高中英语外研版必修4学案:Module 6 模块尾核心要点回扣含解析

发布时间:2020-03-31 18:25:41   来源:文档文库   




1. ________ n.惊吓________ vt.使惊吓,惊恐________adj.受惊的;受恐吓的________ adj.吓人的

2________ vi.存在________n. 存在

3. ________ adj. 可能的________ adj.不可能的

4._________vi.使适应;使适合________n. 适应;改编;改写

5________ vi.出现________ vi.不见;消失

6________v. 破坏_________ n. 毁坏

7._________n运气;命运;财富________ adj.幸运的 ________ adv. 幸运地

【答案】 1.frightfrightenfrightenedfrightening

2existexistence  3.likelyunlikely 4.adaptadaptation 5.appeardisappear 6.destroydestruction 7.fortunefortunatefortunately


1die ________        灭绝;(风俗等)


die ________/________... 死于……

be dying ________/________ 渴望得到/……

2. come straight ________ the point


________ the point 切题,中肯

________ the point 偏离要点,离题

be on the point of...________...


There's no point (in)________ sth.


3. due ________      由于;因……造成

be due ________ sb. 应付给某人

be due ________ sb./sth. 归因于……

be due ______ sth. 预定/预期做某事

【答案】 1.outoffromforto do 2.totooffwhendoing 3.totototo do


1He________(声称看见)a round black creature moving quickly through the water.

2________(一直就有报道)of monsters in Lake Tianchi since the beginning of the last centuryalthough no one has seen one close up.

3. Other members of the royal family were allowed to wear dragon symbolstoobut with fewer claws and________(颜色也不同)

【答案】 1.claims to have seen 2.There have been reports 3.of a different colour







Research indicates that some animals are disappearing from the world.They go extinct because they can't adapt to the environmentpartly due to human activities.As we all knowmany hunters exist on hunting animals.They even destroy their habitats to make a fortune.Fortunatelya lot of people claim that the government should take measures to protect animals.





Millions of years ago there were many types of dinosaurs on Earth.Most dinosaurs were plant­eaters.The Apatosaurusfor examplehad a long thin neck so that it could eat leaves from trees.Other dinosaurs were meat­eaters.The Tyrannosaurus Rex killed smaller dinosaurs for food.

Dinosaurs were real animals that once lived on the Earthbut they died out about 65 million years ago.

The disappearance of the dinosaurs is in some way a great mystery.Some scientists think that the climate changed suddenly.Fossils(化石)of trees tell us that the temperature dropped a lot and that the level of the sea dropped as well.This means that it got suddenly much colder.Perhaps the dinosaurs were too slow to change with the climate.

A new idea is that a meteor(流星)crashed into the Earth.Scientists discovered a place in Mexico where they think the meteor crashed.They think that there was a lot of dust from the meteor.The dust landed on the plants.Also the dust blocked(阻挡)the sun's light for as long as five years.Many animalsincluding dinosaurswere plant­eatersand perhaps the dust killed them.This means there was nothing left for meat­eating dinosaurs to eatand so they died out.Butas many animals from that time didn't diewe are not 100% sure what really happened.

【语篇解读】 本文主要介绍了恐龙灭绝的可能的原因。

1. What is the subject discussed in the text?

ADinosaursthe real animals living millions of years ago.

BThe two types of dinosaurs.

CThe probable reasons for dinosaurs' disappearance.

DA meteor crashed into the Earth.

【解析】 纵观全文,可知本文介绍了恐龙灭绝的可能的两个原因。

【答案】 C

2. What are the two possible explanations to the dinosaurs' disappearance?

ATemperature dropping and sea level dropping.

BClimate changing and meteor's crashing.

CThe dropping of temperature and sea level.

DClimate changing and the dust blocking the sun's light.

【解析】 根据第三段和第四段可知,分别讲述了两个可能的原因: 气候变化和流星撞击地球。

【答案】 B

3. What is the direct cause of the disappearance of meat­eating dinosaurs?

AA meteor's crashing.

BThe dust blocking the sun's light.

CThe plant­eating dinosaurs' death.

DIt is still unknown.

【解析】 根据文章中作者的口气(perhapswe are not 100% sure what really happened)可判断恐龙灭绝的原因还没有准确的说法。

【答案】 D


One of the most detailed(详细的)descriptions of a UFO was given by nine­year­old Gaynor Sunderland in July 1976.Gaynor lived in Oakenholta village in North Wales.On her way home from schoolshe saw a silver(银色的)object shaped like a saucer(茶碟)in a field not far from her home.

