2019高考英语一轮基础达标练题 Unit 1 Great Scientists(含解析)新人教版必修5

发布时间:2019-03-12 19:49:31   来源:文档文库   

Unit 1 Great Scientists



Life satisfaction is the way persons evaluate their lives and how they feel about their directions and options for the future. It's a measure of well-being and may be evaluated in terms of mood, satisfaction with relations with others and with achieved goals and self-concepts to cope with daily life. It's having a favorable attitude towards one's life as a whole rather than just an evaluation of current feelings. Life satisfaction has been measured in relation to economy, education, experiences, and residence, as well as many other topics.

Life satisfaction can reflect experiences that have influenced a person in, a positive way. These experiences have the ability to motivate people to pursue and reach their goals. As a matter of fact, in these experiences there are two kinds of emotions that may positively influence how people understand their life. Hope and optimism both consist of emotional processes that are usually directed towards the reaching of goals. People who have higher life satisfaction are always full of hope for a better future; additionally, optimism is linked to higher life satisfaction, while pessimism is related to symptoms in depression.

The psychologist, Yuval Palgi, studied the old-old-people who were primarily in their nineties. This subject group was found to have thought highly of their past and present, but they thought lower of their future. A large factor that was talked about in life satisfaction was intelligence. The experiments talk of how life satisfaction grows as people become older because they become wiser and more knowledgeable, so they begin to see that life will be better as they grow older and understand the important things in life more. But when they step into their nineties, future becomes a luxury to them.

According to Seligman, the happier people are, the less they are focused on the negative. Happier people also have a greater tendency to like other people, which promotes a happier environment, which then correlates to a higher level of the persons' satisfaction with their life.

1.What can we learn about life satisfaction from Paragraph 1?

A. It can be easily measured through income and education.

B. It includes a positive attitude towards people's entire life.

C. It merely determines people's attitude towards the future.

D. It has nothing to do with the evaluation of current feelings.

2.What emotions have a positive effect on life satisfaction?

A. Motivation and dream.

B. Hope and depression.

C. Optimism and pessimism.

D. Hope and optimism.

3.What was the attitude of most old-old towards their future?

A. They were less hopeful about it.

B. They thought highly of it.

C. They felt satisfied with it.

D. They were scared of it.

4.What may be the best title for the text?

A. Old People Have Much More Life Satisfaction

B. Life Satisfaction—the Key to a Happier Life

C. Optimism Ensures Life Satisfaction

D. Emotions Affect Life Satisfaction


1.B 【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段第三句话中的It's having a favorable attitude towards one's life as a whole…”可知生活满足感包括对人们整个生活的积极肯定的态度,故选B

3.A 【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段第二句话中的“…but they thought lower of their future. 可知大多数old-old对他们的未来不太乐观,故选A

4.B 【解析】主旨大意题。纵观全文可知本文讲的是生活满足感是人们的生活更加幸福的关键,故选B


1Only when he arrived ________the meeting begin.

答案:did “only+状语(从句)”位于句首,句子要部分倒装。由时间状语从句when he arrived可知,应用一般过去时,故填did

2Neither I nor John ________(be) tired of the speech. It is interesting.

答案:is neither ... nor ... 连接两个并列主语,谓语动词的数遵循就近一致原则,故填is

3________(absorb) in writing a letter, he didn't even look up when I came in.

答案:Absorbed be absorbed in ...“全神贯注于……”,此处为分词作状语,故填Absorbed

4That you ________(expose) to the sunlight for too long will be harmful to your skin.

答案:are exposed be exposed to ...“暴露于……;接触……”

5There is no sense in ________(worry) about the future.

答案:worrying There is no sense in (doing) sth. ()某事是没有意义的

6While ________(attend) to the central task, we should unfold the work in other fields.

答案:attending attend to “处理;照料,从句的主语和主句主语一致,且谓语部分含有be动词的相应形式时,可省略从句中的主语和be动词,补充完整为:While we are attending to ...,故填attending

7The bank manager was really ________(blame), though he tried to put it on a clerk.

