
发布时间:2019-03-22 20:32:08   来源:文档文库   

SBS#4A 现在完成时 、过去完成时,过去时练习 2015-9-2

一、        单项选择.

1. Jim turned off the lights and then the classroom.b5E2RGbCAP

A. was left B. had left C. has left D. leftp1EanqFDPw

2. Both his parents look sad . Maybe they _________what's happened to him .DXDiTa9E3d

. knew. have known . must know .will know RTCrpUDGiT

3. He has _______ been to Shanghai, has he ?

. already .never .ever . still

4. The train from Beijing ten minutes ago.

A. has arrived B. was arriving C. arrived D. had arrived5PCzVD7HxA

5. Have you met Mr Li ______

. just . ago .before . a moment ago

6. The famous writer _____ one new book in the past two yearjLBHrnAILg

. is writing .was writing .wrote .has writtenxHAQX74J0X

7. —Our country ______ a lot so far .

Yes . I hope it will be even ______ .

. has changed ; well . changed ; good

. has changed ; better . changed ; better

8. Zhao Lan ______already ______in this school for two years .LDAYtRyKfE

. was ; studying . will ; study. has ; studied . are ; studying Zzz6ZB2Ltk

9. We ______ Xiao Li sinceshewas a little girl .

. met. havemet. have known . knew

10. The students their classroom when the visitors arrived.dvzfvkwMI1

A . have cleaned B. had cleaned C. was cleaned D. have been cleanedrqyn14ZNXI

11. My brother here for three years.

. have come. came. haven’t come.come

12. —These farmers have been to the United States . Really? When _____ there ? EmxvxOtOco

. will they go . did they go . do they go . have they gone SixE2yXPq5

13. —______ you ___ your homework yet ? Yes . I _____ it a moment ago . 6ewMyirQFL

. Did; do; finished . Have; done; finished . Have; done; have finished . will; do; finish kavU42VRUs

14.His father ______ the Party since 1978 .

. joined . has joined . was in . has been in y6v3ALoS89

15. By the time my parents reached home yesterday, I the dinner already.M2ub6vSTnP

A had cooked B. cooked C. have cooked D. was cooked0YujCfmUCw

16. —Do you know him well ? Sure .We _________ friends since ten years ago . eUts8ZQVRd

. were . have been . have become . have made sQsAEJkW5T

17. —How long have you ____ here ? About two months . GMsIasNXkA

. been . gone . come . arrived

18. She had written a number of books the end of last year.TIrRGchYzg

A. for B. in C. by D. at7EqZcWLZNX

19. Hurry up! The play __________ for ten minutes . lzq7IGf02E

. has begun . had begun . has been on. began

20. It _____ ten years since he left the army .

. is . has . will . was

21. Miss Green isn't in the office. She_______ to the library . zvpgeqJ1hk

.has gone. had went .went. has been

22. I1000 English words by the time I was ten.

A. have learned B. was learning C. had learned D. learntNrpoJac3v1

23. My parents ______ Shandong for ten years .

. have been in . have been to. have gone to . have been 1nowfTG4KI

24.He in Beijing for six years. He in Shanghai now.fjnFLDa5Zo

A. lived; lived B. has lived; livedC. have lived; lives D. lived; livestfnNhnE6e5

25. has Mr White been a member of Greener China since heto China? HbmVN777sL

A. How soon, comes B. How often, got C. How long, came D. How far, arrived V7l4jRB8Hs

26. His uncle for more than 9 years.

A. has come here B. hadbeenhereC. has lived there D. has left the university 83lcPA59W9

27. Hein the factory for three years before he joined the Army.mZkklkzaaP

A. has worked B. works C. had worked D. will workAVktR43bpw

28. — I’m sorry to keep you waiting.— Oh, not at all. I _____ here only afew minutes.ORjBnOwcEd

A. have been B. had been C. was D. will be

29. — my glasses? — Yes. I them on your bed a minute ago.2MiJTy0dTT

A. Do you see; have seen B. had you seen; have seengIiSpiue7A

C. Would you see; sawD. Have you seen; saw

30. I from Henry for a long time.A. don’t hear B. hadn’t heard uEh0U1Yfmh

C. have heard D. haven’t heard

31. My mother_____ in that factory at the age of 18.IAg9qLsgBX

A. had worked B. has worked C. worked D. worksWwghWvVhPE

32. You don’t need to describe her. I ____her several times.asfpsfpi4k

A. had met B. have met C. met D. meetooeyYZTjj1

33. It is the third time you ____ late thisweek.

A. had beenB.areC. have beenD. will be

二. 按正确地形式填空.

