中级口译教程(第三版).梅德明著 第二盒-1英语部分

发布时间:2014-09-07 20:16:57   来源:文档文库   

Q: 您好,杰克逊先生。您在中国己连续工作了三年,您能否谈一

下中美两国生意人在商务沟通方式上有何不同之处? Hi, Mr. Jackson. You have been working in China for three years. Can you tell us how you feel about the differences in business communication style between Chinese and American businessmen?

A: With pleasure. 1 think there are at least two differences in the way of business communication between Chinese and

American businesspeople. First, Chinese businessmen tend

to have business negotiations in a rather indirect manner, as

opposed(与相反) to the more direct manner of American businesspeople. The Chinese take time to learn if their prospective(预期的) business contacts are really reliable, 中国人会花费时间来了解他们将要与之打交道的商人是否靠得住,for example, by inviting them to a party and socializing((与…)交往,联谊)with them. In contrast, Americans usually act with the "get down-to-business-first" mentality. Second, the decision making process of Chinese companies is generally slow and time-consuming. This is because most Chinese companies keep to the "bottom-up, then top-down and then bottom-up" decision-making principle(原则) which involves many people at different levels. 各个层次上的许多人士都介人决策过程American companies, on the other hand, usually operate with quick decisions made by the top management. 1 hope American businesspeople in China will understand these differences in business practices and adjust to the Chinese way.

Q: 美国式的经营之道在我们中国人看来往往显得咄咄逼人。您

在与中国同事的合作中有无注意到这一点? The American way of doing business often strikes us Chinese as Very aggressive. Were you aware of this in your collaboration with your Chinese colleagues?

A: Well, we are more direct and straight forward that most

Chinese, 1 would say, due to our different cultural traditions. 1 noticed that a lot of Chinese often avoid saying a clear " no" just to be polite. Sometimes my Chinese colleague say "yes" not to express agreement, but only to show that they are listening.

Q: 我们都应该承认这些文化差异,尊重这些差异,以免产生误解,

这很重要,不是吗? It is important for all of us to acknowledge and respect these cultural differences in order to avoid misunderstandings, isn't

A: Yes, understanding these differences, 1 believe, will be a first step toward establishing a firm business relationship

between American and Chinese companies.

Q: 刚才您提到了中国式的决策过程,您认为这种管理模式有无优点?将其与美国式的管理模式相比,您有何看法? You mentioned the Chinese type of decision-making process earlier. Do you see any strength with this type of management and how do you compare it with the American type of management?

A: 1 would say the American-type, or the top-down, management emphasizes efficiency, and competition among workers, while the Chinese-type management gives priority to careful planning and encourage cooperation among workers, and between workers and the management. Thus, while the American-type management often frustrates(使受挫折)many workers, the Chinese-type management gives workers a joy of participation and fulfillment, and a sense of pride in their work.

Q: 谈到员工的工作态度,中国人和美国人在这方面有何不同? Talking about' workers' attitude toward their work. how do the Chinese and the Americans differ in this respect?

A: 1 think most Chinese view work as essential for having

Membership(会员身份)in a community. 我认为,大多数中国人将工作视为能使自己成为整个团体中的一分子的必不可缺的条件They believe that work allows them to have the sense of belonging in a community. 团体归属感 in other words, work is necessary for them to gain social acceptance in the society. That is why many Chinese managers and employee work so hard to maintain their positions in their companies. Also, they see work as the most important thing in life. That is, they have tried to find the meaning of life through their jobs. While the Chinese work ethic is based on social pressure(社会压力) and community belonging团体归属感, the American work ethic seems to be more individual oriented. Traditionally, we work because it is the will of God我们工作是秉承了上帝的意志, and we often value the results and accomplishments of work more than its process. By the way , I'm very impressed by the obvious strong sense of

dedication(奉献) to the jobs among the older Chinese employees. 附带说一句, 年龄较大的中国员工对自己的工作有一种明显的奉献精神,我对此有很深刻的印象。

Q: 回到我们一开始的话题,您如何评价中美两种不同经营之道的

利弊呢? Returning to where we started, how do you comment on the merits and demerits of the two different approaches to business management?

