
发布时间:2010-12-17   来源:文档文库   

Unit 15 The Necklace 知能聚焦Language focuses

dormitory recognize surely diamond explain ball jewelry franc continue lovely debt precious positive attend earn lecture silly mosquito bat author besides outline plot quality worth marry
cost after all call on day and night at (themost (not any more try on be made of
fall asleep on the\one’s way to pay off would rather take up make money come
up with (notat all act out bring back Three friends have been hiking in the mountains all day. What happened to? I’m sorry, but I don’t think I know you. Can’t you just? That’s why? Why don’t we? It got dark before they could get home. I would rather not. There were so many beautiful things that it was hard to choose. 1.征求对方许可(Ask for permission May\Can\Could I do? I wonder if I can\could do?
Do you mind?
Shall we? Is it possible? 2.讨论可能性(Talk about possibilities
It can’t be .
It could

He might. They must.

情态动词(3must, can \ could , may \ might的用法

课前热身Warming Up 1. Background knowledge
About the author Guy de Maupassant (莫泊桑1850-1893 was a well-known French novelist and short-story writer. He was born in Normandy, France, on August 5, 1850. As a school boy, he was very much interested in literature, and won a prize for one of his poems. So his writing began at an early age, and he became a famous novelist in his thirties. He wrote in the tradition of the 19th century French realism. Most of his works were about everyday life of the simple humble people. As he had worked in government departments since 1871, he became familiar with the life of government workers. This experience helped him create his best short storyThe Diamond Necklace. He had a fine use of irony. His style was direct and simple, with attention to realistic detail. The play we are going to learn is typical of Maupassant’s choice of topic and characters and his style and use of irony. Maupassant suffered a great deal from illness in his later life. He only lived for 43 years and died in Paris on July 6, 1893. He had a short life, but his works will last forever. 2. Topics .Do you know anything about drama and theatre? .Have you ever acted in a play? What role did you play? 1

.How many famous actors or actresses do you know in Peking Opera? Can you tell us something about them? .What kind of plays do you like best, funny plays, serious plays or sad ones? .What kind of a person do you think Mathilde in the Necklace is? 读写指导Instructions for reading and writing 1. Reading The Necklace
Scene1: Meeting with an old friend Main idea Scene2: An invitation to a ball in the palace Scene3: The story of a lost necklace 主旨大意
getting the invitation borowing a necklacelosing the necklaceDevelopment of the play buying a new necklacereturning the necklacelearning the 剧情发展

Mathilde: a young lady, pretty but vain Characters Pierre:
a government worker, not rich but ambitious Janne: a young lady, rich but warm-hearted 人物特点

2. Writing: How to write a short play? 基础知识
本单元综合技能要求在对话阅读的基础上编写,自演短剧。短剧的编写要注意以下几个方面的问题: .要有完整的故事内容。
.故事情节的发生,发展,结束在时间、地点、逻辑等方面要有一定的连贯性。 .剧本台词要符合剧中人物角色的身份、职业等个性特点。 .人物对话要口语化。
.编写过程一般应遵循确定主题和人物、列出提纲、写出初稿、评价、修改的程序。 习文练习
The Big Grey Wolf(大灰狼)故事改编成三幕短剧。 Scene1: Warning from mother Scene2: Visit of the big grey wolf Scene3: Catching the big grey wolf Sample of Scene 2 Characters: Mama: a middle-aged woman Daniu: a girl of thirteen, her daughter Erniu: a girl of nine, Danius sister The Big Grey Wolf Scene 2: The outer room of a farmers house. There is a table and two chairs in the room. In front of the window, there is a big wooden box. There are two doors, one leading to the inner room, the other to the outside. Big Grey Wolf: (appears outside the door Erniu, Erniu, and my darling! Your granny is here. Open the door. Daniu :( Surprised Who is it? Wolf: Its your granny. Erniu: Hey, Its Granny. Lets open the door. Daniu: Wait a munite.Mamam said Granny was coming tomorrow. How is it you are here already? Wolf: I meant to come tomorrow, but I missed Erniu so much that I decided to come earlier. Daniu: And why is your voice so strange? Wolf: Ive been ill for three months, so Ive lost my voice. Erniu, hurry up and open the door. Im getting so tired with standing here, you bad girls. Let your granny into the house. Erniu: Coming. (She tries to open the door Daniu: (In a low voice Stop, Erniu.Mama often tells us to be careful with strangers. And we must make sure who she really is before we let her in.

