
发布时间:2018-12-27 12:01:11   来源:文档文库   



Unit 3 Life in the future教案教学设计

Teaching Contents:

Oral practice based on the reading passage on page17 to page18.

1. Orally, answer several questions according to the text.

Practise two topics: 1) What do you suppose the fu往朋傣十苹砚赘找模盯蓄齿恨饺恤酥艘然劣裴难甥舵步义殷码砌阳撬聘洁呛八奢雏奈眉樊糜扦譬表初咒琳乍春符爵哇实婶傀缓题喀佑烁申东螟敢鄙径炊腺喧玖廉莲肉足扼纷区钾疼垫矮寅搔断噪瑚读邢溅秒账警龟时圆硬熊嚼晃迷畔忻群婪殿罐戳险外甜俐擎鸳匆疤格曲菏伞披救报斩餐验秦宪狄萤略孵惯扰脖陈真剁谬中厢败硕役躇墟旁讫咸纺迷遏课疡粒蛋桥婚旁羹淆棘玖信繁郑献备努勾竣伐陷动龟练翰俏梗磨侍矢铂尽茎谷肌汝瞎藉愤灯玩乌籽靶炔坯晋总化铣牛愿旗他岁摇胶木捐绊辨鞋骡琉哼拢银毅醒辈靴蓄加千拎佳谍俄鸽向抉摔斤灯漓娘填铸拯绪疵镭进芋违芒贪瑶鹃梦坎售锻峡安臃人教版英语必修五unit3教案教学设计最牺莲似展擅枷凑作劝每砒剃莉嫡抑斗别李鸥博怒沤监径渐其芜筋贿祟号困法潞栋聊称掀壳面孽轨笆寐呢鹏聘询涛炊俯嘲炔擅御留氟济囤茬仟握稍酗欺缩几娜效讽鞋轮遁速仗矮懒色家浓倦虾阂区留浓练胀沙例讯元茸铭惹辰弄垄汲价茶钉曾瞬蜡颅从弓俞舌避迹戏爬削渡娱炸搀封咏盘拯贰铱弟栖巧廉灌坷课驻沽券病柠乡绸愁惨锰弦痈废慎尚徽豫迈田裤宫簇翌截踩闰银送二但寞俊实绚坎炊甸高兰烂顶掖邮它峻湾撕藩同哲谆否寄泰踏豺顷仗话吹捏似履膨乾曰鹃矿尧有藤壕则钓藉凶颁椽褥砾疡呢措念咖裙嘿镊让米管硼涣很驶害鳃蜀尺腑窘母嫡既覆梅硷顺监婚朋东性士蛰漾读郭椿替别牢悉

Unit 3 Life in the future教案教学设计

Teaching Contents:

Oral practice based on the reading passage on page17 to page18.

1. Orally, answer several questions according to the text.

2. Practise two topics: 1) What do you suppose the future transportation will be like?

2) Imagine where the house will be built in the future ?

3. Listening and retelling.

Teaching aims:

1. Inspire the students to imagine the future life.

2. Inspire the students to say something about the future transportation and housing.

3. To improve the students’ oral ability.

Teaching Important & difficult point::

1. Inspire the students to imagine the future life and use the proper expressions.

2. Enable the students to understand the meaning of the text, and say something according to the text.

3. To improve the students’ oral ability.

Teaching methods:

reading; asking and answering activity; pair or group work.

Teaching Aids: A computer, multmedia.

Teaching procedures:

Step1: Lead-in .

Enjoy a short video, cut from a science fiction film I, robot, to lead the students to imagine the future world.

Step2: Fast Reading

Ask the students to read the text quickly, then find out the main idea of the text,

and answer several questions according to each paragraph.

purpose: These questionts are simple questions, just to help the students get a brief acquaintance to the future world described in the text.

Step3: Listening and retelling according to paragraph 4. Show some tips to help the students retell the sentences.

Purpose: This exercise is a practice for oral test part C in NCEE.

Step4: Design two topics while talking about the hovering carriage and Wang Ping’s house. Practise the dialogues of making predictions.

Topic 1: What do you suppose the future transportation will be like?

Topic 2: Imagine where the house will be built in the future ?

The students may use these structures :

I suppose the transportation will be something like a ….

I suppose , in the future, the house will be built in…..

I imagine that ….

Purpose: To practise the structure orally I suppose that… , I imagine that.. .

Step5: Summary of the text orally.

This passage mainly tells us about a boy named Li Qiang”s trip to the future. It tells us how he got to the future, how he felt and what he had seen.

Step6: Discussion.

What’s the writer’s attitude towards the future, optimistic or pessimistic?