The strange craft(飞行器)was about 30 feet long and 9 feet high.It had yellow windows along the side and on the top there was a light flashing in a kind of box.Although Gaynor was very frightenedshe did not run away.Insteadshe lay quietly in the long grass and watched the door of the strange craft open.She saw two people wearing silver suits come out of the craft.They were carrying some kind of equipment(设备)which they used to examine the ground.They were short and had large pink eyesGaynor reported.

After about half an hourthe two people went back into the craft.At once there was a loud noise and the UFO took off.

Although Gaynor told her mother what she had seenher family decided to keep quiet about it.They did not want people to laugh at their daughter.However,18 months laterGaynor told her story to UFO experts.They hypnotized(对某人施催眠术)Gaynor so that they could be sure she was telling the truth.

Not only did she repeat her storybut also she was able to draw a picture of what she had seen!

【语篇解读】 本文主要介绍了9岁的女童Gaynor Sunderland发现飞碟的经历。

4. Which of these descriptions of Gaynor is true?

AShe's ninelives in a village and has never seen a UFO before.

BShe was nineand lived in Sunderland in England in 1976.

CShe was nineteen in July 1986and lived in North Wales as a child.

DShe was at school in North Wales and her family name was Oakenholt.

【解析】 根据第一段第一句可知,1976Gaynor 9岁,故在1986年应为19岁。根据第一段第二句可知,Gaynor小时候住在North Wales的一个村庄。

【答案】 C

5. Which of these descriptions of the UFO is true?

AIt was round and flatand had yellow windows along the side.

BIt was ten feet longer than its breadthand it was silver.

CIt was a saucer­shaped box about thirty feet high.

DIt was a strange silver saucer which was like a craft.

【解析】 根据第一段最后一句shaped like a saucer(茶碟)和第二段第二句It had yellow windows along the side可知,A项正确。

【答案】 A

6. What did Gaynor do as soon as she saw the UFO?

AShe told her mother.

BShe ran away.

CShe went home from school.

DShe hid in the long grass and watched it.

【解析】 根据第二段中的she lay quietly in the long grass and watched...可知,D项正确。

【答案】 D

7. What did Gaynor say when she was hypnotized?

AShe had been lying about the UFO.

BShe didn't understand the UFO.

CShe told the experts about the UFO.

DShe couldn't speak but she could draw a picture of the UFO.

【解析】 根据第四段最后两句可知,Gaynor被催眠,向飞碟专家讲述了发现飞碟的经过。

【答案】 C


Farmer John and Farmer Bob were neighbors.For more than 30 yearsthey had been getting along very well.

Then their good relationship broke.It began with a small thingthen bitter wordsand then weeks of silence.One morningFarmer John woke up to find a stream between the two farms.“It must be Bob.” John thought.

Then one day there was a knock on John's door.He opened it to find a carpenter (木匠)standing at the doorway.

“I'm looking for a few days' work.” the carpenter said.

I do have a job for you John said.Look across the stream at that farm.That's my neighbor Bob's.He dug a stream between the two farms.I want you to build a fence—an 8­foot fence.I don't want to see his place or his face any more.I don't have such a neighbor

The carpenter saidI think I know what to dosirand I'll be able to do a job that pleases you.

Farmer John helped the carpenter get the materials ready and then he was off for the day.

About sunset when the farmer returnedthe carpenter had just finished his job.The farmer's eyes opened wide.There was no fence there at all!

It was a bridge! And the neighborBobwas coming acrosswith his hand outstretched(伸开的)HiJohnYou're_quite_a_fellow_to_build_this_bridge

Then they met in the middletaking each other's hands.“I'm terribly sorry for what I have said and done.We should be good to each other.” said Farmer Bob.

Then they turned to see the carpenterwho was ready to go.Nowait! Stay a few days.I have a lot of other jobs for you. said Farmer John.I'd love to stay the carpenter said“but I have more bridges to build.”

【语篇解读】  三十年来一直相处得很好的两个农夫突然关系破裂,一个聪明的木匠通过造桥而不是设围墙的方式使他们俩达成了和解。

8Farmer John asked the carpenter to build a fence because ________.

Ahe wanted to protect his farm

Bhe didn't want to do it himself

Che wouldn't like to see Bob

Dhe wanted to find him something to do

【解析】 根据文章第五段中的I don't want to see his place or his face any more.可以直接得到答案。

【答案】 C

9What does the sentence You're quite a fellow to build this bridge mean?

AJohn was great to build this bridge.

