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1.Ejoy/likelove/e fnd of doin th 喜欢做某事 eg:She i on of doing chemcal xpeients 她喜欢做化学实验.
2.Keepkeep on/carr on/go o doing sth. 继续做某事 egWe kee on ging on an on ause his i wher we both blong 让我们一直拥有,并走下去,因为这是我们俩共同拥有的。 3.Feel like doing sth 想要做某事
egI feel ike iving up o the jb 我觉得我不能从工作中摆脱出来.
4Practice oig sth 练习做某事
e:Thy practic doing so uckly and accurately 他们学习快而准确的做.
5Gie up dig th 放弃做某事
eg:If my bos ass m o do such kind of thing any re I ll give p workig 如果我老板再要我做这样的事,我就辞职不干了. 6B good atdo well in din th. 擅长做某事
eg:For exmple the Dutch do wel in dissng of wastes. 就非常善于使用再生**,例如:荷兰的垃圾。
.Py attetin to ding sth. 注意做某事
egWe should ay tention t our eio n pblic. 公共场所应注意自己的言谈举止.
8。What about/ho bout doing sth. 怎么样(好吗)?
egWhat abot ditig of the film? 这部的编辑怎么样呢? 9Tak you fr doing sth 感谢某人

eg:Thnk ou for lyng with s. 谢谢您乘坐我们的飞机。 10.ind doing sth. 介意做某事
g:Woud you min doin e our? 你介意帮我个忙吗?中考英语必背知识点:重点句型常用动名词
11。Be used for doig sth.be used to o th 被用来做某事 egpters are used to o any os in the office. 电脑在办公室被用来做很多事.
2.Spend in oin sth 花时间做某事
eg:Ho much time you spen doin daily exercise? 你每天花多少时间做运动?
13.Be bsy doing/wit sth。 忙于做某事
eg:He is bsy with sme imrtan work 他忙着处理一些重要的工作。
14。Fis doin th 做完某事
egYu d better fish oing your hmwork toght. 你最好今晚完成家庭作业。
15.Make otibuion to doing st. 做贡献
egWe wil ry our et o mae a contriutio t lighting industr. 竭力为照明事业做出贡献!
16Preer dong sth to doin th 喜欢 胜过

eg:He prefer doing to talking。 他宁愿做,不愿说。 17.Be/et used o ding sh 习惯做某事
eg:Life i not fair ge se to t 生活是不公平的,但我们要适应它。
8Keepstop/prvnt fom doing sth. 阻止某人做某事 g:Unless e gt r undng we ll be prevented frm fishing our exeriental poramme 除非我们得到更多的拨款,否则就会妨碍完成这项试验计划.

1 . . ank frt (both in... 2 . .in prortio to..
3 A s by far he largst... 4 As man as..
5 h number is .。。tmes as much as that of ..
6 The figure has rly doubled/tiled as aainst that of **t year.
7 It ccuts for 35 of.。.
8) B parsn with .。, it decesed/increasedfell fom.t..
9 .。ris rapidly(slowly 10) ...remain evel... 1 。。.rah .
1Thr is a slight/slowsteady/rapid ris/ncrease demand/ie./pulation/prces./production./decrease/declne/redctio/falldop i
13 b on th icese/deceaserise/deline ( 在不断的增加,减少,上升,下降) 中考英语必背知识点(三)
1 Thee are some/two/man good reaons for。../to do.。。 2 We he tw good reaos fo.. 3 The eson fr .. is that 从句
Ang te st convincing rason given b peope for.。。, n huld be etioned。。.
5 One ay think o the trnd as a resut of。。。

6 Te ne n.. lagel resuts from th fct that。.. 7 Ther are seveal cause for this sigfcant growth in.. First..
8 A number of factors coud account fr th ... 9 t s no simle task to giv te reason for .
10 The cuse of /reason for higher price was an incease in demn.
1 **use/AsNow thatSince he dmand has inceaed th ries are hgher。
12 A nrese n dmand causes/results in/leads to/roduces hger rices
13 The dead hs increaed。
4 Threfre/As a resut/Fr ths reason,/B**use of tis/Conseuenly the rces re higher
5 If there is an inceae i demand, thn rices rie/o up. /boost/are highr
16 ifferet people lok at.。.i diffrent ways。。.


