
发布时间:2019-02-16 18:36:55   来源:文档文库   

Glossary of Aged Care Terminology

Accessibility 方便性

Accessing aged care services 使用养老服务

Accommodation Bond Agreement 院所保证金协议

Accommodation Charge Agreement院所费协议

Accreditation Standard 鉴定标准

Accreditation Standard Four: Physical Environment and Safety Systems 鉴定标准四: 外在环境与安全系统

Accreditation Standard One: Management Systems


Accreditation Standard Three: Resident Lifestyle


Accreditation Standard Two: Health and Personal Care 鉴定标准二:保健与个人照顾

Accredited facility 鉴定合格的养老服务院所

Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) 后天性脑损伤

Activities coordinator/Diversional Therapist


Activities of daily living 日常生活活动

Acute care 急症照顾

Acute condition 急症

Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT)


Administrator 管理人

Admission 住院

Adult Day Care Centre 成人日间照顾中心

Advance Health Care Directive 预先健康照顾指示

Adverse drug reaction 不良药物反应

Adverse effects 不利影响

Adverse event 负面事件

Advocacy Service 代言服务

Advocate 代言人

Age pensioner 福利金领取者

Age related cognitive decline 老年认知能力下降

Aged and Community Care Information Line


Aged Care - Complaints Resolution Scheme


Aged Care Act 1997 1997年养老服务法》

Aged Care Advocacy Program 养老服务代言计划

Aged Care Assessment Officer 养老服务评估员

Aged Care Assessment Service (ACAS)


Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT)


Aged care facility / Aged care home / Facility / Home/ Residential Facility / Residential Service / Residential Home 养老院所

Aged care home / Facility / HomeResidential Facility / Residential Service / Residential Home/ Aged care facility 养老院所

Aged Care Quality Assessors 养老服务质量评估员

Aged care sector 养老服务领域

Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency


Ageing in place 原处养老

Ageing population 老龄化人口

Ageism 老年歧视

Aggression 侵犯行为

Allied health personnel 联合保健人员

Allied health services 联合保健服务

Alternative medicine 替代医学

Alternative therapies 非替代疗法

Alzheimer's Australia 澳大利亚阿耳兹海默氏病协会

Alzheimer's Disease 阿耳兹海默氏病

Alzheimer’s disease Familial 家族阿耳兹海默氏病

Ambulance services 救护车服务

Ambulatory setting 流动护理环境

Ambulatory care 流动护理

Amputation 截肢

Amputee 被截肢者

Ancillary services 辅助服务

Angiogram 血管照影片

Anorexia 厌食症

Anti depressant抗抑郁药

Anxiety disorders 焦虑症

Appeal process 申诉程序

Approved Care Recipient 获准照顾对象

Approved Provider 获准服务提供者

Approved Provider Status 获准服务提供者资格

Assessment guidelines 评估准则

Assistance with bathing and personal hygiene


Assistance with dressing and grooming


Assistance with eating and drinking 饮食协助

Assistance with mobility 行动协助

Assisted living 辅助生活

Assisted living facility 辅助生活服务机构

Assisted resident 辅助居民

Assistive devices 辅助装置

Assistive technology 辅助技术

Attendant care 护理员照顾

Audiologist 听力师

Australian Taxation Office (ATO) 澳大利亚税务局

Autopsy 尸体解剖

Average length of stay平均住院时间

Basic daily care fee 基本日常照顾费

Bed pan 床上便盆

Bed sores 褥疮

Bedside manners 病床礼貌

Behaviour Intervention Support Team (BIST)