BJohn was good at building bridges.

CJohn was foolish to build such a bridge.

DJohn should build the bridge earlier.

【解析】 根据语境可知,Bob 从桥上走过来并伸出手示好,所以这里他应该是称赞John 在造桥这件事上做得很好。

【答案】 A

10What do you think of the carpenter?

AShy.       BWise.

CProud.   DCareless.

【解析】 根据文章第六段中木匠所说的话可知,他表示可以做一项让John满意的工作,而且下文说到木匠成功地化解了两个农夫的矛盾,所以他应该是聪明的。

【答案】 B

11What is the best title for the passage?

AWhat a Big Fence!

BFarmer and Bridge

CThree Kind Men

DA Fence or a Bridge?

【解析】 根据文章的结构和内容可知,全文主要讲述了两个多年相处得很好的农夫关系破裂后,一个木匠通过搭桥而不是设围墙的方法,使他们和好的故事。所以选项D符合题意。

【答案】 D


Do you enjoy reading? Do you read newspapers or magazines? Chances areif you do any of these activitiesyour preschool child is on his way to becoming a reader.

The process of learning to read is complexand one of the most important things to know is that parents can help their children learn to read.As children have conversations with adultsthey hear both new and familiar words and their vocabulary grows.

There are many opportunities for adults and children to talk togethersuch as when riding in the car or in a busdoing housework like fixing dinneror bathing and getting ready for bed.A major part of conversation is listening.When children talkadults listen and respond.Then children listen and respondand so the flow of conversation happens.

Have you watched your preschool child pretend to read to his younger sisters or brothers? Have you read his favorite story over and overThese experiences tell children that reading is fun.And when things are fun and they are repeatedyour child will see letters.He begins to connect them to familiar wordsespecially the letters that make up his name.A natural next step for him to take is to write the letters.

When children see parents make a grocery listthey want to use a pencil and paper to make their own list.To encourage these beginning writing activitieshave pencilsmarkerscrayons and scrap paper within your children's reach.

The more children get connected with talkinglisteningreading and writingthe easier it is for them to become active readers.While you as a parent have a big influence on these early behaviorsit is important to remember that opportunities for literacy experiences happen when you and your child share in the basic routines(日常生活)of everyday life.

【语篇解读】 本文主要就如何引导孩子们在日常生活中养成阅读的好习惯给出了一些建议。

12The third paragraph tells us that parents can talk with their children ________.

Aduring daily routines

Bonly in quiet places

Cin their spare time

Dwhen they are eager to talk

【解析】 根据第三段第一句中列举的乘车时、做家务时、洗澡时以及准备睡觉时可知,该段中作者讲到了父母可以在日常生活中和孩子们交谈。

【答案】 A

13During the process of learning to readchildren may ________.

Acopy the action of the adults

Bprefer to talk with those of their own age

Cshow no interest in reading at all

Dwaste a lot of paper and other materials

【解析】 根据第四段前两句和第五段第一句可知,孩子们在学习阅读时可能会模仿父母的举动。

【答案】 A

14When do children want to learn to write?

AWhen their parents ask them to do so.

BWhen they believe they can write well.

CWhen they know what they want to know.

DWhen they can connect letters with familiar words.

【解析】 根据第四段最后两句可知,当孩子们能将字母与熟悉的单词联系起来的时候,下一步他们就想要学着写字了。

【答案】 D

15The passage is written to ________.

Atalk about parents' influence on their children's behavior

Bencourage parents to set a good example to their children

Cadvise parents to make reading a part of their children's daily life

Dmake parents believe in the importance of early reading

【解析】 本文主要就如何引导孩子们在日常生活中养成阅读的好习惯给出了一些建议,故选C项。

【答案】 C



Expressions about water are almost as common as water.__16__

The expression “to be in hot water” is one of them.It is a very old expression.“Hot water” was used five hundred years ago to mean being in trouble.One story says it got that meaning from the custom of extremely throwing hot water down on enemies attacking a castle.

When we are in “Hot water”we are in trouble.__17__ A young boy can be in hot water with his motherif he comes into the house with dirty shoes.

“To keep your head above water” is a colorful expression that means staying out of debt.A company seeks to keep its head above water during economic hard times.A man who loses his job tries to keep his head above water until he finds a new job.

Another common expression“to hold water” is about the strength or weakness of an idea or opinion that you may be arguing about.If it can hold waterit is strong and has no holes in it.If your argument can hold water__18__ If it does not hold water__19__

“Throwing cold water” also is an expression that deals with ideas or proposals.__20__ For exampleyou want to buy a new car because the old one has some problems.But your wife “throws cold water” on the ideabecause she says a new car costs too much.

