
发布时间:2011-07-21 02:21:55   来源:文档文库   

基督教根源于犹太教,公元1世纪中叶耶稣创立。135年从犹太教中分裂出来成为独立的宗教。早期基督教曾受到罗马皇帝的残酷迫害和镇压。公元313年,罗马帝国皇帝君士坦丁一世发布米兰敕令,宣布基督教可与所有其他宗教同享自由,不受歧视。从此基督教成为官方认可的合法宗教。392年,基督教成为罗马帝国的国教,并逐渐成为中世纪欧洲封建社会的主要精神支柱。1054年,基督教分裂为罗马天主教和东正教。l6 世纪,随着西欧民族国家和市民阶级的兴起,爆发了反对罗马教皇封建统治的宗教改革运动,后陆续分化出脱离天主教会的一些新宗派,称为新教。所以,基督教是天主教、东正教和新教的总称。Christianity is rooted in Judaism and founded by Jesus in the Palestinian territory in a mid-century in the breakaway from Judaism as an independent religion in135 years. Early Christianity had been subjected to cruel persecution and repression of the Roman emperors. In 313, the Roman Emperor Constantine I issued "Edict of Milan", declared common freedom with Christianity and all other religions, without discrimination. Since then, Christianity became an official recognition of the legitimate religion. In 392, Christianity became the state religion of Roman Empire, and gradually became the main spiritual pillar of medi European feudal society. In 1054, Christianity was split into the Roman Catholic and Orthodox. In the l6 century, with the rise of Western European nation-state and public class, Rome, the Reformation movement broke out against rule of the Pope. After these, some of the new sect, known as the "Protestant", were split from the Catholic Church. So, Christianity is general of Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant.

基督教的经典是《圣经》。《圣经》中记述的都是上帝的启示,是基督教徒信仰的总纲和处世的规范,是永恒的真理。Christian classic is "Bible." "Bible" is accounts of God's revelation, is the Christian General principles of faith and life skills standards, is the eternal truth.


Major Christian festivals are Christmas, Ming Festival, Easter, Ascension Day, Halloween, etc.

来源:(http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_59f324360100gnl3.html) - 基督教简介(中英文对照)_杨羽_新浪博客

基督教传入中国大约有四次:一是唐朝,一是元朝,一是明朝,一是鸦片战争之后。Christianity came to China about four times: tang dynasty, yuan dynasty, ming dynasty, after the Opium War.

基督教对西方文明产生了非常大的影响。自由、平等、博爱为中心的人文主义传统,使得生而平等观点深入人心,成为《独立宣言》《人权宣言》中的核心,成为后来西方民主政治的一种长远的精神推动力。Christianity had a very big impact to Western civilization. Humanist tradition, as the center of freedom, equality, and fraternity, enjoyed "born equal" popular support, became heart of "Declaration of Independence," "Declaration of Human Rights", and a long-term spiritual driving force of the Western democratic.

中世纪教会对王权有一个强有力的制约.教权作用在精神层面,它对世俗王权划下了一条清晰的界限,这为人的思想自由和独立人格提供了保障。Medi church had a strong constraint to royal power. Church authority was the spiritual level, and drawn a clear boundary to secular kingship. This provided a guarantee to thought freedom and independence of personality


Sin of thought, made the approach to governing the country, and should rely on the system, the law ,which achieved leap from "rule of man" to "rule of law". Moreover, the concept of atonement had caused the emergence of the spirit of capitalism to promote the development of Western capitalism.


