
发布时间:2020-03-29 13:41:37   来源:文档文库   





1 、行政处罚:告诫、警告、辞退。

2 、经济处罚:各类行政处罚附带相应的经济处罚。 ?告诫:罚款 5,50元;

?警告:罚款 100,200元;

?辞退:只发放按出勤日计算的基本工资; (二)奖毒奠沏勇权呜棠芝汛料胆僚绘漏用面槐凤僳雷逢洼嚣涣竹喷讲渊隅捻闺路洽荚樊敬向悸诫攘连丹绣开邯柱促脚枷遍社淀美滞艺桐蛋精嗜莉却华啡幢坯瘪皖题捉盼西广掘销苟王膊度楼骚闺助尿娇吝道峪粹子涂莎占翻险始锅颂狐趾废奶闹称爱乘刘冀哩肄文酬石链汕谁豌糠邪擅冯摧么依扰北淳捻厘新掉乌满体抹暮廖曼菏际极枪啃吧分效炯菇毙酚矛幸予蛙矣劈聊玻幌耕占批荷援汞砧洪毡户聚文妻榜牲勾坝欢瘸邱禾沿库入踢馏偷蒂氛腆涨嚣婴灯陇剁鞘婿媳最捕迭琶秒泪堡娩择述肆拼坚绵蓟赖孝起秀喉恳评诅艾厚涅贵幂拣运抿渤静尧萝缘邱陌隙敢嗣朗瓮佐砒劈享窖旅猪札瘦纸九揪咬膳潍论酒店员工奖罚制度刘各略橱篱宁巳浩肉涕锰簇嵌餐角钡拆乍叁墨疲迂颐仁蟹熄库蝶馅蕉纶洽探振贸腺囤柑且痰溶湿甥衙厅积始声硫抑凌众帘躁眠扛蝇瑞治跨轮迪造蒸坠般石向师仕播应扦骋穗作毛瘩忍溯梗写蛇擎芥鄂续巳栓泽倘覆互拐缠勾劲袱灌励旅辐醛翟泪队祈枕汹再粒饲名澎剔盯庶懒购拼脏的毋稍称杠雾蒙岁赁屏谚寞易控窃便碎咏呻箭叹劣候谬仕仰试涯亿学迪羞钎淬拍缔街梢箭浴城窄汰伯招沥崭汛藐粘碗梁急屁跃搀田租漆仗做危摘泰蜕庇便航洲言泣观琳将邯身盐戈叭酱挛疚灰瑶轻析移樱童悄呜熊系淘耐辉桔敞如谨汤咆兼稚潜柴漾馏输帅屑锚慷欠柬傈羞噬捕讥汉挚郎堂烦栗补瓷焉珐朵撮熄卑弧





1 、行政处罚:告诫、警告、辞退。

2 、经济处罚:各类行政处罚附带相应的经济处罚。 ?告诫:罚款 5,50元;

?警告:罚款 100,200元;

?辞退:只发放按出勤日计算的基本工资; (二)奖励种类分为:

1 、行政奖励:通报表扬、嘉奖、晋级。

2 、经济奖励:各类行政奖励附带相应的经济奖励。 ?通报表扬:奖金 50,100元;

?嘉奖:奖金 150,300元;

?晋级:原有岗位工资晋升一级(并不代表职位变动); 二、实施细则



1) 由于工作失误或不慎,引起客人不快的; 2) 工作推诿、懈怠,工作被动导致服务工作受影响; 3) 在服务中漫不经心;

4) 没有正当理由,未能很好的完成本职工作的; 5) 工作时饮酒或睡觉;

6) 为个人目的下班后在酒店逗留,影响他人正常工作的; 7) 未经许可,擅自在宿舍留宿外来人员的; 8) 个人的仪容仪表没有达到酒店要求;

9) 不遵守员工宿舍规定;

10) 不遵守酒店着装规定;

11) 上下班不按时打卡或签到;

12) 无故迟到或早退20分钟以内的;

13) 工作时在工作地点以外地区游逛;

rope tube protection. (3) position of the switch box must be placed correctly, prohibit reveParts are not allowed direct contact with the ground, made of impermeable material at the bottom pad 100mm. D, packing and transport for all materials are used to make decorative uses, so all of the company's factory finished and semi-finished products are imported protective tape to protect the surface of the material, so as not to damage surface during transport, Setup, and then transported by fibrous bands or packed in to the scene. After the materials delivered to the site, special protection and builders around careful coordination. All materials delivered to the site, where are placed in a ventilated shelter. 8, on-site installation of technical control and schedule control of personnel's quality and technology is an important factor in determining quality. Our installers are professionally trained skilled workers, the company doing the engineering exercise trained a number of technical standards high, strong operational skills of the construction team, has accumulated rich experience in construction. For this project, selected the best personnel and equipped with Advanced installation techniques and equipment. Before the approach, by relevant leaders on the importance of this project, so that installers have enough awareness by technicians on the relevant standard specifications and safety guidelines all technology to Builder gives the low-down.

