高考英语一轮复习 Module 4 Music Born in America单元综合测试 外研版选修7

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2015届高三英语一轮复习:Module 4 Music Born in America


1(2014届齐齐哈尔高三模拟改编) He describes everything in ________ order, which makes ________ excellent impression upon us.

答案:/; an 句意:他叙事很有条理,给我们留下了极好的印象。in order“有序地make an impression on/upon sb.“给某人留下印象

2(2014届潍坊四县一校高三联考改编)Most people would agree that nuclear science should be developed to benefit the human beings ________ harm them.

答案:rather than 考查短语。句意:大部人都认为核技术的发展应是有益于人类而不是对他们造成伤害。rather that“而不是,与其,符合句意。

3(2014届天津十二区县重点学校高三联考改编)Although no further financial problem ________(arise), their small factory once couldn't make both ends meet.

答案:arose 考查动词。句意:虽然没有出现进一步的财政问题,但他们的小工厂曾一度不能做到收支平衡。arise(尤指问题或困境)发生/产生,出现,符合句意。

4(2014届聊城高三检测改编)The police always take ________ of dog's sharp sense of smell to search for survivors in the earthquake.

答案:advantage 考查固定搭配。句意:警察常常利用狗敏锐的嗅觉来搜寻地震中的幸存者。take advantage of“利用,符合句意。

5(2014届唐山一中高三模拟改编) We are looking forward to ________(build) a better society ________(harmony) with nature.

答案:building; in 考查固定搭配。句意:我们希望构建一个与大自然和谐共处的美好社会。look forward to“盼望着,其中to为介词,所以其后应用动名词;in harmony with为固定搭配,表示……和谐/一致

6Make sure the gas is turned off after a bath, which would ________ cause danger.

答案:otherwise 句意:确保洗完澡后把燃气关掉,要不然会导致危险的。otherwise“要不然,符合句意。

7(2014届辽宁东北育才双语学校高三第三次模拟改编) The things that ________(matter) is not the problem itself, but what we should do with it.

答案:matters 考查名词辨析。句意:重要的不是问题本身,而是我们如何处理它。matter“要紧,重要。根据题意可知用matters

8—How long do you think it will be ________ the stock market returns to normal?

—At least one year, I guess.

答案:before 句意:——“你认为再过多久股票市场会回归正常?”——“我猜至少一年。此处应用before引导时间状语从句,表示再过多久才……”

9His mother was always scolding him for leaving things________(order), but to her satisfaction, he ________ them________(order) today.

答案:out of order; put; in order 考查固定搭配。句意:妈妈总是批评他把东西弄得乱七八糟,但令她满意的是,今天他把它们摆放得很整齐。out of order“次序紊乱的,乱七八糟的put...in order“把……摆放整齐

10Water, when________(heat) enough, can change into vapor quickly.

答案:(it is) heated 句意:加热时,水会变成水蒸气。waterheat之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词表被动,when heatedwhen it is heated的省略。



AI'm very sorry to tell you that my visa application__1__(refuse) yesterday.

BOh, I also feel sorry for you. Try again and keep your fingers__2__(cross)

AThanks. But now I'll have to cancel my__3__(reserve)

BI'll arrange__4__for you. But you'll lose 5% of the total rate__5__a rule.

AWell, go ahead. We can't help it.

BYou're lucky among the unlucky ones.

AWhat do you mean?

BIf you came here less than 24 hours__6__the flight leaveswe would take out 10% of the total fee.

AOh, my goodness__7__if I ask for a refund an hour before the flight?

BWell, then you'll lose much__8__probably 20% to 30% of__9__ticket rate. It depends on different airlines. Some airlines __10__remove 50%.

AI see now. I'm really a lucky dog.

1______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______

6______ 7.______ 8.______ 9.______ 10.______


1was refused 考查时态与语态。根据yesterday可知应用过去时,且用被动语态。

2crossed 考查过去分词。fingerscross之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词作宾补。

3reservation 考查名词。此处缺少宾语,所以用名词形式。

4it 考查代词。it代指上文取消预定这件事。

5as 考查介词。此处指作为一条规则。

6before 考查状语从句。此处表示时间,……之间,应用before

7What 考查省略。根据句意可知此处表示如果……会怎样

8more 考查比较级。根据下文可知此处表示更多

9the 考查冠词。此处表示特指。

10could/might 考查情态动词。此处表示不太肯定的推测。


It was my birthday, so my wife, my brother and my child treated ourselves to dinner in a restaurant that we had never been to before. As we walked back to our car, a very thin man __1__ my brother saying he hadn't eaten for a while and asking for __2__ .Usually my wife and I treat such __3__ with suspicion (怀疑) but my brother took a __4__ approach and he started talking with the man.

The man said he was a __5__ and had come to Dubai from Pakistan to find a __6__. His visa was expiring(到期) in three or four days. He had no friends here, couldn't __7__ a singing job, and was surviving hand to mouth. He had a __8__ ticket that had to be confirmed. To do this he needed 70 dirhams.

