最新精品译林牛津选修10Unit3精品教案Book 10 - U3 - Task1

发布时间:2018-03-15 15:42:04   来源:文档文库   


教  材:牛津高中英语(模块十)高三上学期


单  元:Unit 3 Protecting ourselves

板  块: Task 1

Thoughts on the design:


Teaching Aims:

1. Teach students how to identify degrees of obligation.
2. Improve the students’ ability of listening.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Lead-in

When we want to give advice, what sentence patterns can we use?

You had better

You don’t have to

You should/ought to …

You had better not

You have to

You must/must not

Read the following sentences and tell the meaning of each sentence.

You do not have to go to school tomorrow if you are feeling ill.

My suggestion is that you should stay at home if you were feeling ill.

You should send her a note.

It is your duty to send her a note.

Citizens must register in order to vote.

It is required by law that citizen must register in order to vote.


Step 2 Skills building 1: identifying degrees of obligation

Read the following and tell
which expresses the strongest obligation,
which expresses less strong obligation,
which expresses the least strong obligation,
and give you reasons.

You don’t have to go to school tomorrow if you are feeling ill.

You ought to eat some fruit every day.

You ought not to eat so much ice cream.

You should get enough rest every night.

You should not play computer games all evening.

You had better wake up earlier tomorrow.

You had better not walk home in the rain.

You have to take medicine if you want to get better.

We must finish our project today because it is due tomorrow.

You must not forget to do your homework.

Read the guidelines and the sentences in part A. If you meet any new words in these sentences, guess the meanings of these words.

What does the word “chemist’s mean from the context of the whole sentence?

From ‘… medicines sold at the chemist’s …,’ we can know ‘the chemist’s is a place where medicine is sold.

What does the word ‘painkiller’ mean?

We can see the word is a compound one. The first part of the word is ‘pain’. And the second part is ‘killer’, so we can know that ‘painkiller’ refers to a kind of medicine that can be used to stop one feeling pain.

Can you guess the meaning of the word ‘prescription’?

From ‘… talk to your doctor …’ we can learn that ‘prescription drugs’ are ones that we should be careful taking because they could be dangerous if used incorrectly.

Step 3 Listening (1A)

Listen to a lecture by Dr Gray and write the modal forms the doctor uses.

1 Realize our bodies are not machines that can be fixed quickly when they are broken.

2 Do not take any medicine for a common cold.

3 Use drugs from the chemist’s carefully.

4 Do not take too many painkillers as they can damage the stomach and the liver.

5 Talk to your doctor before you take a combination of prescription drugs.

6 Make sure you know if you might react badly to certain medicines.

7 Do not leave any medicine lying around in the house in case children get them.


Step 4 Listening (1B)

Read the guidelines of part B and answer the question

What are antibiotics?

What are they used for?

Antibiotics are medicines that can be used to damage or stop bacteria that can cause infections.

Categorize all the sentences according to the table below.


Step 5 Case study (1C)

Read part C, and take notes on the things that Mr. and Mrs. Tang did wrong.

things Mr. and Mrs. Tang did wrong.

Mrs. Tang took a lot of painkillers.

Mr. Tang gave Mrs. Tang some unknown medicine.

Mr. Tang gave Mrs. Tang some antibiotics he had left from a previous illness.

Mrs. Tang took some antibiotics without knowing what they were.


Step 6 Homework:
Workbook: P.114 C1, C2


《最新精品译林牛津选修10Unit3精品教案Book 10 - U3 - Task1.doc》
