小初高学习2017-2018学年高中英语 Module 5 Newspapers and Mag

发布时间:2019-06-25 20:38:41   来源:文档文库   

Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines

I. 模块教学目标

II. 目标语言

. 教材分析与教材重组

1. 教材分析

本模块以 Newspapers and Magazines 为话题,旨在通过模块教学,使学生了解与报刊、杂志有关的词汇,了解新闻体裁的文章的特点,并通过各种途径了解有关太空科技进步的相关知识。引导学生学习英雄人物勤奋的学习和训练精神、勇敢的探索和献身精神。以便学生在发展语言能力的同时,培养热爱科学、努力为国争光的情感和信念。

1.1 INTRODUCTION 以两幅关于报刊杂志的图片切入话题,使学生了解报刊杂志的相关术语;第二个活动以归类的方式引导学生关注更多的相关词汇,为本模块的学习作好铺垫。

1.2 VOCABULARY AND READING 中的课文以Chinese Taikonaut Back on Earth为话题,以新闻报道为体裁,介绍了杨利伟遨游太空的事迹,并阐明了此次航天飞行的重大意义。通过课文前后的五个相关练习,使学生了解、学习相关词汇和课文主旨。与课文相关的练习: Activity 1 是词汇练习,为阅读做铺垫; Activity 2 要求学生依据小标题猜测主题; Activity 3要求学生阅读然后依据答案和课文内容提问; Activity 4要求学生采用快速浏览的方法判断正误,潜移默化中培养学生skimming 这一重要阅读技巧,并要求学生掌握与课文相关的语言知识;Activity 5要求学生进一步理解课文并在此基础上进行讨论。

1.3 GRAMMAR 1(Adverbial clause of time) 通过一系列语法练习,旨在使学生掌握时间状语从句的用法,特别是连词when, while引导的时间状语从句。

1.4 READING AND LISTENING 该部分有两项任务,一是读三篇新闻报道,并了解主旨大意。二是听三则新闻广播录音,然后完成与录音内容相关的练习,训练学生听新闻广播并理解各种体裁新闻的能力。

1.5 GRAMMAR 2 (Adverbial clause of reason) 通过一系列语法练习,旨在使学生掌握原因状语从句的用法,特别是as, since, now that引导的原因状语从句。

1.6 PRONUNCIATION 主要通过听课文注意句子停顿,通过跟读让学生划出句子的停顿,并自己总结出句子停顿的规律,学会确定句中的停顿。三步练习逐步递进,环环相扣。

1.7 WRITING让学生展开想象,依据所提示的信息对所给材料进行扩写。

1.8 LISTENING AND SPEAKING以词汇为铺垫,听一段以电影为话题的采访,根据所听内容,回答问题并确定事情发展的先后顺序,并就此展开讨论。

1.9 FUNCTION AND EVERYDAY ENGLISH以对话的形式呈现表示“相信/不相信”和日常用语的句子,便于学生在真实的语境中掌握、运用语言。 

1.10 CULTURAL CORNER 让学生阅读有关一些美国、英国日报的介绍,拓宽学生就报纸杂志这一话题的知识面和相关词汇量,增加对新闻业的了解。

1.11 TASK 让学生在小组讨论的基础上,写一段文字介绍自己最喜爱的报纸或杂志。

1.12 MODULE FILE 部分简要总结了本模块的重点词汇、语法、重点句型、短语及日常用语。

2. 教材重组



2.3GRAMMAR 1 GRAMMAR 2 WORKBOOKGrammar放在一起,上一节语法课。

2.4 CULTURAL CORNERWORKBOOKReading 部分放在一起,再加入课外阅读材料,扩大话题信息量,上一节泛读课。

2.5 WRITING, TASK WORKBOOK Speaking and writing 放在一起,上一节写作课。

3. 课型设计与课时分配

1st Period Reading

2nd Period Listening and Speaking

3rd Period Grammar

4th Period Extensive Reading

5th Period Writing

IV. 分课时教案

The First Period Reading

Teaching goals 教学目标

1. Target language 目标语言

a. 重点词汇及短语

celebrity, economy, politics, flight, photographer, universe, orbit, congratulation, aboard, historical, achievement, in space, work on, take off, in total, send messages of congratulations, a step forward for the whole world

b. 重点句式 P43

Yang was in space for ... and made 14 orbits of the earth. When Yang landed, Premier Wen Jiabao telephoned ...

When Yang took off from ..., China became the third nation to send a man into space.

2. Ability goals能力目标

Enable the Ss to talk about what they know about newspapers and magazines and express their personal opinions about space travel.

3. Learning ability goals 学能目标

Help the Ss learn how to express their opinions about Yang’s space travel.

Teaching important points教学重点

Stimulate the Ss’ interest in space travel and our national hero.

Teaching difficult points 教学难点

Enable the Ss to express themselves by discussing journalism and space travel.

Teaching methods 教学方法

Fast reading, careful reading, listening and discussion.

Teaching aids 教具准备

A multimedia computer and a recorder.

Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式

Step I Revision

Check the vocabulary part of WORKBOOK on Page 92.

Step II Introduction

Present the news at home and abroad which has drawn most people’s attention. And then ask the Ss how they got the news. Maybe some of them would say on the radio or on TV. Then guide them to talk about how they get the news at school. In this way they can draw a conclusion that newspapers and magazines play an important role in the daily life.

T: As we all know, a terrible event took place in the South Indian Ocean the other day. What happened? Who would like to tell us?

S1: The earthquake and tsunami(海啸)of South Indian Ocean happened the other day. It has caused great damage.

T: You got it. Who’d like to talk with more about it.

S2: It’s reported that soldiers searched for bodies in treetops, families wept over the dead laid on beaches and rescuers searched the coral isles (珊瑚岛) for missing tourists.

S3: The WHO has called for clean water along with food and medicines needed to help prevent the spread of diseases.

T: Yes. I think most of you have heard about the disaster. How did you get the news?

Ss: On TV.

Ss: On the radio.

Ss: From the Internet.

Ss: From a newspaper / magazine.

