重庆市八年级英语下册 Unit 6 Topic 3 Bicycle riding-

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Topic3 Bicycle riding is good exercise Section A 【学习目标】 1.重点词汇及短语
2.了解if引导的时间状语从句 3.背诵重点句型及交际用语 【学习重点】
1.了解if引导的时间状语从句 2.背诵重点句型及交际用语 【学习难点】
了解if引导的时间状语从句 【自习】 (一)重点词汇
I.看第132P43-44的新单词,试拼读,并小组内相互拼读。 II.熟记并默写。
1.乘客 2.疯狂的 3.任何地方 4.污染 5.优点,优势 6.不同意 7.骑,骑手 . 在文中划出下列短语并翻译

1.不同意某人 ____________ 2.一起交通事故 ____________ 3.你很快就会习惯 ____________ 4.更自信一点 ____________ 5.遵守交通规则 ____________ 6.节约能源 ____________ 7.造成空气污染____________ 8.世界各地 ____________ 11.立刻 ____________ 12.送某人去某地 ____________ 13.询问 ____________ 【知识链接】
1.I think traffic in Beijing is crazy.译:________________________ Crazy在句中意为“拥挤的”,traffic is crazy = traffic is heavy/busy/terrible意为“交通拥堵”。Crazy本意是“疯狂的,不理智的。
短语:be crazy about sth.“热衷于”。Be crazy about sb.“迷恋,爱上” 2.When I first arrived,I was afraid of ridiing my bike anywhere. 译:____________________________________________________________________ anywhere 在肯定句中意为“无论何处,随便哪里”。E.g:Put the box down anywhere. Anywhere多用于疑问句和否定句中,意为“什么地方”例:Did you go anywhere interesting?:______________________________ 3.If people obey the traffic rules,there will be fewer accidents. 译:___________________________________________ If意为“如果,假如”,引导条件状语从句,由if引导的条件状语从句,若主句是将来时态、祈使句或含有情态动词,从句常用一般现在时。
练习:If you __________(befree tomorrow,please help Jim. If it __________(rain this afternoon,you should take an umbrella. If Nancy ________(pass the exam,she will go to Australia for English. 如果条件状语从句中假定的动作不会发生,unless(除非连接从句,相当于if……not 练习:I wont go there unless I hear from you.=________________________________. 4.pollution.作名词,意为“污染,弄脏”。Pollute 作动词,意为“污染,弄脏”。 短语:clean pollution“清除污物” control pollution“控制污染”
5.disagree意为“不同意,反对”,是agree的反义词,短语:disagree with sb. disagreeagree加否定前缀变化而来的,类似的有:likedislike,honestdishonest pleasuredispleasure. 6.a little more confident“更自信一点”,a little意为“……一点”,much意为“……得多”。都放于比较级之前,加强比较的程度。
9 ________ 10. ___________
10.use sth.for doing sth.意为“运用……做某事”练习:我用钢笔写字。译:_____________ 【自疑】 我想问:

___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 家长签字_________________预习等级__________________组长签字_______________二、 【自主探究】

活动一:Listen to 1a ,do 1b and answer 1c and discuss 1d. 活动二:listen to 2 and complete it. 活动三: finish 3a and 3b. 【自测】
1If it ________ rain tomorrow, well go to the zoo. Awont Bdoesnt Cdont Disnt 2I dont know if she___________. If she __________, please let me know. Acomes; comes Bwill come; comes Ccomes; will come Dwill come; will come 3----- Lets _________ soccer ball! ----- That sounds good. A .plays B. to play C. play 4It will be impossible ___ Zhang Yining. Awin Bto win Cbeat Dto beat 5I dont know ___ next. Awhat to do Bhow to do Cwhat should I do Dhow should I do
Covered,without,host,frighten,central,through 1. --- Dont ___________ the dog. --- Im sorry. 2. --- Congratulation! You did so well in the exam. --- Thanks. I couldnt do well __________ your help. 3. --- Wheres Jiang han ping yuan? --- Its a ___________ area in China.

4. --- Dont rush when you go _________ the gate. --- Ouch, who steps on my foot? 5. --- Look, the snow is so beautiful. --- Yes, it ___________ the whole mountain. 按要求写出单词的变化形式
1lead(过去式)__________ 2impossible(反义词)____________ 3.cycle(名词)___________

4certain(副词)_____________ 5time(形容词)____________ 6space(同义词)____________ . 【自结】 我想说:

___________________________________________________________ . ___________________________________________________________


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