高中英语必修四教学设计必修四 Unit4 阅读教学设计全面版

发布时间:2019-05-20 01:34:36   来源:文档文库   

高中英语必修四教学设计必修四 Unit4 阅读教学设计

甘肃省定西市安定区东方红中学 马鹏程


人教版必修4  Unit 4 Body language,阅读部分COMMUNICATIONS:NO PROBLEM? 以机场迎接客人为场景,讲述了来自几个不同国家的学生由于文化背景的差异,在初次见面时互相问候的方式迥然不同而造成的一些小误会,形象地表明了身势语与文化背景的密切关系,以及身势语在人们日常交际中的重要作用。这篇文章的写作方式颇有特色,可以让学生在阅读的过程中,很自然地以“你”自己的身份去观察、倾听在机场发生的一切。




1. Train the students’ reading ability.

2. Enable the students to realize the importance of body language and understand different body language in different cultures.

3. Stimulate the students’ interest and love for learning body language as well as to learn verbal language.



1. Fast reading to get general idea of the text.

2. Careful reading to understand the passage better.


Teaching Procedures

Step 1  Lead-in

Use some pictures of Tai Lihua to lead in the topic.

Step 2 Pre-reading

1. Play a guess game: ask some students to act out the meanings in chart on page25, and have the rest students guess the meaning from the body language.

2. Play another guess game: show some pictures of gestures and make the students speak out the meaning that each picture stands for.

Step 3 Predict what the reading passage is about       

Asks the students to predict what the reading passage talks about according to the title and illustrations of the passage. The teacher can give some clues by talking about the illustrations:

1. Where are the people?

2. What are they doing?

Step 4 Skimming

1. Let the students skim the whole passage to get the main idea, then evaluate their predictions. During this activity, the teacher should give some guidance on reading skills. (The main idea is often related to the title. While skimming the text, pay attention to the first paragraph, the last paragraph and the first sentence of every paragraph.)        

Main idea of the passage:       

Some examples of cultural “body language” in greeting people.         

2. Let the students skim the passage and divide it into different parts to find out the main idea of every part and the topic sentences.       

Part 1 (paragraph1) Meet business people from several countries.       

Part 2 (paragraphs 2~4) Not all cultures greet each other the same way.       

Part 3 (paragraph 5) A conclusion of the passage. 

Step 5 Careful reading

How do they behave when they greet people? Ask the students to scan the second part and complete the chart with information from the passage.

Ask the students to read carefully and finish the following tasks.

Exercise1: What were the two mistakes that the author noticed?

He noticed that the Colombian man kissed the British woman, but in her culture, a kiss from a stranger is not acceptable. He also noticed that the Japanese man bowed just as the Canadian man started to shake hands, so one mans nose touched the other mans moving hand.

Exercise 2: Read the statements and decide whether it is true or false and give the reasons.

1. Englishmen often stand close to others or touch strangers as soon as they meet.    (F)

2. Most people around the world now greet each other by kissing.   (F)

3. Japanese will bow to others as greeting. (T)

4. People from Jordan will move very close to you as you introduce yourself to them.    (T)


本教学设计中学生的活动都具有明确的目的和具体的操作要求,实现了英语在真实情境中的应用。 教师不仅是知识的传授者,还应成为学生学习的促进者、指导者、组织者、帮助者、参与者和合作者,除了应传授学生必要的语言知识外,还应重视学生的个性和兴趣。



《高中英语必修四教学设计必修四 Unit4 阅读教学设计全面版.doc》