T: Yes. There are all kinds of means by which we can get the news at home and abroad, but for the students like us who stay at school all day, newspapers and magazines play an important role in getting news and enriching our life. Look at the screen please! What can you see?

Show the pictures on the screen.

Ss: Newspapers and magazines.

T: Let’s look at the pictures on Page 41. What can you see in the pictures?

Ss: A magazine named TIME and a copy of China Daily.

T: That’s right. Now match the terms with the numbered items in the illustrations of the newspaper and magazine. You can do the activity individually. If you’re not sure, you can discuss them with your partners.

A few minutes later, collect the answers from the whole class. The teacher can give more terms, such as edition, catalogs, contents, illustrations, and so on. T: Good! Now, let’s see more words about newspapers and magazines in Activity 2. Please read the words and then divide them into two groups. You can talk about them with your partners.

After about one and a half minutes.

T: I think it’s a piece of cake for you. Who’d like to pick out the types of news items?

Ss: They are business, celebrity, economy, fashion, international, politics, and sport.

T: Quit right. After class you are to give recent examples of these two types. If you can, you had better add details. You can translate Chinese news into English or look up some news in China Daily or 21st Century. How about people who work on newspapers and magazines?

Ss: Editors, journalists and photographers are people working on newspapers and magazines.

Step III Reading

T: Let’s come to the next page. Read the subheadings in Activity 2 and predict what the article is about. Pay special attention to the date.

Ss: The article may be about China’s first manned space travel.

Ss: Yang Liwei — China’s first man in space.

T: That’s quite right. How did you find out the news?

Ss: On TV.

Ss: On the radio.

Ss: From the Internet.

Ss: From a newspaper / magazine.

T: OK. Today we’ll read a report about Chinese Taikonaut Back on Earth. Pay attention to the style of the passage.

Task 1 Fast reading

This task is designed to train the students to skim in order to get the general idea.

T: First look at the three subheadings of the passage and then match them with the three parts of the passage.

Four minutes for the Ss to get the general idea of the passage by matching them.

T: Have you finished? Who would like to tell us your answer?

Ss: Part 1: B October 16th, 2003

Part 2: A Conversations in space.

Part 3: Congratulations from Around the World.

Task 2 Reading for details

This step is designed to help the Ss understand the passage further. Ask the Ss to read the passage carefully and ask them to do Activity 4 on Page 42. They should not only decide whether the sentences are true or false but also correct the false ones.

T: Now, please read the passage again carefully and decide whether the sentences are true or false.

After a few minutes.

T: Now I’m sure that you have finished reading. Let’s do the activity in pairs: one reads the sentence and the other tells us whether it is true or false and correct the false one. Who’d like to try?

S1: The taikonaut was in space for twenty-one hours.

S2: It’s false. The taikonaut was in space for twenty- one and a half hours.

S1: One of the astronauts aboard the International Space Station was born in China.

S2: It’s false. The parents of one of the astronauts aboard the International Space Station were born in China.

Ss: The third and the fourth sentences are both true.

S1: Sean O’Keefe works for the United Nations.

S2: It’s false. Sean O’Keefe works for the NASA.

S1: Kofi Annan thought that the flight was very good news just for China.

S2: It’s false. Kofi Annan thought that the flight was very good news for the whole world.

Then let the students read the first part of the article and then make questions to match the answers in Activity 3, following the given example.

T: OK. Boys and girls, I think you have got the general idea of the passage. Now please read the first part carefully then do Activity 3 on Page 42 individually. You’d better read the example carefully. You are supposed to make some questions to match the given answers according to the first part.

After a few minutes.

T: Now, I’d like some of you to present the questions you have made. Volunteers?


Task 3 Listening

This section is meant to improve the Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.

T: Good! You all have done a good job. Now I will play the tape for you. Listen carefully and imitate the pronunciation. At the same time pay attention to the language points in the passage and make marks where you have questions.


Step IV Language Points

This step is to help the Ss understand the text, build their vocabulary and improve their abilities to put what they have learned into practice.

T: Let’s look at the screen to talk about some language points together.

Show the following on the screen.

1. Yang was in space for twenty-one and a half hours and made 14 orbits of the earth.

a. In space means in the universe. Make sure that there is no article before space.

e.g. outer space 太空 the space age太空时代

space station 航天站 space travel 航天旅行 space walk 太空漫步 spacesuit太空服 space walker 太空漫步者 spacecraft = spaceship: a manned spaceship 载人宇宙飞船 space lab 太空实验室 spaceman = astronaut宇航员

b. make an orbit of ... = orbit vt.

e.g. How many spacecraft have orbited the moon?

2. The Beijing Space Control Center said the flight was a complete success.

success n. successful adj.

successfully adv. succeed v.

a. [C] a person or thing that succeeds

e.g. Of her plays , three were successes and one was a failure.

He wasn’t a success as a teacher.

b. [U] achievement of a desired end, or of fame, wealth, or social position; succeeding

e.g. Failure is the mother of success.

Difference, failure, beauty, surprise, pleasure, difficulty etc. can all be used in this way.

e.g. She used to be a beauty.

Beauty is only skin deep.

succeed in something / doing sth.

be successful in something / doing sth.

3. When Yang took off from Jiuquan in northwest China at 9am yesterday,

China became the third nation to send a man into space.

To send a man into space is used as attribute here. 当名词被序数词修饰时,定语的非谓语形式为不定式。

e.g. The hardworking girl is always the first to come and the last to leave.

4. Lu, whose parents were born in China, spoke to Yang in Chinese during the


e. g. The house whose windows face south is his office.

The student whose handwriting is excellent is our monitor.

Step V Discussion

Ask the Ss to discuss the questions in Activity 5 in pairs. Grasp the chance to encourage the students to learn from Yang and guide them to think about: How could Yang and his colleagues succeed? What can you do today to serve the people one day?

T: OK. Boys and girls, I think you have understood the report quite well. Now let’s have a discussion about Yang in groups of four. Turn to Page 44 and discuss Questions 3, 4 && 5.

Three or four minutes for the Ss to discuss.

