2018年高中英语必修二浙江专用课时作业 Unit 3 Period One 含答案

发布时间:2018-12-08 20:58:22   来源:文档文库   


Period One Warming Up & Reading


Things successful people do before sleep

Read.Experts agree that reading is the very last thing most successful people do before going to sleep.__1__ This isn’t necessarily reserved just for business reading or inspirational reading.Many successful people find value in being browsers of information from a variety of sources, believing it helps fuel greater creativity and passion in their lives.

Reflect on the day.__2__ They think of three things they are appreciative of that happened that day.Keeping a gratitude journal also reminds people of the progress they made that day in any aspect of their life, which in turn serves as a key way to stay motivated.

__3__ Clearing the mind for a good night sleep is important for a lot of successful people.Often they will take this time to write down a list of any items to address the following day, so these thoughts don’t end up entering their head space during the night.

Lie down on a positive note.It’s easy to fall into the trap of replaying negative situations from the day that you wish you’d handled differently.Regardless of how badly the day went, successful people typically manage to avoid that pessimistic spiral of negative self-talk because they know it will only create more stress.__4__

Picture tomorrow’s success.Many successful people take a few minutes before bed to image a positive outcome.__5__ For most, this is not a task or exercise; they’re wired with a gift of solid resolution skills that come naturally.

AMake your to-do list.

BSpend time with family.

CThey look forward to the future.

DIt’s a great way to relax your body and quiet your mind

ESuccessful people block off time just before bed for reading.

FMany successful people take the time just before bed to look back.

GRemember to take some time to reflect on the positive moments of the day.

答案 1.E [本段标题为Read,选项E中的for reading与标题内容一致。故选E]

2F [本段标题为Reflect on the day.(回顾过去的一天),选项F中的to look back正是回顾之意。故选F]

3A [根据本段中的Often they will take this time to write down a list of any items to address the following day可知,本段主要说明的是成功人士在睡前制定工作安排。故选A]

4G [本段标题为Lie down on a positive note,选项G中的the positive moments of the day与标题相符。故选G]

5C [本段标题为Picture tomorrow’s success,选项C的意思为他们展望未来,与标题相符。故选C]


It’s always thought that only those heavy things make people hard to endure.But as a matter of fact, those slight things are__1__(much) difficult to resist.It’s slight, but it will always be in the bottom of your heart, making it __2__ (possible) for you to get rid of it all through your life.

It’s just like John Nash in “A Beautiful Mind”You can imagine how terrible it is to live in a world full of mental illusion.When he realizes__3__(clear) about all of these but can’t get rid of the illusions, his mentality will be on the edge __4__ collapsing.On the other hand, Nash is happy and__5__(luck) because his wife companied with him.She used her wifely heart to forgive all.When her husband__6__(be) weak, she opened the window of his heart with her soft hands.She used her wifely endurance to go forward step by step in the difficult life.She used her wifely __7__ (persist) of love.

I can still remember the scene that when old Nash __8__ (stand) on the stage of Nobel Prizes, he looked at his wife full of love.I think Nash has found the answer of Balance Theory __9__ he has been studying throughout his life.The balance of his life is the love of his wife.

__10__ changes a lot with time, only love will last forever.

答案 1.most/more [more作对比或用most表示最高级。]

2impossible [根据句意可知应该用possible的反义词。]

3clearly [用副词形式修饰动词realizes]

4of [on the edge of是固定短语,意为……的边缘;濒于]

5lucky [luck的形容词lucky与前面的形容词happy保持一致。]

6was [her husband是单数第三人称,事件发生在过去。]

7persistence [句中缺少宾语,故用所给动词的名词形式作宾语。]

8stood [根据空格后面的动词looked at可知,空格处也应该用动词过去式形式。]

9that/which [缺少定语从句引导词。]

10Everything [根据句意一切事物都随时间而改变可知应该填Everything]


Ada Byron who was born in 1815, was the daughter of the British poet Lord Byron and Anne Milbanke.Her parents separated just a month after Ada was born.Four months later, Byron left England forever.Ada never met her father (who died in Greece in 1824) and was raised by her mother.

Lady Byron wished her daughter to be unlike her father and she insisted that Ada, who was educated privately, study mathematics.Ada did well not only in mathematics and science, but also in music and dance.

Ada met Charles Babbage in 1833.Babbage was a famous English mathematician.He was known as the inventor of a calculating machine called the Difference Engine.Babbage had made plans in 1834 for a new kind of calculating machine (although the Difference Engine was not finished), an Analytical Engine(分析机)Few people in England supported his plans.But he found suport for his new calculating machine abroad.In 1842, an Italian mathematician, Louis Menebrea, published an article in his native language on the subject of the Analytical Engine.Babbage asked Ada to translate the article.

When she showed Babbage her translationhe suggested that she add her own notes, which turned out to be three times as long as Menabrea’s.The notes brought her great fame.In her notes, Ada predicted that such a machine might be used to write music, to draw pictures, and would be used for both practical and science use.She was correct.

Ada died of cancer in 1852.In 1980, 165th years after Ada’s birth, the US Defense Department announced a powerful new computer language.They named it Ada in honour of Ada Lovelace’s important role in the history of computing.

【语篇解读】 美国防务部在1980年将新的计算机语言命名为Ada,是为了纪念Ada Byron。你想了解这个伟大的人物吗?

1It can be inferred that Ada’s mother ________

Awas too poor to send Ada to accept normal education

Bwanted her daughter to be a great poet as her father

Cdidn’t think Ada could do well in her studies

Dhoped that Ada became a mathematician one day

答案 D [推理判断题。根据第二段中的and she insisted that Ada, who was educated privately, study mathematics.可以推测:Ada的妈妈坚决要求自己的女儿学习数学,是希望将来她能成为一个数学家。]

2Why didn’t Babbage find support for his Analytical Engine in Britain?