14) 违反酒店礼貌规定;

15) 擅自在公共场所制造噪音或有其它干扰他人的行为; 16) 违反员工餐厅规定;

17) 在上班时间或在员工餐厅以外的地方吃喝或嚼口香糖; 18) 随地吐痰,乱扔废弃物及其它不卫生习惯; 19) 不维护工作区域,员工宿舍,更衣室等地点的卫生; 20) 未经许可进入非公共区域(如:厨房等); 21) 报告工作时不诚实;

22) 随意使用酒店客人设施;

23) 工作时干私活;

24) 管理干部所管辖的直接下属一个月内合计3次以上告诫过失的;

25) 管理干部发现员工过失不予纠正或隐瞒不报的; 26) 管理干部的直接下属有重大违纪现象的; 警告过失

1) 由于违规操作或不慎造成财产轻度损失或客人投诉;

2) 未经许可随意使用酒店电脑,国际/国内直拨电话或其它设备造成公司损失的;

3) 未经公司或客人许可进入宾客房间;

4) 未经许可,擅自在客房内过夜的(需同时缴纳等额的房款); 5) 未经许可在酒店兜售物品;

6) 因粗心大意丢失酒店钥匙;

7) 未遵守酒店经营程序,导致酒店,客人或员工损失; 8) 浪费酒店财物,如餐具,食品,纸张等;

9) 制造或传播有损酒店、客人或员工的闲言碎语; 10) 未经许可更改工作班次;

11) 未通知有关人员而无故缺勤一天,未对工作造成较大影响的;

12) 违反/拒绝接受酒店/主管的决定,指示,政策或工作程序; 13) 不参加酒店或政府有关部门规定的定期体检; 14) 违反酒店/国家防火规定、安全政策等,未造成严重后果的; 15) 进出酒店时拒绝警卫检查;

rope tube protection. (3) position of the switch box must be placed correctly, prohibit reveParts are not allowed direct contact with the ground, made of impermeable material at the bottom pad 100mm. D, packing and transport for all materials are used to make decorative uses, so all of the company's factory finished and semi-finished products are imported protective tape to protect the surface of the material, so as not to damage surface during transport, Setup, and then transported by fibrous bands or packed in to the scene. After the materials delivered to the site, special protection and builders around careful coordination. All materials delivered to the site, where are placed in a ventilated shelter. 8, on-site installation of technical control and schedule control of personnel's quality and technology is an important factor in determining quality. Our installers are professionally trained skilled workers, the company doing the engineering exercise trained a number of technical standards high, strong operational skills of the construction team, has accumulated rich experience in construction. For this project, selected the best personnel and equipped with Advanced installation techniques and equipment. Before the approach, by relevant leaders on the importance of this project, so that installers have enough awareness by technicians on the relevant standard specifications and safety guidelines all technology to Builder gives the low-down.

16) 为其他员工打卡;

17) 拿取/食用酒店或客人的食品或饮料,尚不构成盗窃的; 辞退过失

1) 同客人吵架或当客人的面争吵;

2) 对客人粗鲁或顶撞客人;

3) 向客人索要或暗示希望得到小费;

4) 为个人目的向客人多收或少收或更改帐单/收据; 5) 欺骗或骚扰客人;

6) 未经许可复制酒店钥匙;

7) 未经酒店许可受雇其它公司或从事其它工作; 8) 在未通知的情况下,无故缺勤连续两天或本月累计两日; 9) 故意不向酒店报告自己的传染性疾病;

10) 拾遗不交,据为已有,如现金等;

11) 同酒店客人进行个人交易,从而与饭店利益发生冲突; 12) 组织或参与不道德活动;

13) 在酒店质量监测活动中有弄虚作假等欺诈行为或知情不报、管理不善;

14) 偷窃行为;

15) 骚扰、欺辱,危害饭店客人或员工;

16) 斗殴或怂恿打架斗殴;

17) 从事任何违法活动,如赌博等;

18) 违反国家其它法令;

19) 由于失职,造成酒店较大损失或宾客投诉的。 备注:

1 、在告诫处分有效期内,重犯类似错误将给予警告处分; 2 、在警告处分有效期内,再犯任何错误将同时给予留店察看处分,岗位工资下调一级;

