
发布时间:2013-05-25 22:37:00   来源:文档文库   




PART BRole Play 角色扮演


David: Hello, Jenny. Would you like to go to a movie with me tonight? I’ve got two tickets. It’s said to be a wonderful movie. People just love it. Jenny: Oh, sorry, David. I don’t like going to the cinema. I don’t like the smell there. I usually watch a movie at home when I’m alone. David: Don’t you even want a try? You may find you love going to the cinema. Jenny: I don’t think so. I love fresh air. There are too many people in the cinema. The air there makes me sick.David: Then let’s do something else. We can take a walk in the park nearby. The air there is very fresh. Jenny: Sorry again, David. I already have plans for tonight.

1. Please get ready to ask three questions according to the following Chinese tips.

Q1: What are you going to do tonight? (M)A1: My grandma is coming town tonight. I haven’t seen her for almost one year. I want to make a good dinner for her and spend some time with her alone. I really look forward to her coming. Q2: How long will your grandma stay here?(M) A2Shell stay here for at least one month. She misses me and wants to spend more time with me. I like spending time with her, too. So she wont go back soon. Q3: Can I pay you a visit sometime?(M) A3: I dont think thats a good idea. My grandma doesn’t like spending time with strangers. Besides, we have plans for the following month. I don’t think we’ll spend much time at home. We’ll travel around the city most of the time.

2. Please get ready to answer five questions in English.

Q1: Why doesn’t Jenny like going to the cinema? A1: Because she doesn’t like the smell there. Q2: What did David ask Jenny to do in the park? A2: He asked her to take a walk with him there. Q3: When did Jenny see her grandma last time? A3: About one year ago. Q4: Why will Jenny’s grandma stay here for at least one month? A4: Because she misses Jenny and wants to spend more time with her. Q5: What does Jenny’s grandma dislike doing? A5: She dislikes spending time with strangers.

PART CRetelling 故事复述

Mr Black lived in a small town. After his wife died, he felt lonely and began to drink. Of course it was dangerous for him. One day, his friend asked him to go to a birthday party. He went to a shop, bought some presents and arrived at the party on time. His friends found he was unhappy. They asked him to drink with them. He joined them. He drank a lot that evening and could not walk by himself. His friends put him on a bed and he slept for a while. Then he drove his car home. He drove very fast and at a crossing he didn’t see a young man riding a motorbike and turned right. Bad luck! Neither of them could stop and they hit each other. The young man fell off his motorbike. Mr Black was frightened. He immediately got off his car and went to the young man. Mr Black went to the hospital with him. Luckily, the young man wasn’t seriously hurt. But Mr Black was still frightened. He didn’t dare imagine how terrible it would have been if he had killed the young man because of his drinking problem. From then on, he decided never to drink again.


Mr Black felt lonely and started drinking after his wife died. One day, he went to a birthday party and drank a lot with his friends. After sleeping there for a while, he drove home. On his way, at a crossing, he didn’t see a young man on a motorbike and they hit each other. Mr Black went to the hospital with the young man, who wasn’t seriously injured. But Mr Black was still frightened. He didn’t dare imagine how terrible it would have been if he had killed the young man. So he decided never to drink again.



6-10 AADCB

11-15 ACCDA

16-25 (One possible version)

16. saying 17. A 18. from 19. wrote 20. who

21. more 22. how 23. but 24. it 25. simply

26-30 BACCD

31-35 CABDC  

36-40 BACDA 

41-45 DCABD 

46-50 BDACF 

基础写作(One possible version)

This new type of car is powered by solar energy, making it more environmentally friendly and safer. Compared with traditional cars, it can run at a higher speed. With certain advanced technology available in it, people can watch TV as well as surfing the Internet. It can avoid dangerous and crowded places because it is computer-operated. And it is believed that this kind of car will take the place of the cars today.

读写任务(One possible version)

Let’s Cycle to School

Quite a few children in the UK cycle to school so as to save their parents fuel costs. Top cyclist Mark Cavendish hopes to make it easy for them to cycle round.

