
发布时间:2021-04-30   来源:文档文库   
2.所有答案必须写在答题卡上相应的位置,答在本试卷上不计分。 3.考试结束后,考生应将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
第一部分 选择题
根据句意及语法要求从每题ABCD四个选项中,选出一个最适合的答案填空,并在答题卡上将所选答案的字母涂黑。(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 1. The film()before I got to the cinema. A. already started B. starts
C. had already started D. had been started
2.She recommended two books to me, but()of them was interesting. A.either B.both C.none D.neither
3. Thirty miles()a long way to cover. A. seem to be B. is C. are D. were
4. Tommy caught the school bus,(). A. but Jane didn't

B. but so did Jane C. and Jane didn't either D. and Jane did either
5. China is one of the largest countries in the world,()9.6 million square kilometers. A. to cover B. covered. C. covers D. covering
6. The railway is()in about two months. A.completed B.completing C.to complete D.to be completed
7.The reason()he was absent from school was that he had been knocked down by a car. A.where B.when C.why D.that
8. I cannot find the key to my office.I()it on my way home. A. would have lost B. must have lost C.should have lost D.ought to have lost
9.Some of the listening questions have four choices that sound(). A.alike B.unlike C.likely

10. Internet allows one to follow the()developments in science. A. latter B.latest C.later D.late 二、阅读理解
Passage 1
Your employer holds your future prospect in his hands. Some employers are hard to get along with. Some have excellent talents but no idea when it comes to dealing with employees. Of course, not all bosses are like that.
The relationship you have with your boss can be a major factor in determining your rise up the career ladder for he is not only your leader, but also the person best equipped to help you do the job you are paid to do. He can make you aware of company direction that may affect your professional development.
Your employer also needs you to perform at your best in order to accomplish his goals. He needs your feedback in order to provide realistic and useful reports to upper management. But how does this help you build a meaningful working relationship with your employer?
The key is communication. Learn and understand his objectives; observe and understand his work style. If you have not been clear with his expectations,ask him for advice and accept criticism gracefully. If he understands that you do not view your job as just something to fill the hours between 9 and 5, he may be more likely to help you.
In short, getting along with your employer requires getting to know his likes and dislikes and learning to work with his personality and management style. 11.According to the first paragraph, the author states that(). A.bosses are harder to deal with
B.employers don't know employees' talents C.bosses must have similar personality

D. employers determine your career future
12.In the second paragraph,rise up the career ladder means(). A.going to work abroad B. being promoted in position C.changing jobs frequently D.pursuing an advanced degree
13.In order to achieve his objectives, your boss expects that you will(). A. do your best in your work B. be familiar with his work style C.know about company direction D.write reports to upper management
14.The most important factor for building a good working relationship with the employer is().
A. high expectations B.quick feedback C.constant criticism D.effective communication
15.The author aims to tell readers(). A. the way to take care of a boss B.how to get along with an employer C.method of putting forward suggestions D. the way to be a boss
Passage 2
For years people have been saying that the railways are dead.We can do without railways, people say, as if cars and planes have made the railways unnecessary. We all keep hearing that trains are slow, that they lose money,and that they are dying. But this is not the case. In the days of expensive oil, trains have become highly competitive with cars and planes. If you want to carry people or goods to different places, trains are cheaper. What is more, trains generally take people
from the heart of a city into the heart of another. It doesn't leave you as a plane does, miles and miles away from the city center. It doesn't hold you up as a car does,in endless traffic jams. And a single train can carry goods which a plane or a car could never do.
Far from being dead, the railways are quite alive to some extent. Modern railway lines give you a smooth, untroubled journey. Where else can you eat well, sleep in comfort,feel safe and enjoy the scene while you are traveling at speed at the same time? And we are only·at the beginning,for we have just entered the age of superfast trains, trains traveling at around 150 miles an hour and more:Soon we will.be wondering why we spent so-much on cars we can't use because we have not enough money to buy the oil,and planes we can't fly for the same reason. 16.Some people think the railways are unnecessary because(). A. trains have been replaced by planes and cars B.oil costs a lot today C.trains are becoming superfast D.railways make big profits
17. According to the writer, it's true that(). A. we can do without railways
B.people frequently get trapped in traffic jams even by train C.cars and planes are not as good as trains
D.Getting off the train,you will find yourself in the center of the city. 18.It is implied by the writer that(). A.it is cheaper to travel by plane than by train
B. the railway station is usually in the suburb of the city C.superfast trains run faster than planes
D. no car or plane can carry as much goods as a trains does. 19. The writer thinks that trains are very much alive because(). A. we can have a troubled journey B. we have enough money to fly in planes C.we can now travel by superfast trains D.we can travel by cars as well