T: OK! I’d like some of you to present your answers about the questions. Any volunteers?

S1: When I first got the news that our great motherland succeeded in setting up manned spaceship, I jumped with joy. As we all know, space travel is considered as an important sign of scientific development. The success suggests our homeland has become one of countries that are advanced at space science. I’m proud of China.

S2: I felt very excited at the news that a Chinese has succeeded in traveling in space. I think Yang is a national hero who is not only well-educated but also very brave.

S3: Me too! I have read in a newspaper that great efforts had been made to train him before he traveled in space.

S4: Our group believes that there is no doubt that China should and must continue with its space program.

S5: I can’t agree with you more! Chinese people can live a happy life on condition that our country is rich and powerful.

S6: I hope I can travel in space one day. There are so many wonderful fields in space that I have been curious about them since I was a child.

T: What would you like to do to become a space man?

S7: Only by studying hard can we really serve our motherland one day. At the same time I must take necessary exercises to build up a strong body and I must protect my eyes to become a pilot or astronaut.

T: Well done! All of you have expressed yourselves fluently, and I think all of your opinions are reasonable. I think we should learn from Yang and his colleagues who are hardworking, learned and brave enough.

Step VI Summary

T: Today we’ve learned the passage about the first Chinese Taikonaut back on earth. We believe the space program will be more successful and our great motherland will be more powerful. But all these need our hard work now. Only by working hard can we build a beautiful and powerful country. Now let’s analyze the text. The first question: What did you learn from the text?

Ss: It tells us the meaning of space travel. This text shows China succeeded in setting up manned spaceship. We take pride in our great motherland. By reading the text, our imagination has been stimulated and we begin to dream about traveling in space one day. Above all, we fully realize the importance of working hard, making full use of the school time and the right attitude towards work. And we should work hard to turn our dreams into reality and build a powerful China with joint efforts.

T: You did a good job. Next question: What are the writing techniques?

S1. I’d like to say something about the writing characteristic. The writer reports the event in three parts. First he reports the exciting event: Yang landed safely; then he tells about the situations about the conversations in space; at last the writer shows the worldwide influence of the flight and congratulations from around the world. After careful reading, it is not difficult for us to find out Yang and his colleagues made great contributions to the development of space science of China. Therefore, we can’t help thinking about what we should do to make our country more powerful.

S2: I want to express my idea on the writing style of the text.

This text is a piece of news report. It begins with when, where and how the event took place, the international influence follows. The theme is in accordance with the development and prosperity of our motherland, so it can arouse the readers’ interest and curiosity.

T: And who can tell me the main idea?

S3: The main idea of the text.

This passage reports the first Chinese astronaut succeeded in traveling in space where he talked with other astronauts and thus he obtained congratulations and praise at home and abroad. The flight is not only a milestone for the development of our country but also a step forward for the whole world.

Step VII Homework

1. Remember the words and phrases we learned this period.

2. Continue to read the passage after class until you can report the news with you books closed.

3. Preview the passage on Page 45 and then match the headlines with the paragraphs. Make sure you know the meanings of the words in Activity 1 before reading.

The Second Period Listening and Speaking

Teaching goals 教学目标

1. Target language 目标语言

a. 重点词汇及短语

alien, amateur, astronomer, autograph, delighted, fan, politician, belief, disbelief, evidence, spaceship, a big surprise, at the start of a five-day visit to China

b. 重点句式 P48

There are probably aliens...

Yes, it’s quite...

Well, the writer is absolutely sure...

You don’t believe in...

I can’t believe...

You must be joking!

You can’t be serious!

That’s a crazy thing to say.

2. Ability goals能力目标

Enable the Ss to express themselves, talk about their interest in news and reports and show belief and disbelief.

3. Learning ability goals学能目标

Help the Ss learn how to show belief and disbelief.

Teaching important points 教学重点

Get the Ss to give their opinions about the interviews they like.

Show belief and disbelief properly.

Teaching difficult points 教学难点

How to encourage the Ss to talk freely and actively about their personal favorite interviews.

Learn to recognize and use the ways of showing belief and disbelief.

Teaching methods教学方法

Cooperative learning and task-based activity.

Teaching aids 教具准备

A tape recorder, a projector and some slides.

Teaching procedures& ways教学过程与方式

Step I Revision

Task 1

T: I’d like to know how well you have mastered the words and phrases we learned last class. Let’s have a dictation.

Ask 3 students to come to the front to have a dictation. And the rest write down what they hear at their seats. The dictation phrases are as follows:

1. make orbits of the earth

2. a great moment in the history

3. a complete success

4. take photographs of planet earth

5. the third nation to sent a man into space

6. in total

7. send messages of congratulations

8. a step forward for the whole world

Task 2 Report the news

T: Good! You’ve done a good job. Now I’d like you to report the news of Chinese Taikonaut Back on Earth!. Any volunteer?

S: I’d like to have a try. China’s first taikonaut Yang Liwei landed safely on the morning of October 16th, 2003, who was in space for twenty-one and a half hours, made 14 orbits of the earth and took photographs of planet earth. Therefore, China became the third nation to send a man into space. The flight was a complete success, so it won praise and congratulations at home and abroad. While he was in space, Yang spoke to two astronauts aboard the International Space Station. United Nations Secretary — General Kofi Annan called the flight a step forward for the whole world.

If time permits, ask 2 or 3 students to report the news with their books closed.

Task 3 Reading

T: Have you previewed the passage on Page 45?

Ss: Of course.

Check the answers to Activity 2.


T: Great! I’d like to remind you of some important phrases in the three reports. Read your books and find out them when I read them in Chinese. Are you ready?

Ss: Yes.

T: The first one: What’s the English for “用望远镜”?

Ss: Through a telescope.

T: Yes. Please underline it. What’s the English for “他大吃一惊”?

Ss: He got a big surprise.

T: You are right. Pay attention that surprise is used as a countable noun here. What’s the English for 开始了对中国为期五天的访问”?

Ss: At the start of a five-day visit to China.

T: OK. The last one: What’s the English for “我希望再来很多次”?

Ss: I hope I can come many more times.