Behaviour management 行为管理

Beneficiary 受益人

Bequest 遗产

Bereavement 丧亲

Bereavement Allowance 丧偶短期津贴

Bilingual worker 双语工作者

Bionic ear 仿生耳

Bipolar disease 双极性疾病

Bladder control 控尿

Bladder control problem 控尿问题

Bowel control 大便控制

Brokerage 中介

Bulk Billing 全额报销收费

Cachexia 恶病质

Cancer Council of Australia 澳大利亚癌症理事会

Capital gains 资本增值

Caplets 囊片

Cardiovascular disease 心血管疾病

Care management 照顾管理

Care manager 照顾经理

Care plan 照顾计划

Care plan review 照顾计划覆查

Care planning 照顾规划

Care recipient 照顾对象

Care review 照顾回顾

Care services 照顾服务

Care standards 照顾标准

Caregiver 照顾人

Carer (private / family member) 照顾人

Carer (staff member employed in a residential or community setting) 照顾人

Carer allowance 照顾人津贴

Carer payment 照顾人补助金

Carer Resource Centre 照顾人资源中心

Carer Respite Centre 照顾人暂息中心

Carer Respite Centre - Commonwealth Carer Respite Centre 联邦照顾人暂息中心

Carer support group 照顾人支持小组

Case management 个案管理

Case manager 个案经理

Case mix 个案组合

CAT scan CAT扫瞄

Cataract 白内障

Catchment area 受托区

Catheter 导管

Centrelink Multilingual Service Centrelink 多语种服务

Certification 认证

Cervical cancer 子宫颈癌

Challenging behaviour 违拗

Changed behaviour 行为变化

Changed sexual behaviour 性行为变化

Chapel 小教堂

Chaplain 牧师

Charge (as separate from fee) 收费

Charitable sector 慈善界

Charter of Residents Rights and Responsibilities


Chiropractors 脊椎指压按摩师

Choke 窒息

Choking 噎呛

Cholesterol 胆固醇

Chronic care 慢性病照顾

Chronic disease 慢性病

Claim form 申领表

Client focused solutions 以客户为中心的解决方案

Client handbook 客户手册

Clinical care 临床护理

Clinical condition 临床状况

Clinical event 临床活动

Clinical examination 临床检查

Clinical interview 临床诊疗

Clinical pathways 临床途径

Clinical treatment 临床治疗

Clinician 临床医生

Cognitive ability 认知能力

Cognitive Dementia and Memory Service (CDAMS)


Cognitive impairment 认知障碍

Cohort 分组

Colon cancer 结肠癌

Comment box 意见箱

Commode chair 坐便椅

Commonwealth Care Link Centres 联邦护理连接中心

Commonwealth Carelink Centres 联邦护理连接中心

Commonwealth Carer Resource Centre


Commonwealth Government 联邦政府

Commonwealth Hearing Services Program


Commonwealth Ombudsmen 联邦调查专员署

Commonwealth Seniors Concession Card


Commonwealth Seniors Health Care Card 联邦高龄人士保健卡

Communication Book 意见簿

Community health worker 社区保健工作者

Community Aged Care Packages (CACP)


Community based care 基于社区的照顾

Community care 社区照顾

Community Health Centre 社区保健中心

Community Health Nurse 社区保健护士

Community housing 社区住房

Community Mental Health Centre 社区精神健康中心

Community Nursing Program 社区护理计划

Community Partners Program (CPP) 社区伙伴计划

Community treatment order 社区治疗令

Community Visitors Scheme 社区访客计划

Community worker 社区工作者

Compensable Resident 可获赔偿的居民

Complaints handling 投诉处理

Complaints procedures 投诉程序

Complaints Resolution Scheme投诉解决计划

Complementary medicine 补充医学

Compliance 遵守

Compliance with medication 遵守医嘱

Complication 并发症

Concession - energy concession能源优惠

Concession card 优惠卡

Concessional and Assisted Residents


Concessional Resident 获得优惠的居民

Condition 病情

Confidentiality 保密

Conflict of interest 利益冲突

Confusion 头脑糊涂

Consent - informed consent 知情同意书

Continence 排便节制

Continence - incontinence 大小便失禁

Continence - National Continence Hotline


Continence - stress incontinence


Continence absorption aids


Continence Aides Assistance Scheme


Continence management 排便节制管理

Continuing Care Retirement Community


Continuity of care 照顾服务的连续性

Continuous quality improvement 连续品质改善

Continuum of care 照顾服务连续性

Convalescence 康复

Cooked and chilled meals 冷藏熟食

Coping 应对

Corn (callus) 鸡眼(胼胝)

