
发布时间:2019-06-09 01:30:58   来源:文档文库   



The Fox and the Grapes

One hot summers day a certain Fox saw a juicy bunch of Grapes hanging from a vine.It certainly was very hot, and the Fox was thirsty for something to drink. These Grapes are just what I need to quench my thirst! said the Fox.

But the vine on which the Grapes hung was too high for him to reach even with his longest stretch. So he decided to jump.

Drawing back a few paces, he ran towards the vine and took a great big leap, but missed the Grapes.

Turing around, he jumped again. This time too, with no success.

The Fox tried to jump for the Grapes again and again and yet again and again, in vain.

Since he could not reach the delicious-looking Grapes, the Fox finally concluded, These Grapes must be sour! and walked away with his nose in the air, through hotter and even thirstier than before!


夏季炎热的一天,一只狐狸看见葡萄藤上挂着一串串晶莹剔透的葡萄。天确实很热,狐狸渴得找东西喝。“这些葡萄正是我要解渴的东西!”狐狸说。 但葡萄藤太高,即使狐狸伸长了脖子也够不着。因此他决定跳一跳。





The Two Pots

There were once two pots floating down the river. One shined happily in the sun while the other looked dull and unpleasant from being wet in the water.

That because one pot was made of brass and the other was made of clay. Please do not come near me! said the clay pot to the brass one.

Why not? We could be friends, said the brass pot.

No, replied the clay pot, I am to fragile. If you touch me even once I will break into pieces. I must stay far from you and cannot think of being your friend. Please go away, you will find someone downstream just like you to play with!


