4 英语-沭阳县2012-2013学年高二下学期期中调研测试英语试题

发布时间:2013-05-01 20:50:19   来源:文档文库   


第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


1. Where does the man want to go?

A. A bank. B. A park. C. A bus stop.

2. When is Paul’s birthday party?

A. July 11. B. July 12. C. July 13.

3. Where is the man going to spend his Christmas?

A. In his brother’s. B. In his mother’s. C. In his sister’s.

4. How are the woman’s parents?

A. They’re ill now. B. They’re seldom ill. C. They’re very healthy.

5. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Classmates. B. A couple. C. Colleagues.

第二节 (15小题;每小题1分,满分15)



6. What does David like to do when he is online?

A. To communicate with his friends. B. To look for something interesting.

C. To look up some useful information.

7. What does the woman do?

A. She is a worker. B. She is a researcher. C. She is a teacher.


8. Why does the woman turn to the man?

A. Because she is not interested in English. B. Because she is not good at learning English.

C. Because she has no time to do English exercises.

9. How does the woman usually learn English?

A. By doing lots of exercises. B. By reading English novels.

C. By remembering basic knowledge.

10. What does the man advise the woman to do?

A. To change her learning method. B. To spend more time on English.

C. To recite each text in her textbook.


11. Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A. In a bar. B. In a store. C. In a restaurant.

12. Who does the man buy the fruit juice for?

A. His wife. B. His son. C. His daughter.

13. How much is a kilo of apples?

A. 4 yuan. B. 8 yuan. C. 16 yuan.


14. What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A. Doctor and patient. B. Employer and employee. C. Husband and wife.

15. What’s the woman’s attitude towards the man’s idea?

A. Positive. B. Indifferent. C. Negative.

16. Why does the man think he should join the football team?

A. Because he was a professional player.

B. Because it is organized by his company.

C. Because he used to play football very well.

17. What does the woman advise the man to do?

A. Insist on his diet. B. Do more exercise. C. Join the football team.


18. When was Emperor Nero in power?

A. Before 37 AD. B. After 68 AD. C. During the first century.

19. Around 1600, who owned most of the coffee shops in Paris?

A. Italians. B. Americans. C. Frenchmen.

20. Who invented the hand-turned ice-cream freezer?

A. Francesco. B. Nancy Johnson. C. Jacob Flusell.




21. Don’t worry too much about ______ mistakes. They are ______ natural part of learning.

A. /; a B. the; / C. /; the D. the; the

22. – What makes you so upset, Mr. Wang?

– That John, a student in my class, ______ himself to computer games.

A. withdraws B. undertakes C. conveys D. abandons

23. – How’s your new class teacher?

– We ______ ask for a better one. All my classmates love him so much.

A. shouldn’t B. couldn’t C. mustn’t D. needn’t

24. Having gone through several rounds of selection, the young man ______ gained a chance to perform in China Talent.

A. constantly B. unfortunately C. eventually D. temporarily

25. – What a heavy rain!

– So it is. We have to delay ______ the sports meeting until it is fine.

A. to hold B. holding C. held D. being held

26. He was about half through his meal ______ a familiar voice came to his ears.

A. why B. where C. when D. while

27. – How did Mary react to the bad news?

– Oh, she was filled with sorrow and ______ a sigh.

A. let out B. dropped out C. tried out D. gave out

28. He volunteered to work in a remote mountainous village in West China last year, which is still _____ on foot now.

A. available B. acceptable C. admirable D. accessible

29. The Chinese government has promised to do ______ lies in its power to ease the pressure of high housing price for average-income families.

A. that B. what C. where D which

30. If _____ without following the doctor’s instructions, the medicine may have serious side effects.

A. taken B. to be taken C. taking D. being taken

31. A lot of people ______ the theory that acupuncture can produce chemicals in the body which reduce pain.

A. correspond to B. relate to C. subscribe to D. refer to

32. – Shall we go out for lunch?

– Don’t disturb me. I ______ the letters all morning and ______ six so far.