A: It is difficult to decide which is better than which , because there are some merits (优)and demerits (孰劣)to both types of management. My suggestion is that people of both countries should learn from each other. 1 will say that in recent years, the merits of the Chinese way, or rather , the Oriental(东方的) way, of management are beginning to be recognized(认可) by an increasing number of people in the West. This more humane Oriental way of management seems to offer a great deal to the executives (行政人士of our American industries. 东方人的这种人情味更浓的经营方式似乎给我们美国产业界的管理人士以颇多的启迪。

Q: 谢谢!谢谢您接受我的采访。Thank you for sharing your time with me.

A: My pleasure.

Listen and interpret the following conversation alternatively into English and Chinese:

An interview with a songwriter about her debut album, "Last

Encounter , " and her writing method.

Q; 海伦,你对媒体有什么忌讳吗? Helen is there anything that you wish the media wouldn't ask you?

A: No, 1 like inquiries(询问;查究) from the press people, because as long as they are asking questions , I'm doing okay. 没什么忌讳的。我喜欢新闻记者的提问,因为只要记者有问题要问我,那就说明我还干得不错。

Q; 你把自己的首张专辑献给你的母亲,请问她对你的艺术生涯产

生了什么样的影响? You dedicated your debut album to your mom. In what way did she impact your art career?

A: She was a vocalist(歌唱家) and one of my best friends. 1 adored(崇拜) her. She was a tremendous(极好的)individual in so many ways , spiritual(精神的)and musical in particular. 她非常了不起,在很多方面都非常优秀,在精神和音乐两方面都很出色。

Q;你在歌曲创作方面有没有一种不同寻常的写作方式? Do you have a particular method for songwriting?

A: Well , 1 don't know if 1 have. 1 start with the music. 1 try to be melodic (有旋律的)first and then 1 go ahead and see if the words will come. Generally , if the music isn't happening , nine out of ten times the words aren't happening. 一般而言,旋律出不来,十之八九歌词也不会出来。

Q; 你的专辑有没有中心思想? Is there any common message in the album?

A: 1 don't know if there is a message. 1 think it's just honesty. It's just the way I've experienced it. I'm just expressing

myself. Songwriting is like looking at a painting. It is an

expression of my personal experiences, and if people find

that interesting, then that's the icing on the cake.

Q; 歌曲创作有助于你从个人经历中解脱出来吗? Does songwriting help you get through personal experiences?

A: 1 think any creative avenue(ævənju途径,手段, any creative outlet(方法出口) , is a way to sort out整顿;解决your issues 问题or emotional distress悲痛;危难. A lot of people are encouraged to do that , and 1 definitely肯定地encourage that. Be it art , music , poetry , or journalismɜ:nəlɪzəm新闻). Creativity is important. People who lack that gift appreciate others' ability. People say to me, "Thank you, but 1 didn't know how to put that in words. " That's been my experience. Creativity is definitely a great element in coping成功地应付with life. 创造性无疑是从容面对人生的一种本领。

Q: 海伦,你有什么爱好? Do you have any hobbies. Helen?

A: 1 enjoy catching up with my friends , because I'm rarely at home. With that said, my favorite recreational(rekrieɪʃənl消遣的;娱乐的) activity is playing pool. 1 also like to see my friends' bands play. I also enjoy painting or drawing, when I get around to it. 因为我很少在家,所以只要有机会我便跟朋友泡在一起。除此之外,我所喜欢的娱乐活动就是打台球。我也喜欢看朋友的乐队的演出,有时间的话我还喜欢画画。

0: 你还记得你的第一次演奏会吗? Do you remember your first show?

A: 1 was in a band for a short time when 1 lived in a small town and we did a show. I think the band broke up(解散) two weeks later. We didn't have a name. but it was fun. When 1 got to New York, 1 started playing at a place in an area known as

the Old City. Those were really my first gigs演唱会. and I didn't even play the guitar then, 1 just sang acappella清唱. 1 didn't know how to play the guitar until 1 was 24

0: 你能用三个词来总结一下自己走过的人生道路吗? Can you describe your life in just three words?