ABut many of the expressions using water have unpleasant meanings.

BYou are in a difficult position.

CA person who breaks a law can be in hot water with the police.

DIt means disliking an idea.

Eit is strong and does not have any holes.

FA man who loses his job tries to keep his head above water until he finds a new job.

Gthen it is weak and not worth debating.

【答案】 1620 ACEGD


Jack was happily trying his new car.The car was good and there wasn't __21__ traffic on the roads.Suddenlya flower shop __22__ his attention.He stopped his car and took a closer look at the flowers __23__ there.The beautiful “Mother's Day” card __24__ him it was Mother's Day.

Jack thought about his loving __25__ who lived two hundred miles away.So he __26__ a nice bouquet()of pink rosessigned the card and __27__ the shopkeeper to send it express to his mother.Just __28__ he got into his carhe noticed a girl standing outside the shop.She was __29__ the money in her hand.She seemed a little __30__.Jack askedCan I help you She replied in a __31__ voiceI want to buy some __32__ for my motherbut I don't have enough money.

Jack asked her to go to the shop with him and __33__ a big bouquet of red roses for her.She __34__ him.While leaving the shopJack offered her a __35__.She was pleased and her eyes were shining with __36__.

On the wayshe told him that her mother was dead.So when they arrivedshe ran to her mother's __37__ and placed the bouquet there.Jack was silent for a minute.Then he made a U­turn __38__ and drove back to the __39__ flower shop to take the flowers.He decided to drive down to meet his mother.

He handed his mother the bouquet and saidI love youMa. She kissed him and asked“Why did you __40__ down all the way? You could have simply sent the bouquet to me.” He understood this was a Mother's Love: mothers think only about their children's comforts.

【语篇解读】 母亲节这天,Jack开着新车,打算给远方的妈妈寄送一束玫瑰花表达感情。在花店外遇到一个女孩,因为没钱买花而伤心。他主动为她买了玫瑰花,还送她去她妈妈那里,结果他们去的是墓地。这让他很是感动,立刻回到花店,开车200多英里亲自把花送到妈妈手上,表达对妈妈的爱。