A. write; wrote B. wrote; have written

C. was writing; wrote D. have been writing; have written

33. The Japanese government stubbornly claimed the ownership of Diao Yu Islands belonging to China, ______ greatly hurt the friendship between the two peoples.

A. that B. what C. which D. it

34. If penicillin had not been available, many people _____ from sickness or even small wounds.

A. would die B. would have died C. will have died D. might die

35. – Shall we invite Jim and his sister to our party?

– ______. They’ll have fun with us, I think.

A. No way! B. Why not? C. Good for you! D. What for?

第二节. 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


Most people think of birds as feathered animals that fly. Scientists, 36 , do not define (定义) birds as animals that fly, because some birds do not. Of the 10,000 or so species of birds, 46 cannot 37 . Flight plays a key role in 38 for most birds. It allows them to find food over a 39 area and to get away from enemies. Ancestors of flightless birds may have 40 their ability to fly because they had no regular predators (捕食者) or did not need to fly to find food. Rather than fly, some of these birds developed other 41 to catch food and avoid enemies. Two examples of 42 birds are penguins and ostriches.

43 birds that fly, penguins do not have wide wings or large feathers. In order to catch the fish they feed on, penguins use their powerful wings to swim 44 . And when they swim, they look as if they are flying through the water. The 45 of penguins’ bodies makes it possible for them to dive deep underwater, 46 their thick feathers protect them from the cold.

Ostriches are known for their long legs, long necks, and large size. To 47 themselves, they stay in groups and use their excellent sight and hearing to 48 enemies. As soon as 49 approaches, they can run at a speed of more than 65 kilometers per hour to 50 . In addition to using their strong legs to run, they can kick powerfully.

Not all flightless birds have been 51 in protecting themselves. Flightless birds on some islands had no enemies until people 52 . These birds were hunted and easily caught by people and the animals 53 by people. Human land development has 54 the habitats of some birds. A number of flightless birds 55 because they were unable to adapt to new conditions and new enemies.

36. A. thus B. however C. therefore D. otherwise

37. A. stand B. fly C. hear D. sing

38. A. growth B. communication C. health D. survival

39. A. wide B. familiar C. crowded D. special

40. A. developed B. improved C. lost D. proved

41. A. parts B. habits C. ways D. tools

42. A. wild B. interesting C. rare D. flightless

43. A. Instead of B. Because of C. Besides D. Unlike

44. A. quickly B. carefully C. differently D. gradually

45. A. shape B. color C. bone D. skin

46. A. if B. and C. but D. so

47. A. help B. feed C. protect D. hide

48. A. kill B. notice C. confuse D. frighten

49. A. dawn B. darkness C. danger D. food

50. A. look B. escape C. move D. fight

51. A. successful B. natural C. unusual D. positive

52. A. realized B. acted C. stopped D. arrived

53. A. brought B. found C. bought D. hunted

54. A. provided B. formed C. destroyed D. controlled

55. A. flew away B. watched out C. gave away D. died out




Albert Szent-Gyorgyi was born in Budapest on September 16, 1893. In 1911 he entered his uncle’s laboratory where he studied until the outbreak of World War One, when he joined the army. He served on the Italian and Russian fronts, and he was permitted to leave the army in 1917 after being wounded in action. He completed his studies in Budapest before he went to Hamburg for a two-year course in physical chemistry. In 1920 he became an assistant at a university in Leiden, the Netherlands and from 1922 to 1926 he worked with H. J. Hamburger at the Physiology Institute, Groningen, the Netherlands.

In 1926, Szent-Gyorgyi was ready to end his own life after an embarrassing problem in his career. The scientist, thirty-two, had written a paper and handed it to his boss for approval to publish. His boss threw it in the dustbin. Concluding his life was a failure, the young researcher quit. Unable to support his wife and child, he sent them home to her parents. His final wish was to attend one last scientific meeting, to be among scientists, to have one last good time. So he went to the 1926 International Physiological Society Congress in Sweden.

