
发布时间:2015-01-28 21:27:39   来源:文档文库   


[摘 要] 通过对西北省区旅游资源与旅游经济发展水平等方面的差异分析,得出结论:西北地区旅游资源的独特性与广泛性兼备,省际间旅游资源的区域互补性强,关联度较大,可形成一个各具特色的统一整体。陕西旅游资源总丰度居于西北地区首位,甘肃、宁夏旅游资源总丰度居中,青海、新疆旅游资源总丰度较低,青海旅游资源总丰度最小,资源分布密集、丰度较高的地区旅游业的发展就有更多的选择余地,也有利于促进经济和产业结构的合理化。西北地区旅游经济发展水平与旅游资源总丰度在区域上具有一定的分异性,旅游经济发展水平与旅游资源总丰度不相匹配,旅游资源未得到充分开发利用。

[关键词] 西北地区;旅游资源;旅游经济;省际差异分析

Tourism Resource and Economy Differences among Northwest Provinces

WANG Rongrong, QI Zhinan

Abstract: Analyzing tourism resource and economy differences among the northwest provinces, we conclude that provinces in the northwest area have unique and diversified tourism resources, which are complementary and connected to each other, and could form a unified whole with different characteristics. In terms of the tourism resource abundance, Shanxi province is in the first place, followed by Gansu and Ningxia; while Qinghai and Xinjiang are in lower places with Qinghai falling in the last place. Areas with high resource density and abundance have much more options in the tourism development and much more advantages in promoting the rationalization of the economy and industry structures. The tourism economy development and total resource abundance have some regional differentiation in the northwest area. The development level does not match with the resource abundance. And the tourism resources are underdeveloped.


