福师20新上《高级英语阅读(二)》在线作业一 - 14505

发布时间:2021-02-08 20:54:35   来源:文档文库   

(单选题)1: By 1929, Mickey Mouse was as popular _______ children as Coca-Cola.

A: for

B: in

C: to

D: with

正确答案: D

(单选题)2: Living in the central Australian desert has its problems,______ obtaining water is

not the least.

A: for which

B: to which

C: of which

D: in which

正确答案: C

(单选题)3: This is a poem about ____ life in the American West.

A: bay

B: chamber

C: frank

D: dozen

正确答案: A

(单选题)4: If the students can not support themselves during their study in university, they may ask for a student____from the government.

A: menu

B: spoon

C: loan

D: bond

正确答案: C

(单选题)5: Liu Xiang’s break the record in the Asian Games was an exciting moment, ______ all of us will never forget.

A: that

B: one

C: it

D: what

正确答案: B

(单选题)6: Great Britain and France will hold a ____ regarding some European economic problems.

A: conference

B: reference

C: conversion


《福师20新上《高级英语阅读(二)》在线作业一 - 14505.doc》