答案:to blame be to blame “应受责备;应承担责任,为主动形式表示被动意义。

8Mr Reed made up his mind to contribute all he had to ________(set) up some schools for poor children.

答案:setting contribute ... to ...“为……奉献……”,其中to为介词,其后应用名词、代词或动名词形式,故填setting

9My parents tend to accept any idea ________(put) forward by experts on TV.

答案:put put forward “提出,此处应用过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰名词idea

10I recognized her voice ________moment I picked up the receiver.

答案:the the moment “一…………”



After living near Madrid for a year as an au pair (以帮做家务事等换取食宿的人) three years ago, it was nice to __1__ this weekend. I felt like I was at home and thought how __2__ one can be to feel like this in a place that isn't __3__ your home. I now refer to this town as one of my ‘homes from home’ and have learnt how home is where your __4__ is.

A lot of people get homesick and it is a very __5__ feeling when away from __6__ ones and home comforts. __7__ I have learnt that you can feel at home when you are __8__ in that place with people who __9__ you.Through simply embracing every moment, __10__ friends and enjoying a new __11__ you can feel settled in a short amount of time. I did exactly this when moving to Spain for the first time, as positive thoughts tend to bring positive experiences. Luckily enough, I was __12__ with a host family that were very __13__ which helped to ease the process of feeling happy and settled. I now love visiting when I can to see how the children grow up and feel very blessed by being able to __14__ this.

Yet again, I am living in Spain on my year abroad, but this time with students and not a(n) __15__ in a different region. Nonetheless, the process of __16__ had been easier, as I feel __17__ the Spanish culture already. Of course when moving away from home you have to __18__ many things that are different in comparison to what you call home. However, this is the __19__ of travelling, exploring and __20__ yourself and a new place. A new place that one day you might be able to call your home too.

1A.leave Bplan

Cmove Dvisit

2A.proud Blucky

Cpopular Dreal

3A.finally Bpossibly

Ccompletely Dnecessarily

4A.belief Bdream

Cheart Djob

5A.normal Bunique

Cstrong Duneasy

6A.similar Bunusual

Cloved Drespected

7A.However BTherefore

CInstead DOtherwise

8A.free Bpowerful

Cavailable Dcomfortable

9A.care for Blook for

Cask for Dwait for

10A.missing Bmaking

Cchoosing Daiding

11A.idea Bculture

Chome Dchance

12A.chatting Bplaying

Cliving Ddealing

13A.wise Bhonest

Csuccessful Dfriendly

14A.change Bexperience

Csupport Dimprove

15A.teacher Broommate

Cfamily Dorganization

16A.going on Bturning around

Cstepping forward Dsettling in

17A.accustomed to Bexcited at

Csatisfied with Dinterested in

18A.give up Bstart with

Cadapt to Dcarry out

19A.role Bsecret

Cdelight Dsymbol

20A.helping Bdiscovering

Cenjoying Dcontrolling


1D 根据最后一段开头的Yet again, I am living in Spain on my year abroad, but this time with students可知,作者重访(visit)”西班牙。

2B 根据上文的I felt like I was at home和下文的feel like this可知,在异国他乡能找到家的感觉确实幸运(lucky)”。

3D 如果在某个地方——“不一定(not necessarily)”就是家——能找到家的感觉,那真是幸运。

4C 根据上文的nicefelt likefeel like可知,作者认识到家就是心灵(heart)”的归属地。

5A 根据上文的A lot of people get homesick及常识可知,思乡是一种正常的(normal)”情感。

6C 根据上文的homesick可知,一个人远离自己所爱的(loved)”人和家中的舒适,当然会泛起乡愁。

7A 下文提到的在异乡也能找到家的感觉与上文意义上发生了转折,故选However


9A 根据上文的you can feel at home可知,此处意思是,如果在一个地方能与关爱(care for)”自己的人在一起、觉得比较舒服(comfortable)”,那自然能找到家的感觉。


11B 根据这两个空所在句中的embracing every moment, enjoyingyou can feel settled in a short amount of time可知,如果能珍惜每个瞬间、(making)”些朋友、享受新的文化(culture)”,那很快就能融入当地的生活。