ABecause his first calculating machine was not finished.

BBecause no one in Britain thought the machine was useful.

CBecause most of his previous inventions proved useless.

DBecause British people were not interested in his invention.

答案 A [细节理解题。根据第三段Babbage had made plans in 1834 for a new kind of calculating machine (although the Difference Engine was not finished), an Analytical Engine(分析机)Few people in England supported his plans.可知,Babbage在英国找不到支持的原因是因为他的第一部计算机还没有完成。]

3Menabrea’s article on Analytical Engine was written in ________

AEnglish BItalian

CFrench DGerman

答案 B [细节理解题。由第三段最后一句可知,Menabrea是意大利人,他用自己的母语写的文章,故知这篇文章是用意大利语写的。]

4We can learn about Ada from the passage that ________

Ashe was remembered as a great translator

Bher predictions in her notes have become true

Cher notes were written in computer language

Dshe helped to make the first Analytical Engine

答案 B [细节理解题。根据第四段内容特别是She was correct.可知,Ada的预言成为了现实。]


I have seen the man who works in a big factory for years but I never pay any attentions to him.He was a little bit strange, a little bit short, a little bit__1__He always wore an old red hat and he always carried a__2__ bag.He usually spent his break time and his lunchtime by walking around in that old big factory to collect the__3__ tins separated around the place.

I have been following him for years and years, does not__4__ it is hot or cold.I followed him__5__ he walks to his old pick up car in a very cold weather when the__6__ fell down onto the earth.

Today, I was fixing one of the__7__ machines in the factory when this “tin man” came with his__8__As usual, he looked for and__9__ the tins, which were around the place.My manager was standing there to__10__ me.He was worried about the__11__ caused by the machine that could__12__ the production in the factory.

When I finished my job, I__13__ my manager asked the “tin man” about what he’s done with those tins that he has__14__I never even thought about this kind of question, because I always had a(n)__15__ that this “tin man” would destroy those tins in the__16__ place.

Unexpectedly, this “tin man” took off his old__17__ and answered, I will give these tins to my__18__ he had an epilepsy(癫痫) and he can not work

I was so__19__ to hear that, so I asked him, You mean you collect all those tins just to__20__ your neighbor

“I know this does not help much” he said.“But I give everything to him, because he can not work.He had a lot of weaknesses”

1A.gentle Bperfect

Cpleasant Ddirty

答案 D [根据后面一句He always wore an old red hat and...以及前面的两个形容词strangeshort可以判断空格处应该填dirty]

2A.rubbish Bschool

Cbook Dfood

答案 A [从后面短文内容可知,这个人用这个袋子拾别人丢掉的罐头盒,因此该空格应该填rubbish]

3A.unsettled Bunforgettable

Cunused Dunearned

答案 C [他在拾别人丢弃不用的罐头盒。]

4A.matter Bseparate

Cdistinguish Dregard

答案 A [matter表示不管;在意,根据句子意思,不管是热是冷,我都跟着他。]

5A.unless Bwhenever

Cuntil Dif

答案 B [根据上一句话可知,作者一直跟着这个人,用whenever表示无论何时,表示一直]

6A.rain Bsnow Cwind Dfog

答案 B [天气非常寒冷所以下雪。]

7A.broken Brotten

Cdisabled Dproductive

答案 A [根据前面的fixing可知,我在修理一台坏了的机器。]

8A.tin Bpot Cbag Dmask

答案 C [第二个空格所在句子给出了提示。]

9A.worked out Bmade up

Cset out Dpicked up

答案 D [这个人寻找罐头盒并捡拾罐头盒。work out做出;解出make up弥补;化妆set out着手;开始pick up捡;拾]

10A.watch Bnotice Csee Dglance

答案 A [经理站在那儿一直看着我修理机器。watch含有仔细观察之意;notice注意到see看见glance瞥见]

11A.value Bconstruction

Cdelay Dmovement

答案 C [根据句意可知,经理担心的是因为机器出了毛病而引起的工作的延误]

12A.examine Bexpose

Ccomplete Daffect

答案 D [经理担心机器出故障会造成工作的延误,也就是说机器故障会影响工厂的产量。]

13A.heard Blistened Cstared Ddebated

答案 A [根据后面经理问这位捡罐头盒的人的话,可知此处应该是听到]

14A.collected Brejected

Creminded Dimitated

答案 A [捡拾;收集罐头盒,用collect]

15A.opportunity Boccupation

Cprofession Dimagination

答案 D [根据句子意思可知,作者认为(想象)的是这位捡拾罐头盒的人捡拾罐头盒的目的是为了卖掉它们。故应该选imagination表示想象]

16A.poisonous Brecycled

Cauthentic Dextraordinary

答案 B [the recycled place回收点]

17A.clothes Bshoes Chat Djacket

答案 C [根据上文的提示He always wore an old red hat可知选CABD三项文中没有提及。]

18A.family Bneighbor Cmanager Dco-worker

答案 B [下文You mean you collect all those tins just to________ your neighbor给出答案提示。]

19A.shocked Bfrightened

Cscared Dabsorbed

答案 A [根据上文,作者认为这位捡拾罐头盒的人是为了将罐头盒卖给回收站,再结合这位捡拾罐头盒的人的话,作者感到非常震惊]

20A.attract Bapprove

Chelp Ddamage

答案 C [由最后一段捡拾罐头盒的人所说的话不难推断作者话的含义,你捡拾这些罐头盒是为了帮助你的邻居吗?由此可知答案为C]


《2018年高中英语必修二浙江专用课时作业 Unit 3 Period One 含答案.doc》
