小王子 little prince 5 结实小王子 中英文翻译带讲解

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1. He looked at it carefully, then he said:No. This sheep is already very sickly. Make me another. 他专心地看着,随后又说:“我不要,这只羊已经病得很重了给我重新画一只。sicklyadj. 体弱的,多病的)
2. So I made another drawing. 我又画了起来。
3. My friend smiled gently and indulgently. indulgentlyadv.纵容地,宽容地)
4.You see yourself, he said, that this is not a sheep. This is a ram. It has horns. 你自己看看,他说道,你画的不是小羊,是头公羊,还有犄角呢。
5.So then I did my drawing over once more. 于是我又重新画了一张。
6.But it was rejected too, just like the others. 这副画同前几副一样又被拒绝了。
7.This one is too old. I want a sheepthat will live a long time. 这一只太老了。我想要一只能活得长的羊。
8 By this time my patience was exhausted, because I was in a hurry to start taking my engine apart. 这一次,我的耐心被耗尽了。因为我急于要拆开我的发动机,
9.So I tossed off this drawing. And I threw out an explanation with it. 于是就草草画了这张画,并且随口解释道:(toss off:迅速,一口气完成
10. This is only his box. The sheep you asked for is inside. 这是一只箱子,你要的羊就在里面。
11. I was very surprised to see a light break over the face of my young judge: 这时我十分惊奇地看到我的这位小裁判员的脸上绽开了笑容。他说:
see sb do sth所以是seea lightbreak over the face of my young juege. A light在这里应该是指一种明亮/轻快的面部神情,引伸出来,就应该是“轻快地神情在我那小裁判的脸上荡漾开来”,所以很传神的表达出小王子很满意这幅画的样子呐。)
12.That is exactly the way I wanted it! Do you think that this sheep will have to have a great deal of grass? 这正是我想要的,你说这只羊需要吃很多草吗?
13. Why? 为什么问这个呢?
14. Because where I live everything is very small. 因为我住的地方,所有东西都很小。(状语从句) 15.There will surely be enough grass for him, I said. It is a very small sheep that I have given you. “肯定会有足够的草让它吃”,我说道,“我给你画的是一只非常小的养”
16. He bent his head over the drawing:Not so small that Look! He has gone to sleep. 他把脑袋靠近这张画。“并不像你说的那么小-瞧!它睡着了” bend:使弯曲,弯下) 17. And that is how I made the acquaintance of the little prince. 就这样,我认识了小王子。 (“make a acquaintance of sb.”结识某人,acquaintance的意思是“泛泛之交,熟人,略有交情”;a nodding acquaintance点头之交;have an acquaintance with sth.对某事有了解)


《小王子 little prince 5 结实小王子 中英文翻译带讲解.doc》
