
发布时间:2019-02-28 05:42:45   来源:文档文库   



no matter how long the rain lasts, there will be a rainbow in the end. o matter how sad you may be, believe, that happiness is waiting.


idiom 1. to eat humble pie – to admit your error and apologize 忍气吞声——承认自己的错误并道 after his candidate had lost the election, the boastful campaign manager had to eat humble pie. 在他的候选人竞选失败后,这位自负的竞选经理人只能忍气吞声。

2. a pig in a poke – an item you purchase without have seen; a disappointment 袋里子的猪——一件不靠谱的商品,一件令人失望的事 the mail order bicycle that my nephew bought turned out to bea pig in a poke, and he is now trying to get his money back. 我侄子邮购的那辆自行车原来是件劣质货于是他现在正在尝试自己的钱找回来。

3. a flash in the pan –promising at the start but then disappointing 盘子里的闪光——昙花一现 the rookie hit many home runs in spring training, but once the season began he proved to be a flash in the pan. 在春季训练中,这位新手击出了好多次本垒打,但真正的赛季一开始他就怂了。

4. to pour oil on troubled waters – to make peace, to calm someone down 把油浇在混水上——平息风波,使某人镇定下来 when i tried to pour oil on troubled waters, both the angry husband and his wife stopped their quarrel and began to attack me. 当我试图平息这对夫妇间的争执时,愤怒的丈夫和他的妻子两人都停下了争吵并转而攻 击我。

5. the sword of damocles – any imminent danger. 达摩克利斯之剑——随时可能降临的危险 although the president of the company seemed quite secure, he always complained that there was a sword of damocles hanging over his head. 虽然这位公司老板似乎地位稳固,但他总是抱怨说好像总有一柄达摩克利斯之剑悬在他 头顶上似的。

6. pyrrhic victory-a too costly victory 皮拉斯王之胜——一场付出过大代价的胜利 in heave fighting the troops managed to recapture the hill, but it could only be considered a pyrrhic victory. 在这场激烈的战斗中,这支军队成功地夺回了那座山头,但这场胜利只能说是一场付出 过大代价的战斗。


