五年级下册第四单元when is Easter阅读部分说课稿

发布时间:2019-01-30 08:33:00   来源:文档文库   

五年级下册第四单元when is Easter?

Read and write部分说课稿 two new kittens

Hello, dear judges! Today, it is my great honour to be here to present my lesson plan. And the topic I am going to talk about is from PEP book 6 unit four partC, read and write two new kittens. I plan to explain what to teach, how to teach, and why I do so from the following aspects.

Kitten 这个话题与学生的生活密切相关,这不仅能很快的激发学生对相关经验的回忆,还能调动学生的积极性。它的主要内容为一篇关于小猫成长的文章,主要分为阅读和仿写两个部分,它是对本单元前面所学内容的拓展和综合应用。




1. 学生能听说读写单词kitten because still fur

2. 学生能听说读写词组 make noise, play with


1. 学生能在教师和图片的帮助下,理解整篇文章的大意

2. 学生能掌握根据关键字提取信息的能力



其中,学生能听说读写单词kitten because still fur等,学生能听说读写词组 make noise, play with 等是重点,而学生能在教师和图片的帮助下,理解整篇文章的大意;学生能掌握根据关键字提取信息的能力既是本课时的重点,也是难点。

为了帮助学生有效的掌握重点和突破难点,我将采用直观教学法、计算机辅助教学法、情境教学法等多种教学方法来提高课堂效率。另外,根据斯金纳的强化学习理论,我将对课堂表现好的学生及时地给予正强化,例如,我可以对他们说“well-done excellent”;可以为他们鼓掌,为他们竖大拇指,或者给他们一个温暖的拥抱。


At first, I’d like use an active and interactive way to greet my students,for example:

T: hello , boys and girls, good moring to you.(边说边做动作)

S: hello, Miss good moring to you, too.(双手在头顶做剪刀手动作)

T: Do you like cats?

S: We like, yes we do; we love, yes we do


Then comes our first step warming-up. I plan to hold a memory competition about the words and expressions learnt in the last lessons. The group who can memorize the most will get one score and get the applause from the whole class.


About the pre-reading, i will play a video about the information of the kittens’ growth.


As for while-reading, i will use three steps to help my students to understand the whole passgae. First of all, i will give my students three minutes to skim the passage and ask them to underline the new words for them, and let the students who know the new words to help others, if they still do not know, i will use pictures, videos,cards to explain for them.


The second step, i will give my students five minutes to scan the passage and ask them to answer who is kitten, underline the date they can meet,and try to do the work in read and match.让学生带着问题阅读,可以提升学生根据关键字提取信息的能力。

The third step, i will divide my students into groups to disscuss’”what are kittens like on each date? What can they do on each date?” and they can present thier answers in charts.


At last comes the post reading. I will play a sentece about kittens on the computer, explain it to my students, and ask them to imitate the sentence.

关于我的板书设计,主板书最上面是标题 two new kittens,中间是有关猫特点以及它能做事情的表格,左侧板书是相关的单词和词组,右侧板书是小组合作的表现情况,然后我会在下方用简笔画拦一个框,使整个板书设计看起来像是一座房子的形状。


That’s all for my class plan, thank you for your attention.



《五年级下册第四单元when is Easter阅读部分说课稿.doc》