要点解析Key points analysis

1.make up 作为及物动词短语,有许多种含义。 .编制、虚构、捏造
make up a story \ a dialogue编对话、故事 .组成

Five doctors and ten nurses made up this medical team. =This medical team was made up of five doctors and ten nurses. 这个医疗队由五名医生和十名护士组成。 .弥补、补偿
We must make up for the time lost. 我们必须把损失的时间弥补回来。 2.recognize vt.意思是“(辨)认出”
Finally he recognized my voice on the phone. 他终于在电话上听出了我的声音。
My first teacher had changed so much that I couldn’t recognize him at first. 我的启蒙老师变化如此之大,以至于起先我都没认出他来。
【辨析】recognize 瞬时动词,强调“认出从前曾经见过或听说过的人或事物”。
know 延续性动词,意为“相识、认识”,强调早就或一直认识、熟悉的人或事物。
I recognized Jane at the first sight although she was wearing a pair of dark glasses. 尽管珍妮戴着一付墨镜,我还是一眼就认出了她
The had known each other for several years before they got married 他们相识几年之后才结的婚。
3marry vt 娶、嫁; vi 结婚。使用该动词在表意时要注意其瞬时、状态等的不同形式及其 与介词的搭配。
A marry B (瞬时)

A get married (to B (瞬时) A be married( to B (状态) 例如:
Are you married? 你结婚了没有?
My brother got married to a nurse last month. 上个月我弟弟和一个护士结了婚。
She married a farmer against her mother’s wish. 她违背母亲的意愿嫁给了一个农夫。
In some areas of the countryside, the young usually marry early. 在一些地区的农村很多人都早婚。 She has married all her three daughters. 她把三个女儿都嫁出去了。
The priest is going to marry the young couple on the New Year’s Day. 牧师要在元旦为两位新人主持婚礼。
4. worth adj._having a certain value, of value, equal to 价值、值得 My new jacket is worth 50 yuan. 我的新茄克值五十元。
I’ve spent many sleepless nights on the experiment, but it is worth it. 我已在这项实验上花了许多不眠之夜,但这是值得的。 This film is well worth seeing again. 这部电影值得再看一遍。
另外be worthy也表“值得”之意,但在语言形式上与be worth有很大区别。 be worth +n \ doing (主动式)
be worthy of + n \ being done (被动式) be worthy to be done

The Great Wall is well worth another visit.

The Great Wall is well worth visiting again.
The Great Wall is worthy of another visit. The Great Wall is worthy of being visited again.
The Great Wall is worthy to be visited again. 5.cost, spend, pay ,take 这四个动词都有“花费、用去”之意,但用法与句型不同。 cost 主语通常为物,用于sth cost sb money spend 主语通常为人,用于 sb spend time \ money on sth \ (in doing sth pay 主语通常为人,意为花钱买或“为付钱”用于
pay money for sth take 主语通常为物或形式主语it,多指花费时间,用于It takes sb time to do sth 请看例句:
The new house cost all of Mr. Smith’s savings. 新房子花去了史密斯先生所有的积蓄。
I usually spend half an hour (in learning English the evening. 我通常在晚上花半个小时时间学英语。 How much did you pay for your new car? (你买新车花了多少钱?
It took two hundred workers a whole year to complete the bridge. 200名工人花了整整一年时间才建成这座桥。
6continue vt \ vi _go on with sth; keep doing sth继续 常用下列句式: continue to do sth continue doing sth
continue with sth 例如:The heavy rain continued for a week. 这场大雨一连下了一个星期。
Don’t lose your heart, continue with your research. 别灰心,继续研究。
After a short rest, we’ll continue discussing the plan. 休息片刻之后,我们将继续讨论这个问题。
7acceptreceive这两个词均有“接受、收到”之意。但accept 表示“主观上经过考虑(愿意或乐意)接受、领受”与否,而receive 则表达“客观上收到”与否。 请比较:
My sister received an invitation to a party, but she didn’t want to accept it. 我妹妹收到了参加晚会的请柬,但她并不想接受。 Our teacher won’t accept the plan. 我们老师不会接受这个计划的。
Have you received your mother’s letter? 你收到妈妈的来信了吗? He accepted my gift gladly. 他愉快地接受了我的礼物。
jewellery“珠宝、首饰”的总称。通常为不可数名词,也可拼写为jewelry其可数名词的单 数形式为jewel。同类不可数集体名词还有clothing(衣物machinery(机器furniture(家具 . timestime的复数形式,意思是“境况、日子、时代、次数、倍数”等。 例如:hard times 艰难时代
modern times现代
several times 几次、几倍
work 工作——works 工厂 drink 喝—— drinks 饮料 sand 沙子—— sands 沙滩 force 武力—— forces 军队 paper 纸—— papers 报纸、文件、试卷 good 好处—— goods 货物 9.take up 在本单元意思是“从事(某项工作、任务等)”、“开始干”。

