江苏省姜堰市张甸中学高三英语一轮复习:Module 3 Unit 2 重点词语

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牛津英语模块Unit 2 重点词语


Welcome to this unit & Reading

1. confusing

adj. “令人迷惑的”,现在分词具有主动性,作表语或定语时用来描述事物,过去分词表示被动,常用来描述人。 be confused in mind 心烦意乱; be /get confused迷惑不解; a confused look不迷惑不解的表情。

The more he explained, the more confused I became.

拓展 vt. confuse A with/and B AB弄混了。

Don’t confuse Austria with Australia. 不要把奥地利与澳大利亚弄混淆了。

2. be made up of

表示“由……组成”,与consist of意思相近。

The UK is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

【拓展】make up表示 “组成、化妆、编造、弥补”等。如:make up a football team组成一支足球队;make up an excuse编造一个借口;make up for the lost time弥补失去的时间。如:You needn’t make up for it, because it’ll just be a party for friends.

3. vocabulary

n. vocabulary n. 词汇(量)、词表,指某一门语言或专业的词汇量。have a large vocabulary of English有丰富的英语词汇;enlarge / enrich one’s vocabulary扩大某人的词汇量。

In order to improve your reading, you should enlarge your vocabulary.

4. create

vt. “创造;创作”,create an excuse 编造借口;create a poem 写诗。

It is the people who created the history.

【拓展】creative adj. 有创造性的creative work创造性的工作。creativity n 创造力

This job is challenging, which needs creativity.

5. pick up


There is book on the floor. Please pick it up.

【拓展】pick up还可表示“接收(信号);(用车)接(某人);(无意中)学会; 加速”。如:

My radio picks up no signals. It needs repairing.

Don’t worry. I’ll pick him up at the airport.

When I stayed in Paris, I picked up some French words.

6. take control of

表示“控制;取得……的近控制”, Control可以作动词和名词“控制”,含control的常见短语有:control oneself 自我控制; bring …under control使……在控制之下;lose control of…失去对……的控制;out of control 失控。

She controlled herself and tried not to show her anger. 她控制住自己不把生气表现出来。

The car lost control and fell into the river. 汽车失去控制,掉进了河里。

How can I bring those naughty boys under control? 我怎样才能控制住那些调皮的男生呢?

7. despite

prep.尽管;虽然 相当于in spite of.。如:

Despite his illness, he is still working with us.

由介词despite表的短语可以转换成although, though, even though等引导的让步状语从句。

Despite the bad weather, they still had the match.

相当于:Although / Though / Even though the weather was bad, they had the match.

8. adopt

vt. 表示“采纳(建议、方法),常见搭配:adopt an idea采纳方法;adopt a suggestion采纳建议。如:

I offered him some advice, and he adopted it.

【拓展】表示“领养;收养”。如:adopt an orphan 领养孤儿an adopted son 养子;an adopted mother养母。如:

Having been married for five years without a child, the couple decided to adopt an orphan.

9. include

vt. 包括 be included in…被包括在……中。如:

What items should be included in the first aid kit?


He can speak several languages, including Greek. (=…, Greek included)

辨析 include / contain

contain作动词,表示“(某物里)容纳/含有……”。如:Seawater contains much salt. 海水里含有许多盐。include为动词,“包含;包括”,表示大集体中“包含”某些个体。如:The list included his name. 这个名单上包括他的名字

10. depend

vi. “依靠;视……而定”,可以单独使用,后接介词on之后可以接宾语或宾语从句。如:

— We should depend on ourselves!

—I can’t agree more. Believe in ourselves and we are sure to make it.

— Could you do me a favor?

— It depends on what it is.

【拓展】depend on sb for sth依靠某人获得某事;depend on sb to do sth依靠某人做某事;It (all)depends! 这要看情况而定。


I. 单项选择。

1. That’s why English is a language with ________ rules.

A. such many confusing B. so much confused

C. so many confused D. so much confusing

2. The adventure team ________ 12 members coming from China, the U.S and Australia.

A. consists with B. is consisted of C. is made up D. in made up of

3. — How can I improve my reading speed?

— Keep on practicing while enlarging your __________.

A. spelling B. pronunciation C. vocabulary D. writing

4. I don’t know why my cell phone _______ no signals. Maybe something is wrong with it.

A. picks up B. takes up C. brings up D. puts up

5. It says in the Bibles that God _________ humans and everything that we see in the world.

A. invented B. discovered C. found D. created

6. After two days of fighting, the PLA took ___________ of the city of Nanjing.

A. over B. hold C. control D. place

7. ____________the heavy rain, he still went there alone.