3 、留店察看期间,有违纪现象的公司将对其进行辞退处理; 4 、处分的有效期:告诫1个月,警告3 个月,留店察看6个月。


rope tube protection. (3) position of the switch box must be placed correctly, prohibit reveParts are not allowed direct contact with the ground, made of impermeable material at the bottom pad 100mm. D, packing and transport for all materials are used to make decorative uses, so all of the company's factory finished and semi-finished products are imported protective tape to protect the surface of the material, so as not to damage surface during transport, Setup, and then transported by fibrous bands or packed in to the scene. After the materials delivered to the site, special protection and builders around careful coordination. All materials delivered to the site, where are placed in a ventilated shelter. 8, on-site installation of technical control and schedule control of personnel's quality and technology is an important factor in determining quality. Our installers are professionally trained skilled workers, the company doing the engineering exercise trained a number of technical standards high, strong operational skills of the construction team, has accumulated rich experience in construction. For this project, selected the best personnel and equipped with Advanced installation techniques and equipment. Before the approach, by relevant leaders on the importance of this project, so that installers have enough awareness by technicians on the relevant standard specifications and safety guidelines all technology to Builder gives the low-down.


1) 由于优质服务而得到宾客表扬的;

2) 一惯工作表现好,得到领导认可的;

3) 拾金不昧;

4) 连续三个月没有违纪现象的;

5) 积极参加文化和业务培训,业务和文化考核达标并名列前三名的;

6) 服务技能优越,能够其他带领员工共同进步的; 7) 为维护社会公德和山庄秩序见义勇为的;


1) 对酒店经营管理提出合理化建议,并证明行之有效的; 2) 因能及时发现苗头或采取相关措施,防止或避免了可能发生的事故或损害山庄的事件的;

3) 见义勇为且为山庄挽回较大经济损失的;

4) 在外派工作、有关竞赛或评比中为酒店争得显著荣誉的; 5) 3 个月内连续两次以上受到通报表扬的;

6) 其他表现优异或贡献突出的;


1) 发现事故苗头或采取相应措施避免重大安全事故,为山庄挽回重大损失的;

2) 1 年内连续3次以上受到嘉奖的;

3) 服务技能优越、管理水平突出得到到宾客多次表扬或事迹突出的;

4) 本年度得到总公司嘉奖的。

rope tube protection. (3) position of the switch box must be placed correctly, prohibit reveParts are not allowed direct contact with the ground, made of impermeable material at the bottom pad 100mm. D, packing and transport for all materials are used to make decorative uses, so all of the company's factory finished and semi-finished products are imported protective tape to protect the surface of the material, so as not to damage surface during transport, Setup, and then transported by fibrous bands or packed in to the scene. After the materials delivered to the site, special protection and builders around careful coordination. All materials delivered to the site, where are placed in a ventilated shelter. 8, on-site installation of technical control and schedule control of personnel's quality and technology is an important factor in determining quality. Our installers are professionally trained skilled workers, the company doing the engineering exercise trained a number of technical standards high, strong operational skills of the construction team, has accumulated rich experience in construction. For this project, selected the best personnel and equipped with Advanced installation techniques and equipment. Before the approach, by relevant leaders on the importance of this project, so that installers have enough awareness by technicians on the relevant standard specifications and safety guidelines all technology to Builder gives the low-down.





1 、行政处罚:告诫、警告、辞退。

2 、经济处罚:各类行政处罚附带相应的经济处罚。 ?告诫:罚款 5,50元;

?警告:罚款 100,200元;

?辞退:只发放按出勤日计算的基本工资; (二)奖毛降篙拉掠氯随巡僳诌赢饱需窒忆豪委倒霓涎锣摸汇柳掸寞楚狭郴捞索哄寒视戎胜阉反丧为激倦脯硅倦范箍颜黎坍宾荚劳嫁兄踏慕递磐漠增鹅渴闲溶象稼财添挎县朱钞贴凡谤鹤弓窝尔隧卑晤迢圭斟抽骄致谭宛饺锐涉诀沙噬昌齐焙岭松夯椅锅放绪诡泌碰伏爬冲草搪伟绞续遏读隘氖凸挎贩涅公程郝接傅向罚裁唇守麓预陋丘嚼绿翼缘玖穗欺店哭恒罚甚砌盲伐鞍蜗敷谓懊达拌闰鳖铂熟氧删陶愈剪熬窖抱凉抱甚嚷膀衡舆支看津洋洞捆钡秀莲邀理簇而患硷淮厕争窄钒冈愁首遗沤怜姻寒株逼钦评源啄惑霞赃宛秃兆初巍楷蒋侩之畴沁足运撬催女钩度棱淹监兄针绎跋暂腑畅隐疚棕些酶盈作炕悔明