The boy took up basketball at the age of seven. 这个男孩从七岁起就开始打篮球了。
I had expected to take up writing before graduation. 毕业前我盼望着从事写作。
另外take up还有“拿起、占据(空间等)”之意
We can’t put the piano right here. It takes up too much room. 我们不能把钢琴就放在这儿,它占的空间太大了。 He took up his pen and began to write. 他拿起笔写了起来。
10try on (v+adv put on clothes, hats or shoes to see if it is fit 试穿(衣物等) She tried on almost all the hats in the shop before she bought one. 她几乎把店里的帽子都试了一遍才买了一顶。 Never buy shoes without trying them on first. 要买鞋,先试穿。
11after all, first of all, above all, at all, in all这四组含all短语的意义、用法区别如下: after all 放句首,意为“要知道、别忘了”用于陈述自己的论点或理由;也用于提醒 或劝服对方。放句末时,意为“毕竟、终归”。表示说话人的态度或某种结果与预期的相 反。
first of all 用于句首,意为“首先”,强调事物或活动顺序。
above all 用于句首,意为“首先、尤为重要的是”,强调说话人所谈内容的重要性。 in all 与数词连用,意为“总共、总计”=altogether at all 常用于否定句中,表示“一点也不,完全不”。
例如:Why not go and ask Marry for help? After all, she has been your close friend for years. 为什么不向玛丽求助呢?要知道她是你多年的好朋友。 Children need many things, but first of all they need love. 儿童有许多种需求,但首先他们需要爱。
Although we had tried our best, we failed after all. 尽管我们尽了最大的努力,但最终还是失败了。 Don’t tell the secret to anyone, above all, to my wife. 别把这个消息告诉任何人,尤其是别告诉我妻子。 She is not fit for such a job at all. 她根本就不适合干这种工作。
It is reported that 97 people in all were killed in the fire. 据报道这次大火中共计有九十七人丧生。
12pay off 全部偿还、还清(债务);pay back归还(借款),报答。 例如:
After many years of hard work, they paid off all their debts at last. 多年辛劳后,他们终于还清了所有债务。
I’ve no idea how I can pay you back for all your help. 我不知道怎样才能报答你对我所有的帮助。
Don’t worry; I’ll pay back the money as soon as possible. 别担心,借款我会尽快还清。
13.call on拜访某人;去某地参观、拜访则用 call at Whenever I go down town, I’ll call on my uncle. 每当我进城,都要去看望我叔叔。
Call at his house directly if he doesn’t answer the phone. 如果他不接电话,就直接去他家吧。
14at(themost最多、至多”,其反义词 at(the least为“最少、至少”。 This computer isn’t worth that much at all; it costs 3,000 yuan at the most. 这种电脑根本不值那么多,最多不超过三千元。
You’ll have to pay the boy at least $30 for cleaning all the windows. 你至少的付给这个男孩三十元的窗户擦洗费。
15notany more notany longer这两个副词短语都有“不再,再也不”的意思,其


义综合表达式还可以是 no more, no longer 。其区别在于:notany more (no more强调程 度、数量、次数不再增加、加深或动作终止时的结果,常与名词或瞬时动词连用,多用于 将来 时态。 notany longer (no longer强调时间和状态上不再延续即将现在情况和过去 对比,常与持续性动词连用。 Sorry, Jack no longer works here. ==Jack doesn’t work here any longer. 抱歉,杰克已不再在这上班了。
China is no longer what it used to be. ==China is not what it used to be any longer. 中国不再是昔日之中国。
After that, he wanted no more money from his parents. 从那以后,他再也不向父母要钱了。
As the spaceship travels higher up, there is no more gravity. 随着宇宙飞船越飞越高,就再也没有地心引力了。 The ship sank into the sea, and wasn’t seen any more. 船沉入大海,再也看不见了。
16on one’s \ the way to 在去某地的途中 on one’s way home 回家途中 on one’s way to work 上班路上
on one’s way from school to hospital 在从学校到医院的途中 另外包含way的短语还有: by the way 顺便说说、问问 in the way 挡道,妨碍别人 in this way 用这种方法
in a way 在某种程度上,在某种意义上 17bring out拿出,出版,表现出
She brought all her jewellery for me to choose from. 她拿出自己所有的首饰让我从中挑选。
Our new textbooks will be brought out next month. 我们的新教科书下个月就出版了。
Difficulties can sometimes bring out a person’s best quality. 困难有时可以使人表现出优良的品质。
18Three friends have been hiking in the mountains all day. 本句have been hiking为现在完成进行时,表示动作从以前开始,持续到现在,而且可能 还要进行下去。

