thesilkroad丝绸之路演讲稿 docx

发布时间:2020-11-23 10:47:37   来源:文档文库   

Maybe you have heard about the Silk Road or read it yourself long before so that

you have already understood the constantly changing and endless barren desert as

well as its quietness. Maybe you have met it in the numerous words before. Haven

t you understood its brilliance hidden in the relics on the ancient route left to

us by our ancestors that has gone through the test of over 2000 years of trials and

hardships And then do you still want to listen to the bells on the camels that have

been pleasant to your ears for years in and out along this historical route that

goes through Asia and Europe and maintains the civilization of east and west and

appreciate the flourishment and continuous flow on the broad ancient route Well,

let s read the Silk Road in the virtual world built by the net technology!

A 10,000-li silver ribbon, starting at Chang an (Xi an today), the ancient capital

of China, and ending at the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea, links up fields,

deserts, grasslands, and mountains. This is the Silk Road famed in world history,

the first thoroughfare that links up China with the West.

2000 ago, our ancestors opened up a great road--the Silk Road.

China was the first country in the world to breed silkworms and produce silk. The

Silk Road was first conceived during the Zhou and Qin dynasties. From ., Zhang Qian,

outstanding Western Han diplomat and traveler, first blazed a trailin the West,

and the Silk Road was formally inaugurated as China snational roadlinking

feathers. Palace officials stables were crowded with thoroughbred horses:

and the western countries.

Different Routes of the Silk Road

There is more than one route of the Silk Road. The routes vary

due to their different destinations in the west in the different dynasties. But there are three main routes.

The route along the north side of Tianshan Mountain is the North Tianshan Route; that along the south side of Tianshan Mountain,

the South Tianshan Route and that along Kunlun Mountain the South Western Region Route. These three routes are called, respectively

from north to south, the north route, the middle route, and the south route.

The above three routes are actually one route before they reach

Loulan, Xingjiang, that is from Xi an ---Lanzhou---the Hexi Corridor---Wuwei---Zhangye---Jiuquan---Dunhuang---Yumen Guan (Yang Guan)---Loulan.

The north route runs from

Loulan---Turfan---Hami---Urumqi---Yining---Yili--west to coast of the Caspian Sea.

The middle route runs from Loulan---Kuche---Aksu---Kashi---west to Iran and to Rome along the coast of Mediterranean Sea.

The south route runs from

Loulan---Qiemo---Yutian---Shache---south to India and Southeast

to the direction of Afghan.

西藏的布达拉 、埃及的金字塔、 身人面像、草原的蒙古包、阿拉伯式的清真寺 有尽有,雕

塑有大漠雄 ,有 路 ,有群 出海,有中流砥柱⋯⋯不可 述。置身其中,宛苦 入了世

界建筑 博物 , 人目不暇接,惊 不已。 些大自然的杰作,堪称鬼斧神工,奇妙无 ,

人佩服得五体投地,令游人流 忘返,更引起无限遐思。从 筋水泥的城市切 到 路敦煌,

面 瑰 多彩的名 古迹、 迷人的塞外 光, 阳关及玉 关 只余下断壁残垣, 置身其 ,

却仍能 感受到 关的 金戈之气,使人不得不慨 史的沉重和 凉。


《thesilkroad丝绸之路演讲稿 docx.doc》