1. We (live) in the house for three years.

2. That rich old man (make) a will before he (die).BkeGuInkxI

3. They (study) the map of the country before they (leave).PgdO0sRlMo

4. The robbers (run away ) before the policemen (arrive).3cdXwckm15

5. I (turn off) all the lights before I (go) to bed.h8c52WOngM

6. She comefor a long time.

7. The old man _________ last year. He for a year. (die) v4bdyGious

9. Miss Gao left an hour ago. (同义句转换)

It an hour since Miss Gao .


1. 从上次见他到现在已经六年了.(提示since

2. 到上个星期为止,我已经读了七本书.(提示by

3. 我到这里已经三年了.(提示have been in

4. 当他醒来时,雨已经停了.(提示:when


一. 单项选择:

1. ●●←过去 现●在 将来→

关灯 离开



2.●←过去 现●在 将来→

发生在son身上地事 看起来伤心,可能知道了



3. 因为反意疑问句用地是has he?所以主句应该是一个否定地形式,只能是never了,故选B.

4.过去 现●在 将来→

ten minutes ago时间点(到达)


two days ago

过去 现●在 将来→


two days ago 是一个点时间,表示从现在往过去推two days地时间地那个时间点

two days before


过去 现●在 将来→

two days ago时间点(之前地时间)

before表示从 两天前地点 再无限往历史地方向延伸地时间段.是一个时间段这段时间不包括两天前地点bR9C6TJscw



5. 从现在无限往过去延伸地时间段(不包括现在这个点)

过去 现●在 将来→


题意: 你以前见过李先生吗?

Have可知题中用地是现在完成时,题意是:你以前认识Mr. Li吗?也就是在说话时地以前,也就是现在地以前,所以用before才可以满足:发生在过去,到说话时刚刚结束.故选C.pN9LBDdtrd


6.●←过去 现●在 将来→

two years ago


in the past two years指地是时间轴上描红地部分,可以看出时间是:从two years ago 开始到现在为止.符合现在完成时地定义.故选D.DJ8T7nHuGT

7. 时间范围是从无限地过去到说话地现在为止

过去 现●在 将来→


由句中“so far”可以知道:时间是到说话时为止.也就是说从过去开始一直到so far完成地动作,毫无疑问答案是从AC中选,后一个空显然是希望国家变地更好,所以答案选C.QF81D7bvUA

8. 时间从two years ago开始到现在结束

●←过去 现●在 将来→

two years ago


很显然时间地范围是:从two years ago到现在为止,符合现在完成时地定义,故选C.

9. 时间范围:从Xiao Li还是个小女孩到现在

●←过去 现●在 将来→

Xiao Li was a little girl


此题考地是have / has done since+一个过去时间点地固定用法,意思是:….时候起就开始做某事,知道说话才结束.所以此处地动词必须是延续性动词,不能是非延续性动词(点动词).所以AB选项地点动词met不可以选,而D选项地时态不符合这个用法,故选C.4B7a9QFw9h


“不meet”发生地时间所以“不meet”才是持续发生地:例如:He hasn’t met his uncle since 2005.ix6iFA8xoX

10.●●←过去 现●在 将来→

打扫教室 访客来



11. three years ago到说话地现在

●←过去 现●在 将来→

three years ago


过去某个时间开始到说话时完成地动作是现在完成时,问题是选A,还是选C.因为“come”是非延续性动词(点动词),所以当他到地一瞬间已经完成这个动作.因此非延续性动词(点动词)不可以跟一段时间地状语“for three years”、“since 1998”等连用,非延续性动词地否定形式才可以.故选Cwt6qbkCyDE

12. 时间范围是从无限地过去到现在

过去 现●在 将来→




13. 题意:——你做你地作业了吗?——是地,我刚刚完成.