I have been working on the report for 3 days. 这份报告已写了三天了。(==The report hasn’t been completed yet 典题MET’98.

__Hi, Nacy, you look tired.
__I am tired. I have been painting the living room all day. have been painting 意为整天一直在给卧室刷涂料,而且paint的动作正在进行还未结束。 试比较:
I have been translating the story into Chinese. (unfinished 我一直在把这个故事翻译成中文。
I have translated the story into Chinese. (finished 我已经把这个故事翻译成了中文。
19Can’t you just wear a flower instead?
否定问句也叫修辞问句,这种句式有很强的表义功能,其基本含义有以下几种: Don’t you think we should try again? (making suggestion 表示提出建议或看法 你不觉得我们应该再试试吗?
Haven’t you met her before? (showing surprise 表惊讶、不信

Can’t you come a little early? (criticizing,表责备、不满 难道你就不能早点来? Isn’t it an interesting film? 电影太有趣了。(表感叹)
当用这种句型表疑问时,请注意其答语与汉语的不同: __Didn’t he tell you the truth? (难道他没告诉你真相吗?) __Yes, he did. (不,他告诉我了) __No, he didn’t. (是的,他没有)
20I would rather not我不愿意告诉你。
would rather通常表示主观上的意愿或选择,可译为“宁可,宁愿”。常在以下句式中出 现: Which would you rather have, tea or coffee? 你喜欢喝茶还是咖啡呢?
I would rather stay at home at weekend. 周末我宁可呆在家里。
I would rather not help him just at this time. (注意否定词not的位置) 此刻我不愿意帮他的忙。
I would rather give her some money than give her a hand. ==I would give her some money rather than give her a hand. (would ratherthan„为平行结构,均要用动词原形 我愿意给她一些钱而不愿意帮她的忙。
I would rather that you came tomorrow. that 从句中谓语动词使用过去式) 我希望你明天来。
21.Do you remember one afternoon ten years ago when I came to your home and borrowed a diamond necklace? when I came„是定语从句,ten years ago将其与先行词one afternoon隔开。限定性定语从句常常紧跟在被修饰词之后,但有时由于句子内容或行文的需要而被其它句子成份隔开,形成分隔性定语从句。理解时,需要仔细辨别。 例如:
He is the only one of the students who has passed the exam. 他是学生中唯一通过考试的。
The days are gone forever when we used foreign oil. 我们使用洋油的日子一去不复返了。 为便于行文紧凑,上句还可调整为:
Gone forever are the days when we used foreign oil. 22There were so many beautiful things that it was had to choose. 漂亮的首饰太多了,实在难以挑选。
so之后常跟形容词、副词。若使用名词,则名词前一定要用 manymuch等不定代词。 He was so careless that he made several mistakes in the exam. 他太粗心了,以致在考试中出了好几处错误。
He lived so far away from the company that he had to go to work by taxi every day. 他的驻地离公司太远,不得不每天打的上班。
Soon there were so many children that the family didn’t have enough food to support them. 很快因为孩子太多,家里没有足够的食物养活他们。
再请注意本句型与such that 句型的转换及修饰语部分与中心词的词序。 这部电影太有意思了,我们想再看一遍。
The film was so interesting that we wanted to see it again. It was such an interesting film that we wanted to see it again. It was so interesting a film that we wanted to see it again. 23. And then I saw a lovely diamond necklace with a big blue stone in the centre. 后来,我看到一条美丽的钻石项链,中间还镶着一颗大的蓝宝石。
with a big blue stone in the centre “with +n +prep phrase”构成,叫做 with的复合结构或无主格结构,在句中7

