
发布时间:2019-02-18 02:49:27   来源:文档文库   








二、活动时间:2014923 中午1230――13:40




1 以口头通知的形式,把本次活动的目的、形式、商品的范围告诉家长。得到家长的支持和配合,同时欢迎家长当顾客或来校参观。

































组员:陈健 李星 黎军








1、活动结束后,对各班的摊位进行评选,每个级部评出一个特色商铺 评选要求:




4)、场地卫生:班级工作人员必须保持商铺场地整洁,负责场地的卫生。 注:若出现售货员站在椅子上或桌子上吆喝,或与其他商铺或消费者产生冲突等







通过丰富多彩的主题活动,浓厚学习氛围,提高学生运用外语的熟练程度,激发学生学习外语的兴趣,为加强学风建设、打造精品校园文化,营造寓教于乐学习氛围提供有效的载体和平台,为学生走上成人、成才、成功之路奠定坚实的基础。 二、活动主题

走出兴陇,走进世界out of xlms, into the world 三、组织机构 (一)领导小组 组长:郑冲 副组长:俞晓瑾

成员:车文波 李岚 朱沪疆 沈喆 (二)工作小组 组长:车文波

副组长:李岚 朱沪疆 王宏艳 沈喆

成员: 乔影翟伟陈柳 (英语备课组长)(三)分工负责 总负责:车文波 组织:朱沪疆 沈喆 协调:李岚

评委联络:王宏艳 后勤保障:陶晓刚四、活动时间

311——326 五、活动内容

本届外语节包括外语歌曲大赛、英文原版影剧欣赏、英语朗诵竞赛、英语写作比赛、趣味英语比赛、英语跳蚤市场、各国文化展示等活动。以学校、年级、班级活动为主,外语组老师、政教处组织指导,班主任支持配合。 六、活动形式


(二)年级活动:英语拼词比赛趣味英语比赛英语命题写作大赛 (三)班级活动:文化环球或漫游或盛宴(1)各国文化主题展版设计(2)各国文化展示(包括服饰、体育、民俗、歌舞等,要求设计现场互动环节)(3 英语跳蚤市场(各班根据学校要求方案另行设计) 七、氛围宣传

1.每班出一期介绍某一个国家的展版 (预备:亚洲、大洋洲;初一:欧洲、非洲;初二;美洲。每个班级负责一个国家)

2.学校电子屏幕宣传 (英语组)

3.网络宣传:介绍外语节、报道活动情况、传送经典照片 (英语组) 4、外语组收集英文小诗提供给班级,班级晨读。

5、每个同学自学一首外语歌曲,在音乐课和外语课上展示。 6、在走廊电视屏幕上播放英语谜语,学生有奖竞猜。 7、午间英语原版影剧欣赏


【附件1】开幕式 致辞:车文波

活动时间: 311日升旗仪式 活动地点:操场

场地布置:横幅xlms foreign languages festival opening ceremony” 参加人员:全校师生 活动程序:1. 升旗仪式2. 节目演出3. 领导致辞

【附件2】闭幕式 总结:沈喆

活动时间:326 校会课 活动地点:大礼堂

场地布置:ppt “ xlls foreign languages festival closing ceremony” 参加人员:全体师生


2 文艺汇演(见当日节目单)3、德语班开班仪式





活动方式:每班各出展板一块,318日前各班负责人将展板小样和素材交到政教处。 展版评选:大队部




报名标准:学生志愿报名(英语课代表负责报名) 比赛要求:歌曲自选,语种不限(中文除外),形式风格不限。个人或组合形式,也可载歌载舞),服装可自备,但须符合学生身份。禁止奇装异服。歌曲长度原则上在5分钟以 内。 (预赛根据表演情况由裁判认定时间长短)

