高中英语人教版必修4(浙江专版)学业分层测评 学业分层测评2[含解析]

发布时间:2018-12-12 15:35:04   来源:文档文库   



1He didn't go to school because of ________(sick)

2There's a chance ________ I will see her.

3Even though he was tiredhe still carried ______ working.

4He has never shown much________(consider)for his wife's needs.

5ORBIS is ________ (intend) to help fight blindness worldwide.

6We agreed never to refer ________ the matter again.

7It was in the park ________ I met the foreigner.

8We have been treated with such ________ (kind) by everybody.

9They look ________ upon those whom they often consider to be lazy and dishonest.

10When I come ________ a new wordI put it down in my notebook.

【答案】 1.sickness 2.that 3.on 4.consideration 5.intended 6.to 7.that 8.kindness 9.down




______________ that led to his success.


I ____________ he was Su Bingtian ________ he took off his sunglasses.


________________ it is going to snow.


________________ that he will change his mind.


Did you ________________ the Internet?

【答案】 1.It was his hard work 2.didn't recognizeuntil 3.It seems that 4.There is no chance 5.deliver my message to



Since 2004Time magazine has six times made a survey to name the 100 most influential people in the world.Only one person has appeared on it for six timesOprah Winfrey.

Born in 1954 in MississippiOprah Winfrey spent her early years living in poverty with her grandmother and later her absent mother, followed by unfair treatment by her unfriendly relatives.Worse stillshe was addicted to drugs and at the young age of 14she gave birth to a babywho died after a few months.Finally she was sent to live with her strict father in Tennessee.Amazingly thoughher father's rules did make sure she received a good education and finally overcame her problems.

Oprah's media career began at age 17.She became the co­author of local news in Baltimore in her early 20's.Her first local talk showPeople Are Talkingwas first performed in 1978when she was 24.

In 1986Oprah moved to Chicago to host a lowrated half­hour morning talk showAM Chicago.Oprah talks like a family member in your and my house.Within months she took overthe show became the highest rated talk show in Chicago.It was renamed The Oprah Winfrey Show.

Only two years after hosting the showshe was able to set up her own production company Harpoand buy the full rights to The Oprah Winfrey Show.She is also involved in magazine publishingbookseducation and a lifestyle channel for women with the aim of improving people's lives, inspiring and praising good honest valuesmaking the world a better place for present and future generations.

As her business grew, so did her wealth and powerand she became the first ever black billionaire in 2003 and the most powerful woman in media broadcasting.The amazing influence she has over a large part of the American public means that anything she promotes on her shows is guaranteed to succeed.

【语篇解读】 在美国《时代周刊》的调查中,自2004年以来Oprah Winfrey六次荣登全球最具有影响力的100名人物榜,而且也是唯一出现六次的人物。

1What do we know about Oprah's childhood?

AShe lived with her mother for 14 years.

BShe married young and brought up a baby.

CShe was lack of concern and care.

DShe couldn't stand her father's rules.

【解析】 推理判断题。由第二段可知她与奶奶生活贫困,并遭到亲戚不公正的对待,而且吸毒,可推知她缺少关爱。

【答案】 C

2According to the textwhich field didn't Oprah set foot in?

AMagazine publishing.


CA TV channel for females.


【解析】 细节理解题。由第五段的She is also involved in magazine publishingbookseducation and a lifestyle channel for women可知。

【答案】 D

3Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

AOprah Winfrey was the most influential woman in America.

BOprah Winfrey hosted her first local talk show in her 20's.

CAM Chicago became the highest rated immediately after Oprah hosted it.

DOprah Winfrey was the first billionaire in media broadcasting.

【解析】 细节理解题。由第三段中的Her first local talk showPeople Are Talkingwas first performed in 1978when she was 24.可知是在她20多岁的时候。

【答案】 B

4What does the last paragraph mainly tell us?

AOprah was a quite successful woman.

BOprah aimed to be wealthy and powerful.

CWhat Oprah promoted was sure to succeed.

DOprah became the most influential woman.

【解析】 主旨大意题。最后一段主要介绍了她的成就及对世界的影响,可见她是成功的。

【答案】 A


She won 4 World Cup titlesand got a silver medal and a gold medal in the Olympics.Who is she? Jennifer Heil.

She was born on April 11,1983 in Canada.She is so good at skiing maybe because she started hitting the Canadian slopes at age two.She went to McGill University and founded B2tenwhich has raised over $3,000 to support athletes from all around Canada.

Heil was able to compete in her first Olympics at the 2002 Winter Olympics at 18.She finished in fourth place.In 2006she was invited to compete in the Winter Olympics in TurinItaly.She did an amazing job! Good enough for first place! She took the 2007—2008 season off because she wanted to build up her physical strength.Then at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouvershe won a silver medal.