Coronary heart disease 冠心病

Cost of a local call 按本地电话计费

Council on the Ageing (COTA) 老龄化理事会



Cramps 痉挛

Crisis Assessment Team (CAT) 危机评估小组

Critical incident 重大事件

CT Scan CT扫描

Cultural background information 文化背景资料

Cultural diversity 文化多样性

Cultural preferences 文化选择

Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD)


Culturally appropriate 符合文化背景的

Daily income tested fee 每日收入评估费

Data collection 资料收集

Data matching 资料匹配

Day Respite Centres 日间暂息中心

Debriefing 汇报

Deeming 推定

Deep vein thrombosis 深静脉血栓

Delivered meals 送餐服务

Delusion 错觉

Delusional 产生妄想的

Delusions 妄想

Dementia 痴呆症

Dementia - AIDS related dementia


Dementia - alcohol related dementia


Dementia Education and Support Program


Dementia Specific Care 痴呆症特别护理

Dementia with Lewy bodies 雷维小体式痴呆症

Demography 人口学

Dental Hospital 牙科医院

Dental Services 牙科服务

Dental Technician 牙科技师

Department of Health and Ageing


Department of Health and Ageing - Australian Government 澳大利亚政府卫生与老年人事务部

Department of Health and Ageing - Commonwealth


Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA) 退伍军人事务部

Dependent child 受抚养子女

Diabetes Australia 澳大利亚糖尿病协会

Dietary requirements 饮食要求

Dietary restrictions 饮食限制

Dietician 饮食学家

Direct care 直接照顾

Director of Nursing (DON) 护理主任

Disability support pension 残疾人福利金

Discharge plan 出院计划

Discharge planning 出院规划

Disclosure 披露

Discrimination 歧视

Disease control 疾病控制

Disease management 疾病管理

Disease prevention 疾病预防

Disorder 紊乱

Disposable underwear 一次性内衣

District Nurse 地区护士

Diversional Therapist/Activities coordinator


Diversional therapy 娱乐疗法

Diversity 多样化

Dizziness 眩晕

Do not resuscitate orders拒绝抢救指令

Domestic violence家庭暴力

Dose administration aids 按剂量服药辅助用具

Dossette box 多塞特药盒

Drug utilisation review 用药审查

Dual diagnosis 双重诊断

Duty of care 注意义务

Dysphasia 言语困难

Early intervention 早期介入

Effectiveness 有效性

Elderly 老年人

Electro convulsive therapy 电惊厥疗法

Eligibility 资格

Emergency accommodation 紧急住宿

Emergency accommodation / Transitional Accommodation紧急住宿

Emergency services 急诊服务

Emotional support 情感支持

Empowerment 赋予能力

End of life decision 临终决定

End-of-life 生命终结

Endemic 地方病

Endorsed 支持

Enduring Power of Attorney 永久授权书

Enduring power of attorney (financial)


Enduring Power of Attorney - Medical Power of Attorney 医疗授权书

Enduring Power of Guardianship 永久监护权

Entitled 有权

Epidemic 流行病

Epidural 硬膜外麻醉

Episode of care 照顾阶段

Equal access 平等使用

Equitable 公平

Escort to appointments陪同赴约

Essential supports 基本支持服务

Ethnicity 族裔

Euthanasia 安乐死

Extended Aged Care at Home (EACH)


Extended care facility 长期照顾机构

Extended care services 长期照顾服务

Extra Service 额外服务

Extra Service Agreement 额外服务协议

Extra service fee 额外服务费

Facilitate communication 促进沟通

Facility / Aged care facility / Aged care home / Home / Residential Facility / Residential Service / Residential Home 养老院所