Sitting in the audience, lost in self-pity, Szent-Gyorgyi listened to the president of the society, Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins, refer to the fine work of a researcher: Szent-Gyorgyi! After the speech, collecting his courage, he introduced himself to Hopkins. The great man invited the young scientist to Cambridge to do further work.

Szent-Gyorgyi’s life changed. He discovered the oxidation-preventing (防氧化的) action of vitamin C. He won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1937. He accounted for his success by saying that discovery is seeing what everyone else has seen but thinking what nobody else has thought.

56. Which of the following is the correct order of the events relevant to Szent-Gyorgyi?

a. finished his studies in Budapest b. served during World War One

c. worked with Hopkins d. studied in Hamburg

A. b, c, a, d B. b, a, d, c C. a, c, d, b D. a, b, d, c

57. Why did Szent-Gyorgyi want to end his own life in 1926?

A. His pride was hurt by his boss. B. He was not satisfied with his paper.

C. He couldn’t support his family. D. His boss stopped him attending a conference.

58. The passage is organized in the pattern of _____________.

A. cause and effect B. comparison and contrast

C. time and events D. definition and classification


Medalists of the 1948 London Olympic Games look back on their summer of victory.

SAMMY Lee, 91, U.S.


I first had my Olympic dream at 12, when they held the 1932 Olympics in Los Angeles. My father and I were at a grocery store, and I asked, “What are all the flags doing here?” He said, “We are having the Olympic Games. That’s where they honor the greatest athletes in the world.” I said, “Papa, someday I’m going to be an Olympic champ.”

Walking up the 10-meter platform, I thought to myself, “I’ve waited 16 years for this moment. Am I going to win?” So I prayed to God that I was most deserving of winning the Games.



During the war, I spent six years in Royal Air Force. I think in general, the 1948 Olympics meant very little to most people. We were too busy after the war to be worried about sport very much anyway.

Our team had about six weeks before the Olympics down at Torquay and we went out sailing every day.

Winning gold was quite something. It was nice to stand on the platform with lots of people cheering. We celebrated by going to a big dance.



I started rowing when I was 14. I joined the navy in 1942. In 1945 the war came to an end and I started rowing again.

In 1948 we were still on rations (配给供应): 4 oz. of red meat a week. But the United States had all the meat they wanted. They were the favorites to win.

On the day of the final, we led the Americans at the start, but their stronger staying power took them through to win. There were no ribbons on the medals, so we just showed them round the family.



At 14 I left school and got a job delivering groceries on a bicycle, which excited my interest in cycling. When the war broke out, I volunteered but was held back, so I continued riding.

After my team won our bronze medals, we went home just round the corner and had a sit-down and a chat and a laugh. It was a different world. Money was never, never thought about.

59. According to the passage, Sammy Lee ___________.

A. was 28 when he attended the 1948 Olympics

B. never thought he could win medals in diving

C. found that he has a talent for sports at age 12

D. prepared for the 1948 Olympics for 16 years

60. Michael Lapage blamed his team’s loss of the gold medal on their ___________.

A. weak will B. poor skill C. poor nutrition D. hurried preparation

61. What did David Bond and Thomas Godwin have in common?

A. They both took part in a team event.

B. A lot of money was awarded to them.

C. The 1948 Olympics meant little to them.

D. They both served in the army during World War II.

62. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Long-lived medalists B. The 1948 Olympics

C. Famous athletes D. Great in 1948


In New Britain, Connecticut, a new official in charge of schools named Kelt Cooper wants to end high truancy (逃学) rates among public school students, and he’s suggesting financial punishments to get job done. A plan to fine students up to $75 for each day they skip school is now being considered by New Britain authorities.

The concept of fining kids for skipping school may come as a shock, but it’s not new. In Ohio, the parents responsible for a student guilty of habitual truancy can be fined up to $500 and/or be required to perform up to 70 hours of community service. Until recently, students in Los Angeles could be hit with a $250 punishment for each count of truancy; in early 2012 the law was changed and the heavy fines were removed, though a $20 punishment may still be handed out if a student truants for the third time.