Step II Pronunciation

This part is designed to let the Ss learn to mark a paragraph step by step.

1. Play Paragraph A for the Ss to follow and ask them to pay special attention to where the speaker pauses.

2. Play Paragraph B for the Ss to follow and ask them to mark / to show where the speaker pauses. Play the tape again for the students to follow and check. And get them to try to draw a conclusion where to pause.

3. Ask the Ss to read Paragraph C carefully and try to mark a / where they think necessary. Three minutes later, play the tape for the students to listen to and check their results. Play it once more if necessary.

Step III Listening

T: OK. Boys and girls, let’s listen to the three reports and then you are to answer the questions on Page 45. Before listening, please read through and understand the questions completely. One minute for you to read them.

One minute later.

T: Are you ready?

Ss: Yes!

Play the tape for the first time for the Ss to get the answers. And then play it again for them to get more information. After that, check the answers.

Step IV Listening and Speaking

Task 1

Let the Ss listen to an interview with an actor and make notes of the answers to the questions in Activity 2 on Page 47. Then play the tape another time for the Ss. And then check the answers to the questions in Activity 3.

Task 2 Discussion

T: OK. We have heard an interview with an actor. Do you like reading or hearing interviews with film stars and other celebrities?

S1: Frankly speaking, I like watching interviews on TV, for it’s more vivid and interesting, just like Talking Face to Face. Another important advantage of TV interview is that I can see my favorite pop star clearly. If impossible, I prefer hearing to reading, because as you know, I’m very, very tired of reading all day. I’d like to relax for a while.

S2: But I think that depends. If in holidays, I’d like to read some famous interviews with VIPs. That’s because they’re not limited by time and I can read very carefully, even make notes if I like, so in this way, I can learn a lot from them.

T: What you said sounds very reasonable. Another question: Who are more interesting to listen to or read, pop stars, politicians, film stars or sports stars?

S3: Pop stars, of course, such as Sun Nan, Ren Xianqi, Dao Lang, Sun Yue, A Du ect. I think their songs are very beautiful and they are so cool. I’m crazy about them.

S4: I think most boys will agree with me: sports stars are more interesting. They always play for the hope and glory of the whole nation, so I think they are brave and hardworking.

S5: I prefer film stars. I think they present different lifestyles for us and bring much fun to our everyday life. Some of them are pretty and handsome while some of them are honest and kind-hearted.

S6: I myself like reading about politicians. Because most of them were born in poor family, and had little schooling, they taught themselves and became learned. Their work is very important and tiring, so they usually make important decisions with their wisdom. We should learn form them in different aspects.

T: Wonderful! So much for the discussion. You all did a good job.

Task 3 Listening and Speaking (WORKBOOK)

Let the Ss listen to a conversation between two journalists and then deal with Exercises 14 15 on Page 95.


T: We have listened to a conversation between two journalists. Now please work in pairs to discuss the two questions in Exercise 16. Six minutes later, I will ask some of you to answer them.

Six minutes later.

T: OK! Time’s up. Who’d like to answer the first question?

S1: Let me have a try. I think I believe the story of the journalist in Bad News. Nowadays more and more newspapers have appeared. To gain a large sale, some newspapers make up news to draw the readers’ attention. In my opinion, what they do is immoral and illegal.

T: Good. Then do you believe in aliens?

Ss: We don’t believe in aliens. Because no one has seen aliens for himself. Though we have heard about many people in the world announced they saw aliens for themselves, we don’t believe them fully. Perhaps some day in the future, when we see aliens ourselves, we can believe.

Step V Function and Everyday English

T: There is a conversation on Page 48. It is also about aliens. Please read the conversation and underline the sentences showing belief or disbelief.

2 minutes later, collect the sentences on the blackboard for the Ss to practice later.


T: Practice the sentences and then work in pairs to complete a similar conversation in Activity 2 by using them.

2 minutes later, ask some pairs to present their by answers, which can be different.

Step VI Homework

T: Time is up. Homework for today:

1. Go over what you have learned in this class.

2. Pick out the sentences with adverbial clause of time in the passage on Page 43 and Page 45.

The Third Period Grammar

Teaching goals 教学目标

1. Target language 目标语言

a. 重点词汇及短语

as soon as, at the same time, be delighted to do ..., be replaced by ...

b. 重点句式 P45

Since no one else saw the aliens, not many people ...

Now that ..., I hope I can come many more time.

2. Ability goals能力目标

Enable the Ss to use adverbial clauses of time and reason.

3. Learning ability goals 学能目标

Get the Ss to master the ways to use adverbial clauses of time and reason.

Teaching important points教学重点

Get the Ss to master the ways to use adverbial clauses of time and reason.

Teaching difficult points 教学难点

Teach the Ss to use adverbial clauses of time and reason correctly.

Teaching methods 教学方法

Question-answer activity, pair or group work and comparison.

Teaching aids教具准备

A multi-media computer.

Teaching procedures & ways教学过程方式

Step I Revision

T: Last period I have asked you to pick out the sentences with adverbial clause of time. Now who’d like to give one or some examples?

Ss: When he was orbiting in the capsule, he took photographs of planet earth.

Ss: When Yang landed, Premier Wen Jiabao telephoned the Control Center to offer his congratulations.

Ss: When Yang took off Jiuquan in northwest China at 9am yesterday, China become the third nation to send a man into space.

Ss: While he was traveling in space, Yang spoke to two astronauts aboard the International Space Station.

T: You did a very good job. They are all sentences with adverbial clause of time and the conjunctions are when or while. We’ll talk about them this class in order that you can use them correctly.

Step II Grammar 1

Task 1

First give the Ss several minutes to read the two sentences in Activity 1 on Page 44. Let them find out the answers individually. And then collect the answers.

T: Now turn to Page 44, read the first two sentences and answer the questions below. I’ll give you three minutes.

Three minutes later.

T: Time’s up. Who would like to answer the first question: Why are the tense different?

S1: Let me try. The first verb can last while the second verb cannot. I think that’s because the second action happened during the first action was happening.