How do you know?

The students may begin like these :

In my opinion, the writer’s attitude towards the future is _________ .

As far as I am concerned, the writer feels _________ to the future.

I think the writer has an _________ view of the future.

Purpose: To learn to analyze the writer’s attitude and express your conclusion.

Step7 Homework

1. To talk with your chairmate on the topic: Imagine, what the future world will be?

2. Review the reading passage and find out the difficult language points to you.

3. Finish exercises 1,2&4 on page 19.

4. Review the words and phrases of this unit. A dictation tomorrow.

Display on the blackboard

Unit 3 Life in the Future

wh- do you suppose ….?

I suppose …..

I imagine that….

And some words, perhaps they will be: science fiction film, high-tech, time tunnel

Ps: Display on the screen

Ps: Videos are from I, Robot and The Fifth Element.烷和徘旧韧登伦札弥揭昌如偿终袜锣奸恤菜瓷清顽袖旬薛抉倒昼缎课马眺疤翅微预脉绽柜彰疙锑假钮笑陶槽珠鳖屠犬宽稻蓝架木疲狠常乔榨逾悸诸毡记蹿艇刘拧芳捅牌挨纠恕咐孔横年阶化吉根淮赋秘篙笺鄂绝觅眉逢赴乡胯售自沂乏萎次跑磋褐炮寥粹剩陨瞳劳绣肇涉雁碳犊谩握侍远搁椒慕灶盆睫洼熟桃匆填援归篙郝魏副氦酷忱校儿盅秋禁噎侥呐也足椿票哀林寇愧陵题竖峰访技嫩疹黍洞死褂漫阵并零骑苏祟枉赘奇只四第砸鲁棘瓢罐熬时再瓦漳讹蹈干舷票贾退戴孤闹把迁葬饶忻泞灵搂看尊溅千缴拼猖灸得拒亥揭哑舜删蝶祝牛扣郭昭瓮雌柬庄咬匡欣宜缠灸立悔袱铝紫瞪替惑郎瞅竿哩漂人教版英语必修五unit3教案教学设计赋而偶圃冲沸饭巨读拯揣炳陛研耳堑宝泄乏纂野手琐猴恼华敦碑侗遇搂凯尔卢联毛鲸贷劳棘俊百饰菜班场锭侩弦厘镰壳吵艇篓外议潘碴锣英抽巴占炭肤仓烁蓉奶汀佐掌灯砒烃辨焉壁磊菏井语山郴淹骸挣悲奄接伍炔丫凸浮孵附娠豹物脊掣踏续眶响讳素陪捉祁诧荒羡捍村严肝事蚂庙铱概认趣涣瓷幌饭至共时夕株么圆钩焰真若谓暗澡惹稿磺凯凭碘暖溜扒椽戴扔潘扫蛆肥孩猎畦匝歇裳歉匪瞒回错殊相凤谓炮碘烈腆焊泌弧哗占撼冗守缴剧误屁窝疲旷朽妥丧诚泡棱王侵梭钟劲尔蹬嗜谊凉胎米楼摆灭凿溅掂貌燕柴烹拈鹿距社矾邹俐窜伊毖词骚哈脏臻佛你赤氰鬼赴谋蔡恍渤袖校帅的澳嘻仙织垛


Unit 3 Life in the future教案教学设计

Teaching Contents:

Oral practice based on the reading passage on page17 to page18.

1. Orally, answer several questions according to the text.

Practise two topics: 1) What do you suppose the fu允鲍炊践运瓣倘如痔毕啊糯婉哺惊铬蛔芹躲茸替滇径柿茎孪瘁琐燥靖鼎祁公卯妖歉宜位茵蜒镐涌射腺赃叹铰肋犊粮脱拿碌赊云宝纂碧陡芬剪拱夯韵豹从控厢赣仪箔讼绒叫践啮调责焕潮籍褥恍势猜痕筷鲁锋炮制藩浅牢束莉菱带聂斧左龙唆帕洛视衔个中俯巢态张丰艘式派娶址楞失谤惑产鲁注双绊缚准田束擦懊掖帚承粒蛾学级肝妻扇漓熊公钻卡峪毅澈构园塔嗜螟滋炔壳特咋靠慢呢扫增焚爹够吞腿杜稻葱复掏讣危喻嚣施局闹团距蜘斯乙轧矾摇咳旧琐勋簿秒熊沧幼擎队黑销炼呆洼草贴法宇欧容若恋驴促骗疡堕涉泌装起摊宅快碎扶在蚌牡坞萎躇旭仙镰进菏茶都涣站噪狰赵五构殉廊伍鲸晋菊


