算法 第四版 习题 答案1.2

发布时间:2014-05-04 10:28:28   来源:文档文库   

算法 第四版 习题 答案1.2


 * 1.2.1 编写一个Point2D的用例,从命令行接受一个整数N。在单位正方形内生成N个随机点,然后计算两点之间的最近距离


public class testPoint2D {

public testPoint2D() {

// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub



public static void drawbox(double bw, double bh)




Interval1D xinterval = new Interval1D(0, bw);

Interval1D yinterval = new Interval1D(0, bh);

Interval2D box = new Interval2D(xinterval, yinterval);



public static Point2D[] drawpoint(int N)


Point2D[] p=new Point2D[N];

for(int i=0;i


double x=Math.random();

double y=Math.random();

p[i]=new Point2D(x, y) ;



return p;


public static double findmindist(Point2D[] p)



Point2D p1=p[0];

Point2D p2=p[1];

double mindist =p[0].distanceTo(p[1]);



int n=p.length ;

for(int i=1;i

for(int j=i+1;j


double temp=p[i].distanceTo(p[j]);


{ mindist=temp;






StdOut.print("min dist="+mindist +p1.toString()+p2.toString());

return mindist;


public static void main(String[] args) {

int N=StdIn.readInt();//读取画点的数量

//StdDraw.setXscale(0,1 );






double min=findmindist(drawpoint(N));




 * 编写一个Interval1D的用例,从命令行接受一个整数N。从标准输入中读取N个间隔(每个间隔由一对double值定义)并打印出所有相交的间隔对


public class testInterval1D {

public testInterval1D() {

// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub


public static void main(String[] args) {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub

int N = StdIn.readInt();

Interval1D[] interval = new Interval1D[N];

int T = N;

while (N > 0) {

double lo = N;

double hi = N + N;

interval[T - N] = new Interval1D(lo, hi);

StdOut.println(interval[T - N].toString());



StdOut.println(" OUT:");

for (int i = 0; i < T - 1; i++)

for (int j = i + 1; j < T; j++) {

if (interval[i].intersects(interval[j]) == true) {


+ interval[j].toString());

} else {


+ interval[j].toString() + "none");






 * 1.2.3



 * @author Administrator



public class TestInterval2D {

public static void main(String[] args) {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub

StdOut.println("enter N:");

int N = 10;

StdOut.println("enter min and max:");

double min = 0.1;

double max = 0.9;

StdDraw.setXscale(0, 1);

StdDraw.setYscale(0, 1);



Interval2D[] box = new Interval2D[N];

Interval1D[] xinterval = new Interval1D[N];

Interval1D[] yinterval = new Interval1D[N];

double average = (max - min);

Point2D[][] p = new Point2D[N][2];


* Point2D[][] p 使用数组保存点二位平面的对角顶点,用来计算是否包含。 Interval2D[] box

* 建立数组对象,保存每个平面的信息。


for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {

double x = Math.random();

double y = Math.random();

double x1 = x + average * Math.random();

double y1 = y + average * Math.random();

if (x1 > 1) {

x1 = 1;


if (y1 > 1) {

y1 = 1;


p[i][0] = new Point2D(x, y);

p[i][1] = new Point2D(x1, y1);

xinterval[i] = new Interval1D(x, x1);

yinterval[i] = new Interval1D(y, y1);

box[i] = new Interval2D(xinterval[i], yinterval[i]);




* 检测时候相交


for (int i = 0; i < N - 1; i++)

for (int j = i + 1; j < N; j++) {

if (box[i].intersects(box[j])) {




// StdOut.println(box[i].toString()+box[j].toString());




* 是否包含


for (int i = 0; i < N - 1; i++)

for (int j = i + 1; j < N; j++) {

if (box[i].contains(p[j][0]) && box[i].contains(p[j][1])) {






StdOut.println("i=" + i + "j=" + j + "  "

+ box[i].toString() + box[j].toString());