Fines for truancy are also in effect overseas. In the UK, The Guardian reports, parents can be fined 50 (about $80) per skipped school day. The punishment doubles if it’s not paid within 28 days.

The question is: Do fines like this work? The vast majority of authorities in the UK said that, indeed, they do. The fines were believed either “very successful” or “fairly successful” by 79% in reducing truancy, according to a survey.

If the plan is passed in Connecticut, it’s unclear how effective the law might be, how to make parents and students obey the law and what might happen if they refuse to pay. However, local officials seem to be willing to give it a shot. According to the Hartford Courant:

“The mayor agrees that truancy is a real issue in New Britain schools, and what’s been done in the past hasn’t been working to reduce truancy.” said Phil Sherwood, assistant to Mayor Timothy O’ Brien.

And what do the students think? In the New Britain Herald, one 17-year-old entering her senior year called the plan “ridiculous” and predicted that the punishments will bring about negative effects on the court system. Besides, “I don’t see the point,” she said. “Kids will just try harder not to get caught.”

63. The passage mainly discusses whether __________.

A. schools have the right to punish students

B. authorities should consider protecting kids

C. students should be fined for skipping school

D. parents are responsible for children’s truancy

64. If a British kid skips two school days and fails to pay fines in a month, the punishment will be __________.

A. two hundred pounds B. fifty pounds C. eighty pounds D. a hundred pounds

65. We can learn from the passage that ___________.

A. truancy is a serious problem in New Britain

B. Cooper’s plan has been passed in Connecticut

C. fining kids for truancy is a new idea in America

D. little has been done to reduce truancy in New Britain

66. The underlined part “give it a shot” most probably means _____________.

A. get used to it B. help improve it C. try to carry it out D. fight against it


Need to relax after a few stressful months? Perhaps you need to go to a spa.

First of all, what exactly is a spa? Traditionally, spas were places with a natural spring producing warm waters that could be used in hydrotherapy (水疗法) treatments. They were places where you “took the waters” --- meaning you drank some of the water or bathed in it.

But nowadays, a “spa” can mean a variety of things. In general, the term is often used to refer to commercial establishment that provides many services for health, fitness, weight loss, beauty and relaxation. This may include exercise classes, mud baths, body treatment, facials (美容), etc.

In Japan, traditional hot springs have attracted visitors for centuries. And thermal baths (温泉浴) have been found in the ruins of the Cretan Palace of Knossos (2000-1400 B.C.). It was the Romans who made spas popular in Europe. They established a number of towns around thermal waters. These include the English town of Aquae Sulis (which is called Bath today), and the Belgian town of Aquae Spadanae (which is known as Spa these days).

In the 18th century, spas became the fashionable places to go on holiday. Bath and Harrogate in the UK were popular with British rich people. And in Europe Carsbad (now called Larlovy Vary), Marienbad and Franzensbsf were Europe’s most important holiday centers.

A typical day in Carsbad in the 19th century went as follows. Visitors got up at 6:00 a.m. to take the waters and listen to music by a band. Next, came a light breakfast, a bath in the waters, and then lunch. In the afternoon, visitors went sightseeing, walked or attended concerts. After dinner, there were theatrical performances. Guests returned to their hotels at about 9 p.m. to rest until six the following morning. Visitors would stay for as long as a month. Some of the more famous patients at these spas included the composers Beethoven and Chopin, and the Russian writer Turgnev.

Marienbad was the best spa town. It was popular with the inventor Thomas Edison, the writer Johann Goethe, and many famous people and European emperors.

Today, although taking the waters isn’t as common as it used to be, spa treatments are more popular than ever.

