My Views on the Significance of Childrens Being Independent对儿童日趋独立这一现象的看法

发布时间:2014-05-01 10:12:53   来源:文档文库   

My Views on the Significance of Children's Being Independent

As far as I am concerned, we should treat the significance objectively. On the one hand, children's being independent is benefit to them, for it can improve their ability of solving problems themselves. Nowadays, a lot of Chinese children are very dependent, their school grades are good while their abilities in other fields are really poor. So, I appreciate children's being independent, which helps children become an all-sided talents.

On the other hand, however, we should be vigilant against this significance, because children are too young to distinguish right from wrong, once given too much freedom, they are likely to pick up some bad habits.

Therefore, there is no doubt that children should be independent while parents add appropriate concerns on them. In this way, children can grow up healthily both in body and in spirit.


《My Views on the Significance of Childrens Being Independent对儿童日趋独立这一现象的看法.doc》