评分标准:十分制,去掉一个最高分,去掉一个最低分,取评委平均分。项目如下: a. 歌曲内容1 分,符合要求(外文歌曲,长度),内容健康积极。 b. 音色音质 4分,外文发音准确清楚,音色清晰有质感,音量大。 c. 演唱技巧 3分,音准正确,富有感情,节奏感强,演唱完整。

d. 仪表仪态 1.5, 着装大方, 符合学生身份,仪态稳重,有青少年学生的活力与朝气。 e. 原创加分 0.5分,内容积极向上,动听的原创歌曲。

评委为单数5-7人。评委成员音乐老师,英语老师,学生代表 奖项与奖品设置: 一等奖1, 二等奖2, 三等奖3



报名标准:每班1个节目(可以是小组参赛) 评分标准: 5分钟/组) 1. 评委的平均分为选手得分。 2. 评分标准为以下四个方面:


a. 语音语调标准,口齿清楚,用词正确,无明显语法错误,内容完整,显示较强的语言功底,记满分4分。

b. 语句流畅,记满2

b. 发音有个别错误,语句偶尔有阻碍,或个别用词不当 ,或个别语法错误,内容不完整,得分在4-5分之间。

c. 整体语言表达能力一般,或有一些词汇错误或语法错误,得分在1-3分之间。 2)朗读技巧(满分为2分)

a. 善于运用面部表情,手势和姿势,目光接触与身体语言运用得当,语调抑扬顿挫,富于变化。有熟练的演讲 技巧,能吸引观众,有较强艺术感染力,满分2分。 b. 面部表情欠佳, 语音语调或演讲技巧不够熟练,得分在1--0.5分之间。 3)时间控制(满分为1分)

a. 朗诵时间未超,属正常范围,得1分。b. 朗读时间朗诵超时,得0.5分。 4)整体形象(满分为1分)

a. 举止大方得体,自信,情绪饱满,有感情与气势,仪态仪表端正,气质好,得1分。 b. 整体形象欠佳,得0.5分。

评委为单数5-7人。评委成员英语老师,学生代表 奖项与奖品设置: 一等奖1, 二等奖2, 三等奖3


活动形式:各班准备本班的交易商品,以各种形式促销,为外语节筹备班费,英语跳蚤市场交易过程全程用英语。(english only 活动时间:326日,预计时间为60分钟 活动地点:学校操场。

活动要求:每个班都要参加,各班组织自己的分区(事先划分好各班所在区域。)在本班的范围内设置摊位;除去参加其它活动的学生外,其他的学生全部参加。教室不留任何人。1 班主任通知班委,布置、募集交易的物品并制作英文物品介绍(物品可以为英语卡片、cddvd、英语书籍、自己的手工制品(如娃娃,手工制作的挂件等等),建议是商品有特色有卖点。

2 各班委负责收集、设计本班各交易物品的英语书面介绍和促销词,随交易物品奉送,力争使自己的物品有收藏价值。

3 跳蚤市场的收入建议由各班统计作为外语节的活动经费。

4 各班选派一位同学作为市场督察员,负责本市场的综合管理,确保本市场有序进行。同时这些督察员也是活动奖项的的评委。

5 活动当天请英语科任老师参与。为所任教的班级给予技术支持。 奖项:

1 最佳组织奖(1名):活动组织井然有序,成员分工明确,各司其职。 2 最佳人气奖(1名):促销方式新颖有效,吸引大批顾客光临。 3 最美摊位设计奖(1名):交易物品别出心裁,摊位布置独具匠心,产品介绍独具一格。 4 最具企业家潜力奖(1名):当日收市结算募集得最多班费。

【附件7】英语拼词(六年级 报名标准:每班推荐5名同学 活动要求:


2.活动时间:322日前 3.活动地点:阶梯教室 4.出卷老师:备课组长

奖项与奖品设置: 一等奖1, 二等奖2, 三等奖3

【附件8】英语写作(八年级) 报名标准:每班推荐5名同学 1.分数和评分标准


22-24切题。表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性较好。基本无语言错误,仅有个别小错。 19-21切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯。但有少量语言错误。


