湖南省2012届高考英语二轮复习 第20讲 事实细节题学案

发布时间:2019-08-15 17:12:16   来源:文档文库   
第20讲事实细节题(2011·湖南卷A篇)When first entered, Vanak Restaurant does not look like much of a restaurant, but once the pleasant smells of kabob(烤肉串)hit the senses, you are incapable of calling it anything less.Owned by a local couple, this Persian restaurant has an inviting, homelike atmosphere that many restaurants lack.The space is small with only a few dining tables and nearly no decoration,but the environment is truly charming.Lying in a hardly noticeable street corner,the restaurant still attracts all customers, especially those experienced in the delights of Middle Eastern cooking.A common sight is that of old Persian men sitting in the corner talking loudly about world topics,watching news events on TV,drinking a black tea known as Persian chai, and reading local Persian newspapers all the while trying to finish off their plates piled with food.The variety of food at the restaurant is limited,but the amount of each dish is fairly large.Most of the meals can serve two people and are under $10, so not only is it affordable but practical as well.The food especially appeals to health­conscious eaters because each dish is very healthy,made with limited fat and oil and served straight off the grill (烤肉架). The main dish that the restaurant is popular for is its kabobs,which are different styles of grilled meat.One delicious and extremely healthy dish is the Joojeh Kabob,which is made of grilled chicken pieces served with either rice or bread.Another great kabob is the Chelo Kabob, a kabob consisting of grilled beef.Although the restaurant is small,the atmosphere and the food is delicious.It is a place that should not be overlooked.57. What activity is also mentioned apart from dining in the restaurant?A. Watching news events on TV.B. Drinking a kind of black coffee.C. Reading local English newspapers.D. Discussing world topics in low voices.58. The food of the restaurant ______.A. is served in small amountsB. is rather expensiveC. is rich in varietyD. is very healthy59. What is the dish Joojeh Kabob mainly made of?A. Rice. B.Chicken.C. Bread. D.Beef.一篇文章在确定主题之后,通常要通过大量的事实和细节对主题进行解释和说明。因此有很


《湖南省2012届高考英语二轮复习 第20讲 事实细节题学案.doc》