T: Yes. You are quite right. Exactly speaking, the first verb was continuing all the time and was interrupted by actions of short duration that are in the past simple. Who can give an example?

S2: While we were watching TV, the doorbell rang.

T: You have got the idea. Now the second question: Is one action longer than the other?

S3: The action in the clause is longer than the other. T: Yes. That’s right. How about the third question: Did one action take place after the other?

S4: No. When the second action took place, the first action didn’t finish.

T: Very good. They took place at the same time, although the second action started after the first one. Please make one more sentence, following the examples we talked about.

S5: When we were having the P.E. class, he broke his leg.

S6: While she was reading, Granny fell asleep.

T: OK, now let’s come to another two sentences. This time you’re to choose the correct answers. Two minutes for you. There may be more than one answer.

Two minutes later.

T: I’d like to ask two of you to present the correct answers. And give a similar example.

S7: I think Answers a and c are correct about the first sentence. For example, when I came home, I turned on the radio.

T: Yes. That’s right. How about the second sentence?

S8: About the second sentence, Answers b and c are correct. For example, When he came to see me, I was going out.

T: Great! Now, let’s draw a conclusion from what we have talked about.

Show the following on the screen.

1. when conj.

1) during the time that ... 在……之际,当……时候

e.g. When he was doing his English exercises, he fell asleep.

2) at the time that ... 当……时

e. g. It was raining when we arrived.

2. while conj.

during the time that ...

e.g. While he was in London, he studied music.

3. as soon as; no sooner ... than ...; hardly ... when ...; scarcely ... when ...; immediately; directly; instantly; the moment; the minute; the instant 都可以引导表示“一……就……” 或“刚一……就……”的时间状语从句。

e.g. They had hardly arrived home, when it rained cats and dogs.

T: You must learn to use them freely in your writing and speaking, because Practice makes perfect.

Task 2

Deal with Exercises 1-3 in WORKBOOK on Page 91 to practice adverbial clause of time.

Step III Grammar 2

Task 1

T: OK, that’s all for adverbial clause of time and we will come to another kind of clause — Adverbial clause of reason. Please turn to Page 46. First read the examples in Activity 1 and then try to find out the answers individually. Two minutes for you.

Two minutes later.

T: Time is up. Who’d like to answer the questions?

S1: I think the words as / since both can be replaced by the word because.

S2: The words as / since sound less formal than the word because. As we all know, because can be used to answer the questions which begin with why.

T: What you said is quite right. How about the third question?

Ss: He was saying something that people knew. For example, since everyone is here, let’s begin our meeting. Since you will go abroad, so will I.

T: You have done a very good job. Now, let’s complete the sentences in Activity 2. You are to complete them individually and then exchange the answers with your partners.

Task 2 Practice

T: Let’s do some exercises about adverbial clause of reason. Turn to Page 92, Exercise 4. Please try to complete the sentences using the given words and pay attention to the correct punctuation. Two minutes for you to prepare and then you are to do it orally.

Step IV Homework

T: Today we have learned adverbial clauses of time and reason. So after class, please sum up what you have learned.

1. You are to make two sentences with adverbial clause of time and two sentences with adverbial clause of reason.

2. Try to get as much information about English newspapers as possible.

The Fourth Period Extensive Reading

Teaching goals 教学目标

1. Target language目标语言

a. 重点词汇及短语

cultural, financial, review, royal family, found, produce, home and international news, the quality press, the popular press, concentrate on

b. 重点句式

Newspapers can be divided into ... P49

Now that the Chinese have completed ..., they are planning ... P94

2. Ability goals能力目标

Get the Ss to know about some terms about newspapers and news reports.

Get the Ss to know something about the journalism in western countries.

3. Learning ability goals学能目标

Help the Ss know some terms about newspapers and news reports.

Encourage the Ss to know about the journalism in western countries.

Teaching important and difficult points教学重点与难点

Help the Ss to learn how to talk about western journalism.

Teaching methods教学方法

Skimming, careful reading, asking-answering activity and discussion.

Teaching aids 教具准备

A tape recorder, a projector and some slides.

Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式

Step I Revision

T: Yesterday I asked you to write some sentences with adverbial clauses of time and reason. Have you finished?

Ss: Yes.

T: Then I’ll ask some of you to read out what you have written.

S1: I was walking on the street, when someone patted me on the shoulder. Since you are ill, have a good rest, please.

S2: When Jack came home, mother was setting the table.

As he wasn’t ready, we went without him.

S3: While he was doing his homework, the bell rang.

Now that you have made up your mind, I have nothing to say.

T: Good!

Step II Lead-in

T: Have you collected some information about English newspapers?

Ss: Yes, but only a little.

T: That’s OK. Who’d like to say something about them?

S1: I surfed on the Internet and found out that newspapers in Britain can be divided into different types according to different standards of judgment. For instance, British newspapers can be divided into broadsheet and tabloid according to size, quality and popular according to style, national and provincial according to distribution and Daily and Sunday according to the frequency.

T: You did a very good job. Anyone else?

S2: It’s reported that The Times, The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, The Independent, The Daily Mail and so on are famous national daily newspapers in the UK.

T: OK. Thank you for your information. Let’ come to the cultural corner of this module to get more about Daily newspapers in Britain and the United States.

Step III Cultural Corner

Task 1 Skimming

This step is to help the Ss get a general idea of the passage. Ask them to read fast and find out what kinds of newspapers are mentioned in the passage.

T: Now turn to Page 49. Please read the passage quickly and find out the answers to the questions.

1. What types of newspapers are mentioned in the passage?

2. What are the differences between them?

After a few minutes.

T: Who would like to answer the first question?

S3: The quality press and the popular press are mentioned in the passage.

T: Quite right. How about the differences between them?

S4: The quality newspapers have home and international news, sports, cultural events and financial reports, while the popular newspapers have large headlines, a lot of big photographs and concentrate on news and events about famous people and news about the British royal family.

T: Yes. You got it.

Task 2 Careful reading

This step is designed to help the Ss grasp some detailed information. Ask them to read carefully to tell whether the statements are true or false.

T: Please read the article once more and decide whether the following statements are true or false.