13-15基本切题。表达思想不清楚,连贯性差。有较多的严重语言错误。 12分以下 条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误,且多数为严重错误。 2.活动时间:322日前 3.活动地点:阶梯教室

奖项设置 :一等奖1人,二等奖2人,三等奖3人。


报名标准:每班以小组形式出现,每5人为一组,准备一份1分钟的英文自我介绍,选取iq题目,机智抢答和必答,最后看得分。 1.活动时间:322日前 2.活动地点:阶梯教室

奖项设置 :一等奖1个,二等奖2个,三等奖3个。


活动形式:各班准备本班的国家文化主题介绍(展板),同时准备该国的文化特色(表演、游戏、歌曲、舞蹈、化妆、食品试尝、纪念品专卖等) 活动时间:326日,预计时间为60分钟 活动地点:学校操场。




热点预测1 trading on campus

1. 学生摆摊、跳蚤市场、创意集市等校园交易受到大学生的欢迎

2. 有人认为校园交易是个好现象,也有人持相反观点

3. 我的看法

trading on campus

nowadays, trading on campus has become a fashion among students. the trade features the sales of hand-made and second-hand stuff, such as baubles, clothing,textbooks and so on. this new occurrence involving student-to-student transaction on campus attracts great public concern.

those who applaud trading on campus believe it is a win-win solution for both buyers and sellers. students can get the things they need at an extremely low price or dispose of unnecessary stuff for some pocket money. besides, through campus trade, used stuff such as textbooks are recycled and made the best of, which helps save resources. another benefit of trading on campus is convenience. you don’t have to go to a bookstore for reference books or go to a grocery for daily necessities. however, there are others holding that campus should be a place for students to acquire knowledge rather than make money. in addition, doing business is time-and energy-consuming, which may adversely affect students’ study. furthermore, trading on campus may disturb the normal order in the university and be difficult to manage. in my opinion, trading on campus offers a good opportunity to cultivate students’ business sense while assuring the maximum efficiency of the stuff. moreover, through trading, students can share interests and exchange things they need. therefore, trading on campus should be encouraged under effective regulation.

热点预测2 violence in schools

1. 近来许多新闻报道了校园暴力事件,引发社会关注

2. 校园暴力产生的原因

3. 我的看法

violence in schools

teenage violence in schools has become a tremendous concern to many people. school violence such as bullying, raping, and murder over the past years has been increasing.

many factors may contribute to the problem. to begin with, family lifestyle has been shown to have a direct effect on a teenager’s behavior in school. kids brought up in a family that often beats them as a form of education are prone to useviolenceagainst others. secondly, media-promoted violence inflicts such a huge impact on the young that they may imitate those acts and settle problems by force. in addition, failure to stop a child from doing something wrong could lead the child to believe that his behavior is acceptable, which may result in the repetition of the bad behavior. immediate focus must be put on how to solve the problem. on the one hand, parents should be taught to educate their kids in an effective and respectful way. on the other hand, mass media should produce moregood tv programs and books for young people, which would exert a positive influence on them.

finally, schools should strengthen management to prevent teenage violence from happening. through these efforts, violence in schools is hopefully to be curbed. 热点预测3 my view on universities’ moving to suburbs

1. 越来越多的大学从市内迁移至郊区

2. 这一策略能带来许多好处

3. 我的看法

my view on universities’ moving to suburbs

the past decade has witnessed the process of many universities’ moving out of the downtown areas and into the suburbs. this strategic shift will bring about many benefits.

to begin with, this practice wins preferential policies from local governments. with the supportuniversities will be able to build more teaching buildings, buy better equipment, recruit more teachers and meet the demands of eollment expansion. in addition, this changing environment of universities responds to the development of the suburbs, bringing business opportunities to the local people. what’s more, teachers and students can also benefit greatly for they can have the privilege of doing research and studying in an environment free from noises, traffic jams, high crime rates or pollution. they can enjoy a more relaxed mood, and escape from the busy city life.

in my opinion, the critical relocation will bring benefits to both the development of universities and the all-round improvement of higher education in china. besides, students and teachers will have their academic achievement improved in the quiet environment. all in all, this practice deserves applause.