My brother gave him 20 dirhams for __9__ and asked the man to give him a __10__ from the airline's ticket office the next day. He also __11__ the man a travel card for the Dubai metro(地铁)

__12__ I found out that my brother went to the ticket office the next day and had this man's __13__ confirmed. There were some __14__ fees, plus the man had 300 dirhams room rent to be __15__.Having done all that my brother then helped the man get some chocolates and __16__ to take back home to his family.

The man was so __17__. He kept in touch and __18__ called my brother from Pakistan later__19__ him for all his help.

Well, it was a valuable lesson in human __20__ that I learned from my younger brother on my birthday!

1A.followed Baffected

Cinformed Dapproached

答案:D 由下文可知,这个很瘦的男子和作者的弟弟说话了,因此这里是指他走近了作者的弟弟。approach意为走近,靠近

2A.food Bmoney

Cservice Dadvice

答案:B 由第二段的内容可知,该男子向作者他们说明了自己现在的困境,他特别提到了他需要确认返程机票的钱。由此判断,他要的是。本题很容易因为空前的he hadn't eaten for a while而误选A项,结合下文可知,单要食物并不能解决他的问题,因此可排除该项。

3A.dreams Bsuggestions

Crequests Dwishes

答案:C 上文中的asking for money是一种请求,故用request

4A.different Bproper

Cperfect Dshort

答案:A 由空前的but可知,作者在这里将自己与弟弟进行了比较;再根据下文的叙述可知,弟弟采取了不同的(different)方法。

5A.writer Bsinger

Cpainter Dteacher

答案:B 由7空后的a singing job可推知,他是一名歌手(singer)

6A.friend Bchance

Ccollege Djob

答案:D 联系语境和后面的内容可知他从巴勒斯坦来迪拜是为了找一份工作(job)

7A.get Boffer

Ckeep Dhold

答案:A 由上下文可知,他现在缺钱,只能勉强度日,因此判断他没有找到工作,故用get符合文意。

8A.free Bspecial

Creturn Dsingle

答案:C 由下文可知,那个男子是要回家,因此此处应是a return ticket(往返票)

9A.food Bpetrol

Cclothes Dhotels

答案:A 第四段中提到作者的弟弟去售票处确认了机票,又付清了房租,因此推断这20迪拉姆应该是让他买的钱。

10A.note Bname

Chand Dcall

答案:D 由12空后的内容可知,弟弟第二天去了售票处。由此可知,此处是指他让那人第二天从航空公司的售票处给他打电话(call)

11A.lent Bgave

Cpromised Dsent

答案:B 上一句中有gave him 20 dirhams,该空前有also,由此可知,此处指弟弟还给了那人一张迪拜地铁的乘车卡。

12A.Therefore BHowever

CLater DAgain

答案:C 空后的内容是后来作者发现的事情,故用later。该空后面的内容与上文没有因果或者转折关系,因此可以排除AB两项。

13A.ticket Bidentity

Cvisa Dpaper

答案:A 根据上文中的“He had a 8(return) ticket that had to be confirmed.”可知,此处是指弟弟去确认了那人的车票(ticket)

14A.high Bextra

Clow Duseless

答案:B 联系空后的plus the man had 300 dirhams room rent可知,除了付确认机票的钱,弟弟还为那人付了其他额外的(extra)费用。

15A.collected Baccepted

Clost Dpaid

答案:D 根据上文可知,这300迪拉姆是要支付(pay)房费的。

16A.pictures Binstruments

Cgifts Dcards

答案:C 由空后的to take back home to his family可知,此空填的是那人要带回家的东西,因此Cgifts最合适。

17A.touched Bsatisfied

Cdisappointed Dencouraged

答案:A  弟弟为那人做了这么多,那人应该很感动(touched)。下一句说那人回国后还与作者的弟弟保持联系,也可以看出这一点。

18A.also Beven

Calmost Dnever

答案:B 回国后,他继续与弟弟保持着联系。此处指他甚至打国际电话给弟弟,故用even

19A.asking Bmentioning

Crefusing Dthanking

答案:D 联系空后的for all his help可知,那人打电话给弟弟是为了感谢他对自己的帮助。

20A.history Bthought

Ckindness Dsociety

答案:C 文中所描述的作者弟弟的行为体现出的是一种人性之善,这给作者上了宝贵的一课。human kindness意为人性之善


If you're out for a walk and a bird in a tree says to you Hello there don't worry, you're not going mad.

Naturalists have reported a growing phenomenon of pet parrots that have been taught to repeat phrases by their owners before escaping from their cages and then passing on the technique to the wild flocks they join. Hello there”“Hello darling” and What's happening“ are among the chorus of comments that flocks of wild birds have been repeating after picking up words and sentences from other birds that were once household pets.