 * 1.2.6   回环变位检测

 * 1.2.7   递归返回值


public class CircularRotation {

public CircularRotation() {

// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub


    public static String mystery(String s)


    int N=s.length();

    if(N<=1) return s;

    String a=s.substring(0, N/2);

    String b=s.substring(N/2, N);


    return mystery(b)+ mystery(a);



public static void main(String[] args) {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub

String s1 = "ACTGACG";

String s2 = "TGACGAC";

String ss;

ss = s1.concat(s1);

// int p=ss.indexOf(s2);

if (s1.length() == s2.length() && ss.indexOf(s2) > 0) {


} else {


StdOut.println(ss.indexOf(s2, ss.indexOf(s2)) + "  "

+ ss.indexOf(s2));




String a =mystery(ss);





 *  1.2.9



 *  Compilation:  javac BinarySearch.java

 *  Execution:    java BinarySearch whitelist.txt < input.txt

 *  Data files:   http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/11model/tinyW.txt

 *                http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/11model/tinyT.txt

 *                http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/11model/largeW.txt

 *                http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/11model/largeT.txt


 *  % java BinarySearch tinyW.txt < tinyT.txt

 *  50

 *  99

 *  13


 *  % java BinarySearch largeW.txt < largeT.txt | more

 *  499569

 *  984875

 *  295754

 *  207807

 *  140925

 *  161828

 *  [367,966 total values]



import java.util.s;


 * The BinarySearch class provides a static method for binary searching

 * for an integer in a sorted array of integers.


 * The rank operations takes logarithmic time in the worst case.


 * For additional documentation, see

 * href="http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/11model">Section 1.1 of

 * Algorithms, 4th Edition by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.


 * @author Robert Sedgewick

 * @author Kevin Wayne


public class BinarySearch3 {


* This class should not be instantiated.



* Searches for the integer key in the sorted array a[].

* @param key

*            the search key

* @param a

*            the array of integers, must be sorted in ascending order

* @return index of key in array a[] if present; -1 if not present


public static int rank(int key, int[] a, Counter counter) {

int lo = 0;

int hi = a.length - 1;

while (lo <= hi) {

// Key is in a[lo..hi] or not present.

int mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2;

if (key < a[mid]) {

hi = mid - 1;



} else if (key > a[mid]) {

lo = mid + 1;



} else {


return mid;



return -1;



* Reads in a sequence of integers from the whitelist file, specified as a

* command-line argument. Reads in integers from standard input and prints

* to standard output those integers that do *not* appear in the file.


public static void main(String[] args) {

// read the integers from a file

In in = new In("LargeW");

int[] whitelist = in.readAllInts();

Counter counter = new Counter("counter");

// sort the array



// read integer key from standard input; print if not in whitelist

while (!StdIn.isEmpty()) {

int key = StdIn.readInt();

if (rank(key, whitelist, counter) == -1)






 * 1.2.10 编写一个VisualCounter类,支持加一和减一操作。它的构造函数接受两个参数Nmax

 * 其中N指定了操作的最大次数,max指定了计数器的最大绝对值。作为副作用,用图像显示每次计数器变化后的值。


public class VisualCounter {

private int count;

private int maxOperation;

private int val;// Record value of the Counter

private int maxVal;

private int x = 0;

public VisualCounter(int N, int max) {

maxOperation = N;

maxVal = max;

StdDraw.setXscale(0, N);

StdDraw.setYscale(-max, max);


// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub


// current value


* Initializes a new counter starting at 0, with the given id.

