课时提能练13 The Million Pound Bank Note

发布时间:2020-04-17 11:38:35   来源:文档文库   





The most anticipated films of 2018

Thanks to movies like Wolf Warrior 2Never Say DieYouthThe Fate of the Furious and Dangalthe 2017 box office receipts(票房收入) have reached new heights.Meanwhileaudiences have been fed up with Hollywood's long dependence on sequel(续集) films.A lack of original stories has been criticized for a while.

As we embrace the new yearlet's look to the futureand the most anticipated films in the following year.

Guardians of the Tomb

CountryChina and Australia

Release DateJan. 192018

DirectorKimble Rendall

StarsLi BingbingKellan LutzWu ChunKelsey Grammer

An innocent discovery of a well­preserved mummified emperor from 200 BC unearths a 2000­year­old nightmare—a secret that should have remained buried.

Monster Hunt 2


Release DateFeb. 162018

DirectorRaman Hui

StarsBai BaiheJing BoranTony Leung Chiu­wai

Monster Hunt was a huge commercial successbreaking numerous box office records.The story took place in the distant pastwhen the human race existed alongside the monster race.Monster Hunt 2 is the sequel to it.

AvengersInfinity War

CountryUnited States

Release DateMay 112018

DirectorAnthony RussoJoe Russo

StarsRobert Downey Jr.Josh BrolinMark RuffaloTom HiddlestonChris Evans

The upcoming American superhero filmbased on the Marvel Comics superhero team the Avengersis the sequel to 2012's Marvel's The Avengers and 2015's AvengersAge of Ultron.

Hotel Transylvania 3Summer Vacation

CountryUnited States

Release DateJul. 132018

DirectorGenndy Tartakovsky

StarsAdam SandlerAndy SambergSelena GomezDavid Spade

This 3D animated moviethe sequel to Hotel Transylvania 2is a fantasy comedy for your whole family to enjoy.

【语篇解读】 本文是广告宣传类应用文介绍了2018年发行的四部电影。

1What the first two films have in common is that ________

Athey are produced by Chinese companies only

Bthey are sequels to their former ones

Cthey are released in the same month

Dthey are related to stories from the past

D [细节理解题。根据第一部电影的介绍中的An innocent discovery of a well­preserved mummified emperor from 200 BC unearths a 2000­year­old nightmare可知该电影涉及公元前200年的故事;根据第二部电影的介绍中的The story took place in the distant pastwhen the human race existed alongside the monster race可知该电影涉及遥远的过去的事情故答案是D]

2A fan of superhero films would probably go to see ________

AMonster Hunt 2

BAvengersInfinity War

CGuardians of the Tomb

DHotel Transylvania 3Summer Vacation

B [细节理解题。根据题干中的关键词superhero films定位到第三部电影AvengersInfinity War的介绍故答案是B]

3Which of the following is true about the film Hotel Transylvania 3Summer Vacation?

ARobert Downey Jr.stars in it.

BIt is directed by Adam Sandler.

CIt is suitable for the whole family to see.

DYou can see it in the first half of the year.

C [细节理解题。根据第四部电影Hotel Transylvania 3Summer Vocation的介绍中的This 3D animated moviethe sequel to Hotel Transylvania 2is a fantasy comedy for your whole family to enjoy可知答案是C]


(2019·陕西部分学校检测)Thomas Hardyprobably the most searching and knowledgeable novelist of his timewas born on June 21840in DorsetshireEngland.He died on January 111928.In his youthHardy read much and dreamt of becoming a poetbut he studied and practiced architecture as an assistant to a London architectwinning a prize for design.The fine descriptions of structure in his novels were probably somewhat due to his architectural training.

For five years Hardy worked hard to practice writing poetrybut when he was twenty­sevenhe turned to fiction.His first novel finished by 1867but according to the advice of George Meredith he decided not to publish it.After he abandoned his first novelhis another novel Desperate Remediesappeared in 1871.During the next twenty­five years he published ten more novels and two collections of short stories.

Under the Greenwood Tree(1872) was never surpassed(超越) in happy and delicate perfection of art.This and his next novelA Pair of Blue Eyes(1873)began to show deep irony(讽刺) which is so obvious throughout Hardy's writings.

Far from the Madding Crowd(1874) was his first popular success.It shows Hardy's amazing power of describing nature as symbolic background for his charactersan organic part of the action of his story.This was the earliest of what he called his novels of character and environmentwhich included The Return of the NativeTess of the d'Urbervilleshis masterpieceand Jude the Obscure.Not until he was fifty­eight years old was his first collection of poems publishedand he was sixty­four when the first part of his drama The Dynasts surprised the literary world.

【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文主要讲述了作家Thomas Hardy和他的一些作品。

4How did Thomas Hardy benefit from his architectural career?

AHe could practice writing while working.

BHe made a lot of money to support his writing.

CHe found material for his novels and poems.

DHe applied architectural knowledge in his novels.

D [细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句The fine descriptions of structure in his novels were probably somewhat due to his architectural training可知在他的小说中细腻的结构描述可能得益于他在建筑方面的学习训练即他把建筑知识应用到了他的小说中。故选D项。]

5What is Thomas Hardy's Under the Greenwood Tree considered to be?

AOne of his masterworks.

BHis first popular success.

CHis best novel in perfection of art.

DOne of his best collections of poems.

C [细节理解题。根据第三段第一句Under the Greenwood Tree(1872) was never surpassed(超越) in happy and delicate perfection of art可知《绿树林下》在艺术的恰当和熟练方面从未被超越。]

6Which of the following is one of his novels of character and environment?

