
发布时间:2019-10-29 19:09:07   来源:文档文库   



1I think that a good story does not necessarily have to have a happy ending (end)

2He told me not to_inspect (inspect) the machine without turning off the power.

3Special attention should be paid to protecting (protect) forests from fires.

4As the world has become a global village, having a good command of English is of great importance (important) to us all.

5It would be hard for me to get employed (employ) by such a large company.

6He admitted the mistake and promised to make up for the loss (lose)

7As you can see in the first picture, many students are riding bikes to school.

8Everyone should realize the importance of wildlife protection, because some animals are endangered (endanger)

9I really appreciate having (have) time to relax with you on this nice island.

10After graduation from college, he began to wander from city to city, hunting (hunt) for a suitable job.



I was born in Venice, one of the most popular tourist attractions in Italy, and studied designing at university here. Though I have also spent time away, I have always come back because it's my home.

In Venice, there are no roads, only canals, so you have to get around on foot or by boat. I live on a canal in the Rialto area in a house that was built in 1588 for the Muti family, who were businessmen in the silk trade. In the mid­eighteenth century, it was home to the Vezzi family, who made things like plates and bowls in fine china and became rich by sending these around the world. These businessmen's houses in Venice are like palaces. Their owners had to have space to show off their goods, but the building also had to be an office, a factory, a store and a home. My house came into our family in 1919, when it was bought by my grandfather. He died before I was born but he was the director of a museum where I often do research on old documents (文件). On some of these, I've seen notes in his handwriting, so, in a way, I met him through these documents.

Sadly, the population of Venice has dropped from 120,000 in the 1950s to about 60,000 now. This doesn't include the thousands of tourists who come to visit. I welcome the tourists but unless something is done to stop everyday shops like bakeries from disappearing, the city will die. I want people who love the city to come here to live and work and give Venice back a life that is not just about tourism.

【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者介绍了自己的家乡——威尼斯,并列举出了其面临的问题,希望可以有更多的人来这里工作、生活。

1What can we learn about the family who first owned the author's home?

AThey were china dealers.

BThey made plates and bowls.

CThey used to buy and sell silk.

DThey helped to build the canals.

答案与解析:C 细节理解题。根据第二段中的 I live on a canal in the Rialto area in a house that was built in 1588 for the Muti family, who were businessmen in the silk trade 可知,作者家的房子最早是由做丝绸生意的商人修建的。

2What does the author say about his grandfather?

AHe met his grandfather in an unusual way.

BHis grandfather taught him how to write.

CHis grandfather turned his home into a museum.

DHe found his grandfather's handwriting hard to read.

答案与解析:A 推理判断题。根据第二段中的He died before I was born... in a way, I met him through these documents 可知,作者与其祖父未曾谋面,却在博物馆的一些旧文件中见到了祖父的笔记,因此他是以一种奇妙的方式见到了自己的祖父。

3What can we infer from the last paragraph about Venice?

AIt faces a difficult situation.

BIt can't feed its population.

CIt needs more modern shops.

DIt has fewer tourists than before.

答案与解析:A 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的 the population of Venice has dropped... the city will die 可知,威尼斯本地人口下降,供人们日常生活的商店也逐渐消失,如果不采取措施,这座城市就会消失,由此可知,威尼斯的处境很艰难。


Just like your senses of sight, smell, or touch, a strong sense of humor (幽默) could actually save your life. Laughter helps our brains tell the difference between something bad and jokes. It magically helps develop a special relationship with our friends. And it has even been shown to be good for our health. Most importantly to many of us, humor can also tell you whether you've found your perfect partner.

To take a wider view of the power of humor in relationships, University of Kansas professor Jeffrey Hall surveyed the results of 39 related studies, and more than 15,000 men and ladies took part in this survey. After the survey, he found that when it comes to love, a good sense of humor means far more than being able to tell a good joke, or even being considered funny — relationships in which couples are able to laugh at the same things are the strongest and most satisfying relationships.

It's not about being a great comedian, but finding what's funny in everyday life and enjoying it together Hall explains in a statement, whether that's the comedy The Simpsons or repeating funny things your kids say. The most important is that you do it together. If you share a sense of what's funny, it improves your relationship through laughter.

To this point, Hall shares another finding: it's important to laugh with your partner, not at him/her. If you have a very strong sense of humor, it will make your partner become the butt (笑柄) of too many jokes. As a result, it will undo the magic of shared laughter and likely lead to hidden unhappiness deeper than any joke.

Hall states that this is all true even between you and your future husband or wife, not just established relationships. So, if you have a first date with somebody, make sure you have a few short jokes to improve your relationships, and leave the insulting (侮辱人的) jokes for those who should receive them.

【语篇解读】 本篇主要介绍了幽默感的重要性,以及在人际交往中,如何在适当的场合恰当地使用幽默感。

4What's the purpose of Hall's survey?

ATo write a paper about humor.

BTo help couples get happiness.

CTo learn more about humor's strength in relationships.

DTo discover strong and satisfying qualities of humor.

答案与解析:C 细节理解题。从文章第二段第一句话 To take a wider view of the power of humor in relationships, University of Kansas professor... 可知,Hall 做这个调查是为了能更多地了解幽默在人际关系中的力量。

5According to the writer, which will benefit your relationship with your partner?

ABeing a brave man.

BRepeating funny things.

CLaughing with your partner.

DDoing some challenging things together.

答案与解析:C 推理判断题。从文章第二段开始,作者通过调查发现能共同幽默开心的夫妻关系更长久,而且第三段第一句It's not about being a great comedian, but finding what's funny in everyday life and enjoying it together.更进一步表明此观点。

6What does the underlined word undo in Paragraph 4 probably mean?