Fact sheets 资料说明书

Family Liaison Officer 家庭联络员

Family Court of Australia 澳大利亚家事法院

Fee policy 收费政策

Fee-for-service 服务费

Fees and charges 费用及收费

Financial contribution 供款

Financial entitlements 财务权利

Financial hardship 经济困难

Financial institution 金融机构

Financial year财政年度

Fire safety 消防安全

Flexible care 灵活照顾服务

Flexible respite 灵活暂息服务

Flexible responsive services 灵活响应的服务

Flu vaccination 流感疫苗

Foreign pension / Overseas pension


Frail aged people 年老体弱人士

Frail and vulnerable 体虚衰弱

Frailty 体弱

Frame 助行架

Fringe benefits 员工福利

Full pension全额福利金

Full pensioner 全额福利金领取者

Functional disability 功能性残疾

Funded by the government 政府拨款

Funding 拨款

Furnishing and equipment 家俱与装置

Gag 作呕

General Practitioner全科医师

Genuine concern 真正的顾虑

Geriatric services 老年病学服务

Geriatric assessment 老年病评估

Geriatric rehabilitation service 老年病康复服务

Geriatrician 老年病专家

Geriatrics 老年病学

Gerontology 老人学

Gifts - acceptance of gifts 接受礼物

Glaucoma 青光眼

Grab rail 扶手

Grief and loss 悲伤与丧失

Grievance 投诉

Grieving 悲伤

Grooming 梳洗

Guardian 监护人

Guardianship 监护

Guardianship Tribunal 监护权仲裁庭

Guidelines 指导准则

Guiding principles 指导原则

Gutter frame 轮式步行架

Hallucinations 幻觉

Hand rails扶手

Hazard 隐患

Health Assessment 健康评估

Health Care Card 保健卡

Health care provider 保健服务提供机构

Health care system 保健系统

Health educator 健康教育者

Health information 健康信息

Health insurance 健康保险

Health Insurance Commission (HIC) 健康保险委员会

Health provider 健康服务机构

Healthy ageing 健康老龄化

Healthy eating 健康饮食

Healthy eating pyramid健康饮食金字塔

Hearing - Commonwealth Hearing Services Program


Hearing Services Voucher 听力服务券

Heart failure 心力衰竭

Heart Foundation 心脏基金会

Heart Foundation of Australia 澳大利亚心脏基金会

Helpline 帮助热线

Hereditary 遗传性的

High care facility 高需求照顾

High care resident 高需求照顾居民

High standard of care 高需求照顾标准

Holistic approach 全面的方法

Home (Private / Personal) 家庭

Home / Aged care facility / Aged care home / Facility / Residential Facility / Residential Service / Residential Home 养老院所

Home and Community Care (HACC)