A: That's difficult. Let me think .. Yeab. I'm complex复杂的. a free spirit, and 1 just love making music. That's right. The three words are complex, free-spirited无拘. musician. How's that? Are they OK?

0: 很好呀! Very good

A: It's good because1 don' t make any sense. 你说很好,那是因为我不知所云

0: 讲得很清楚呀!那么你对那些希望当歌手或作曲家的年轻人有什么建议吗? Yes you do! Well, do you have any tips for aspiring(有抱负的)singers or songwriters?

A: Take criticism (krɪtɪsɪzəm批评)constructively(建设性地;). It's not fun when you get criticized, but it does help you with endurance. 以积极的态度看待批评.受到批评虽然不是什么好事,但是却有助于你修养一种忍耐之心。If you learn early that not everyone is going to love what you do, it's easier to cope. 1 would suggest that you keep writing and making your own music. When it works out ,it is incredibly(难以置信地)rewarding to use your own material, which sometimes takes a while. 一旦创作成功,那么使用自己的东西便会有意想不到的丰厚回报,当然这样做有时需要花些时间For me it took ten years, for some people it take significantly less 有些人所用的时间比我少得多and for others it never happens. maintain your love for music. That will carry you through. 便会渡过难关don't make it about money and don't make it about fame. 1 think that will make it a lot easier.

0: 海伦,谢谢您的忠告,同时也感谢您接受我的采访。Thank you for your advice. Helen. And thank you for accepting my interview.

A: My pleasure.

Interpret the following sentences into Chinese or English:

1. This is basically a correct observation, which says something about the American way of life.

2. Each state has its own traffic laws, and a driver from another state is expected to know and understand the local laws.

3. My country has the most developed car rental industry in the world, so you may very well want to reserve a car through your travel agent in your own country if you intend to drive while traveling in my country.

4. Airfare in this country is not regulated , and airlines often make special offers in order to attract customers.

5. It's actually easier to call a taxi company listed in the Yellow Pages of a telephone directory and ask them to send a cab to pick you up at your doorstep.

6. 1n the 25 years since the first reports of what we now know was AIDS , an entire generation has been born and come of age never knowing a world without the epidemic.

7. A massive educational campaign is the only thing conceivable at the moment that can help; to argue that this campaign is

difficult, expensive and therefore impossible would be quite self-defeating.

8. We'll have to convince people that they're better off knowing than not knowing the fact , because they can take whatever action available to treat the problem and control its infection with appropriate drugs.

9. 1 think Chinese businesspeople tend to have business negotiations in a rather indirect manner, as opposed to the more direct style of American businesspeople, who are said to work with the "get down-to-business-first" mentality.

10. The Chinese-type management encourage cooperation among

employees, between the labor and the management, and gives

employee a joy of participation and fulfillment, as well as a sense of pride in their work.

11. 1 think most Chinese try to find the meaning of life through

working in their jobs, and view work as essential for having

membership in a community.

12. Put it in another way, many Chinese people regard work as a prerequisite (pri:'rekwəzɪt先决条件)to gain social acceptance in the community.

13. Songwriting is an expression of my personal experiences, and if people find that interesting, then that's the icing on the cake.

14. It is said that the public transportation of American cities is not very desirable, isn't it?

15. When driving on expressways, the driver must control his or her speed within the range of the posted maximum and minimum


16. Surveys show that a majority of the public does not take a serious view of the AIDS epidemic. What do you think would be The best way to bring people to the awareness of the seriousness of the problem?

17. The American way of business practice often apprs to us Chinese to be very aggressive.

18. We have to recognize and respect our cultural differences, so as to prevent any possible misunderstanding.

19. 1 dedicated my debut album to my mother because she had a tremendous impact on my art career.

