【最新推荐】一个良好的习惯英语作文【带翻译】-推荐word版 (2页)-

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导语: 坏的习惯必须打破,好的习惯必须加以培养,然后我们才能希望我们的举止能够坚定不移始终如一地正确,今天小编为大家整理习惯的英语 范文,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关CNFLA学习网! 关于习惯的的英语作文: 201X.5.2 sunny on Saturday When it comes to good habits, I brood, as if no, feel good habits can't match with me above, other people think so, too, to this, my heart was deeply ashamed of myself. Take today, for instance, I went to "dandelion" piano competition, it's time to close game, me and the players coming into the game. Because this several days I didn't practice practice on solid, leading to excessive tension, I even heard your heartbeat, after taking office, I have several are wrong. You see! This is my usual practice is not serious, to the teacher and her mother pointed out wrong convictions, was responsible for the result of the failure of today. At this moment, I'm sorry, I could have a chance to showcase slipped away from me, just like that. Ah! What a pity! Through this matter today, I finally realized that I have many bad habits at ordinary times, such as: a procrastinator, not serious; Between running madly love; As students, teachers and parents help me to point out mistakes, I don't have to accept, is a repeat one's mistakes. Don't, I really don't have any good habits? I think not. Love Labour, love sports, listening carefully in class... Don't these, is also my good habits? Recognition, from now on, I will gradually to correct bad habits, bit by bit to store good habits, to develop good habits with me! 参考翻译: 201X.5.2 星期六 说到好习惯,我苦思冥想了好一阵,好象没有,觉得好习惯跟我搭不上边,别人也这么认为,对此,我内心深感惭愧。 就拿今天来说吧,我去参加“蒲公英”钢琴比赛,临近比赛的时间到了,我和选手们陆陆续续地进入了赛场。由于这几天我练琴练得不扎实,导致我过度紧张,连自己的心跳声都听见了,上台后,我有好几处都弹错了。 你看吧!这就是我平时练
琴不认真,对老师和妈妈指出的错误屡教不改,才造成今天这种失败的结果。这时,我难过极了,一个能让我充分展示的机会就这样从我身边溜走了。哎!么可惜呀! 通过今天这件事,我终于领悟到平时我有多少坏习惯了,比如:做事拖拖拉拉,不认真;课间爱疯跑;当同学、老师和家长帮我指出错误时,我没有虚心接受,真是一错再错。 难道,我真的一点好习惯都没有吗?我想,不是的。爱劳动、爱运动、上课认真听讲……这些,不也是我的好习惯吗? 从现在起,我要痛改前非,逐步改正坏习惯,一点一点储存好的习惯,让好的习惯伴随着我成长!


《【最新推荐】一个良好的习惯英语作文【带翻译】-推荐word版 (2页)-.doc》