20.The best title for this passage may be(). A. Trains: Not the End,But the Beginning B. Which is the Best: Train,Car or Plane?
C.Trains Age:More Competitive than Cars or Planes D.Oh,Superfast Trains
Passage 3
“Culture consists of all shared products of a human society Robertson, 1981.This means material things such as cities, tools, and schools, as well as non-material things, such as ideas, traditions, family patterns,and languages.Put simply,culture refers to the ways of a people".
Language is a part of culture and plays a very important role in it. Some social scientists consider it the keystone of culture.Without language,maintaining culture would not be possible. On the other hand, language is influenced and shaped.by culture. It reflects culture in the broadest sense, is the symbolic representation of a people,and it comprises a socicty's historical and cultural backgrounds. Language also displays a people's approach to life and their ways of living and thinking.
What need to be stressed here is that the two interact, and that understanding of one requires understanding of the other. Social scientists tell us that cultures differ from one another and that each culture is unique. As cultures are diverse, languages are also diverse. It is only natural that with difference in cultures and differences in languages,difficulties often arise in communicating between people of different cultures. Understanding is not zlways easy.
Learning a foreign language well means more than merely mastering the pronunciation, grammar, words, and idioms. It also means learning to see the world as native speakers of that language see it,learning the ways in which their language reflects the ideas, customs, and behaviors of their society.It means learning to understand their language of the mind.Leaning a language, in fact,is inseparable from learning culture.
21.According to Robertson, what is NOT part of material culture? A.Computers B.Colleges C.Customs D.Tools
22.The second paragraph is about(). A. the way language is used by social scientists

B. the relationship between language and culture C.the influence people have on language
D.the lifestyle influenced by historical and cultural backgrounds 23. If you want to learn a foreign language well, you must(). A. grasp the pronunciation,grammar,words and idioms B. master the language as well as its culture
C. know the way the native speakers of that language think D. learn the country's culture first
24. Which of the following is true EXCEPT? A. Language can't be separated from culture B.Language exists before culture
C.It is impossible to learn a language well without the knowledge of its culture D.Communication difficulties often result from different cultures 25.Language of the mind means(). A. the unspoken things that people think B. the method of studying a language C.the manner in which people think
D. the common culture shared by all people regardless of language 三、英译汉
26. I don't think that the new traffic rules will result in a decrease in traffic accidents. A.我不认为新交通法规会导致交通事故的减少。 B.我不认为交通事故的减少是新交通法规执行的结果。 C.我认为新交通法规不会降低交通事故。 D.我认为新交通法规不会减少交通事故。
27.I could not help telling you how pleased we are when we remember those beautiful days.

B.当我们记起那些美好的日子时,我禁不住要向你诉说我们是何等的愉快。 C.当我们记起那些美好的日子时,我情不自禁地要告诉你我们是多么的开心。 D.我无法帮你说出我们高兴的程度,当我们记起那些美好的日子时。
28.Although our health is improving in many ways, new diseases still threaten our lives. A.尽管我们通过多种方式改善健康状况,但新的疾病仍然威胁着我们的生命。 B.尽管有很多方式在改进我们的健康状况,但是还有新的疾病威胁着我们的生命。 C.尽管我们通过各种方式来增强我们的健康,但是新的疾病依然在威胁着我们的生命。 D.尽管改进我们健康的方式有很多,但我们的生活还会受到新疾病的威胁。 29.You are supposed to obtain all the certificates to beat all the competitors and get the job. A.你料想已经取得了所有证书来赢得所有竞争并获取这份工作。 B. 你应当获取所有证书来击败所有竞争对手并获取这份工作。 C.你料想已经取得了所有证书来获取这份极具竞争性的工作。 D.你应当获取所有证书来击败你在工作中遇到的所有竞争。 四、完形填空
As a non-native English speaker,I often think about the very question of how best to learn English.The answer30the question is not easy. Native speakers start listening to English even before they are born and keep practicing it. They aren't even31that they are learning it most of the time.However,I have not had32to speaking and listening to my second language from a very young age.
I often have difficulty trying to express myself in English, for example, when I ask for directions or introduce myself, I often33myself. But I make myself feel better by telling myself that I have experience and knowledge of English, so I can34well. With good habits of learning English,I would be more experienced and try to make myself35in communication with others. In fact,I really benefit a lot being a language learner. I think about how I keep notes to help me remember36I have learned. However, sometimes,when faced with frustrations in learning English,I37giving up.
In short,as a saying goes:'No pains,no gains'. Information about English must be gathered

and English must be used for many years.38I can make use of experience and insight to find opportunities to achieve39in language learning. 30.A.of B.about C.to D.from 31.A.aware B.amused C.available D.awkward 32.A.action B.access C.appeal D.agreement 33.A.evaluate B.examine C.expose D.embarrass 34.A.lecture B.discuss C.argue D.communicate 35.A.understand B.understood C.to understand D.to be understood 36.A.that

B.which C.whether D.what 37. A. feel like B.seem C.enjoy D.imagine 38.A.As well as B.As a result C.As far as D.As long as 39.A.succeed B.successful C.success D.successfully
第二部分 非选择题