As we all know, there is less and less fuel around the world and fuel prices keep going up as time goes by. So cycling to school can be a good way to help families save money. In addition, because most children don’t take enough physical exercises and become overweight throughout the country, cycling to school can provide a chance for the children to take some exercises, keeping them fit and healthy.

Cycling to school may on the other hand bring trouble to the students themselves such as problems with road safety, being late for school and so on. However, in the long run, it does more good than harm to the students. Therefore, I suggest more children cycle to school every day.




1. C。来自德国的Jenny很喜欢印度,所以每年都“花些时间”在印度旅行。

2. C。根据下文LeelaJenny去孤儿院看望孩子们可知,在印度的时候,Jenny和一个印度女孩Leela成为了“好朋友”。

3. DJenny是德国人,故在印度她是个“外国人”,常会有这样那样的麻烦。

4. B。根据前句话Jenny always had language problems,所以说在新环境中她很难和印度人方便地“交流”。

5. D。由…this new environment可知印度和德国有很多的“不同”。

6. A。根据上下文的语境可知:原本Jenny在印度有语言障碍,而在孤儿院中她竟和语言不通的孩子们过的很愉快。故此处说是“奇怪的”事情发生了。

7. A。这里说的是LeelaJenny去“拜访”了一家孤儿院。

8. D。由后一句话Each one fell somewhere between the ages of fifteen days and one-and-a-half years old可知,这里的孩子年龄都很“小”。

9. CJenny 自知有交流的障碍肯定很拘谨;又根据After some hesitation…可知Jenny很小心,故此处应用slowly

10. B。根据Her mind relaxed a little The small child continued to smile可知在那时有个孩子对Jenny“笑”了。

11. A。由下文The words that escaped the little mouth were much different from Jenny’s mother tongue可知,Jenny唱歌用的是自己国家的语言“德语”。

12. C。那个孩子继续微笑,还跟着Jenny哼起歌来。repeat:重复。

13. CJenny能在语言不通的情况下和孩子们共同歌唱,故此处说我们没有“语言”障碍了。

14. D。根据下文and we have the to connect with each other可知答案应为connection。那天,这种暖人心房的交流让Leela和其他所有人感到震惊。

15. A。我们都是人类,有“能力”彼此间进行交流,这完全是发自内心的。


16. saying。考查非谓语动词。根据句子结构可知,saysign的定语;signsay 构成了逻辑上的主谓关系,因此需要使用say的现在分词形式。

17. A。考查冠词。man是第一次提到的单数可数名词,表示“一个”,并且位于句首,因此使用不定冠词A

18. from。考查介词。从句子意思看,“他从口袋里掏出一些硬币”,from 表示“从……”。

19. wrote。考查谓语动词。本句中的tookturnedwrite是并列谓语,因此使用它的过去式。

20. who。考查定语从句。根据句子结构可知,这里是用who来引导一个定语从句,修饰指人的先行词everyone

21. more。考查比较级。从后半句than before可知此处需要使用比较级,表示“更多的人”。

22. how。考查宾语从句。根据上下文可知,用how来引导宾语从句,表示“到了下午的时候,那个改写标语的人过来看看情况怎么样了”。

23. but。考查连词。根据句子意思,此处有转折的意思,表示“我说了你所说的话,但是用了不同的方式”。

24. it。考查代词。从句子意思可以看出“我不能看到这个美丽的一天”用it来指代a beautiful day.