20. Please describe your life in just three words and give 'Some tips to the aspiring singers and songwriters.

Listen and interpret the following passage from English into Chinese:

Ladies and gentlemen,

Permit me first to thank you, our Chinese hosts, for your

extraordinary arrangements and hospitality. My wife and 1 t as well as our entire party, are deeply grateful .In the short period of six days, we have gone a longer distance than the world-renowned举世闻名的 "Long March".我们的行程跑过了举世闻名的"长征 We have acquired a keen sense of the diversity, dynamism(daɪnəmɪzəm活力) , and progress of China under your policies of reform and opening to the outside world. (气象万千,充满活力, 不断进步,)My wife and 1 have a special regard(尊敬) and personal friendship for the people of China. 我与我夫人对中国人民怀有一种特殊的敬慕之情和个人友谊Beijing is for us an old and nostalgic(nɒ'stældʒɪk怀旧的;乡愁的)home. During our stay here ten years ago we spent a great deal of memorable time with the people here , working, shopping, sightseeing观光, and touring the city on our bicycles. During that time we never experienced anything other than the utmost courtesy and genuine真诚的friendship of the Chinese people. Those were happy days. They were good days, important days. We were part of the dramatic drəmætɪk戏剧性的process which brought us back together and set us on the road to a genuinedʒenjuɪn坦率的,真诚的friendly and cooperative relationship. 我们参与了富有戏剧性的转变过程,这种转变使我们重新走到一起,使我们踏上了一条通往建立一种真诚友好的合作关系的道路。 Our friendly and cooperative ties(关系) have become extensive, 我们友好合作关系的领域十分广泛affecting a11 aspects of our national lives: commerce, culture, education , and scientific exchange. I am most proud of the large number of Chinese students being educated in exchange in my country. 大批中国学生通过交流正在我国学习, 我对此深感自豪.I myself teach some of them and see the benefits that come from this exchange交流. At the same time we are learning valuable lessons from you. Nonetheless 与此同时,problems remain留下;依然in our economic, education and strategic relations. While we are not so naive天真的;单纯的as to believe that there are no issues of difference between us, 我们不会天真地以为我们之间不存在分歧I also believe that our differences are greatly overshadowed by issues which bind us and strengthen our relationship. 另一方面,我也认为那些将我们联系在一起并且强化我们关系的事务,在很大程度上弱化了我们之间的差异As a former government leader and now a private citizen, 作为一名前政府领导人,现在的一名普通公民, I recognize that many of the burdens and opportunities of our relationship have now passed to the non-governmental sectors of our two societies我感到我们关系中的许多重任和机遇己转到两国的民间机构: to individuals个人, our corporations公司, universities, research institutes研究院, foundations , and so on. There is no doubt that our relations have reached a new stage. In this context背景;环境在这种形势下, it is important for our two societies to search for areas of cooperation which clearly add to our mutual benefit. 寻求显然可以增进互惠互利的合作领域对我们两国来说显得十分重要。My visit is a symbol of the good faith 真诚with which we seek to build up the strength of our friendship , our Cultural and commercial ties and our important strategic relationship. 我的访问是良好诚意的象征希望能在友谊的基础上建立文化和商业关系,建立重要的战略关系。Events of the past decade have confirmed time and time again that our friendship and cooperation will continue to flourish.茂盛,繁荣and yield屈服,生产more fruits in the days to come. 我们过去10年的交往一再证明,我们之间的友谊与合作将在未来的岁月里持续发展并结出更多的果实。



及我团的全体随行人员都深为感激。在短暂的6 天里,我们的行程跑过了举世闻名的"长征'.