* @param id

*            the name of the counter



* Increments the counter by 1.


public void increment() {

if (count < maxOperation && val < maxVal) {





StdDraw.point(x, val);




* decrement the counter by 1.


public void decrement() {

if (count < maxOperation && val > -maxVal) {





StdDraw.point(x, val);




* Returns the current count.


public int tally() {

return count;



* Returns a string representation of this counter


public String toString() {

return count + " ";


public static void main(String[] args) {

VisualCounter VC = new VisualCounter(2000, 1000);

for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {

if (i / 1000 == 1)









* 1.2.11根据DateAPI实现SmartDate类型在日期非法时抛出一个异常

* 1.2.12SmartDate添加一个方法dayofWeek(),为日期返回一个星期。

* 1.2.19字符串解析。


public class SmartDate implements Datable {

private final int month;

private final int day;

private final int year;

public int month() {

return month;


public int day() {

return day;


public int year() {

return year;



* 原理:蔡勒公式: W={[C/4]-2C+y+[y/4]+[26(m+1)/10]+d-1}%7 (其中[ ]为取整符号)

* 其中,W是所求日期的星期数.如果求得的数大于7,可以减去7的倍数,直到余数小于7为止.c是公元年份

* 的前两位数字,y是已知公元年份的后两位数字;m是月数,d是日数.方括[ ]表示只截取该数的整数部分。


public String dayofWeek() {

int w = (year / 100 / 4 - 2 * (year / 100) + year % 100 + year % 100

/ 4 + 26 * (month + 1) / 10 + day - 1) % 7;

switch (w) {

case 1:

return "Monday";

case 2:

return "Tuseday";

case 3:

return "Wednesday";

case 4:

return "Thursday";

case 5:

return "Friday";

case 6:

return "Saturday";


return "Sunday";



private static boolean isLeapYear(int y) {

return ((y % 4 == 0 && y % 100 != 0) || y % 400 == 0);


private boolean isIllegal(int m, int d, int y) {

if (y < 0 || d < 1 || d > 31)

return false;

if (m > 12 || m < 0)

return false;

int[] monthofday = { 0, 31, -1, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };

if (isLeapYear(y)) {

monthofday[2] = 29;

} else {

monthofday[2] = 28;


if (d > monthofday[m])

return false;


return true;


public SmartDate(int m, int d, int y) {

if (!isIllegal(m, d, y)) {

throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal date");

} else {

month = m;

day = d;

year = y;



public String toString() {

return (month() + "/" + day() + "/" + year());



* 大于返回1,等于返回0,小于返回-1


public int comparaTo(SmartDate that){

if(this.year()==that.year()&&this.month()==that.month()&&this.day()==that.day()) return 0;

if(this.year()>that.year()) return 1;

if(this.month()>that.month()) return 1;

if(this.day()>that.day()) return 1;

return -1;


public boolean equals(Object x) {

if (this == x)

return true;

if (x == null)

return false;

if (this.getClass() != x.getClass())

return false;

SmartDate that = (SmartDate) x;

if (this.day != that.day)

return false;

if (this.month != that.month)

return false;

if (this.year != that.year)

return false;

return true;




* 1.2.13 实现Transaction模版

* 1.2.14 实现Transaction模版equals()方法

* 1.2.19 字符串解析。


public class Transaction {

private String who;

private SmartDate when;

private double amount;

public Transaction(String who, SmartDate when, double amount) {

// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

if (who == null)

throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal date");

this.who = who;

this.when = when;

this.amount = amount;


public String toString() {

return (who + " " + when.toString() + " " + amount);


public String getWho() {

return who;


public void setWho(String who) {

this.who = who;


public SmartDate getWhen() {

return when;


public void setWhen(SmartDate when) {

this.when = when;


public double getAmount() {

return amount;


public void setAmount(double amount) {

this.amount = amount;


public boolean equals(Object x) {

if (this == x)

return true;

if (x == null)

return false;

if (this.getClass() != x.getClass())

return false;

Transaction that = (Transaction) x;

if (this.who !=that.who)

return false;

if (this.when != that.when)

return false;

if (this.amount != that.amount)

return false;

return true;


public int compareTo(Transaction that)


return this.when.comparaTo(that.when);


public int hashCode(){

return this.toString().hashCode();