59. What can we learn about a spa?

A. It makes profits mainly on facials. B. It is a center for rich people to relax.

C. It provides more services than before. D. It is where one can get medical treatment.

60. From Paragraph 4, we can infer that ___________.

A. spas have a history of about 200 years

B. Japan has more spas than any other countries

C. the Romans played a positive part in the popularity of spas

D. ordinary people could enjoy thermal baths in 18th-century UK

61. At the spas in Carlsbad, ____________.

A. many visitors had facials

B. guests often stayed for at least a month

C. Thomas Edison was a regular guest

D. guests had a bath between breakfast and lunch

62. What can we learn from the passage?

A. The former name of Larlovy Vary was Carlsbad.

B. Spa treatments are not so popular as before.

C. Chopin visited Marienbad frequently.

D. Marienbad is located in the UK.



Children who grow up with self-control and an understanding of others’ needs will be happy and successful adults, according to Dr. Cleen Kelly Mast, an expert on children’s health. The key to raising a successful child comes from realizing what is true happiness.

For a person to be truly happy, he or she should learn to form the habits of self-discipline and generosity (慷慨). Parents must help their children to reach this point by emphasizing the development of virtue and the advantage of forming good habits. “We have wonderful support systems through our schools,” Dr. Mast said, “but they are just support systems. The school cannot make up for what is lacking at home.” According to Dr. Mast, family life is well suited to educate children in virtuous living and the development of what she calls a “fine-tuned” conscience, which brings happy feeling.

So how can busy parents help children fine-tune their consciences? Dr. Mast suggested parents stop blaming and criticizing and teach children the skills of self-discipline through concrete actions.

However, a parent’s good example is not enough. Children must become involved in their own development. Parents can help to achieve that by making children realize that they are responsible for their actions in difficult situations, and they can choose to stop protecting them from painful experiences as well. Good discipline is not just making children follow their parents’ demands. “We parents must encourage them with more than ‘Because I said so.’” said Dr. Mast. Besides, orderliness and organization are quite important for children to achieve self-discipline.

In a broad sense, humans are designed to love, and love involves sacrifice, which is not a quite popular idea in the modern world. Parents need to work on developing their children’s habits of generosity and kindness to others. “Help your child, and yourself, to think kind thoughts of others, while pushing out negative thoughts.” said Dr. Mast. She also suggested parents find out their children’s nature by analyzing the way they react to situations or to other people. And it is also considered effective to have them develop the habit of reviewing the day nightly, with a focus on correcting their own particular faults.

But life is not all work and no play. All have the right to enjoy life. As parents, it is your duty to help your children form good habits and let them have fun while working hard, which will result in success when they grow up.



注意:1. 开头已给出,不计在字数之内。

2. 提示:疲劳驾驶 fatigue driving

The number of road accidents and the deaths arising from those accidents has increased over the past years.            ▲                



The number of road accidents and the deaths arising from those accidents has increased over the past years. Below are some of the major causes of road accidents.

Firstly, some people drive after consuming too much alcoholic drinks or are drunk. Besides, fatigue driving and speeding are also causes of road disasters. Thirdly, drivers speaking on mobile phones, which takes their attention from the road, leads to the happening of accidents, too. However, many accidents are related to pedestrians, some of whom ignore traffic lights or cross roads at a wrong place. On the other hand, sometimes cyclists ride bicycles on the pavement or wear headsets, listening to music, which is an open invitation to accidents.

It is high time we realized the potential causes of traffic accidents and acted to prevent them. The government should make stricter laws to punish those who violate traffic regulations. On top of that, parents and teachers have a responsibility to teach children how to cross the road safely. Only in this way can road users enjoy a safe life. (158words)


Text 1

M: Can you tell me how to get to the bus stop?

W: Ok, go down the street and take the second turning on the right. It is between a bank and a park.

Text 2

W: Oh, Paul, when is your birthday party?

M: Well, you know, the final exam is on July 12. And it’s the day after that. Are you free then?

Text 3

W: Where are you going this Christmas?

M: I thought about going to my brother’s, but now I’d like to go to my mother’s. What about you?

W: Well, maybe I’ll go to my sister’s.

Text 4

W: Do you have any wish?

