
发布时间:2020-07-14 15:35:08   来源:文档文库   



一、单词拼写 请根据句意以及首字母或汉语提示填入一个恰当的英语单词(注意形式)

1. Some people are tired of living on the earth and want to ________ (体验) the life on Mars.

2. With the College E Examination coming, we are under great pressure.

3. Mr. Smith is an ________(专家) on foreign language teaching.

4. Only by practicing a lot can you speak (流利的) English.

5. She had the f the other day and she went to see a doctor.

6. He is so poor that he can’t afford to buy the ________ (昂贵的) furniture.

7. The whole building was in ________(火焰) and it took two hours to put out the great fire.

8. As the saying goes, f is the mother of success.

9. We should try our best to create a better living ________ (环境).

10. Mr. Wang often encourages me to join in more activities to ________ (丰富) my life.

11. Bad habits, once ________(形成), are hard to get rid of.

12. Peking University is a (著名的) university, attracting students nationwide.

13. Whenever she is f with difficulties, she never gives in to them.

14. She ________ (妒忌) her sister for her beauty and intelligence.

15. It is wrong for some Chinese to ________ (偏爱) boys over girls.

16. I’m fond of all the subjects, ________ (特别/尤其) chemistry.

17. We should never look down upon anyone for all are born ________(平等的).

18. When he first went to Great Britain, he found it hard to f in.

19. I ________ (坚定地) believe that united, we will win; divided, we will fail.

20. Do you mind ________(喂养) my pets while I’m away on holiday?

21. I always share my deepest f________ and thoughts with my close friends.

22. So tired was he that he found it difficult to f________ on studies.

23. The Spring ________(节日) provides a good time for family members to get together.

24. Now I can ________ (表达) my ideas clearly and naturally in English.

25. It took the ________ (消防员) several hours to put it out the great fire.

二、词义猜测 请根据句意选出与下列句子中划线单词意思相同或相近的选项。

1. A Chinese billionaire has decided to donate his entire fortune to charity after his death.

A. 运气 B. 命运 C. 财产 D. 前途

2. The sun faded the curtain, that is, the colour of the curtain became less bright.

A. 逐渐消失 B. 衰退 C. 照耀 D. 使褪色

3. He fastened the horse to a tree for fear that the horse would run away.

A. 拴紧 B. 关紧 C. 盯紧 D. 使固定

4. She always lives in fantasy instead of facing the reality.

A. 喜爱 B. 爱好 C. 幻想 D. 预知

5. Now setting off fireworks during festivals is forbidden in big cities.

A. 炸弹 B. 烟花 C. 礼炮 D. 灯笼

6. Our school has expandeded a lot and it’s much bigger than what it used to be.

A. 伸缩 B. 扩大 C. 展开 D. 膨胀

7. I don’t know the explicit address of his home, but I’m sure he lives in the neighborhood.

A. 快乐的 B. 美好的 C. 悲伤的 D. 精确的

8. According to figures released by the government, the air crash caused 50 deaths in all.

A. 人物 B. 图形 C. 数据 D. 身型

9. As the volcano erupted, people around fled as quickly as possible.

A. 出现 B. 漂浮 C. 开发 D. 爆发

10. The ship didn’t float on the surface of the water but sank to the bottom of the sea.

A. 游泳 B. 漂浮 C. 爆发 D. 出现

11. I would choose a job with flexible time rather than choose one with fixed time.

A. 灵活的 B. 愉快 C. 柔韧的 D. 易弯曲的

12. Teachers should never evaluate students just according to their test scores.

A. 评价 B. 描述 C. 表扬 D. 批评

13. The company received over 300 enquiries from applicants about the job it offered.

A. 礼物 B. 询问 C. 质疑 D. 投诉

14. The principle decided to enlarge the school so that they can accept more students.

A. 扩大 B. 延长 C. 增加 D. 减少

15. It costs huge expenses for a family to send their children to study abroad.

A. 代价 B. 消耗 C. 费用 D. 损失

16. Don’t lose your faith. Be confident of yourself.

A. 骄傲 B.自信 C. 勇敢 D. 激情

17. Finance for our school partly comes from donation.

A. 设施 B. 场地 C. 资源 D. 资金

18. The government will exploit the local tourism to develop the economy.

A. 探索 B. 剥削 C. 利用 D. 揭露

19. The scientists spent hours exploring the forests for resources.

A. 爆炸 B. 检测 C. 利用 D. 探索

20. The answer you offered is false. In other words, it is incorrect.

A. 错误的 B. 假的 C. 陌生的 D. 损坏的

21. The storm was so fierce that it caused a lot of damage.

A. 猛烈的 B. 凶残的 C. 微弱的 D. 暴躁的

22. The weather is really fantastic. Let’s go for a picnic in the open air.

A. 喜爱的 B. 悦目的 C. 很棒的 D. 精致的

23. The scientists plan to go on an expedition to the North Pole for exploration.

A. 探险 B. 发现 C. 剥削 D. 发明

24. The weather forecast said it would be rainy tomorrow.

A. 传说 B. 分析 C. 谣言 D. 预报

25. Though he has been teaching for years, he is so enthusiastic about teaching.

A. 有激情的 B. 好奇的 C. 厌恶的 D. 精力旺盛的

三、单句填空 请在下列句子中填入一个适当的词或用所给词的正确形式填空。

1. On hearing the ________ (excite) news, everyone was so delighted.

2. As he got older, he was more and more ________ (forget).

3. It was not until Lucy was to leave that he realized he ________ (fall) in love with her.

4. After listening to the teacher’s ________ (explain), the students still looked puzzled.

5. When she returned to her hometown, she found it ________(entire) changed.

6. It was ________(fool) of him to be persuaded into buying these unnecessary things.

7. Though old, the man is still active and ________(energy).

8. Unable to speak good English in the USA, she was often treated ________ (fair) at first.

9. In reality, things tend to happen out of ________ (expect).

10. ________(final), we came to a conclusion that smoking has a bad effect on our health.

