
发布时间:2019-07-01 01:32:55   来源:文档文库   








To the Apple Board of Diretors and the Apple Communit:

I have alas said if there ever ame a da hen I ould no longer meet m duties and expetations as Apple's CEO, I ould be the first to let ou kno. Unfortunatel, that da has e.

I hereb resign as CEO of Apple. I ould like to serve, if the Board sees fit, as Chairman of the Board, diretor and Apple emploee.

As far as m suessor goes, I strongl remend that e exeute our suession plan and name Tim Cook as CEO of Apple.

I believe Apple's brightest and most innovative das are ahead of it. And I look forard to athing and ontributing to its suess in a ne role.

I have made some of the best friends of m life at Apple, and I thank ou all for the man ears of being able to ork alongside ou.












To: all ahoos

Fr: Jerr

Subjet: update


I anted to address all of ou on the nes esquo;ve just announed. The board of diretors and I have agreed to initiate a suession proess for the eo role of ahoo!. Ro Bostok, our hairman of the board, is leading the effort to identif and assess potential andidates for onsideration b the full board. The board ill be evaluating and onsidering both internal and external andidates and has retained heidrik and struggles to help in this effort.

I ill be partiipating in the searh for m suessor, and I ill ontinue as eo until the board selets a ne eo. One a suessor is named, I ill return to m previous role as hief ahoo and ontinue to serve as a diretor on the board.

Last june, I aepted the boardsquo;s request that I assume the eo role to restruture and reposition the pan as a hole in order to more effetivel meet the fast-hanging needs of both users and partners. Sine taking on the eo role, I have had an ongoing dialogue ith the board about suession timing. Thanks in large measure to our tireless efforts, e have reated a more open, petitive ahoo! and e believe the time is no right to transition to a ne eo ho an take the pan to the next level.

Despite the external environment e fae, the fat remains that ahoo! is no a signifiantl different pan that is stronger in man as than it as just months ago. This onl makes it all the more essential that e manage this opportunit to leverage the progress up to this point as effetivel as possible. I strongl believe that having transformed our platform and better aligned osts and revenues, e have a unique indo for the right eo to take onership over the next ave of mission-ritial deisions faing the pan.

All of ou kno that I have alas, and ill alas bleed purple. I ill alas do hat I think is right for this great pan. While this step ill be an adjustment for all of us, I kno itsquo;s the right one. I look forard to updating ou on this proess as soon as the board has developments to share, and ill ontinue to do everthing i an to make ahoo! fulfill its full potential.

Thank ou,





我与董事会成员达成协议,将启动雅虎继任CEO的甄选程序。我们的董事会主席Ro Bostok先生将充分考虑全体董事会成员的意见,确定并评估继任CEO的候选人。董事会将评估并考虑公司内外部的合适人选,并已委托海德思哲国际咨询公司协助。

我也将参与寻找我的继任者,在董事会推选出新的CEO前,我将继续担任CEO之职。一旦继任者人选确定,我将回归雅虎酋长 头衔,以董事会成员的身份继续为雅虎服务。








I ant to share ith ou some diffiult nes about m future plans. Later toda, I ill announe that I have resigned from Mirosoft and ill be taking a position in a different filed. It is not ithout a heav heart that I ontemplate leaving the inredible ork and extraordinar people that I have been privileged to enounter during m four ears at Mirosoft.

Together, e have aplished hat some might have thought ould not be done. In a fe short ears, e have defined a lear and stable strategi frameork for Mirosoftsquo;s business in the Greater China region. We have nearl doubled sales and have broken through the $1 billion mark in revenue in GCR. In China itself, e have tripled our sales in the last three ears. Inluding those of overed OEMs, and e are posed to hit $ 1 billion in FY0

8. e have redued the UPC rate b more than 20%. We have added hundreds of ne people and expanded our operations to more than 15 loations aross the region. We have strengthened our ustomer and partner relationships and transformed the a people vie Mirosoft, not just loall but all around the globe as ell.

Most importantl, esquo;ve been able to use our tehnolog to help improve the lives and livelihood of millions of people throughout the Greater China region. I have learned from eah of ou along the a and ou have made m experiene at Mirosoft one that I ill never forget.

While hange alas es ith its share of unknons, there is one thing that I have absolutel no question about, and that is this organizationsquo;s abilit to ontinue the great ork that esquo;ve begun. We have a ell-thought our transltion plan in plae and some of the finest leadership in the team and in our strateg ith the Big Roks plan in plae. I have no doubt that in the ver near future, Mirosoft Greater China region ill no longer be talking about breaking through the $1 billion but about the $5 billion mark. J

At 4 PM toda, e ill have an all-hands meeting in the Millennium Building to disuss m plans and the transition in more detail. In the meantime, Isquo;d like to express m deep thanks to ever one of ou in the Mirosoft Greater China region for our hard ork and for our ontribution to our ontinued suess.





诚然,变化总会伴随着一些不确定。但是,有一点我坚信不疑,那就是,公司有能力延续我们已经开始了的成功,我们已经制定了经过仔细斟酌的交接计划,并出世界最好的领导团队来完成。我对目前的管理团队及其战略充满信心,毕竟Big Roks计划已经就为。毫无疑问,在不久的将来,微软大中华区谈论不再是10亿美元的突破,而是50亿美元新纪录的创造。






Dear Mr. Ben


您好!我已决定离职,所以特提前半月向您提交这份辞职报告。还请留意一下简历中是否有适合接替我工作的人选,感谢你这几年对我的照顾和帮助,非常感谢! 最近在整理自己的简历,突然发觉这几年我在公司做的工种实在太多了,细数一下,有不下十种,先是201X9月从前台开始做起,然后是人事,行政,市场开拓,婚庆,护肤品牌信息收集,再到后来的外贸。还有兼职文案,校对,送货,以及各种各样的手工。而且大多数时候我同时在做好几件事情,虽然我从来没有抱怨过我的工作太多但是这并不表示我的工作量小。而且我所有的工作都有做完的那天,或者是被人接手的那一天,这也就意味着一个新的工作即将来临。有时候就觉得自己是个高级打杂工,真的太杂了,杂到我现在已经搞不清楚我自己能干什么,想干什么,我现在对自己的职业定位和前程也是一片迷茫。所以,我现在想休息一下,为自己的将来好好打算一下,重新规划自己的职业和人生。 记得年前已经跟你谈过一次,谈过我的想法,所以想必我的辞职对你来说应该不会太意外。我是公司刚起步不久就过来帮你创业了,到现在为止已经做了快3年多了,看着公司一天天成长壮大,慢慢的走上正轨我心里也是蛮高兴的。老实说离开公司多少还是有些不舍。我知道你的想法点子也很多,以前每一次你有新想法我都很支持你,都会全心全意按着你的想法去做事。公司出现了什么问题,我都会尽我最大的努力去帮你处理好。因为我很重承诺,我答应的事情一定会做到。现在公司已经走上正轨而且新鲜血液不断供给,我想我可以激流勇退了,也请你给我一次机会,一次让我实现自己想法的机会。 辞职


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写明辞职的原因,辞去什么职务,什么工作。 结语 在正文后面写表示歉意的语句。 署名、日期 在正文右下方写上辞职人的姓名,在署名下面写具体的年、月、日。