A. Despite B. In spite C. Even though D. However

8. If you __________this new method, your production will certainly increase greatly.

A. adapt B. adopt C. invade D. avoid

9. His schoolbag __________ ten story-books, ___________ the one I lent him yesterday.

A. includes; containing B. includes; including C. contains; including D. contains; containing

10. _________ we will go picnic ___________the weather tomorrow

A. If; depends B. If; depends on C. Whether; depends D. Whether; depends on

II. 根据所给汉语完成下列句子。

1. 尽管他累了,可他还是把汽车加速了。

________ his tiredness, he still ______ ________ the speed of his car.

2. 我采纳了他的建议,尽力扩大我的英语词汇量。

I’ve _______ his suggestion and is doing my best to _______ my English ________ .

3. 联合国是由二百多外国家和地区组成,包括中国。

The UN is _______ _______ ________ over 200 countries and areas, ________ China.

4. 要是我们可以创造一门更少让人不解规则的语言多好啊!

If only we could ________ a language ________ fewer _________ rules!

5. 这取决于你能否控制整个班级。

It _______ ________ ________ you can take ________ the whole class.

Key: I. 1-5 ADCAD 6-10 CABCD

II. 1. Despite; picked; up 2. adopted; enlarge; vocabulary 3. made up of ; including 4. create; with confusing


(Word Power, Grammar& Task )


1. I _________ to lend you the money if you can return it by the end of this month.

2. Don’t worry. He has no _________ solving such kind of problem by himself.

3. You needn’t ___________ every new word while reading.

4. .Since you are against the plan. Could you tell me why you __________ about it?

5. He is a selfish boy who __________ himself only.

6. The sign “No smoking” can be seen in hospitals and hospitals, where smoking is _________ .

7. A big fire broke out and ____________ to the neighborhood quickly.

8. Every dormitory in the university is equipped with an Internet _________, which allows you surf the Internet without going to the Internet bars.

1. promise

promise作动词许诺答应常用于 promise to do sth答应做某事promise sb sth答应某人某事promise +that从句。作名词, “诺言;许诺,如:make a promise许下诺言;keep a promise信守诺言;break one’s promise违背诺言。

【拓展】promising adj. 充满希望的有前途的 a promising student很有希望的男孩;a promising year有望丰收的一年。

2. difficulty

difficulty作名词表示具体的“困难”时为可数名词,如:overcome difficulties克服种种困难;face difficulties bravely勇敢地面对困难。

【拓展】短语have difficulty (in) doing sth做某事有困难。其中difficulty为不可数名词,介词in可以省略。如:

Do you have any difficulty (in) pronouncing these new words?

3.look up

该短语可表示“在(字典等中)查寻……”之意。特别注意的是look up的宾语应是需要查找的“生词、号码等”,表示查寻地点的名词是状语。如:

You can look up the new word in the dictionary.

【拓展】look up还可“好转;探访”,它还可表示“向上看”,由而可以引申为“尊敬”。如:

Things are looking up after his suggestion was carried out.

We all look up to the Chinese space heroes for their bravery and contributions.

4. disagree

disagree 为不及物动词,表示“不同意”,与agree的搭配相近。disagree to do sth不同意做某事, disagree with sb about /over sth不同意某人某事。。

I disagreed with him about who should get the job.

【拓展】disagree with还可表示“不适宜;对……有害”。如:

The weather disagreed with me, so I was ill most of the holiday there.

5. cares about

care about表示“关心;担心;在意”。如:

She always cares more about others than herself.

He complains that his parents care too much about his exam results.

【拓展】care 作名词,“小心;关心”,take careof)当心!handle with care小心轻放!作不及物动词“喜爱;在意”,care for表示“喜爱”。如:

I don’t know about it, nor do I care.

Ants care for sweet food.

6. banned

ban作及物动词时表示 “禁止”,常用于ban (doing) sth禁止(做)做某事。如:

Fishing is banned at this time of year.

【拓展】n.“禁令;禁止”,常用于 a ban on sth对……的禁令。如:

There is a ban on wine for children under 18.

7. spread

spread 作动词(vi. & vt.)“传播;蔓延”,动词原形、过去式和过去分词相同。如:

The fire broke out in this kitchen, and soon spread to the whole building.

【拓展】 spread out a map 展开地图;spread news across the city将消息传遍全城,spread oneself舒展身体;The bird spread its wings. 鸟儿张开翅膀。

8. access

access作名词,“通道;访问;使用权”,常与介词to连用。常见搭配有:have access to ..权使用;有机会接近;a person easy of access一个容易接近的人; give access to接见;准许出入;access to the Internet互联 网接口。


More television programmes can be easily accessed if you use cable TV.