21A.much      Benough

Cany           Dlittle

【解析】 Jack在试他的新车。车很好而且路上的交通不太拥挤。traffic 是不可数名词。

【答案】 A

22A.caught Bturned

Ckept Dpaid

【解析】 catch one's attention 吸引某人的注意。一个花店引起了他的注意。故选A

【答案】 A

23A.planted Bdisplayed

Ctransported Drepaired

【解析】 他停下车走近去看那里摆放的花。前面说花店,当然应该是摆放鲜花了。故选B

【答案】 B

24A.answered Bstopped

Creminded Dfailed

【解析】 漂亮的母亲节卡片提醒他今天是母亲节。故选C

【答案】 C

25A.father Bmother

Cbrother Dsister

【解析】 今天是母亲节,Jack应该是想到了远在200英里远的母亲而不是别人。故选B

【答案】 B

26A.discovered Binvented

Cchose  Dmade

【解析】 所以他选了一束粉色玫瑰,根据语境可知,是在花店选花。故选C

【答案】 C

27A.forced Brequested

Cencouraged Dinvited

【解析】 签好卡片,请店主把它快递寄给他的母亲。

【答案】 B

28A.while  Bsince

Cafter Dbefore

【解析】 就在他进入他的车之前,他注意到一个女孩站在店外。

【答案】 D

29A.counting Btouching

Ctaking Dwasting

【解析】 根据下一句可知,她在数她手里的钱。故选Acount数;touch触碰;take拿;waste浪费。

【答案】 A

30A.curious Bexcited

Cangry Dupset

【解析】 curious好奇的; excited激动的; angry生气的;upset心烦的。应该是钱不够,这个女孩心烦。故选D

【答案】 D

31A.pleased Bsatisfied

Clow Dgentle

【解析】 女孩说话应该是用低低的声音说。因为后面说钱不够。故选Cpleased高兴的;satisfied满意的;low低的;gentle温和的。

【答案】 C

32A.cards Bcandies

Croses Dclothes

【解析】 下文a big bouquet of red roses for her是提示。故选C

【答案】 C

33A.bought Blent

Cpacked Dgrew

【解析】 Jack请她和他一起去花店然后给她买了一大束红玫瑰。故选A

【答案】 A

34A.thanked Bpraised

Cignored   Drespected

【解析】 为她买花,当然应该表示感谢。故选A

【答案】 A

35A.walk   Bpresent

Cride   Drest

【解析】 离开商店的时候,Jack主动提出捎她一段路。故选C

【答案】 C

36A.happiness Bsadness

Cweakness Dkindness

【解析】 由语境可知选A项。happiness快乐;sadness伤心;weakness弱点;kindness仁慈。

【答案】 A

37A.grave Bhouse

Ccar Dshop

【解析】 上一句说女孩的妈妈去世了,所以他们去她妈妈的墓地,把花放在那里。故选A

【答案】 A

38A.nervously Bimmediately

Ccarefully Dpainfully

【解析】 他沉默了一分钟。然后立刻拐了一个U型的弯。故选Bnervously紧张地;immediately立刻,马上;carefully小心地;painfully痛苦地。

【答案】 B

39A.old Bbeautiful

Csame  Donly

【解析】 开车到同一个花店去拿花。因为他决定开车去见他妈妈。故选C

【答案】 C

40A.break  Bdrive

Crun   Dfly

【解析】 妈妈问儿子:怎么一路开车来了?邮寄一束花给我就行了。故选B

【答案】 B



The air we breathe is freely availablewithout which we could not survive more than a few minutes.For the most partair is available to everyoneand everyone 41.________ (need)it.Some people use the air to sustain them while 42.________(seat)around and feel sorry for themselves.

Others 43.________ (breath)the air and use the energy it provides to make a 44.________(mean)life.Opportunity is 45.________ the same wayand it is everywhere.It is so freely available that we take it for granted.Yet opportunity alone is not enough 46.________(create)successit must 47.________ (seize)and acted upon in order to have value.So many people are so anxious to “get in” on a “ground floor opportunity” as if the opportunity will do all the work that's 48.________ (possible)Just as you need air to breatheyou need opportunity to succeed.It takes more than just breathing the fresh air of opportunity49.________.You must make use of it.That's not up to the opportunitythat's up to you.It doesn't matter what “floor” the opportunity is onbut 50.________ matters is what you do with it.

【答案】 41.needs 42.seated 43. breathe

44. meaningful 45. in 46. to create 47. be seized 48. impossible 49. however/though 50.what




增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除: 把多余的词用斜线(\)画掉。

修改: 在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


Ten years agoI had worked as a night guard in a factory.On a rainy nightall the lights of factory went out all of a sudden.I rushed out and could see nothing.Lucky for methe warning system was directly connected with the police station.Three or four minutes latefour police car arrived at the front gate.They searched for the factory carefullytried to find something unusual.In the endI am told that the rain had brought about the short circuitthat caused the accident.

【答案】 Ten years agoI had worked as a night guard in a factory.On a rainy nightall the lights of c54c3ff8c44613e4429e3d2b22b40770.png factory went out all of a sudden.I rushed out 873cb81c1aedc35a4de64b9b654cbebb.png could see nothing.a8211e6ff731a0c8160ded1032f33f43.png for methe warning system was directly connected with the police station.Three or four minutes 62bd8eabab9e441f3cf21b41a594b415.png four police 1ce65cbbc5ec5a9e5aedb910de90335d.png arrived at the front gate.They searched for the factory carefully417c21803ec4e1a918021d914ca7f9de.png to find something unusual.In the endI 60277a5bfb4b46ddf25e9d74260f1c62.png told that the rain had brought about the short circuit b354904eab2adb80625049faa10df5b2.png caused the accident.


请你根据以下信息以“Pyramids under the Sea”为题,用英语写一篇100个词左右的短文,介绍世界未解之谜之一——日本海底金字塔。

1. 日本海底金字塔是由日本科学家于2007年发现的,据说这座金字塔距今已有5 000多年的历史。

2. 有的科学家认为这座金字塔是自然形成的;有人认为这是古代人类遗址(remains),因为在这里发现了人类活动的印迹。但是目前仍然没有科学依据证明哪一种说法是正确的。












Pyramids under the Sea

Japanese scientists discovered a pyramid under the sea in 2007which was said to date back to more than 5,000 years ago.

Some scientists think it might have formed naturallybut others don't agree.They think it might be ancient human remainsbecause signs of human activities have been found there.Howevernow no clear evidence can prove which argument about it is true.

Why does it exist under the sea? Most scientists believe it was an earthquake that caused it to sink into the sea.Scientists throughout the world are still trying to find more information about it.


《高中英语外研版必修4学案:Module 6 模块尾核心要点回扣含解析.doc》
