人教版英语必修一Unit 4A night the earth didnt sleep教案

发布时间:2019-09-07 10:18:25   来源:文档文库   

Unit 4 Earthquakes

A Night The Earth Didn’t Sleep

Teaching goals

1. Skill goals

Strengthen students’ skimming and careful reading skills.

Strengthen students’ predicting, concluding and summarizing skills.

Have students know what to do in an earthquake.

2. Sensibility goals

(1) Let students know that we should help others when they are in difficulty.

(2) Let students know that we should get along with nature peacefully.

3. Knowledge goals

(1) Make students understand the main idea of this reading and each paragraph.

(2) Let students pick out some useful words and expressions.

(3) Make students master some knowledge about earthquakes.

Teaching important point

Let students know what we should do in an earthquake through discussion and performance.

Teaching difficult point

How to deal with the interaction between the students and teacher.

Teaching aids

Multimedia, English Weekly, internet, textbook, chalk.

Teaching procedures

Step 1: Greeting

Step 2: Warming up

Introduce the article through a film and guide the students to predict the text content through the knowledge they have mastered.

Step 3: Listening

Listen to the article carefully, then find out its main idea.

Step 4: Skimming

Skim the article, then write down the main idea of each paragraph.

Step 5: Careful reading

Read the article carefully and finish the table in the newspaper.

Step 6: Useful words and expressions

burst. vi . ( burst , burst ) 爆炸,炸裂;冲,闯;突发巨响。

burst in on/upon sbdy. 插嘴,打断某人。

She doesn’t like to be burst in on while she is studying.

burst into sth. 突然(哭、笑、唱)起来。

She burst into tears.

burst out doing sth. 突然开始做某事。

On seeing her mother, the little girl burst out laughing.

n. 缺口,裂口;爆发,一阵。

There was a burst of laughter in the room.

as if . 好像,仿佛。相当于as though,常用在动词look, seem, feel 等之后引导表语从句。如果从句表示的情况接近事实,从句用陈述语气;反之,如果从句表示的情况与事实相反,或者不可能发生,从句用虚拟语气。


I remember the thing clearly as if it happened yesterday.

(2) 从句表示与过去的事实相反,谓语动词用过去完成时。

He talked about Rome as if he had been there before.

(3) 从句表示与将来事实相反,谓语动词用would/could/might+动词原形。

He opens his mouth as if he would say something.

ruin n. 废墟,毁灭。in ruins 严重受损;破败不堪

Our plan is in ruins because of the bad weather.

vt. 毁灭,使破产。

Don’t let a small disagreement ruin your friendship.


destroy , 表示严重毁坏某物,使之不复存在或无法修复。



bury vt. 埋葬;掩埋;隐藏。

bury oneself in = be buried in 埋头于;专心于

Jack is always buried in reading and studying.

Step 7: Discussion and performance

Have students discuss what to do when an earthquake happens and then let them perform a short play.

Step 8: summary and feelings.

We should help others when they are in difficulty.

We should get along with nature peacefully.

Step 9. Homework.

Finish exercises on page 28 of the textbook.

Read the article and pick out all the attributive clauses in the article.

Teaching reflection

1. I should give full consideration to the students who have bad basis . I will teach according to their aptitude later.

2. I should pay much attention to the formation of students' reading habits and the increase of students’reading ability.

3. Strengthen the management of the classroom.


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