Unfortunately for Canadiansbut fortunately for everyone who wants to win the World CupHeil stated that she may retire sometime in the next few years.If she doesCanada may go into another gold medal drought in skiing at home.

Heil says“My skis are part of my body now.”She has spent so much time on them and she never feels bored at allShe has so much energy that when she is off her skisshe still plays a sport.She was also very good at many other sports.She was very good at volleyballbut was too short.She set records in high school for junior cross­country runningbut had to quit because of injuries.Heil swam for 11 years and competed in the provincialswhich is like a statewide competition in the USA.She even did freestyle in the pool!

Jennifer Heil now lives in MontrealCanadawhere she skis nearby.

【语篇解读】 本文是一篇介绍人物的记叙文。主要介绍了著名的加拿大女子滑雪运动员Jennifer Heil

5It can be inferred from the second paragraph that Heil________.

Abegan to learn skiing at an early age

Bbecame a famous athlete at university

Cwon $3,000 in her first competition

Dfounded a skiing club named B2ten

【解析】 细节理解题。由第二段中的She is so good at skiing maybe because she started hitting the Canadian slopes at age two.可知,她从小就喜欢滑雪。因此选A项。

【答案】 A

6Heil didn't compete in the 2007—2008 season because she ________.

Awas injured in training

Bintended to become stronger

Chad to improve skiing skills

Dwas forced to lose weight

【解析】 细节理解题。由第三段的She took the 2007—2008 season off because she wanted to build up her physical strength.可知答案。

【答案】 B

7If Heil gives up skiing in the future________.

ACanada may not get any medals in Olympics

Bshe will compete in swimming

Cshe will recover from her injuries quickly

Dothers will have a chance to win the World Cup

【解析】 细节理解题。结合第四段中的...fortunately for everyone who wants to win the World Cup可知,她如果不滑雪的话,就会给别人提供获奖的机会了。因此选D项。

【答案】 D

8What's the text mainly about?

AJennifer Heil's sports career.

BDifficulties Jennifer Heil has in life.

CThe 2002 Winter Olympics.

DJennifer Heil's winning the World Cup.

【解析】 主旨大意题。文章主要讲述了加拿大女子滑雪运动员Jennifer Heil的运动生涯,因此A项正确。

【答案】 A

.阅读填句 导学号:55424027

When it comes to moneywomen really are more responsible than men.__1__

The global Reuters Synovate surveyed some 4,500 women in 12 countries about money matters.__2__

The survey showed that just over half respondents of both genders said women are more responsible with money than menwith the highest level of agreement found in Mexicowhere 72 percent of people believed women were better at handling finances.

And although more than 40 percent of women use part of their monthly income to pay off credit cardssome 70 percent of female respondents also said that having more than one credit card could lead to financial debt.__3__

It's obviously not the card itself that causes anyone to use it.So the statement is really about control and temptationsaid Claire Braverman.__4__

The ability to spend morewhich you don't have in the first placecan certainly lead to debt.It means people have to control themselves and their spousesshe added.

More women believed in their financial ability than men.__5__ But nearly half the women surveyed also conceded that they were bigger spenders than their male counterpartswith nearly 60 percent of men agreeing.

AWho is to blame for the phenomena?

BThis reveals women's higher awareness.

CAn equal number of men were also asked several questions related to finances.

D61 percent said they were more responsiblewhile only 40 percent of men agreed.

EThe survey was conducted in December in AustraliaBrazil and some other countries.

FShe is international market research firm Synovate's senior vice president of Financial Services in the United States.

GAn international survey finds that they're less likely to get into debt and work harder to become financially independent.

【语篇解读】 说到钱的问题,女性的确比男性更负责任。一项全球调查发现,与男性相比,女性更不容易陷入债务,而且更努力地争取经济独立。

1G 下文提到The global Reuters Synovate surveyed,故此空首先提到一次调查,G项符合要求。

2C 由上文surveyed some 4,500 women in 12 countries及下文respondents of both genders可知答案C符合语境。句意:同样数量的男士也被问了有关财务情况的问题。

3B 由上文said that having more than one credit card could lead to financial debt可知答案为B。句意:这说明女性在这方面的意识较强。

4F 上文提到Claire Braverman,下文具体说她的情况,故答案为F。句意:他是思纬全球市场调查公司美国金融服务部高级副总监。

5D 由上文More women believed in their financial ability than men可知答案D适合。


《高中英语人教版必修4(浙江专版)学业分层测评 学业分层测评2[含解析].doc》