M: Yes, I want to buy a car for my wife, because she has to pick up our daughter every day. What about you?

W: I wish my parents can stay healthy. And I don’t want to see their present situation any more.

M: Wish your parents good health.

Text 5

M: Hi, Julie, what did you do in the summer holiday?

W: Nothing special. I surfed the web, read a few books, and did physical exercise. How about you?

M: I traveled to Hawaii.

W: That’s really a good place. But the holiday is already over and we have to study hard again.

Text 6

W: David, do you often get onto the Internet?

M: Ah, not very often. You know I’m very busy.

W: Yeah, but when you’re online, what do you like to do?

M: I send some e-mails to my friends or colleagues.

W: Oh, good. In the past, we used to write letters with pen and paper. But now we send e-mails. It’s fast, convenient and free.

M: Yes. What about you?

W: Well, I spend 2 or 3 hours surfing the net every day. You know, to make my lessons more interesting, I have to look up more information.

Text 7

W: Good morning, Mr. Wang, I have some trouble in learning English. Could you give me some advice?

M: Sure.

W: I’ve spent a lot of time on English, but my English is still very poor.

M: Oh. How do you usually study English?

W: I read texts, remember words and grammar rules.

M: Don’t you do any exercises?

W: Seldom. I have no time for it.

M: OK. You’d better learn English through exercises. Also, you can try to read some English novels or watch English movies.

Text 8

W: What can I do for you, sir?

M: I’d like to buy a box of fruit juice?

W: OK. We have dough and mast corn. Which kind would you like?

M: Mast corn please? My daughter likes it very much.

W: All right! Anything else?

M: Let me see. Oh, yes. I want to buy some fruit. Do you have any oranges? My wife and son like oranges.

W: I’m sorry. Oranges have sold out. But we have good apples and they are very delicious.

M: That’s good. I’ll take two kilos, please. How much is the total?

W: Just a moment please. 45 yuan for the fruit juice and 16 yuan for the apples. That will be 61 yuan in all. But just give me 60 yuan please.

M: Thank you, here you are.

Text 9

M: Honey, what’s the time now?

W: It’s 7.

M: Oh, the football match is about to start. Could you bring me some French fries and a bowl of ice cream?

W: Ok, anything else?

M: No, that’s all, thank you. Hey, dear, my company is organizing a football team and I’d like to join it very much. What do you think of it?

W: To be honest, you’d better not.

M: Why? After all, I was a good football player in university.

W: Hmm! That was ten years ago. And it has been at least 6 years since you played last.

M: So what?

W: I don’t want you to have a heart attack running up and down the field.

M: You mean I should give it up?

W: Well, you’ve put on weight and are in poor health now, so at least you should have a physical examination before you begin.

M: Well, Ok, but…

W: And you should change your diet, reduce fatty foods, and eat more fruit and vegetables. Also do more exercise from now on.

M: Yeah, you’re right.

Text 10

Do you know when and where ice cream began? It’s an international favorite with a long and interesting history. The earliest ices were eaten in China many years ago. The people would put orange juice on ice. Later this idea traveled to Italy. Nero, the emperor of Rome between 37 and 68 AD liked to eat ice as a special treat between violin lessons. He ordered runners to run to the mountains, get snow and quickly ran back to the palace. The snow was mixed with fruit juices and nuts. Around 1660, coffee shops serving ice cream were very popular in Paris. Italians owned most of the coffee shops. A man from Sicily, named Francesco, opened the first successful one. Before ice cream was sold in stores, it was made and frozen at home. It took a lot of work to make the cream, eggs, fruit, ice and salt and then to freeze it. Nancy Johnson, an American woman who was good at machines invented the hand-turned ice-cream freezer in 1846. Five years later, Jacob Flusell opened the first ice cream business in Maryland, US. His business quickly spread to other states. Today, in the US, ice cream is not only a nice food, but a way of life.


《4 英语-沭阳县2012-2013学年高二下学期期中调研测试英语试题.doc》