ADesperate Remedies

BA Pair of Blue Eyes

CTess of the d'Urbervilles

DThe Dynasts

C [细节理解题。根据第四段第三句This was the earliest of what he called his novels of character and environmentwhich included The Reture of the NativeTess of the d'Urbervilleshis masterpieceand Jude the Obscure可知Tess of the d'Urbervilles是性格和环境小说故选C]

7What type of writing is this text?

AA novel.       BA biography.

CA book review. DA news report.

B [推理判断题。通读全文可知本文主要介绍了作家Thomas Hardy和他的一些作品属于人物传记故选B]


(2019·日照检测)One small mistake changed Sonia's life.Now she is __1__ and tries not to miss any opportunities that come to her way.

One daySonia walked __2__ a little boywho wanted to buy crayons(彩色蜡笔)but he couldn't __3__ them.He looked sad when he saw the money in Sonia's hand.__4__ she didn't realize he was in __5__ of help at all.Sonia ignored him and __6__ on her way home.

After reaching homeshe told everything to her brother Gur.Gur told SoniaGod had given you a(n) __7__ to help a boybut you __8__ it.There's a possibility that God was __9__ youmaybe today would have become your big day of your life.Hearing Gur's wordsSonia __10__ back to the shop to find the boy but time never __11__ for anyone.Sonia got disappointed and returned homecontinuously __12__ at herself.Why didn't it come into her mind what Gur had __13__Chances are everywhereand all you need to do is __14__ them because they don't always show upsaid Gur.Now what Sonia has missed is a chance that she can only __15__

On that day Sonia learnt the biggest __16__ in her life.Actually not only Soniabut many of us ignore the chance of helping in __17__ ways because we always run after bigger ones.Howeverbig opportunities do come but not every day.Therefore__18__ small ones so that you can't miss big ones.Sonia also __19__ to wait for big opportunitiesbut now she knows that with small opportunities she can make big __20__ in her life.

【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文讲述了主人公Sonia在错失一次帮助他人的机会后受到哥哥启发从而意识到要不断练习抓住小的机会帮助别人来改变自己的生活的故事。这也告诉我们行善无论大小有机会就要及时抓住。

1A.attentive Boptimistic

Centhusiastic Dfortunate

A [根据空后的and tries not to miss any opportunities that come to her way可知Sonia现在很专注尽力不去错过任何她遇到的机会。attentive专心的optimistic乐观的enthusiastic热情的fortunate幸运的]

2A.through Bby

Cover Dup

B [根据语境可知此处表示Sonia从一位小男孩身旁走过。by经过]

3A.arrange Bafford

Coffer Dgain

B [根据who wanted to buy crayons(色蜡笔)及下文可知小男孩想买彩色蜡笔但是买不起。arrange安排afford买得起offer主动提供gain获得得到]

4A.Thus BBesides

CBut DAnd

C [根据上下文可知空处表示转折。此处表示小男孩需要帮助但是Sonia并未意识到But符合语境。]

5A.favor Bhonor

Cneed Dsearch

C [参见上题解析。in favor of支持in honor of为了纪念in need of需要in search of寻找]

6A.remained Bhurried

Chesitated Dcontinued

D [Sonia没有理睬小男孩继续走自己的路。continue继续符合语境。remain仍然是hurry赶快hesitate犹豫]

7A.direction Bduty

Curge Dopportunity

D [根据文意可知此处指上帝给了你一个机会去帮助小男孩但是你却错过了。direction方向duty责任urge强烈的欲望opportunity机会]

8A.doubted Bmissed

Cpassed Dmistook

B [参见上题解析。]

9A.punishing Bsaving

Ctesting Drefusing

C [上帝可能在(通过这个机会)测试你。test测验考查符合语境。]

10A.stepped Bmoved

Cjumped Drushed

D [Sonia听到哥哥的话后有所感悟故应用跑回去来突出她此时急于弥补错过的机会的心情。step迈步move移动jump跳跃rush急速移动]

11A.longs Banswers

Callows Dwaits

D [根据to find the boySonia got disappointed可知Sonia没有找到小男孩因此此处表示时间不等(waits)人。下文中的wait for big opportunities也是提示。long渴望answer回答allow允许]

12A.angry Bhard

Csurprised Dcrazy

A [由上文可知Sonia第一次忽略了小男孩而没有帮他再次回去也没有找到他所以生自己的气。be angry at sb.生某人的气]

13A.considered Bordered

Crealized Dlearnt

C [为什么她没有想到Gur所意识到的事呢?此处指Sonia的自责和后悔。realize意识到]

14A.strike Bgrab

Cenjoy Dfind

B [机会随处都有但你要抓住(grab)机会。strike]

15A.regret Bupset

Cexperience Dforget

A [现在Sonia所错过的是一个她只能后悔的(帮助别人的)机会。故用regret懊悔]

16A.problem Bchance

Cwisdom Dlesson

D [那天她学到她生命中最大的一个教训(lesson)]

17A.precious Bsmall

Ceasy Defficient

B [实际上不仅Sonia我们很多人都会忽视从小的方面去帮助别人因为我们总是追求更大的方面的机会。]

18A.add Bsupply

Cobserve Dpractice

D [练习小的机会这样你就不会错过大的机会了。practice练习符合语境。add增加supply提供observe观察庆祝遵守]

19A.wanted Bwished

Cused Daccustomed

C [Sonia过去也常常等待大的机会但是现在她知道了小的机会也能使她的生活有大的变化。此处表示过去和现在的对比故选C项。]

20A.sense Bchanges

Cfortune Ddeals

B [参见上题解析。sense意义change改变fortune机会运气deal协议]


《课时提能练13 The Million Pound Bank Note.doc》