Show the following sentences on the screen.

1. The quality press is more serious. ( )

2. You can know about famous pop stars in a popular newspaper. ( )

3. You can find large headlines and a lot of big photographs in The Times. ( )

4. The Sun is the most successful quality newspaper in Britain. ( )

5. The New York Times is produced in New York. ( )

5 minutes later call back the answers from the whole class.

key: True: 1, 2, 5 False: 3, 4

Important phrases and sentences:

1. the quality press

2. home and international news

3. financial reports

4. concentrate on: focus one’s attention on

5. It’s read by important people such as politicians, lawyers and businessmen.

6. be similar to: of the same sort

be similar in ...

e.g. Gold is similar in color to brass.

Step IV Reading (WORKBOOK)

Task 1 Skimming

T: We have read a passage about American and British daily newspapers. Would you like to read some newspaper articles?

Ss: Yes!

T: Let’s turn to Page 93. Read the four articles quickly and match them with the headlines. Three minutes for you.


Task 2 Careful reading

This step is designed to help the Ss grasp some detailed information, at the same time finish Exercises 11, 12 and 13 on Pages 94 && 95. Six minutes later collect the answers from the whole class.

Important phrases and sentences:

1. complete their first manned space flight

man: supply with persons for service or defense

e.g. man a ship 给一艘船配置船员

man a telephone switchboard


2. a second manned space flight which will carry two taikonauts


e.g. Hangzhou is a most beautiful city, so I will visit it for a third time.

3. make a lot of money = earn a lot of money

4. sign autographs and speak to journalists

5. the autumn collections

6. the latest creations of all the top Chinese designers

Step V Supplementary Reading

Show some supplementary reading materials on the screen for the Ss to read.

T: Since we have read three reports. Would you like to know how a newspaper is produced?

Ss: Of course.

T: OK. Look at the screen. There is a passage about newspaper production. Please read the passage and answer the questions:

1. What does an editor do?

2. What do journalists do?

How a Newspaper Is Produced

Every morning, the newspaper chief editor holds a meeting with the journalists. They discuss the main events of the day. Reporters are sent to cover the events.

As soon as the reporters know what to write about, they get down to work. They telephone people and fix a time for face-to-face interviews with them. Sometimes they do telephone interviews. Checking information is very important. They go to the newspaper’s own library to look up any information that they need. This is called doing one’s homework.

At the same time, the picture editor decides which photographs are needed for the next day’s paper. Photographers are then sent to take the pictures. Sometimes old ones are used from the newspaper’s own picture library. Doing this can save a lot of time and money.

All the people who work on a newspaper must be able to work fast. For example, there might be a big fire, or an important person might die. In this situation, everyone has to move fast. Journalists have to stop working on one story and start working immediately on the important new one. They must find out the new information as quickly as possible. A photographer is sent immediately to take photos.

Later in that day, everything is put together at the news desk. Reporters return, type their stories into the computer and hand them to the editor. Photographers return and the photos are quickly developed.

The chief editors decide which will be the most important story on the front page. Sometimes this will have to be changed if something more important happens later in the day. Other editors read the stories the reporters have written and make any necessary changes. They also write the headline for each story.

Finally, there is no more time left for adding new stories, and the time for printing the newspaper has come. This is done on the fast-moving printing machine. The newspapers are then delivered by lorry, plane or rail. Speed is important. People want to read the latest newspaper and nobody wants to buy yesterday’s.

Six minutes later, ask the Ss to check the answers with their partners and then with the whole class.

T: OK. Time is up. I think you have finished reading. Who’d like to answer the first question?

S1: Let me try. I think an chief editor holds the meeting, sends reporters to cover the main events and decides which will be the most important story on the front page. And other editors read the stories, make any necessary changes and write the headline for each story.

T: You got it. How about the journalists?

S2: They cover the events, interview people and write stories.

T: Very good. Now read the passage once more and try to write the steps which show how a newspaper is produced.

Sample answers:

1. The chief editor holds a meeting.

2. Journalists interview people and write stories.

3. Photographers take photos.

4. The photos are quickly developed.

5. Editors check the reports and write headlines.

6. The newspapers are printed.

7. The newspapers are delivered by lorry, plane or rail.

Another passage for supplementary reading.

The Newspaper in the Future

Sometime in the next century, the familiar early-morning newspaper will disappear. And instead of reading your newspaper, it will be read to you. You will get up and turn on the computer newspaper just like turning on the TV. An electronic voice will report stories about the latest events, guided by a program that selects the type of news you want. You will even be able to choose the kind of voice you want to hear. A simple touch makes entire text appear. These are the predictions from experts working on the newspapers of the future.

Most of the technology is available now, but causing more people realize that they don’t need to read a newspaper from journalism(新闻界). Since it is such a cultural change, maybe the present generation of journalists and publishers will have to die off before the next generation realizes that the newspaper industry is no longer a newspaper industry.

Technology is making the end of traditional newspapers unavoidable.

Despite technological advances it might take 30 to 40 years to replace newsprint with computer screen, because people need to buy computers and newspapers have established financial interests(经济效益) in the paper industry.


1. What does the passage mainly talk about?

2. Why might it take 30 to 40 years to replace newsprint with computer screen?

3. Are computer newspapers more convenient than traditional newspapers?

4. Will computer newspapers really replace traditional newspapers? How do you know?

Sample answers:

1. Newspapers of the future will likely be on computer.

2. That’s because there is strong resistance from both the general population and professional journalists.

3. Yes. The computer will read for you.

4. Yes. Technology is making the end of traditional newspapers unavoidable.

Step VI Summary and Homework

T: Today we’ve read about a passage about daily newspapers in Britain and the United States, four newspaper articles and a passage on how a newspaper is produced. Homework:

1. Go over what we have read in this class. Pay attention to the important phrases and sentences. We will have a dictation next period.

2. Preview the next part — Speaking and writing on Page 96, you are supposed to finish Exercises 17 & 18.

The Fifth Period Writing

Teaching goals 教学目标

1.Target language目标语言

a. 重点词汇及短语

informative, make a note, your favorite newspapers and magazines

b. 重点句式 P50

I buy a magazine called...