二在改革开放政策引导下的中国,气象万千,充满活力, 不断进步,这些我们都已强烈地感受到了。我与我夫人对中国人民怀有一种特殊的敬慕之情和个人友谊。对我们两人来说, 北京是我们思念的故乡。10 年前我们在此生活期间,我们与这里的人们一起度过了许多难忘的时光一一我们在这里工作、购物、观光、骑自行车逛城。在那段日子里, 我们所感受到的总是中国人民的高度礼貌和诚挚友情.那是一些令人愉快的日子,一些美好的日子, 一些意义重大的日子。我们参与了富有戏剧性的转变过程,这种转变使我们重新走到一起,使我们踏上了一条通往建立一种真诚友好的合作关系的道路。我们友好合作关系的领域十分广泛,已深入到我们国家生活的所有方面:商业、文化、教育,以及科学交流。大批中国学生通过交流正在我国学习, 我对此深感自豪.我自己也给一些学生上课,亲眼目睹了这种交流所产生的益处。与此同时,我们也从你们身上、汲取了宝贵的经验。然而,在我们经济、教育以及战略关系中仍然存在着问题。一方面,我们不会天真地以为我们之间不存在分歧,另一方面,我也认为那些将我们联系在一起并且强化我们关系的事务,在很大程度上弱化了我们之间的差异。作为一名前政府领导人,现在的一名普通公民,我感到我们关系中的许多重任和机遇己转到两国的民间机构,如个人、公司、大学、研究院、基金会等。毋庸讳言,我们的关系己进人了一个新的阶段。在这种形势下,寻求显然可以增进互惠互利的合作领域对我们两国来说显得十分重要。我的访问是良好诚意的象征,我们怀着这种良好诚意,希望能在友谊的基础上建立文化和商业关系,建立重要的战略关系。我们过去10年的交往一再证明,我们之间的友谊与合作将在未来的岁月里持续发展并结出更多的果实。

Listen and interpret the following passage from English into


Respected Your Excellency, My Chinese friends,

Thank you very much for your kind words of welcome. This

is a happy and memorable occasion for me personally as well as for the members of my delegation. To come to China, one of the earliest cradles of civilization is, 1 suppose, the dream of many people the world over. 1,therefore. feel very honored to be your guest. In accepting Your Excellency's gracious invitation to visit this great country, 1 have had an excellent opportunity to renew old friendships and establish new contacts. When we established our friendly and cooperative relations, we did so on the understanding that we would develop our friendship on the basis of mutual respect and equality(平等), and mutual benefit. These are the principles on which we seek friendship with all peoples of the world. It is absolutely vital that all nations, big or small, strong or weak, should conduct their relations with each other on these principles. We, therefore, welcome the interest and understanding that China has shown regarding认为;注视;涉及;尊敬 the problems of and positions taken by small and developing countries. 我们因而欢迎中国关注和理解小国和发展中国家所遇到的问题以及所持的立场。 China's support is a constant source of encouragement to us in the pursuit(追求) of the goals of developing and maintaining the independence of our country. 中国的支持始终鼓励着我们去发展与保持我国独立的目标。1t is my sincere hope that we can develop further , on the basis of mutual respect and mutual benefit, the links and the friendship that exist between our two countries. As we are both developing countries, having a common aspiration(愿望) in improving the standard of life of our peoples, 1 look forward , in the next few days, to the opportunity of learning something from your endeavors and experience in promoting economic and social development in the service of your people.

I'd like to take this opportunity to extend to Your Excellency

an invitation to visit my country, so that we will have an

opportunity to return the warm welcome and generous hospitality you extended to us.1n closing, may 1 say again how delighted and privileged we are to be in your country. We are deeply grateful for what you have done for us since our arrival in your country. May 1 propose a toast, To the health of Your Excellency, To the health of all the Chinese friends ,To our lasting friendship. Cheers!







Listen and interpret the following passage from English into


Your Excellency Mr. PresidentLadies and gentlemen, It gives me great pleasure to attend this luncheon午宴, meeting all the friends , old and new. 1 would also like to take this opportunity to thank the National Committee on U. S. China

Relations 美中关系全国委员会and the U. S. -China Business Council委员会美中贸易全国委员会, as well as others present here, for your dedicated efforts over the years to increase the understanding and friendship between the two peoples and to promote the relations between the two countries. History beckons召唤 againWe have begun to write a new chapter for peace and progress in our histories, with America and