I. 单项选择。

1. He _______to our party, but he hasn’t turned up so fart.

A. promises coming B. had promised to come C. had promised coming D. promised to come

2. Can you imagine the _______ she had _______up so many children alone?

A. difficulty; brought B. difficulty; bringing

C. difficulties; brought D. difficulties; bringing

3. It’s a waste of time ________every word you meet with in reading.

A. looking at B. looking up C. looking for D. looking after

4. He thinks boys are cleverer than girls, and this is ________.

A. where I disagree B. what I disagree

C. where I disagree about D. which I disagree about

5. We should _______not only our studies, but also the state affairs.

A. care for B. care of C. care about D. care

6. There is a _______on smoking in this theatre.

A. stop B. ban C. prevent D. keep

7. SARS, caused by a kind of virus, _______ to a lot of areas in China in 2003.

A. spread B. flew C. rushed D. pushed

8. Students in our school have free _______ to computers at weekends..

A. way B. path C. road D. access


1. 如果你理解这句的确有困难,你可以把它的生词在字典中查一查。

If you do have any ________ ________ this sentence, you can _______ _______ its new words in the dictionary.

2. 她答应我可以自由使用她的图书。

She’s _______ me that I can have free _______ ________ her library books.


One should first ________ ________ oneself, and this is ________ he ________.

4. 消息传来说明年这个时候将禁止捕鱼。

News _________ to me that _________ will be ________ this time next year.


I. 1-5 DBBAC 6-8 BAD

II. 1. difficulty understanding; look up 2. promised; access to 3. care about ; where; disagree 4. spread; fishing banned / forbidden/permitted



1. The twins look alike but d_________ in character.

2. We should choose a person to r___________ us to have a talk with the boss.

3. When light reaches a mirror, it will be r___________.

4. In which d___________ is the bus going, south or north?

5. Fever i__________ sickness, so I suggest you see a doctor at once.


differ为动词相异不同”,其对应的形容词为different, 名词difference。表示……不同时用differ from be different from。如:

Your answer differs from mine.

= Your answer is different from mine.

【拓展】表示“在……不同”时,则介词用in,即:differ / be different in。如:

The two areas are similar in sizes, but differ / are different in weather.


represent作动词,表示具体“代表”某人或某物,即 represent sb / sth 代表某人/物;represent sb to do sth 代表某人做某事。如:

He will represent our school to take part in the maths competition.

represent也可以表示抽象意义上“象征”,这时与stand for意思相近。如:

Olive branch and pigeon represent peace.


This painting represents a storm.

He represented himself as a policeman.

3. reflect


Happiness is reflected on his face.

【拓展】与介词on; upon连用时,表示“思考;指责”reflect on a problem思考问题;reflect on one’s conduct指责某人的行为。


direction名词“方向”,其前常用in, from (不用介词to)。如:in the direction of …表示“朝……方向”,in all directions = in every direction朝着四面八方; from the direction of his coming从他来的方向。如:

Hearing the sound of steps, the birds flew in all directions.

【拓展】direction还可表示“指导;说明书”。under the direction of 在……的指导下;full directions inside. 内附详细说明。其动词为direct “指导;指路direct sb to do sth指导某人做某事;direct sb to the park指点某人去……的路。

5. indicate


In this map, cities are indicated by red dots.

Dark clouds indicate a heavy rain.

The sign at the crossing indicates the way to Yancheng.

【拓展】indication n.标记征兆迹象”,The indication is that…有迹象表明……。如:

The indication is that he may give up his present job.



1. This hat __________ that one __________ prices.

A. differs from; from B. is different in; from

C. differs from; in D. different from; in

2. He __________our school to take part in the competition and won the first prize.

A. stood for B. represented C. presented D. instead of

3. The dark cloud _________ a heavy rain right away.

A. indicates B. signs C. refers D. directs

4. Sean’s strong love for his country is _______ in his recently published poems.

A. relieved B. reflected C. responded D. recovered

5. I saw a woman running to ward me in the dark. Before I could recognize who she was. she had run back in the direction ______ she had come.
A. of which B. by which C. in which D. from which.

II. 根据所给汉语完成下列句子。(每空一词)


Nanjing at that time ________ greatly ________ ________ it is now _______ many ways.

2. 她代表中国参加奥运会,并为中国赢得荣誉。

She __________ China to _________ _________ in the Olympic and ________ honor for it.

3. 看到了狮子,小动物们四下跑开了。

________ the lion, small animals ran away _______ all ________.

4. 发这么高的热表明他病得不轻。

Such a high _________ __________ that he is badly ill.

5. 他对大自然的爱反映在他的诗篇里。

His love for nature is ________ ________ his poems.


I. 1-4 CBDA

II. 1. differed; from what; in 2. represented; take part ; won 3. Seeing; in; directions 4. fever indicates 5. reflected in


《江苏省姜堰市张甸中学高三英语一轮复习:Module 3 Unit 2 重点词语.doc》