It’s funny, informative and interesting.

It’s got good articles...

It’s full of information about...

2. Ability goals能力目标

Enable the Ss to write about their favorite newspapers and magazines.

3. Learning ability goals 学能目标

Help the Ss learn how to expand an article according to the headline and the first lines.

Teaching important and difficult points教学重点与难点

Get the Ss to learn how to write a passage about their favorite newspapers and magazines.

Teaching methods教学方法

Task-based activity and pair or group work.

Teaching aids 教具准备

A multimedia computer, a projector and some slides.

Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式

Step I Revision

T: Good morning, boys and girls! Let’s begin our class with revision. Turn to Page 96, please. Have you finished Exercise 17?

Ss: Yes.

T: Would you find the headlines in a tabloid or a quality newspaper? How do you know?

S1: I think these headlines can be found in a tabloid. Because a tabloid concentrates on news and events about famous people and less serious news with many pictures, strip cartoons, and with its news presented in simple form, while a quality newspaper is usual about home and international news and sports and cultural events.

S2: I can’t agree with you more. The headlines in Exercise 17 are mostly news about something strange or about famous people. So they should be found in a tabloid.

T: You got it. Let’s come to Exercise 18. How did you match the headlines with the first lines of the articles? Volunteers?


T: Good! We will prepare for writing.

Step II Writing

This part is designed to have the Ss practice writing reports. First, ask the Ss to read the original report carefully and then discuss some details about the report. Second, guide the Ss to write down the next paragraph according to the discussion. Thirdly, ask the Ss to exchange it with their partners for checking.

T: In this module you have read all kinds of reports on different topics. Would you like to try to write some reports?

Ss: Is it difficult to write a report?

T: That depends. Let us have a try. Please turn to Page 45 and read the passage Aliens Land Spaceship on the Moon again. And then we will have a discussion to write the next paragraph of the story. Two minutes for the students to read.

T: OK, boys and girls. I think you have finished reading. Now please turn to Page 46 and read through the questions and then discuss them with your partners to prepare for writing the second paragraph. While discussing, you’d better write down some key words.

5 minutes for the students to discuss.

S3: I once read in a book that David Bates was 68 when the report was written and he had seen aliens landing on the moon twice before it. So I think he has had the telescope for at least three years.

S4: I agree with you. Though he was an amateur astronomer, he seemed to be very serious and experienced.

S5: In some listening materials, I got the news that David Bates first saw the aliens landing on the moon two years before and this was the third time for him to see the aliens landing on the moon, though few people believed him.

S6: Yes. I think when he went to the police they would say, Aliens land on the moon? Oh, come on! We don’t believe a word of it! It’s a crazy idea. Will you please go home and have a rest? Maybe you are too tired to watch carefully enough. Or something like that.

A sample version:

David Bates is 68 years and he has had his telescope for three years, through which he watched the universe carefully and curiously. It’s said that he saw the aliens landing on the moon last year and two years ago. But when he reported his discoveries to the police, they said to him, Aliens land on the moon? Oh, come on! We don’t believe a word of it! It’s a crazy idea. Will you please go home and have a rest? Maybe you are too tired to watch carefully enough. Do you believe him or not?

Step III Task

In this part, ask the Ss to work in pairs and discuss their favorite magazines or newspapers. Make sure they are aware of what to do. First, let them name the newspapers and magazines; second, ask them to give reasons why they like them, and then ask them to write a passage about it.

T: Boys and girls, in the past four classes we have known something about newspapers and magazines. Do you like reading newspapers and magazines? Why? / Why not?

Ss: Yes. Because they can enrich our life and enlarge our knowledge. By reading we can learn about all the places in the world and learn from people we will never meet in our lifetime.

T: Can you name the newspapers and magazines you read in your everyday life?

Ss: Readers, China Today, English Salon, English Weekly, China Daily, 21st Century and so on.

T: That’s great. As a famous saying goes, Reading can make a wise man. Now turn to Page 50 and do Activity 2. Please work in groups of four and have a discussion. Talk about the reasons why you read your favorite newspapers or magazines. Five minutes for you to discuss.

Five minutes Later.

T: OK, time is up. Now I’d like some of you to present your discussions. Volunteers?

S1: My favorite magazine is Readers. It’s full of moving stories. Reading Readers enables me to learn about things that I have no opportunity to experience in my daily life. That’s to say, we can read the experiences of others. In this way, we won’t repeat the mistakes of others and can learn from their experiences and achievements. There are also some beautiful poems and sayings. After a busy day of school, I’d like to read the magazine lying in bed. At that time I’m in a merry mood.

S2: My favorite newspaper is English Weekly, which is very popular with students. The reason is that it helps us with our English that I’m not good at. It’s got good essays on politics, sports and music in it. I love the jokes, pictures, analysis of language points and exercises to each module. The listening materials to the exercises are very vivid, which are read by native speakers. Reading it can enlarge my vocabulary and do good to my ability of learning English.

S3: My favorite newspaper is 21st Century, which is also popular with students. There are many different sections such as news, entertainment, learning express, perspective, focus, social life, education and so on. You can select and read whatever section you are interested in. They are fully illustrated in order to help readers understand them. And it’s full of information about pop stars.

Fifteen minutes for the Ss to write a paragraph about their favorite newspapers and magazines according to their discussions and the pattern drills given.

T: OK. Now it’s time for you to write down something about your favorite newspapers or magazines. But first I’d like to remind you of the pattern drills on the screen.

Show the pattern drills and special terms on the screen.

My favorite newspaper is...

It’s funny, informative, interesting.

It’s got good articles / photos.

It’s full of information about my favorite pop star / sport / computer


It helps me with my studies.

版块: section 广告: AD / advertisement

商业版: business

校园生活: campus life 连环画: comic strip 连载故事: continued story

每日新闻摘要: pony report

报刊文摘: press digest

A sample version:

My Favorite Newspaper — China Daily

Of all the newspapers and magazines, I like China Daily best, which is China’s own English language newspaper. It’s informative and has all usual sections of a newspaper, such as Home News about China, International News from abroad, Business News, Travel News and Sports News. There are weather report and reports on new plays, movies, books, new restaurants and so on. Longer articles about business, or people with interesting jobs, or different areas of China are also included. Every Saturday there is a section about things to do at the weekend and the TV programs in the coming week.