Home Care Services 家庭照顾服务

Home care worker 家庭照顾工作者

Home cleaning 家庭清洁

Home like environment 家庭式环境

Home maintenance 住房维修

Home maintenance - minor home maintenance


Home Medicine Review 家庭用药复查

Home visit 家访

Homeless 无家可归人士

Homeless people 无家可归人士

Homoeopathy 顺势疗法

Hospice 临终关怀计划

Hospital Fees 住院费

Hospital in the home 家庭医院

Hospitalisation 住院

Hostel 老人宿舍

Housing office 房屋管理办事处

Human capital 人力资本

Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission


Huntington's disease 亨廷顿舞蹈病

Identification badge 身份证章

Illusions 幻觉

Impairment 残障,障碍

Improvement log 服务改善意见簿

Income statement 收入报表

Income support 收入补助

Income tax return 所得税申报

Income testing 收入评估

Independent living 独立生活

Independent Living Units / Self Care Living Units


Independent living within a retirement village


Individual care plan 个人照顾计划

Individualised care 个人化照顾

Infectious diseases 传染病

Information privacy principles 资料隐私原则

Informed choice 知情选择

Informed consent 知情同意

Ingestion 摄入

Initial Consent Form 初步同意表

Injury prevention 防止受伤

Inpatient 住院病人

Insurance policy 保险单

Insurance premium 保险费

Intake 接收

Intake form 接收表

Intake officer 接收办事员

Intensive care 重症监护

Intensive care unit 重症监护室

Intensive treatment 重症治疗

Inter agency referral 机构间转介

Interpreting service 传译服务

Intervention 介入

Intervention order 干预令

Intimacy and sexuality 亲昵和性行为

Involuntary patient 非自愿病人

Isolation - social isolation 社交孤立

Languages other than English (LOTE) 非英语语言

Legal rights 合法权利

Legal status 法律地位

Life cycle 生命周期

Life event 人生大事

Life expectancy 预期寿命

Life insurance 人寿保险

Lifting device 吊升装置

Linkages 连接计划

Living arrangements 居住安排

Lobbying 游说

Lone person 独居人士

Loss and grief 丧失与悲伤

Loss of inhibitions 丧失抑制

Low care facility 低需求照顾机构

Low level care 低需求照顾

Lump sum 一次总付

Malnutrition 营养不良

Malpractice 玩忽职守

Mammogram 乳房X光检查

Mandatory reporting 强制报告

Manual handling 人工搬运

Mature age worker 中老年工作者

Maximum rate 最高费率

Meals 膳食

Meals - culturally appropriate meals


Meals - halal meals 清真膳食

Meals - kosher meals 犹太膳食

Meals - vitamised meals 搅碎膳食

Meals on Wheels 上门送餐服务

Means test 资产评估

Means tested (fees) 资产评估(费用)

Medical consent 医疗同意

Medical Examination 体检

Medical history 病史

Medical record 病历

Medical records 病历

Medically necessary 医疗需要的

Medicare 国民保健 (Medicare)

