
发布时间:2016-06-30 15:42:39   来源:文档文库   
康旺“隐茶杯”营销策划书【摘要】近年来,随着人们环保意识的增强,方便、快捷、卫生、环保的一次性纸杯已成为人们生活,待客不可或缺的日用品。据相关部门调查一个城市一次性纸杯的年消费额高达2亿以上,市场极为庞大。中国人喜欢喝茶,方便,卫生的一次性纸杯自然成了很多人首选饮茶工具。然而,用一次性纸杯沏茶难以将茶叶泡开,易渗漏,茶叶漂浮等缺点给消费者带来了诸多不便。杯中自然含茶,直接冲入热水即可饮用香茶的隐茶杯的出现,为现代人带来了全新的饮茶概念。成为一次性纸杯的升级替代品,适用于宾馆,酒店,机场,公司等行政事业单位及所有服务性行业。【关键词】隐茶杯营销策划营销策略公共关系Abstract:Along with the people environmental protection consciousness enhancement, convenient, was in recent years quick, hygienic, the environmental protection disposable paper cup has become the people to live, entertains a guest the indispensable daily necessities.According to the correlation department investigates a city disposabl.paper cup the year expense volume to reach as high as above 200000000,the market is extremely huge. The Chinese likes drinking tea,convenient, the hygienic disposable paper cup naturally became very many person of first choices to drink the tea tool. However, steeps tea with the disposable paper cup soaks with difficulty the tea, is easy to seep, the tea floated and so on the shortcoming brings to the consumer many has been inconvenient. In the cup naturally contains the tea, directly breaks in the hot water then to drink with the scented tea hides the teacup the appearance, brought brand-new for the modern people has drunk the tea concept. Becomes the disposable paper cup the promotion substitute, is suitable the guesthouse, the hotel, the airport, administration institution and all services profession and so on company.Key word:Hides the teacup The marketing plans Marketing strategy Public relation引言:随着时代的发展,人们的生活速度也在加快。方便、快捷、环保、卫生的产品也越来越受到人们的喜欢。一次性纸杯以其方便、快捷的特点成为人们日常生活必备的饮茶工具,为一次性消费品之冠。但是随着现代人们生活品味的提高,一次性纸杯逐渐显现出了一定的缺点,如:纸杯缺少杯盖,使用它来冲泡茶叶,茶叶很难泡开,茶杯上漂浮的茶叶极为不美观;而且在饮用中经常会遇到满嘴茶叶末的麻烦和尴尬等。康旺“隐茶杯”公司看准这一市场空隙开发出了一次性纸杯的升级替代品:康旺“隐茶杯”。它的出现填补了国内隐茶杯市场的空白,满足人们对方便快捷,环保卫生的产品的需求,解决了一次性纸杯的缺陷,受到人们的