Naturalist Martyn Robinson said: We've had people calling us thinking they've had something put into their drink because they've gone out to look at the flock of birds in their back yard and all the birds have been saying something like ‘Who's a pretty boy, then

Mr. Robinson, who is based at the Australian Museum in Sydney, said the usual sequence of events saw a caged parrot of some kind which had been taught phrases but had then made its escape. It would then join a wild flock and chatter away in the trees, its words being learned by younger birds in the flock. The older ones would be unlikely to start learning. When chicks are horn, they hear the words being spoken by the older birds and grow up repeating the phrases. And so it continues, generation after generation.

Mr. Robinson said that because of a drought in the western regions of New South Wales, flocks of wild bird speakers among them have been flying to Sydney, where more food is available, and have been hanging around suburban gardens.

From the tree tops in gardens, from chimney pots and lamp posts, the flocks have been talking away, leaving many people wondering if their minds were playing tricks on them.

These birds are very smart and very social, meaning that communication and contact is important between them” said Mr. Robinson. I just hope a pet bird that's been taught dirty words doesn't join a flock because we don't want to hear that kind of thing going around the back gardens.


1When people heard a flock of birds say Hello there they felt ________.

Athere was something wrong with their minds

Bthey had drunk some wine

Cthey were in a world of parrots

Dthey heard people speaking

答案:A 细节理解题。根据文章第一段、第三段以及倒数第二段的信息可知,人们在听到野生鹦鹉说话时感到很诧异,以为自己的大脑出了什么问题。

2Flocks of wild bird speakers have been flying to Sydney because ________.

Athey are following some escaped pet parrots

Bit is easy for them to find food in Sydney

Cthere are fewer birds left in New South Wales

Dthey are on their way of migration

答案:B 细节理解题。从文章倒数第三段可知,这些会说话的野生鹦鹉从新南威尔士州飞到了悉尼,原因是新南威尔士州大旱,缺少食物,而悉尼有很多食物。

3Which of the following gives the correct order of events given in the passage?

aPeople hear a bird in a tree say Hello there

bThe pet parrot escaped from its cage.

cA flock of wild parrots learned to speak from the escaped speaker”.

dA pet parrot picked up some sentences from its owner.

eThe pet parrot joined a flock of wild birds.

Ab, c, d, a, e Be, a, c, d, b

Cd, b, e, c, a De, b, c, a, d

答案:C 事实排序题。根据第二段和第四段的信息可知,C项符合文章所陈述的事实的顺序。

4We can learn from the passage that ________.

Aparrots like to learn to speak human language

Byounger birds are most likely to learn the language from the escaped parrots

Cparrots can learn to speak from each other, whether old or young

Dparrots flock together because they speak the same language

答案:B  细节判断题。从文章第四段的第二、三、四句可知,幼鸟更有可能跟选出来的会说话的宠物鹦鹉学习人类的习惯用语,故选B

5What Mr. Robinson said in the last paragraph suggests that________.

Aa flock of parrots can only pick up some simple sentences

Bparrots cannot learn to say dirty words

Cparrots can even pick up dirty words

Da pet parrot is forbidden to be taught dirty words

答案:C 推理判断题。文章最后一段表明,这位博物学家担心鹦鹉学会说脏话,因此C项正确。



Every day has just 24 hours—and this applies to all people. Some people are constantly pushed for time. This article is about how we can learn to manage our valuable time more effectively.

In reality we cannot manage time. We can only manage ourselves and our relationship with time.__1__ And habits are not that easy to change.

Below here are tips that can help you manage your time better.

Organize your goals.

Organize your goals based on two criteria: degree of urgency and importance: a. Should be done today, tomorrow, etc. b. Should be done at that date. c. Can be put off for so many days. d. Can ask someone else to do it. __2__

Clean up your list.

Make a list of everything you think that is not helping or benefiting you and do not do them!

Focus on one goal.

Concentrate only on one goal at a time. Otherwise, if while dealing with something you think about everything you can do later, most likely you will get bored and disappointed.__3__ The boredom (厌倦) is guaranteed with this way of thinking.

Identify your deadlines.

__4__ Divide the activities per day / week and long­term goals to get a clear picture of what you have to do and when.

Find suitable work environment.


Be realistic.

Make sure that your goals are realistic and do not try for the impossible.

Say NO”.

Learn to say no to other activities, requests and people who eat your time (unless indeed at that very moment it is necessary for you to help them)

AAllow time to adjust your list if necessary.

BAfter all, how we use our time is largely a matter of habit.

CCreate a suitable environment to work, one that fits your style.

DCheck the list of what you should do and when it must be completed.

EAfter organizing your goals, start with the most important and urgent.

FIt is like every time you eat you think all the meals you must eat in your life.

GDo not let boredom discourage you if what you have to complete is boring.

答案:15 BEFDC


《高考英语一轮复习 Module 4 Music Born in America单元综合测试 外研版选修7.doc》
