
发布时间:2020-05-07 00:04:42   来源:文档文库   

Unit 5

Active Reading (1)

1 1. Leisure time. 2. Humorous, informal. 3. In a magazine.

2 b

3 1 c 2a 3d 4b 5c


1 fulfilled 2leisure 3inherent 4interaction 5virtual 6 peculiar 7 insult


1 span 2 addicted 3 chill 4 evolved; evolving

5 extensive 6 fashionable 7 involves


1 b 2a 3b 4a

Active Reading (2)

1 1 No, it is his pastime.

2 Yes, as he writes about it and is shown doing it.

3. Unclear if we are right, he thinks it is important. He might advise other people to take up painting, but he might also be saying how difficult it is.

2 a-2 b-5 c-1 d-3 e-4

Reading and understanding


1 c 2 a 3d 4c 5d 6 b


1. No, it explains how we lead different types of lives and have different leisure needs, so general recommendations cannot be made.

2. No, it is useless to argue with the mind.

3. No, your hobby must suit you. Hobbies which do not suit you may cause harm instead of benefits.

4. As we need our pastimes to be unlike our daily lives, it is implied that people who lead dull lives will need excitement, but such people are not to be confused with people who are bored because they have too much. Excitement only adds to their excess.

5. Those who love their work.


1. grip

2. manual (The job requires manual work.)

3. additional

4. pastime

5. compensation

6. aggravate (Theres a risk that a hobby will only aggravate the strain of mental effort.)

7. trifling

8. enforced

9. rational


1 tired out 2 let it go 3 to death 4at hand 5 lay our hands on

6 in vain


1b 2a 3a 4a 5b 6a 7b 8b 9b


1b 2a 3a 4b 5a 6b


1. Yes. This is what I do when I am worried, and I find it works.

2. Quite a few: They could try listening to music, fishing or kite-flying, for starters.

3. Yes, though its hard. It seems few people are doing work which brings them pleasure. If you are one, you are lucky.

Language in use


1. The more hobbies you have, the less likely you are to worry.

2. The longer you work, the more you earn.

3. The more people work, the less free time they have.

4. The more leisure inactivities have developed, the less interaction they have.

5. The more you change the channel, the less chance you have of becoming interested.

6. The less effort you make, the better a couch potato you will be.


1 Winston Churchill was a British Prime Minister and a Nobel Prize winner. He was more famous for the former.

2 There are people who keep work separate from their pleasure, and people whose work is their pleasure. The latter are less common.

3 Cricket and football give you the impression of doing something useful. The former is more peculiar as a sport.

4 You need somewhere comfortable to sit and the remote control. The latter is more important.

5 The couch potato and the mouse potato enjoy leisure inactivity. The latter has less interest in the outside world.

6 Mouse potatoes travel the world online or participate in chat rooms. The former are more adventurous.


1 inherent danger 2 enforcepolicy 3 posesthreat

4 fulfillrole 5 rational analysis


游乐园是集娱乐景点、游乐设施和其他娱乐活动为一体、供大众游玩的娱乐场所。游乐园是从过去三种传统的游乐场所发展而来的:欧洲的定期集市、欢乐花园和世界博览会。在日常用语中,人们通常会把“主题公园”和“游乐园”当作同义词。 但是,主题公园可以被看作是独具一格的游乐园。主题公园有美化的景观,有建筑,有基于一个或多个特定的主题或故事而设置的景点。游乐园行业既包括像迪斯尼乐园、奥兰多海洋世界和好莱坞环球影城这样的大型全球主题公园,也包括像六旗乐园和雪松会公园这样小一些和中等规模的主题公园。迪士尼乐园的奇幻王国是全世界参观人数最多的主题公园,公园的标志性建筑灰姑娘城堡也是美国最著名的拍照景点之一。


Since 2008, with the implementation of the free admissions policy, Chinese museums have had more than 20,000 exhibitions, which have attracted over 600 million visitors each year. Museums are not only places to display collections, but also sites with educational, entertainment and recreational functions. For Chinese people, visiting museums has become an important means of enjoying their leisure time. On weekends and holidays, parents take their children to various kinds of museums. While visiting a place, apart from eating amazing local food and enjoying beautiful scenery, tourists may also visit local museums to learn more about its history and culture.


