
发布时间:2015-05-13 13:57:47   来源:文档文库   

four years in university is a turning point in my life. in 2010 i was enrolled in xxx school with excellent grades,where i constantly challenge and enrich myself for four years ,lying a fundation for my career.the last few monthes in the school i engaged in social practice. the first job i got is Operator .during my work i have a further understanding about interpersonal relation,which did not make me content. on the contary, i feel not enough about my knowledges and have a desire to improve it. previously i am not a harkworking person,but now i want to go back to school and change myself throughly. although i am not aware of the importance of study, but i am very responsible.what i mean is i will do what my teacher instructs. i deem responsiblity is a virtue of people and have connection with honesty-responsible for what i have said and others.

after having a learning about xxx institute , i firmly believe this institute will make me a elite with comprenhensive ability,enabling me to make contributions after going back my country,while in the institue i will enrich my capability and try to be calm.