It is very popular with students like us, for it can improve our English. Reading it can enlarge my vocabulary and knowledge. Besides, I enjoy learning about new things from politics to sports and music.

Step IV Homework

Go over this module.

I. 课文注释与疑难解析:

1. take off 起飞

e. g. The plan took off despite of the fog.


take something off: remove 除去,脱掉

take off one’s shirt 脱掉衬衣

take somebody off: conduct, lead away somewhere 引导,带走, 引开

e.g. She took me off to see her garden.


not / never take one’s eyes off something: look at constantly

e.g. He never took his eyes off his little daughter while she was swimming in the sea.


2.... Yang’s space flight was an important historical achievement and NASA wishes China continuing success with its space flight program. 杨立伟的太空飞行是具有历史意义的重大成就,美国宇航局希望中国在太空飞行计划中继续取得成功。

wish: vt. 但愿(从句常用虚拟语气)

e.g. I wish I were you.

vt. 祝某人交好运或厄运

e.g. I wish nobody ill. 我不希望任何人倒霉。

vt. 颂,祝

e.g. I wish you a pleasant journey.

I wish happiness to all of you.

常见短语:wish (somebody) to do something

wish for = long for 渴望得到 ……

wish somebody success / a good luck


satisfy one’s wish 满足某人的愿望

give / send somebody best wishes


II. 背景材料:

Yang Liwei — China’s first space man

China launched its first manned space flight on Wednesday. The Shenzhou mission, if successful, will make China the third nation to send a man into outer space, following the former Soviet Union and the United States.

The rocket that will launch the Shenzhou V spaceship is the best of all. It is of superior quality and has stood our most stringent testing, the official China Daily quoted Huang Chunping, commander-in-chief of rocket systems, as saying.

With the application of 55 breakthrough technologies, including fault-detection and escape systems, the spacecraft and rocket both have reached advanced international levels.

President Hu Jintao and his predecessor, Jiang Zemin were expected to have been at the launch center to watch China’s bid to realize a dream.

Liwei, a lieutenant colonel in the People’s Liberation Army selected from a pool of 14, is the son of a teacher and an official at an agricultural firm. He was raised in Suizhong county in the northeast province of Liaoning.

We are proud of him, his brother-in-law said just minutes before the launch. We don’t worry about his safety because we trust the nation’s advanced technology.

The rocket was to orbit the Earth 14 times before returning after about 21 hours. Yang would dine on shredded pork with garlic and kung pao chicken washed down with Chinese tea.

(lift-off:火箭发射 aeronaut:太空飞行员 cosmonaut: 宇航员 outer space: 太空)

China Daily

— By Zhu Yinghuang, Editor-in-Chief of China Daily

China Daily is the only national English language newspaper published in China. Since its launching in 1981, China Daily has adhered to its mission: Let the world know more about China and let China know more about the world. In recent years, to our great delight, we have observed the great efforts made by the Asian nations in seeking regional peace, social stability, economic development and a better life for the people. And our paper has also made efforts to give more coverage to these efforts and progress in accordance with our principle of reporting in an active, comprehensive and fair way. Starting from the beginning of this year, China Daily has been redesigned and expanded and we have increased the world news coverage, including the news from Asian nations. As an English language newspaper, China Daily has been actively engaged in exchange and cooperative program with many other media organizations in the world.

China Today

China Today is a magazine program in English targeting overseas audience. Its 30-minute shows air Mondays and Fridays on both CCTV4 and CCTV9.

The program is made up of four parts — Focus, Development, Insight and People. The first part focuses on current affairs; the second section features the latest developments in every aspect of the Chinese nation; Insight offers in-depth analysis of new social phenomena, cultural concepts and the latest fads; in the last part, we meet people from all walks of life who are making a difference in their particular fields of interest.

China Today not only offers a kaleidoscope of Chinese society and milestones achieved since the nation adopted its reform and opening up policy, but also explores the country’s rich and long lasting cultural heritage. It serves as a window for overseas audience to have an improved up-to-date understanding of China. It also provides a good opportunity for Chinese learners of English to improve their language skills.

Newspapers in the US

There are more than 1,500 daily newspapers in the US. Each one is usually sold only in one part of the country, say in a city, but they cover national and international news. In larger cities there is often more than one newspaper and the different ones express different political opinions. Some newspapers are sold in nearly all parts of the USA, such as, USA Today and the national edition of the New York Times. Two other newspapers, the Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post are known and respected all over the US but cannot be bought everywhere. Other important newspapers are: the Boston Globe, sold in New England; the Chicago Tribune, sold in the Midwest; the Christian Science Monitor and USA Today, both sold nationally; and the Washington Post on the East Coast. Many people read the national Sunday edition of the New York Times because it includes the weekly New York Review of Books.

Daily and Sunday Newspapers

Daily newspapers are published on every day of the week except Sunday. Sunday newspapers are very big, often having several separate parts. They contain many longer articles and a lot of advertisements. Each section deals with a different subject, such as, national and international news, sport, travel, etc. One section, the classifieds(分类广告), has advertisements for jobs and things for sale. Another cartoon section is often called the funnies or funny papers. There is often also a magazine which is in color.

Online newspapers

Many traditional newspapers are now available online, and even more new ones have been started there. There are thousands of online newspapers now available throughout the world. These may resemble the newspapers of the future. Indeed, they may be the newspapers of the future. To find a good list of them, use your computer and go online to http://library.uncg.edu/news/, or to a number of other websites you can easily find by going to www.google.com and entering online newspapers in the search box. One of the best online newspapers is the electronic daily edition of USA Today, which may be found at www.usatoday.com. Please see if this is the kind of newspaper you’d like to read.


《小初高学习2017-2018学年高中英语 Module 5 Newspapers and Mag.doc》