25. simply。考查词性转换。从句子意思可知第一个标语仅仅说了这个男孩是盲的,“仅仅,简单地”修饰动词said,因此使用副词做状语。




26. B。细节理解题。根据文章内容可知,作者去采摘野花迷路了,碰到两个歹徒绑架一名科学家,他机智地解救了科学家,最后歹徒被警察抓获,故选B

27. A。细节理解题。作者找不到走出森林的路开始害怕起来。正是在这种心理的作用下,他看周围的树都像幽灵,故选A

28. C。细节理解题。将文章第四段中potion与倒数第二段中what he had invented联系起来可知,这种药剂是科学家发明的。

29. C。推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段的Luckily, the policemen were searching the forests for me可推断,作者的父母和他失散后,很可能报警向警察求助,而警察在搜寻作者的途中接到科学家的电话,及时抓捕了歹徒。

30. D。主旨大意题。该文围绕作者在森林里迷路和解救科学家这两次历险展开,故以My adventure in the forest为题最为恰当。



31. C。细节理解题。根据全文第一个句子可知,当谈及露营度假这个话题时,丰富多彩的活动是关键所在。再结合下文内容可知,Skåne可提供游客丰富多彩的活动。故这是作者推荐Skåne的理由之一。

32. A。细节理解题。根据文章第二段的Camp here and you can take your choice from 240 outdoor activities, plus, there’s a climbing wall, diving centre and cycle hire可知,在First Camp Mölle可以潜水、攀岩、骑自行车。而海钓项目则要在First Camp Torekov进行。

33. B。推理判断题。根据文章第二段最后一个句子中“你可以从老渔村出发去海钓”推断,这里大部分人以打渔为生。

34. D。细节理解题。根据文章第三段最后一个句子You can even light a campfire as long as the area isn’t too dry and there’s no risk of the fire spreading可知,作者在提醒我们:点篝火时要防止火灾的发生。

35. C。推理判断题。作者向我们介绍了Skåne的地理位置及在此露营活动的特色,故该文的出处应为旅游指南。



36. B。细节理解题。从文章第一段以及第三段可知,目前电动车还存在很多问题,其中一项就是它们的外观,设计者设计SRZero的目的就是改进电动车的外观,特别是从第三段中的the aim was to prove that electric cars could be more attractive得到验证。

37. A。细节理解题。从文章第二段中的The SRZero is, in fact, developed from Radical Sportscars’SR8可知,SRZero是一款改良的跑车。

38. C。推理判断题。从文章倒数第二段And back in September 2012 the Nemesis broke the electric car land speed record, with an average speed of 244 kph (not broken so far)可知,the Nemesis目前仍然保持着陆上最快的速度记录。

39. D。词义猜测题。从文章第一段可知,目前电动车存在的一个基本问题是其外观不酷,第二段承接上段,设计者专门设计了这款车,目的是想通过其形象,使电动车更具吸引力,从而增加车主的魅力。故alluring:吸引人的。

40. A。作者意图题。本文从外观、内部改良、性能以及发展前景等方面介绍了一款新式电动车,这个主题一直贯穿整个短文。



41. D。推理判断题。文章第一段谈到睡眠不足造成考试成绩差,在课堂学习理解能力下降。“你打盹,就不会赢了” 这个格言对于为了考试或完成一个项目而熬夜的学生并不适用。由此断定新研究显示,为了学习而牺牲睡眠并不是个好现象。

42. C。细节理解题。文章第二段谈到:加州大学研究团队发现,一个学生为有更多的学习时间而放弃睡眠,第二天他在课堂上难以理解学习内容,更有可能为了完成作业或考试而苦苦挣扎 —— 和学生的愿望刚好相反。由此断定正确答案为C

43. A。推理判断题。文章第三段谈到:无论学生在学业上多么雄心勃勃,这个关系都站得住脚。以一天花在学习上的时间来衡量,随着学生在高中的进步,学习时间过长和学业问题之间的关系更为明显。由此断定正确答案为A

44. B。推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句可知:这一发现是很有意义的,几项新研究正在显示,睡眠数量和质量对记忆新知识和巩固学习内容都很重要。由此断定正确答案为B

45. D。细节理解题。文章最后一段后半部分谈到:根据全国睡眠基金会报告,大多数青少年一晚需要九小时以上的睡眠,但只有9%的高中生能达到这样的睡眠时间。研究人员写道:尽管规律的睡眠时间是必要的,但是高中生面临巨大的升学压力,很难将此付诸实践。由此断定正确答案为D