40. After anintroduce_________by the teacher, the students went on with their discussions. 41.The public must be keptinform_________of the way to deal with the pollution. 42.With only ten minutesleave_________, it is impossible to finish this experiment. 43. Finally the middle-aged man found hislose_________son with the help of his friends. 44.By the end of next October,the factoryproduce_________about 10,000 cell phones. 45. Theeconomy_________growth has greatly improved the standards of living. 46. Nobody can. avoidmake_________mistakes when trying to speak in English. 47.The lecture was sobore_________that many people left.
48.Many people hold thebelieve_________that parents should be responsible for family. 49.I would rather youstay_________at home. 二、术语匹配
下面是一些有关旅游的术语,认真阅读后,找出与表格中汉语题目相匹配的英文术语,并将其代码填写在答题卡上相应的位置。(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) A. - Tour Guide
B.-Accommodation Reservation C.- excess baggage charge D.- Booking Agents E.-Telephone Directory F. - Foreign Exchange G-Baggage-claim Area H.-Gifts and Souvenirs I.- First-Class Ticket J. -Information Desk K.-Tourist Routes L. -Check-out

M.-Procedure re N.-Special Line O.-Soft Sleeping seat P.-Scenic Spots Q.-Travel Agency
Example:C)超重行李费 50. )手续费 51. )旅行社 52. )问询处 53. )结账

O)软卧 55. )导游 56.()景点 57. )专线 58.()住宿预订 59.()旅游线路
54. )预订代理人 三、简答题
Imagine we build a robot to explore the planet Mars and provide it with detectors to be away from danger. It is powered by the sun. Should we program the robot to be equally active at all times? The answer is NO. The robot would be using up energy when it was not receiving any. So we would probably program it to stop its activity at night and to wake up the next morning.
Human beings have a pattern of sleeping and waking, as sleep provides some important fresh energy.It is believed man has been programmed to perform functions at a time when activity would be inefficient. However, sleep does not protect us from trouble that comes looking for us. So we sleep well when we are in a safe place, but we sleep lightly when we fear that bears will nose into the tent.
Sleep among creatures is different Why do cats,for example,sleep so much,while horses sleep so little? Cats can afford to have long periods of inactivity because they spend little time eating and are unlikely to be attacked when in sleep. Horses must spend almost all their waking hours eating,because what they eat is low in energy value.Moreover, they cannot afford to sleep too long or too deeply, because their survival depends on their ability to run away from attackers. 60. Why does the author use the example of the robot?
To tell us the reason why a regular pattern of_________is needed to provide new energy.

61. Why has man been programmed to sleep at night? To avoid inefficient_________. 62.When can we sleep well? We can sleep well in_________.
63.What differences are there between cats and horses? Cats sleep_________than horses.
64. Without long and deep sleep, why can horses survive? Because they are_________their ability to run away from attackers. 四、段落翻译
将下面的段落译成汉语,译文写在答题卡上相应的位置。18分) 65.
How can we get rid of garbage? Do we have enough energy sources to meet our future energy needs? It is believed that man might be able to solve the two problems at the same time. They suggest burning garbage to provide environment-friendly energy. Garbage can be used as a kind of good fuel, for the things in garbage are chemically similar to the fossil fuels. The heat that is produced by burning garbage can be used to boil water,and the steam produced can be used to make electricity or to heat nearby buildings. This method can also reduce the amount of garbage piling up on the earth. 五、应用文写作
假如你是校报负责人,在校内招聘一位同学任校报编辑,请用英文以"A Newspaper Editor Wanted"为题目写一则招聘启事.文章写在答题卡上相应的位置。25分) 66.
该同学负责从报刊杂志及互联网上选择适合学生的文章:编辑并回复学生来稿。具体要求是该同学在业余时间愿意为同学们服务;爱好美术:能熟练使用电脑。请感兴趣的同学在本周内与学生会联系。 写作要求:
1)符合应用文的基本格式 2)字数80-100
Words for reference:学生会 Students' Union 美术 Fine Arts

词汇与语法:1-10 CDBAD DCBAB 阅读理解:11-25 DBADB ADDCA CBBBC 英译汉:26-29 DCAB
完形填空:30-39 CABDD BDABC 词形转换: 40.Introduction



43.lost 47.boring
44.will have produced 45.economic 48.belief

术语匹配:50-59 MQJLDAPNBK 简答题:
60.sleeping and waking 63.more 段落翻译:
65.我们怎样才能清除垃圾呢?我们是否有足够的能源资源来满足我们未来的能源需求呢?有人相信人类也许能够同时解决这两个问题。他们建议通过燃烧垃圾来提供环保能源,因为垃圾中的物质在化学上与化石燃料相似,所以垃圾可以作为一种好的燃料,燃烧垃圾产生的热量可用于烧水,产生的水蒸汽可用于发电或给附近的建筑物供暖。这种方法也有助于减少堆放在地球上的垃圾数量。 66.写作:
An English Editor Wanted
Our school newspaper is looking for an editor for its English edition. The job mainly includes two parts: One is to choose proper English articles from other newspapers, magazines or Internet for us students. The other is to pick out articles from those written by students in our school and edit them for use.
We hope that he/she could meet the following requirements: First, he/she is willing to devote some of his/her spare time to serving the others. Second, it's necessary for him/her to be good at both English and fine arts. Besides, the ability to use the computer is important.
Those who are interested in the job, please get in touch with the Students' Union this week.
The Students' Union


62.a safe place

64.depending on