China going forward hand-in-hand美中两国携手并进. We must always be realistic(现实的) about our relationship, frankly acknowledging the fundamental differences in ideology意识形态aɪdɪ'ɒlədʒɪ and institutions(制度) between our two societies. Yes, let us acknowledge those differences; let us never minimize轻视them; but let us not be dominated (控制,施压)by them. I have not come to China to hold forth on(评说) what divides(分离) us, but to build on what binds us. I have not come to dwell(回顾) on a c1osed-door past, but to urge(促进) that Americans and Chinese look to the beautiful future. 1 am firmly convinced that, together, we can and will make tomorrow a better day. We may live at nearly opposite(相反的) ends of the world. We may be distinctly明显地; 无疑地different in languages, customs, and politic beliefs; but on many vital questions of our time there is little distance between the American and Chinese people. 但是在我们这个时代的许多至关重要的问题上,我们两国人民之间几乎没有距离。 Indeed, 1 believe if we were to ask citizens all over this world what they desire most for their children, and for their children's children, their answer in English, Chinese, or any other language, would likely be the same: We want peace. We want freedom. We want a better life. Their dreams, so simply stated, represent humanity's deepest aspirations for security and personal fulfillment. 他们这些言简意贱的愿望代表着人类对安全以及满足个人意愿的最深切的要求。And helping them make their dreams become true is what our jobs are all about. We have always believed the heritage(传统)of our past is the seed that brings forth the harvest of our future. And from our roots(根祖先), we have drawn tremendous极大的power from faith and freedom. 我们一开始便从信仰和自由中汲取了巨大的力量Our passion for freedom led to the American Revolution. 我们对自由的渴望导致了美国革命We know each of us could not enjoy liberty(自由) for ourselves un1ess we were willing to share it with everyone else. And we knew our freedom could not be truly safe. unless a11 of us were protected by a body of laws that treated us equally.

Trust the people - these three words are not only the heart

and soul of American history but the most powerful force for human progress in the world today. Like China. our people see the future in the eyes of our children. And, like China, we revere敬畏our elders. To be as good as our fathers and mothers. we must be better. 若要做得像前辈那样出色,我们就必须做得更出色.Over a century ago. Grant. who was then a former president. visited your country and saw China's great potential."1 see dawning (端倪,黎明)... Grant wrote, "the beginning of a change. When it does come. China will rapidly become a powerful and rich nation . .. The population is industrious勤劳的, frugal节俭. intelligent聪颖. and quick to learn接受能力强..Today, China's economy crackles with the dynamics of change. 中国经济突飞猛进,日新月异。Unlike some governments. which fear change and fear the future. China is beginning to reach out toward new horizons中国开始迈向新的高度and we salute(致敬) your courage. We Americans have always considered ourselves pioneers(先锋), so we appreciate such vitality(活力) and optimism. Today. 1 bring you a message from my countrymen我国同胞: As China moves forward on this new path. America welcome the opportunity to walk by your side. 中国在这条新的道路上向前迈进,我们美国很高兴有机会同中国并肩前进1 see America and our Pacific neighbors going forward in a mighty浩瀚的强大的enterprise to build strong economies and a safer world. 我看到美国与其太平洋邻国正在所从事的伟大事业中向前迈进,这就是努力建设强大的经济和更为安全的世界。 For our part. we welcome this new Pacific tide. Let it roll peacefully on. carrying a two-way flow of people and ideas就我们而言, 我们欢迎这股新的太平洋浪潮。让这股浪潮平顺地滚滚向前,促进人民和思想的双向交流,that can break down barriers障碍 of suspicion 猜忌and mistrust. and build up bonds 纽带of cooperation and shared optimism. The future is ours to build. Thank you.







裕的国家……中国人民勤奋、节俭、聪颖、接受能力强。"今天,中国经济突飞猛进,日新月异。与一些惧怕变革、惧怕未来的国家不同中国开始迈向新的高度, 我们向你们表现出的这种勇气致敬。我们美国人一向视自己为开拓者,所以我们赞赏你们的活力和乐观精神. 今天,我给你们捎带来了我国同胞的口信:中国在这条新的道路上向前迈进,我们美国很高兴有机会同中国并肩前进。我看到美国与其太平洋邻国正在所从事的伟大事业中向前迈进,这就是努力建设强大的经济和更为安全的世界。就我们而言, 我们欢迎这股新的太平洋浪潮。让这股浪潮平顺地滚滚向前,促进人民和思想的双向交流,打破猜忌和不信任的障碍,建立合作关系,树立共有的乐观精神。未来靠我们去构筑。谢谢。


《中级口译教程(第三版).梅德明著 第二盒-1英语部分.doc》