12C 根据下文的host family可知,与寄宿家庭生活(living)”在一起。

13D 根据下文的helped to ease the process of feeling happy and settled可知,寄宿家庭的成员都很友好(friendly)”。

14B 根据上文的see how the children grow up可知,能亲历(experience)”这一过程,作者感到很幸福。

15C 上文的host family是提示。


17A 因为是第二次来西班牙,所以作者这次安定(settling in)”下来要比上次更容易些,因为他已经熟悉(accustomed to)”了当地的文化。

18C 根据本空所在句中的moving away from homedifferent in comparison to what you call home可知,背井离乡自然需要适应(adapt to)”异地不同于家乡的很多方面。


20B 根据However可知,前后表示转折。作者认为虽然需要适应很多新事物,但是这恰巧就是旅游、探索、发现(discovering)”自我的乐趣(delight)”所在。


1Although defeating in the match, we didn't lose heart.


答案:defeatingdefeated 此处表示在比赛中被打败,故应用过去分词表被动。

2When I opened the door, I found my father sitting in his chair, completely absorbing in the newspaper.


答案:absorbingabsorbed (be) absorbed in “全神贯注于……”,此处为过去分词短语作状语。

3It makes a sense to work on the problem before it gets out of control.


答案:去掉a make sense to do sth. “做某事是明智的,合乎情理的,为固定用法,故去掉a

4Neither the teacher nor the students is content with the result.


答案:isare neither ... nor ... 连接两主语时,谓语动词应遵循就近原则

5The plan was put forward at yesterday's meeting, in my opinion, is quite practical.


答案:去掉waswas前加which/that 该句中已有谓语动词is, put forward at yesterday's meeting为过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰作主语的名词plan;也可用定语从句作定语修饰先行词plan,因此添加定语从句的关系词引出定语从句,关系词在从句中作主语,先行词指物,所以在was前加which/that




More and more people are working remotely.Here are some tips to keep in mind to stay focused on your work when working at home

Set and keep regular office hours.

__1__ Then try your best to leave work at the office and turn your phone on silent and enjoy the rest of your day.Give yourself some time to recharge so you can be as productive as possible.

Plan and structure your workdays.

Structure your workdays to maximize(使最大化)efficiency.Take advantage of your body's natural rhythms.__2__ If you know you focus best in the morningresist the temptation to check email until 10 am.or later.

Set aside a designated(指定的)work area.

Try to work at the same spot every day.__3__ And make it a place you enjoy going to each dayan area where you can focus and do your best work.

Take breaks.

Schedule time for frequent breaks throughout the day.Rise from your deskstretch or walk around the house or down the street.__4__ If you need social activitiesgo out to lunch with friends or clients.

Avoid distractions(使人分心的事)

One challenge of working at home is distraction.With no colleagues or partners nearbyit's easy to become distracted.Stay focused on work throughout the day to maintain consistent productivity.__5__

 AIt could be a spare bedroom that you've turned into a home office.

 BPlan your work around your most productive hours.

 CDo your best to set work hours and stick to them.

 DTake a lunch break and enjoy a midday meal.

 EIt is more comfortable to stay at home.

 FSome interruptions can't be avoided.

 GAvoid online distractions as well.


1C 根据本段的小标题“Set and keep regular office hours”可知,此处与工作时间的设定有关,所以选C项。

2B 根据本段的小标题“Plan and structure your workdays”可推知,此处与工作计划有关,并与本段第一句“Structure your workdays to maximize(使最大化)efficiency”呼应,所以选B项。

3A 根据本段小标题“Set aside a designated(指定的)work area”可知,此处表示家庭办公区的设定和安排,所以选A项。

4D 根据本段第一句“Schedule time for frequent breaks throughout the day”并结合小标题“Take breaks”可推知,工作期间适当休息一下有助于集中注意力,所以选D项。

5G 根据本段小标题“Avoid distractions(使人分心的事)”可推知,网上使人分心的内容也是集中注意力所需要避免的,所以选G项。


《2019高考英语一轮基础达标练题 Unit 1 Great Scientists(含解析)新人教版必修5.doc》
