how to choose a good paper topic

发布时间:2012-11-08 17:22:10   来源:文档文库   

How to choose a good topic for a graduation paper

How to find a desirable topic for a graduation? Practically, the choice of a topic involves identifying a general subject area, defining the topic and narrow it, and stating the topic as a question or hypothesis. We can do that step by step to form an appropriate topic.

Firstly, identifying a general subject area, we notice that a subject contains a number of specialties, a specialty including many fields. We should follow the process that is discipline, major, specialty, and field.

Following that, defining the topic, the topic must accord the following criteria: importance and interest, manageability, and availability of resources. We need to devote our effort and time to make our topic both importing and interesting. Sometimes, the particular field you have definite might still be so broad or vague that you cannot conduct your research successfully. Choose a topic that is too broad or too big will not give you a clear direction to make your research, in this situation; we must narrow it down to a manageable aspect. What’s more, avoid choosing a topic that is too trivial, avoid too professional topic, as a university student, we still have not enough knowledge which is affordable for our paper. Finally, when you choose a topic, you should take the reference materials into consideration. A good topic is one that takes you a variety of sources which allow you to support a conclusion. Therefore, to choose a good topic, we should make sure that the libraries within reach are available enough for your working.

However, if, after brainstorm, you will still do not come up with a promising subject, then go to an encyclopedia and leaf thorough it and glance over the great range of subjects there. You can make good use of all the other resources available in the libraries or internet within reach to get a subject. When you have trouble in thinking up creative topics, you can consult with fellow student, ask as many professors as possible.

Last but not least, it is necessary to make a hypothesis for your topic by asking a question or giving a statement. There are 3 ways to formulate your topic. They are size combination, like “a case study of…”; emptiness and reality; different views, like “from the perspective of …”. Selecting a good topic is not a simple matter. We should make great efforts to choose a desirable topic.


《how to choose a good paper topic.doc》