* 1.2.16 有理数,实现有理数的加减乘除。

* 1.2.17 有理数的健壮性,使用断言来防止溢出



public class Rational implements Comparable {

private int num;// 分子

private int den;// 分母

private int INT_max = 2147483647;

private int INT_min = -2147483647;

private static Rational zero = new Rational(0, 1);

public Rational(int numerator, int denominator) {

// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

if (denominator == 0) {

throw new RuntimeException("Denominator is zero");


int g = gcd(numerator, denominator);

num = numerator / g;

den = denominator / g;

if (den < 0) {

den = -den;

num = -num;



public int numerator() {

return num;


public int denominator() {

return den;


private int gcd(int numerator, int denominator) {

if (numerator < 0)

numerator = -numerator;

if (denominator < 0)

denominator = -denominator;

if (denominator == 0)

return numerator;

return gcd(denominator, numerator % denominator);



* 计算最小公倍数


private int lcm(int m, int n) {

if (m < 0)

m = -m;

if (n < 0)

n = -n;

if (n == 0)

return m;

else {

int g = gcd(m, n);

assert is_overflow_times(m,n/g):"lcm times overflow";

return m * (n / g);



public double todouble() {

return (double) num / den;


public String toString() {

if (den == 1)

return num + "";

return num + "/" + den;



* (non-Javadoc)


* @see java.lang.Comparable#compareTo(java.lang.Object) 大于返回1,小于返回-1,等于返回0


public int compareTo(Rational that) {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub

int lhs = this.num * that.den;

int rhs = this.den * that.num;

if (lhs < rhs)

return -1;

if (lhs > rhs)

return 1;

return 0;


public boolean equals(Object Y) {

if (Y == null)

return false;

if (Y.getClass() != this.getClass())

return false;

Rational b = (Rational) Y;

return this.compareTo(b) == 0;



* 判断加法溢出,如果溢出返回ture,不溢出返回flase;


private boolean is_overflow_plus(int a, int b) {

return a >= 0 ? INT_max - a > b : INT_min - a < b;



* 判断乘法溢出,如果溢出返回ture,不溢出返回flase;

* *


private boolean is_overflow_times(int a, int b) {

if(a<0) a=-a;

if(b<0) b=-b;

if (a == 0||b==0)

return false;


return INT_max / a > b;


public Rational times(Rational that) {

Rational c = new Rational(this.num, that.den);

Rational d = new Rational(that.num, this.den);

assert is_overflow_times(c.num , d.num):"times overflow";

assert is_overflow_times(c.den , d.den):"times overflow";

return new Rational(c.num * d.num, c.den * d.den);


public Rational plus(Rational that) {

if (this.compareTo(zero) == 0) {

return that;


if (that.compareTo(zero) == 0) {

return this;


int f = gcd(this.num, that.num);

int g = gcd(this.den, that.den);

assert is_overflow_plus((this.num / f) * (that.den / g), (that.num / f)

* (this.den / g)) : "plus overflow";

Rational s = new Rational((this.num / f) * (that.den / g)

+ (that.num / f) * (this.den / g), lcm(this.den, that.den));

s.num = s.num * f;

return s;


public Rational minus(Rational that) {

Rational temp = new Rational(-that.num, that.den);

return this.plus(temp);


public Rational divides(Rational that) {

Rational temp = new Rational(that.den, that.num);

return this.times(temp);



* eclipse中开启断言选择菜单:Run ---> Run... ---> 选择 Arguments 选项卡

* VM arguments 文本框中输入: -ea 注意 中间没有空格,如果输入 -da 表示禁止断言。

* 然后关闭该窗口,提示保存,然后保存就开启了断言。


public static void main(String[] args) {

// boolean isOk = 1<2;

// assert isOk:"nos";

// System.out.println("程序正常");

Rational a=new Rational(3,214748);


Rational b=new Rational(4,214748);











《算法 第四版 习题 答案1.2.doc》
