宿舍风采大赛 海的女儿剧本

发布时间:2013-12-08 20:53:10   来源:文档文库   

The Daughter Of The Sea


旁白:In the deepest of the ocean stands the castle of the Sea King.His mother is a very wise woman,and he has 6 beautiful daughters,but the youngest was the prettiest of them all,and like all the others, she had no feet,and her body ended in a fish's tail.How time flies ! They reached their fifteenth year,they will have permission to rise up out of the sea.


大女儿:Oh , what a beautiful day!I can hear the music ,I can play with ship .I see the big animals on the shore. That’s horse !

二女儿:Wa oh … The sun looks like a flower.The color of the sun is red.Who painted the wonderful sun?

三女儿:Where is it? Oh I rise up.I see the children playing on shore.I want to play with them.

四女儿:Oh ,I arrive another world.It is different from my home .But I’m afraid of whales.

五女儿:What a surprise! All the world is white .In the deep sea, there are many kinds of flowers .but why there are many white flowers. Oh,no! It’s snow.大女儿:Although the scene is wonderful .But our home is the best.女儿们:Yes…We must go home!(从左上从右下)

旁白:At last the youngest princess reached her fifteenth year.But when the little mermaid rose to the surface of the water,the dreadful storm destroyed a ship and the handsome prince dropped in the sea.

小人鱼:Oh,my God!Hold on!(去救王子前)

小人鱼:(上岸后)I think someone will come and save you.You will be fine.(此时发现公主来了,从右上)Ok,I have to go.(人鱼在远处看)

公主:(走到岸边突然发现王子)It’s a prince .But why he lies on the shore?(走近摇晃他)Wake up! Wake up…

王子:(昏迷后醒来,十分虚弱,说完话后再次昏迷)I met a storm.My people...

公主:Please calm down,you will be okey.

小人鱼:Good luck, I will see you again. 祝你好运,我会再见到你的。(人鱼从左下)



小人鱼:Dear grandmother,I have fallen in love with a human being.I must find him!

龙母:Oh my dear!It's impossible!You are a fish and he is a human being!If you go with him you won't be happy.

小人鱼:(crying) Oh grandmother, I beg you ! I beg you !



小人鱼:(自言自语)I have no choice.Who can help me?


人鱼:Oh,I know you!You are the most beautiful and the kindest witch I have ever seen! Please ,please help me !My lovely witch ,can you give me a pair of feet ?


人鱼Oh , you are the most beautiful and the kindest witch I have ever seen! Please ,please help me !(作渴求状……

巫女:What a beautiful voice ,my lovely princess! Now that you are so sincere ,I’ll give you a discount ,8000$,OK?

人鱼:Oh,my dear witch.but I don’t have so much money !

巫女:Then ,what about 4000$

人鱼:Dear witch ,but I still can’t afford so much money .Give me a free pair please and I can do anything for you .

巫女:Ok ,if you can beat me in the game,I’ll give it to you ,

人鱼:Then ,what’s the game ?




人鱼:Oh ,yeah I’ve got it !Give me the medicine now!(做矫情状)

巫婆极不情愿地交出了药:But you should keep it in mind that you cannot tell the prince the truth about yourself!

人鱼:Thank you very much!


王子:Here is a girl.What’s wrong with you?



旁白:The prince fell in love with her at first glance,and few days later they fell in love. One day,the little mermaid looked at the prince with her beautiful eyes

小人鱼:I have been here for a long time.Do you love me the best of them all?

王子:(微笑,无奈)You have the best heart, and you are the most devoted to me. You are like a young maiden whom I once saw.My ship met a storm and the waves took me ashore.A maidens found me on the shore and saved my life. She is the only one in the world whom I could love.


王子:(对公主)It was you who saved my life when I lay dead on the beach.(人鱼很吃惊,猛然转身)You will be my bride,and we will be together forever.Will you marry me?

公主:(娇羞状)Yes, I do.



人鱼:No, it’s unfair! I have to compete with you!

公主:Who who ?


人鱼拿着两只十字绣的抱枕:I am good at embroidering cross-stitch.Look, how beautiful are they!人鱼与公主跳起了西班牙斗牛舞,音乐

公主上前将王子拉过来:I am good at cooking.啊,How does it taste?


人鱼:No, I have the sweetest voice. 唱到一半王子情不自禁地与之合唱。两人深情对视。

公主 No,I can dance!Come on,my prince!(做诱惑状)接着两人跳舞

舞毕,公主与人鱼:Now, it’s time for you to make the choice.

王子做纠结状,看看公主,看看人鱼:Who should I choose?You might as well to do”stone scissors cloth” to determine the winner.



旁白:The little mermaid felt her heart were already broken. His wedding morning would bring death to her, and she would change into the foam of the sea.



旁白:All the church bells rung,the wedding was begun.

牧师:Prince,are you pleased to marry the princess and love her forever?

王子:Yes,I will.

牧师:And princess, are you pleased to marry the prince and share the happiness and sorrow with him?

公主:Yes, I am.

牧师:Change the rings.

Ok.Now you have got married ,you should take care of each other from now on! Amen!

王子:(微笑,轻声)Let’s go,my bride


旁白:The little mermaid sat at the seashore and waited her death.Suddenly she saw her sisters rising out of the flood.(姐姐们从右上)

小人鱼:(吃惊地看着姐姐们,旁白)Why you come here?Where is your beautiful hair?

姐姐们:(一人一句)We have given our hair to the witch to obtain help for you.She has given us a knife.Before the sun rises you must plunge it into the heart of the prince.

人鱼:No,I cannot do it!

姐姐们:But you must do it or you will become the foam of the sea.As long as you plunge it into the heart of the prince, can your feet grow together and form into a fish’s tail again when the warm blood falls upon your feet.And you will be once more a mermaid,you won’t change into the foam!




小人鱼:(cry)I can’t,I can’t do it.I love you,you will be happy forever.(刀在手中颤抖,低头吻额头,无奈而痛苦的扔刀子,然后坐在一边坦然的向天空凝视,眼神平静而充满希望,念下句旁白时变泡沫)


旁白:The sun rose above the waves,and its warm rays fell on the cold sea,on the little mermaid,on this brand new day!

王子:(醒来)(朦胧 微笑 好奇)Oh look,so much foam in the air.

公主:(醒来) (朦胧 微笑)Yeah,it’s beautiful.


《宿舍风采大赛 海的女儿剧本.doc》
