的教学挂图,指着图中的高中生问Who are they? 然后播放录音,引导学生回答:They were Mr Wangs pupils. 教师出示单词卡片并讲授新词pupil.



2. 教师引导学生对比挂图中这些学生现在和小时候的样子,说出Theyre very tall. But they were short then. 教师板书,将were then标红,引导学生在语境中体会、理解were then的含义。

3. 教师提问并板书Were they active in class? 单词were标红, 教师再次播放录音或教学光盘,启发学生找出答案:Yes, they were. And they were smart. 教师出示单词卡片active, smart进行教授。

4. 教师引导学生找出课文中另一个含有were的句子Were they naughty? 教师播放课文录音或教学光盘,学生跟读并回答:“Yes, sometimes.

[设计意图]:从答案中学习新单词,再通过层层递进的方式引申学习 单词句型,通过图片的远近、教师的体态动作等让学生自然理解句意,学习新知。


Step 3 Practice:

1. 请学生分组演练课文对话,然后戴头饰上台表演展示。

2.. 请学生看教材Lets talk部分的内容,教师播放录音或光盘,学生模仿跟读后上台展示,最后两人一组操练此部分内容。

Step 4 Production

1.做游戏:Guessing game。教师提前搜集一些小动物的图片,对图片进行遮盖,只留下关键词animal,并随着学生的提问不断露出动物。学生可以提问Were they tall? Were they big? Were active? Were they naughty? 教师回答,最后教师问What are they? 学生猜They are .


Step 5 Lets write:

这一部分给出的单词smallyoung, short, thin都是描述人物外貌的形容词,此处要求学生仿照例句,根据图片和句子的需要,将所需单词填入相应位置,书写应正确、规范。

Step 6 Homework



[设计]: 使堂内外形成一个完整的体系,作设计可以提高学生运用言的能力,使学生学以致用,感受成功的喜悦。

Board Design

Lesson 3 Were they active in class?

“Were they active in class?”

“Yes, they were.






Lesson 4 Again, please!



《英语》第五册Unit1的主题是TeachersDay.Lesson 4 Again please.其语言功能是用一般现在时和一般过去过去时描述人物外貌及性格特征。

二、 学情分析


三、 教学目标:


1. 准确掌握句型Whos your favorite teacher?” Shes young. She has long hair ”“She was young ”“Her hair was short ”“Were they active in class?”“Yes, they were .能运用本单元所学语言谈论及描述人物现在与过去的外貌及性格特征。

2.初步了解字母x ,y ,z 在单词中的发音规律。







准确掌握句型Whos your favorite teacher?” Shes young. She has long hair ”“She was young ”“Her hair was short ”“Were they active in class?”“Yes, they were .并能在真实语境中灵活运用。







Step1 Warm-up:


2.教师与学生问答,如:T: Whos your favorite teacher? S: Shes /Hes . 同学根据描述来猜这名同学最喜欢的教师是谁

Step2 Practice):

1.完成Lets Listen部分的内容。

2.完成Talk about the above picture部分 。教师组织学生观察听力部分四位教师的外貌特征,并进行描述。

3.学习Listen and repeat. 部分。教师播放录音,请学生跟读,引导学生找出每组单词中红色字母的发音规律。 然后再次播放录音,学生模仿跟读,找出其他符合此发音规律的单词并朗读。


1.完成 Lets read部分。


1 )教师组织学生默读以李明的日记形式呈现的语篇,引导学生自主阅读,发现问题,



3 )教师播放Lets read 部分的录音,请学生模仿跟读。

2. 完成Fun time部分。


Step4 Homework:


板书设计 Lesson 4 Again, please.

Shes young. Shes tall.

She has long hair.

And shes kind

He was young

His hair was short

“Were they active in class?”

“Yes,they were.




《英语知识点鲁科版英语五年级上册Unit 1TeachersDayword教案-总结.doc》
