美媒:中国高新武器频涌现 造出氙离子推进器

发布时间:2014-03-07 15:26:15   来源:文档文库   

美媒:中国高新武器频涌现 造出氙离子推进器












The United States "popular science" magazine web site reported on March 3, the original problem: "the year of 2014: the east Arsenal". China's main weapon manufacturers the northern industrial company recently updated the website, to attract more foreign buyers to purchase all kinds of modern land-based weapon, the United States in 2012, the department of defense report called the Chinese military enterprise in the global competitiveness of ascension.

GS - 1 guided shells can aim at the tank engine

The GS - 155 type 1 mm round will www.zshtech.com deserve special attention: the infrared guidance ability to target the tank engine. As the owner of China's 155 mm artillery, U.S. Allies Saudi Arabia and Kuwait may well become a GS - type 1 shell potential buyers, ironically, the weapon could be used against tanks and China closer to Iran.

Useful - 05 single-soldier combat weapons of the gulf of Aden in China debut anti-piracy campaign. Despite its electronic aiming system, hanging objects under assault rifles and 20 mm "smart" the combination of the www.baigoo.net grenade launcher to let such a weapon is a bit like the experimental XM - 29 K ideal individual combat weapons and South Korea - 11 grenade launchers, actually useful - 05 totally different from them. Useful - 05 single shot and manual bolt grenade launcher makes it can easily convert ammunition according to specific tasks.

The type 094 submarines or in the beginning of the year deterrent patrols

Reported that all three type 094 "jin" class of nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines gathered at the naval base on the tropical island of hainan sanya, may for personnel training, and further perform the task. The type 094 is a major Chinese ballistic missile submarines, each submarine can carry up to 12 7200 km range of "waves" - 2 submarine-launched ballistic missiles, has been completed the test last year. In the next version of the "wave" - 2 missile will be able to hit the most parts of the United States. Navy intelligence analyst, said in 2014, could start to used in type 094 submarines deterrent patrols.

The dock landing ships in early February, 2014, 2014 type, 052 b and 052 c type missile destroyer in the eastern Indian Ocean (near Indonesia and Australia) amphibious assault and fleet defence exercises. An air cushion landing craft and three helicopters also participated in the exercise. Military deployment in the eastern Indian Ocean is not on behalf of the Chinese navy can now through the amphibious warships in the Indian Ocean expedition, but it shows that China's increasingly assertive on naval battle.

In January two flight hypersonic glide weapons

According to the report, at the beginning of 2014, the Chinese military to marvel the world, in January, China hypersonic glide weapons conducted two flight. This continuous experiments show hypersonic technology is the key areas of China's military development.

Report, compared with a ballistic missile, a hypersonic glide weapons increased mobility and reduce the flight path, can increase the range and improve the hit accuracy and avoid the missile defense system, if it into combat will pose a threat to the us navy aircraft carrier and joint base.

Since 2012, after 10000 hours of operation, China's success on 9 "practice" scientific satellite XIPS - 20 xenon ion thruster test work. The propeller is only 200 mm in diameter and weighs 200 grams. Ion thruster's main advantage is that, although with chemical fuel engines, ion thruster force but relatively weak stability, high efficiency, use less fuel. In space exploration, small diameter of ion thruster can also reduce the weight of the satellite.


《美媒:中国高新武器频涌现 造出氙离子推进器.doc》
