
发布时间:2011-03-21 18:41:00   来源:文档文库   
海水盐度对潜流人工湿地系统净化效果的影响王 静, 张雨山, 邱金泉, 苗英霞, 曾兴宇, 任华峰(国家海洋局天津海水淡化与综合利用研究所,天津300192)  摘 要: 在不同海水盐度下,研究了芦苇床、碱蓬床和混合植物床潜流人工湿地对污水中有机污染物的去除规律,以及海水比例和污染负荷对去除效果的影响。结果表明,当进水中的海水比例<40%时,各植物床对有机污染物均有良好的去除效果,种植植物的人工湿地对COD 的去除率比无植物系统高20%~30%;海水比例的变化对芦苇床、碱蓬床和无植物系统去除COD 的影响不大,当海水比例由30%提升至40%时,混合植物床的处理能力明显下降;芦苇床和碱蓬床在进水COD 为160mg/L 时具有最高的去除率,分别为81.1%和71.8%,而混合植物床在进水COD 为120mg/L 时可达到最大的去除率(77%)。  关键词: 海水盐度; 人工湿地; 有机污染物中图分类号:X703  文献标识码:A   文章编号:1000-4602(2009)05-0009-03I nfluence of Seawa ter Sa li n ity on Pur i f i ca ti on Eff i c i ency of Subsurface 2flow Con structed W etl andWANG J ing, ZHANG Yu 2shan, Q IU J in 2quan, M IAO Ying 2xia, ZENG Xing 2yu, REN Hua 2feng(Institute of Seaw ater D esalina tion and M ultipurpose U tilization,SOA ,Tianjin300192,Ch ina )  Abstract: Subsurface 2fl ow constructed wetlands p lanted with Phragm ites australis,Suaeda sa lsa and m ixed p lants were used t o treat a m ixture of sea water and domestic se wage .The influence of salinity and COD l oad on COD re moval was investigated .The results de monstrate that when the sea water p r opor 2ti on in the influent is under 40%,the wetlands p lanted with the different p lants can re move organic pol 2lutants effectively .The COD re moval rate in the p lanted wetlands is 20%t o 30%higher than that in the unp lanted wetland .The variati on of sea water p r oporti on does not affect COD re moval rates in the wetlands p lanted with Phragm ites australis and S uaeda salsa and the unp lanted wetland .The pollutants re moval capacity of the wetland p lanted with m ixed p lants is reduced when the sea water p r oporti on is increased fr om 30%t o 40%.The COD re moval rate of the wetlands p lanted with Phragm ites australis and Suaeda salsa reaches their maxi m u m ,81.1%and 71.8%,when the influent COD is 160mg/L.Further more,the wetland p lanted with m ixed p lants attains its maxi m al COD re moval rate,77%,when the influent COD is 120mg/L.  Key words: sea water salinity; constructed wetland; organic pollutants  基金项目:天津市科技发展计划项目(06YFSYSF02800); 国家“十一五”科技支撑计划项目(2006BAB03A08)・9・第25卷 第5期2009年3月            中国给水排水CH I N A WATER &WASTE WATER              Vol .25No .5Mar .2009