Medication - administration of medication 施用药物

Medication management 药物管理

Memory loss 丧失记忆力

Menopause 绝经

Mental health provider精神健康服务提供者

Mental health review board 精神健康覆查委员会

Mental health services 精神健康服务

Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) 轻度认知障碍

Mini mental 简易精神状态检查

Mini mental state examination 简易精神状态检查

Mobility aids 行动辅助设备

Monitoring and review of care plan


Monitoring of care 照顾监督

Mouth care 口腔护理

Movable units (granny flats) 移动式单元房

MRI scan 磁共振显像扫瞄

Multi purpose system 多用途系统

Multi purpose taxi program 多用途出租车计划

Multi-infarct dementia 多发梗塞痴呆症

Multidisciplinary team 多领域小组

Multiple disabilities 多重残疾

Multipurpose Service Program 综合服务计划

Music therapy 音乐疗法

National Continence Hotline 全国排便节制辅助热线

National Dementia Behavioral Advisory Service



Naturopathy 自然疗法

Nausea 恶心

Near miss 医疗失误

Needs - cultural need 文化需要

Needs - personal needs 个人需要

Needs - spiritual needs 精神需要

Needs based planning 按需规划

Neglect 忽视

Neglect - self neglect 自我忽视

Negligence 疏忽

Neurogerentology 老年神经医学

Neurologist 神经病专家

Neuropsychology 神经心理学

Next of kin 近亲

No lift policy 禁止抬举政策

No restraint policy 无限制政策

Non English speaking background 非英语背景

Non nursing tasks 非护理工作

Non pensioner 非福利金领取者

Not-for-profit provider 非营利组织

Nurse - qualified nurse 合格护士

Nurse - registered nurse 注册护士

Nurse practitioner 执业护士

Nursing care 医护

Nursing home 护理院

Nutrition and hydration 营养和水合

Nutritionist 营养师

Occupancy rate 入住率

Occupational therapist 职业治疗师

Occupational therapy 职业治疗

Occupational health and safety 职业健康与安全

Occupational Health and Safety - risks and potential hazards 风险及隐患

Oedema 浮肿

Office of the Commissioner for Complaints


Office of the Public Advocate (OPA) 公共代言署

Older people 老年人

Ombudsman 调查专员

Ongoing review 持续审查

Ophthalmologist 眼科医师

Optical Services 验光配镜服务

Optometrist 验光师

Orthoses 支具矫正器

Orthotics 矫正学

Osteopath 整骨术

Osteoporosis 骨质疏松症

Out of pocket expenses 自付费用

Outcome 成效

Outcome criteria 成效标准

Outcome measurement 成效衡量

Outpatient 门诊病人

Outpatient care 门诊护理

Outpatient Clinic 门诊诊所

Outreach 外展服务

Over the counter drugs 柜台药物

Overseas pension / Foreign pension


Paedology 儿科学

Pain management 疼痛控制

Pain management program疼痛控制计划

Palliative care 临终照顾

Part pension 非全额福利金

Part pensioner 非全额福利金领取者

Partners in Culturally Appropriate Care Victoria (PICAC) 维多利亚州文化适合性照顾服务伙伴

Partnership between client and care manager


Passive intervention 被动介入

Pastoral care worker 精神照顾工作者

Pathology 病理学

Peak bodies 最高行业机构

PEG feeding PEG喂养

Pelvic floor 骨盆底

Pelvic floor exercises 骨盆底锻炼

Pelvic floor strength骨盆底力量

Pension 福利金

Pensionable Age 福利金领取年龄

Pensioner Concession Card 福利金领取者优惠卡

Personal care worker 个人照顾工作者

Personal circumstances 个人情况

Personal alarm 个人警报器

Personal care 个人照顾

Personal care plan 个人照顾计划

Personal circumstance个人情况

Personal independence 个人独立性

Personal information 个人资料

Personal preferences 个人偏好

Pharmaceutical allowance药品津贴

Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS)


Pharmacist 药剂师

Physiotherapist 理疗师

Physiotherapy 理疗

Pills 丸剂

Placebo 安慰剂

Placebo effect 安慰剂效果 Planned Activity Group (PAG) 计划活动小组

Podiatrist 足病治疗师

Podiatry 足医学

Point of care services 照顾服务点

Portability 携带性

Positive ageing 积极安度晚年

Post operative care 术后照顾

Post operative complications 术后并发症

Post traumatic stress disorder 创伤后紧张症

Post-acute care 急症期后照顾

Potential hazards隐患

Power of Attorney 授权书

Pre entry leave 住院前时间间隔

Prejudice 歧视

Prescription drugs 处方药物

Prescription only medication 处方药物

Pressure area 压力部位

Pressure sore 褥疮

Pressure ulcer 压迫性溃疡

Preventative care 预防照顾

Primary cancer 原发癌症

Primary care 初级照顾

Principal diagnosis 主要诊断

Privacy - Right to Privacy 隐私权

Privacy Commission 隐私委员会

Privacy Officer 隐私办事员

Private hospital 私立医院

Private provider 私立服务机构

Probate 遗嘱检验

Processed foods 加工食品

Professional code of ethics 职业道德准则

Prognosis 预后

Program manager 计划经理

Property assets 物业资产

Property damage 财产损坏

Proprietor 业主

Prudential Arrangements 经济审核安排

Psychiatric Illness 精神疾病

Psycho geriatrician 老年精神病学医师

Psychogeriatric Assessment Teams (PGAT)


Psychological support 心里支持

Psychopathology 精神病理学

Psychosis 精神病

Psychosocial rehabilitation 精神社会康复

Public advocate 公共代言人

Public holiday 公共假日

Public hospital 公立医院

Quality Care 优质照顾

Quality residential services 优质院所服务

Racial Discrimination Act 《种族歧视法》

Raised garden beds 高筑花坛

Raised toilet seat 加高马桶座

Reference number 参考号

Reflexology 反射疗法

Refusal of medical treatment 拒绝接受医疗


Rehabilitation Counseling 康复辅导

Relapse 复发

Religious needs 宗教需求

Religious preferences 宗教选择

Rent assistance 房租补贴

Resident Agreement 居民协议

Resident Contribution 居民供款

Resident Handbook 居民手册

Resident leave 居民离开

Resident Rights and Responsibilities 居民权利与责任

Resident social leave 居民社交假

Residential Aged Care Advocacy Services


Residential care 院所养老服务

Residential Facility / Residential Service / Residential Home / Aged care facility / Aged care home / Facility / Home 养老院所

Residential Home / Residential Facility / Residential Service / Aged care facility / Aged care home / Facility / Home 养老院所

Residential respite care 院所暂息照顾

Residential Service / Residential Home / Residential Facility / Aged care facility/ Aged care home / Facility / Home 养老院所