ADestroy. BProvide.

CRefuse. DPractice.

答案与解析:A 词义猜测题。从本句话的后半句... the magic of shared laughter and likely lead to hidden unhappiness deeper than any joke.可知,如果我们拥有太强的幽默感,可能会让我们的伴侣成为笑柄,可能会破坏这种共同欢笑带来的美好,反而会令对方感到不开心。

7What's the author's suggestion for people having a first date?

ADon't just think about yourself.

BDon't ask about your partner's age.

CDon't talk too much about comedies.

DDon't play some insulting jokes on your partner.

答案与解析:D 细节理解题。根据最后一段的内容可知,作者的建议是第一次约会的人要准备一些笑话锦囊妙计来增进彼此的感情,但要记住:不要讲一些侮辱人的笑话,不能取笑对方。


When it comes to gift lists, I've never had to think about what I want. Since I was about four years old, every year I have asked my parents to __1__ get me toys. All I have ever wanted was a __2__ for my birthday or Christmas. __3__ I didn't want a horse just to ride. I wanted a __4__ horse which would give birth to a foal (小马驹), which would __5__ to be a champion harness­racing (轻驾车赛马冠军) horse. That has always, always been my __6__.

I guess you have to know a little about my family to __7__. My mom and dad have been around harness­racing horses for a long time. When I was little, my __8__ used to take me to the racetrack (赛道). Harness racing is a sport that's __9__ to watch and do. I really enjoyed it.

When it came to my dream horse, I wanted to be able to __10__ it from the time it was born. You could say that I wanted to be __11__ a mom to my horse. And I always __12__ that he would be a champion even before my horse was __13__. My dad and my uncle and my grandpa tried to talk me out of all this, but I never __14__.

Around my eighth birthday, my dad finally realized how __15__ I was. Even though he was __16__ trying to talk me out of it, he bought me a mother horse. My dad said that __17__ she wasn't a champion, her foal probably wouldn't be __18__. I thought he was __19__ because I knew my horse would be a __20__.

【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。受父母的影响,作者从小就喜欢轻驾车赛马。在八岁生日的时候,她终于如愿获得了一匹母马,并决定把它的孩子培养成轻驾车赛马冠军。

1A.ever          Balways

Cnever Donly

答案与解析:C 由下文中的All I have ever wanted was a..可知,作者从不(never)想要玩具作为礼物。

2A.horse Brace

Ccake Dtoy

答案与解析:A 由下文多次出现的horse可知,作者想要一匹(horse)作为礼物。

3A.Anyway BInstead

CHowever DRather

答案与解析:C 由下文中的give birth to a foal... champion可知,虽然作者想要一匹马,但是(However)她不仅仅是为了骑马,而是为了把这匹马生下的小马驹培养为轻驾车赛马冠军。

4A.mother Byoung

Cspecial Dcommon

答案与解析:A 由本句中的give birth to a foal和最后一段中的he bought me a mother horse可知,作者想要一匹母马,故此处为mother horse

5A.get up Bgo up

Cwake up Dgrow up

答案与解析:D 由第三段中的he would be a champion可知,作者相信小马驹能够成长(grow up)为轻驾车赛马冠军。

6A.gift Bdream

Cadvice Dchance

答案与解析:B 由第三段中的my dream horse可知,这是作者一直以来的梦想(dream)

7A.decide Bagree

Cunderstand Dchoose

答案与解析:C 本句承接上一句解释为什么作者如此执着地想要一匹马。作者接下来要讲述她的家庭,以帮助读者理解(understand)

8A.friends Bparents

Cteachers Dteammates

答案与解析:B 由上文中的My mom and dad可知,此处指作者的父母(parents)

9A.difficult Beasy

Cboring Dfun

答案与解析:D 由下文中的I really enjoyed it可知,轻驾车赛马运动很有趣(fun)

10A.pay for Blook for

Cwork for Dcare for

答案与解析:D 参照下一小题的解析。

11A.like Bwith

Cbeside Dbeyond

答案与解析:A 由本文作者对于马的喜爱和下文中的mom可知,作者想(like)妈妈一样照顾(care for)她的马。

12A.suggested Bwarned

Cknew Dheard

答案与解析:C 参照下一小题的解析。

13A.bought Bborn

Ctreated Dfound

答案与解析:B 由第一段中的which would give birth to a foal... to be a champion harness­racing horse可知,在小马驹出生(born)之前,作者就知道(knew)它一定会成为轻驾车赛马冠军。

14A.gave up Bpassed by

Ccame back Dwent out

答案与解析:A 由转折连词but可知,虽然作者的家人试图劝她打消这个念头,但她从来没有放弃(gave up)

15A.strict Bhappy

Ckind Dserious

答案与解析:D 参照下一小题的解析。

16A.even Bstill

Cjust Dalready

答案与解析:B 由下文中的he bought me a mother horse可知,作者父亲终于意识到了作者对这件事是严肃认真的(serious),因此,尽管他仍然(still)试图让作者打消这个念头,他还是给作者买了一匹母马。

17A.although Bif

Cwhen Dsince

答案与解析:D 参照下一小题的解析。

18A.fast Bpretty

Csweet Ddangerous

答案与解析:A 作者的父亲认为因为(since)这匹母马不是冠军,因此它生的小马驹也不会跑得(fast)

19A.fair Bwise

Cwrong Dproud

答案与解析:C 参照下一小题的解析。

20A.beginner Blearner

Ctrainer Dwinner

答案与解析:D 由上文作者在小马驹出生前就认定它会成为冠军可知,作者认为父亲的判断是错误的(wrong),因为她知道自己的小马驹会成为优胜者(winner)