11. After the heavy rain, all the roads in the town were either ________(flood) or blocked.

12. Accidents happen more frequently in ________ (fog) or rainy weather.

13. Most of the villagers ________ (force) to flee their hometown for a better life.

14. They arrived at the factory, only ________ (find) nobody was inside.

15. He was ________(fortune) to have survived the terrible traffic accident yesterday.

16. It was reported that some prisoners ________ (escape) from prison last night.

17. Our Chinese teacher came into the classroom, ________ (follow) by a new student.

18. It goes without saying that it’s ________ (extreme) important to learn English well.

19. Black people in the U.S.A are still fighting for ________ (equal) today.

20. Generally children are interested in watching TV, ________ (especial) cartoons.

21. This is a modern middle school with tall buildings and advanced ________ (equip).

22. According to his facial ________ (express), he must be lying at that time.

23. Smoking should ________ (forbid) strictly in public places for the sake of health.

24. It is ________ (evidence) that the advantages of staying up outweigh its disadvantages.

25. He has made up his mind to go abroad for ________ (far) study.

四、词组句型 请根据汉语补全下列英文句子。

1. 当我刚到美国深造学习时,我觉得很难适应。

When I first went to the U.S.A for further study, ________________________.

2. 尽管他经常考试不及格,但他并没有放弃学习。

Although he often ________________________, he didn’t give up his study.

3. 即使前面困难重重,我也应该坚持下去。

________________________ there are many difficulties ahead, I should insist on doing it.

4. 频繁地接触英语能帮助我说一口流利的英语。

________________________ will help me speak English fluently.

5. 这也为我提供了独立生活和体验生活艰辛的机会.

It provided me with a chance to live independently and ________________________.

6. 我渐渐熟悉美国的生活,并在学习上取得了很大的进步。

I ________________________ the life in the U.S.A, and made rapid progress in study.

7. 出国学习帮助我交了外国朋友,也丰富了人生经验。

Studying abroad helped me make foreign friends, and also ________________________.

8. 好像越来越多的人热衷于出国学习。

It seems that more and more people ________________________ studying abroad.

9. 就我而言,我很高兴终于能实现自己的梦想。

As far as I am concerned, I feel delighted that my dream ________________________.

10. 然而,出国留学也要面对很多困难,比如思乡病。

However, we ________________________ when we study abroad, homesickness, __________________.

11. 应该采取有效措施来禁止人们在公共场所吸烟。

______________________ should be taken to ______________________ in public places.

12. 尽管老师反复向我们解释了这道题,但我们还是感到困惑。

We were still confused although the teacher ________________________.

13. 她三十多岁----确切地说,35岁。

She is in her thirties, thirty-five, ________________________.

14. 毫无疑问,他能胜任这工作。

There is no doubt that ________________________ the job.

15. 只有极少数人能从熊熊燃烧的公车上逃了出来。

Only few people managed to ________________________.

16. 邵逸夫先生为富人们树立了一个好榜样。

Shao Yifu ________________________ rich people

17. 她专注于看书,没意识到外面发生了什么事情。

________________________ so that she had no idea what was happening outside.

18. 广州一年轻人故意放火烧公车,导致五人死亡。

A young man in Guangzhou set fire to a bus on purpose, ________________________.

19. 他详细地向我们解释人类是如何形成的。

He explained to us in detail how human beings ________________________.

20. 出乎我们意料的是,在如此贫困的地区,学校的每间课室都配备现代的教学设施。

________________________, in such a poor area, every classroom in the school ________________________ modern teaching equipment.

21. 事实上,越来越多的人重视教育了。

________________________, more and more people ________________________.

22. 人们重视教育的原因如下。

The reasons why people think highly of education can be listed _______________________.

23. 他很优秀,很多同学妒忌他。

He is so excellent ________________________.

24. 每天我们都用新鲜的肉喂狗。


25. 这个展览会值得一看。




1. experience 2. Entrance 3. expert 4. fluent 5. flu 6. expensive 7. flames 8. failure 9. environment 10. enrich 11. form 12. famous 13. faced 14. envies 15. favour 16. especially 17. equal 18. fit 19. firmly 20. feeding 21. feelings 22. focus 23. Festival 24. express / convey 25. firefighters


15 CDACB 610 BDCDB 1115 AABAC 1620 BDCDA 2125 ACADA


1. exciting 2. forgetful 3. had fallen 4. explanation 5. entirely 6. foolish 7. energetic 8. unfairly 9. expectation 10. Finally 11. flooded 12. foggy 13. were forced 14. to find 15. fortunate 16. escaped 17. followed 18. extremely 19. equality 20. especially 21. equipment 22. expression 23. be forbidden 24. evident 25. further


1. I found it difficult to fit in 2. failed (in) the exams 3. Even if 4. Being exposed to English frequently 5. experience the hardships of life 6. gradually got familiar with 7. enrich my life experience 8. are enthusiastic about / keen on / crazy about 9. came true in the end 10. will face (with) many difficulties; for example 11. Effective measures; forbid smoking 12. had explained the problem to us over and over again 13. to be exact 14. he is equal to / capable of 15. escape from the burning bus 16. set a good example for 17. She focused on reading 18. causing/which caused five deaths 19. came into existence 20. Out of our expectation / To our surprise; is equipped with 21. As a matter of fact; attach importance to education 22. as follows 23. that a lot of his classmates envy / are envious of him 24. We feed our dogs on fresh meat every day. 25. The exhibition is worth visiting.