Resolving complaints 解决投诉

Respect privacy 尊重隐私

Respite - emergency respite 紧急暂息服务

Respite - in home respite 住家暂息服务

Respite Care 暂息照顾

Restrainers 抑制器具

Restraint 限制

Restraint - no restraint policy 无限制政策

Resuscitation 复苏,抢救

Resuscitation - not for resuscitation 拒绝抢救

Retention Amount 保留金额

Retiree 退休人士

Retirement village 退休村

Review date 覆查日期

Reviewing ongoing care needs 覆查持续照顾需要

Revocation of power of attorney 撤销授权书

Rheumatoid Arthritis 风湿性关节炎

Right to privacy 隐私权

Ripple mattress 波纹床垫

Risk behaviour 风险行为

Risk management 风险管理

Rooming house 寄宿舍

Safe living environment 安全生活环境

Safety at home 居家安全

Safety rails 安全扶手

Sanctions 惩处

Sanitary pads 卫生巾

Schizophrenia 精神分裂症

Second opinion 第二意见

Secondary cancer 继发性癌症

Secondary care 辅助照顾

Secondary diagnosis 从属诊断

Self care 自理

Self Care Living Units / Independent Living Units


Self conscious 自我意识

Self funded retiree household 自资退休人士家庭

Self medication 自我用药

Self referral 自我转介

Self reliance 自力更生

Self sufficiency 独立自主

Senior centre 老年人中心

Senior citizen's centres 老年人中心

Service Agreement 服务合约书

Service delivery 提供服务

Serviced Apartments 酒店式公寓

Sexual - changed sexual behaviour 性行为改变

Sexual behaviour 性行为

Sexual harassment 性骚扰


Sexuality and intimacy 性行为和亲昵

Sharps 锋利物

Shearing / shear (pressure ulcers)



Short term crisis accommodation 短期危机住宿

Skin integrity 皮肤完整性

Sleep disturbance 睡眠障碍

Social preferences 社交选择

Social stigma 社会耻辱

Soluble tablets 可溶性药片

Special care units 特护单元

Special diets 特殊饮食

Special Needs Group 特殊需要群体

Specialist aged care services provider


Specified Care and Services 特别照顾和服务

Specified Services 特别服务

Speech pathologist 言语病理医师

Spiritual needs 精神需求

Sporadic Alzheimer's disease 偶发性阿耳兹海默氏病

Standard Pension Contribution 标准恤金供款

Standard Resident Contribution 标准居民供款

State Trustees 州受托局

Statutory Declaration 法定声明书

Stress Management 压力管理

Subcortical vascular dementia (Binswanger's disease)


Substance abuse 滥用药物

Substance dependence 药物依赖性

Sundown syndrome 日落综合症

Superannuation 公积金

Support - level of support 支持水平

Support group 支持小组

Support services 支持服务

Supported accommodation 支持性住宿

Supported Residential Service (SRS) 支持性院所服务

Swallowing problems 吞咽问题

Tailored to individual needs 度身量制

Tax deduction 税额扣减

Tax offset 税额抵免

Tea break 茶歇时间

Telephone Interpreting Service 电话传译服务

Telephone typewriter 聋人电话

Terminal illness 绝症

The Medical Treatment Act 《医疗法》

Therapeutic goods 治疗物品

Therapeutic relationship 治疗关系

Therapy - music therapy 音乐疗法

Thickened fluid 加浓流质食物

Thought disorder 思维紊乱

Toileting - Assistance with toileting协助上厕所

Toxins 毒素

Transient 临时性的

Transitional Accommodation/ Emergency accommodation 紧急住宿

Transitional Care 过渡性照顾

Transport Concession Card holder 交通优惠卡持有人

Tube feeding 导管喂养

Ulceration 溃疡形成

Universal precautions 普遍预防措施

Urinary retention 尿潴留

User Rights Principles 使用者权利原则

Vaccinations 接种

Values - personal values 个人价值观

Vascular dementia 血管性痴呆症

Vascular disease 血管性疾病

Visiting library service 流动图书馆服务

Vulnerability 脆弱性

Walker - wheeled walker 轮式助行车

Walking aids 助行用具

Walking frame 助行架

War widow 战争遗孀

War Widow's Pension 战争遗孀补助金

Ward - council ward 市政府选区

Webster Pack 韦伯斯特药包

Welfare Officer 福利办事员

Wellness 健康

Wheelchair access 轮椅出入

Wheelchair hoist (bus) 轮椅吊升装置(巴士)

Wheelchair ramp 轮椅斜坡

Widow's Pension 遗孀补助金

Will - Living Will 生前遗嘱

Withdrawal from contact 逃避接触

Withdrawal symptoms脱瘾症状