乍看题意觉得两句话都应该用现在完成时,都有发生在过去说话前刚刚完成地地意思.但是我们仔细看会发现第二句话里有一个时间状语a moment ago”是一个具体地时间点,符合一般过去时地时间状语.所以问句是现在完成时,答句是一般过去时.故选B. Yl4HdOAA61

14.过去 现●在 将来→



此题考地是have / has done since+一个过去时间点地固定用法.但是join是点动词,不可以在这里表示“从...时候起一直在做某事”.应该用另一种方式表达在部队里呆这个动作.D.ch4PJx4BlI

15.●←过去 现●在 将来→

做好饭 父母到家


by+时间点意思是“到...为止”. by+现在地时间点可以做现在完成时地时间状语;by+过去地时间点可以做过去完成时地时间状语;此题父母到家时,他(她)已经完成了做饭地动作,过去完成时.故选Aqd3YfhxCzo

16. 题意:——你认识他吗?——是地,我们从十年前就认识了.

从问句Do you know him well?中可以看出是一般现在时地交谈,另外又看见答句中地“since”可以判定应该用现在完成时.BCD选项中只有B是表示状态地延续动词,其余两个都是“点动词”,故选B.E836L11DO5

17. 题意:你在这里呆多久了? 由题意知这里要填延续性动词,故只能选A.

18.题意她在去年年底写完了很多书.had written可知是过去完成时,故选C.by the end of last year到去年年底为止.S42ehLvE3M

19. 题意:快点!电影都开始十分钟了.


20. 题意:他离开军队已经有十年了.have / has done since+一个过去时间点地固定用法,故选B.501nNvZFis

21. 题意:格林小姐没在办公室,她去图书馆了.

have been to去过某个地方,现在回来了

have gone to去了某个地方,现在还没回来

have been in 现在在某个地方 根据题意很显然应该选择A.

22. 题意:到我十岁为止我已经学了一千个英语单词. by the time I was ten可知此处要用过去完成时.故选C.jW1viftGw9

23. two years ago到现在为止

●←过去 现●在 将来→

Ten years ago






25. 题意:从怀特先生到中国到他成为绿色中国组织成员有多久了?

How soonhow long地区别:how soon “还要多久” how long“多长时间”xS0DOYWHLP

此题显然问地是多长时间,所以要用how long.另外:arrive at get to come toLOZMkIqI0w

是固定地搭配.此处用get to come to皆可,但是get to地话是外国人说地,come toZKZUQsUJed


26. 题意:他地叔叔住在这里九年多了.

因为没有过去地时间状语,所以排除B.另外come leave都是点动词,所以只能


27.过去 现●在 将来→

在工厂工作 参军



28. 题意:——对不起让你久等了.——一点也不,我才在这里呆了几分钟.



29. 过去 现●在 将来→

a moment ago时间点


因为对方是否见过眼镜会对现在造成影响,所以问句是现在完成时.答句中地时间状语“a moment ago”是过去地具体时间点,所以符合一般过去时地形式.因此问句现在完成时,答句过去时,选择D.dGY2mcoKtT

30. 从过去地a long time到现在为止

过去 现●在 将来→


hear from someone收到某人地来信.收到来信是一个点动词,所以它地否定形式是延续性动词.有因为for a long time可知,从过去很长时间到现在“没收到信”地动作一直在持续,所以应该选择B.rCYbSWRLIA

31. 过去 现●在 将来→



由时间状语“at the age of 18”可知,这是一个具体地过去地时间点,过去具体时间发生地事是一般过去时地特征.故选C.FyXjoFlMWh

32. 题意:你不用描述她了.我见过她几次.


33. 题意:这是你这个星期第三次迟到了.




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