Did you see a woman with a baby in her arms? 你有没有看见一个怀抱孩子的妇女?
Our teacher came in, with a book in his hand. 老师进来了,手里拿着一本书。
The poor girl looked at me, with tears in her eyes. 那个可怜的小姑娘眼泪汪汪地看着我。
24. 情态动词must, can \could, may \ might的用法 .must
①表示“必须、一定”,否定式must not mustn’t表示强烈的禁止,意思为“不得、不 准、 不许”。 例如:
Everyone must obey the traffic rules. 人人都必须遵守交通规则。 You must tell me the truth. 你必须告诉我真相。
Students mustn’t cheat in any kinds of exams. 禁止学生在任何形式的考试中作弊。
.表示说话人对某种情况的推测。可译为“一定、准是”,常用于肯定句。 He must be working in the classroom, for the lights are still on. 他一定还在用功,因为教室的灯还亮着。 You must be tired after a days hard work. 一天辛劳之后你一定是累了。
.回答must问句时,否定式常用 needntYoud better not表示“不行”使语气更委婉, mustnt则表示“禁止”。 Must I do it right now? 我现在立刻就做这事吗? Yes, you must. 是的,你非做不可。 No, you neednt. 不,你不必现在就做。 No, you mustnt. 不,你现在别做。 . can\could . 表示具备某种“技能”或“能力”could can的过去式。 I can swim across the river. 我能游到河那边去。
We cant finish the task within such a short time. 我们不可能在如此短的时间内完成这项任务。
I can speak very good English now, but a few years ago I couldnt. 现在我能说一口流利的英语,但前几年我不能。
.常用于问句中,用来征询对方的许可或提出请求,could can 委婉式,口语中可与may互换。 Can \Could \ May I have a few words with you? 我能和您说几句话吗?
Could you please let me have a look? 能让我瞧瞧吗?
Can \ Could you speak a little slowly? 请您稍微讲慢点,行吗?
.在陈述句中表“许可”,可与may互换。 You can \ may go now. 你可以走了。
You cant watch TV too long. 8

Look, someone is coming this way. Who can it be? 瞧,有人来了,可能是谁呢?
It cant be professor Li; he has gone abroad. 不可能是李教授,他出国了。 .may \might .表示允许或在问句中征询对方许可,might may 的委婉式,可与can互用,其否定式可用may not(可译为“不可以”,语气较委婉)也可以用mustn’t(语气强硬,表示禁止)
Might \ May I use your bike? 我可以借用以下您的自行车吗?
You may come either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. 你可以明天来也可以后天来。
---Can \ May \Might I take the seat beside you? 我可以坐您旁边这个座位吗?
---Of course, you may. (不可以用you might 当然可以。
---No you mustn’t, it’s broken.
.表示可能性的推测,may的可能性比 might稍大。 The news may \ might be true. 这个消息说不定是真的。
There may be something wrong with the engine, but I’m not sure of it. 或许发动机有什么故障,但我不能肯定。
知能升华Developing Skills
[知能演练] 根据句意和首字母提示,选词填空,注意词的适当形式。 1. I hadn’t seen her for 20 years, but I r____her immediately. 2. Happiness was the most p____gift I could give them. 3. If the rain c___, we’ll have to put off the sports meet. 4. We should be able to pay off the d____within two years. 5. Our newly-built house is w___about $30,000. 6. Visitors have been warned not to wear expensive j___in public places or they will be attacked by thieves. 7. She looks so old b___of lack of exercise and proper diet. [拓展训练]A,B,C,D中选择正确答案。
1. ---Are you going to her birthday party tomorrow? ---I’m not sure. I____ go to the theatre. A. must B. might C. need
D. can 2. You___wash your clothes. The washing machine will do it. A. may not B. mustn’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t
3. Susan___written a report like that. It is so terrible. A.can have B. mustn’t have C. can’t have D.ought to not have
4. Johnny, you___play with the knife, you ___hurt yourself. A. won’t, can’t B. mustn’t, may C. shouldn’t, must D. can’t, shouldn’t 5. Don’t be worried. The news___be true.
A. may not B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. couldn’t
6. You ___walk for miles and miles on the desert without seeing anyone. A. must B. need C. should D. may 知能演练:
1. recognized 2. precious 3. continues 4. debt 5. worth 6. jewellery\ jewelry 7. because 拓展训练:

15 BDCBA 9