热点预测4 my view on off-campus dining

1. 很多大学生经常不在校园食堂吃饭,而倾向于在校外就餐

2. 该现象产生的原因

3. 我的看法

my view on off-campus dining

off-campus dining is increasingly favored by college students. at dinner time, it’s common to see crowds of students filing into various snack bars around the campus.

the off-campus dining rush originates from the following factors. first of all, students complain that the opening hours of school canteen cannot satisfy their need. so they opt for off-campus dining especially when they miss the dinner time. secondly, the noises and long queues in the canteen in rush hours of dinner may scare away some students. waiting for a table has become a commonplace. last but not least, the poor quality of food, service and dining environment and the high food price ar e also sources of dissatisfaction.

so far as i’m concerned, i believe the off-campus dining provides more opportunities to satisfy students’ appetite as well as their needs for food quality, good service and flexibility in dining time. hopefully, the competition from the off-campus dining rush could bring about some improvement in the school canteen. 热点预测5 should students be require d to attend classes?

1. 大学生旷课现象越来越普遍

2. 有人认为应强制规定学生必须上课,有人则认为没有必要

3. 我的看法

should students be require d to attend classes?

nowadays, classes on campus have been witnessing a declining attendance rate. in fact, almost every college student has had such experience as skipping classes. speaking of whether students should be required to attend the class, different people have different opinions.

some believe that going to classes should be optional. students are mature enough to make their own decisions. besides, some teachers’ lectures are so boring that students would rather skip classes to study by themselves or learn what they are interested in. finally, attendance doesn’t guarantee participation and may turn out to be a waste of time. however, others hold that class attendance should be made compulsory. on the one hand, it shows our respect for the teachers. on the other hand, while attending classes, students will be made to take their studies seriously and pursue every opportunity to learn. moreover, under some circumstances, lack of attendance could mean the difference between passing or failing the exam.

as far as i’m concerned, higher education lays stress on self-study, which means that students have the right to choose their way of acquiring knowledge. however, at the same time, the attendance could be seen as feedback from students, which will help teachers improve their teaching methods. therefore i think we should leave the decision of whether or not to attend classes to students.

热点预测6 about keeping indoors

1. 在当代年轻人中,变得越来越流行

2. 对这一现象,不同的人有不同的看法

3. 我的看法

about keeping indoors

it has become a fashion for young people to spend spare time or holidays on computer games, films, books or shopping online at home. cool as it may sound, youngsters’ staying indoors brings about great public concern.

personally, i can hardly say yes to youngsters’ staying indoors. a close contact with the real world can keep us informed. what’s more, we need to go outside to refresh our body as well as our minds.

热点预测7 self-help traveling

1. 大学生越来越热衷于自助游

2. 选择自助游,应当注意什么

3. 我的看法

self-help traveling

as opposed to organizing themselves to a travel agency, college students prefer the option of self-help traveling nowadays, which features freedom and flexibility. one is free to choose when and where to travel and arrange other matters during the trip. what’s more, one can seek to find cheaper and better tourist routes rather than simply accepts what the agency offers.

even though the self-help traveling is an advisable option, one should keep in mind all the possible challenges coming along. first of all, it brings about several problems at the stage of organization one has to arrange everything for himself, including buying tickets, reserving hotels and choosing means of transportation. it may be in some cases exhausting and time-consuming. moreover, one is not quite safe once traveling alone in a strange place. he will run the risk of communication barriers, getting lost, being cheated or even kidnapped.

for my part, we should always give priority to safety when choosing self-help traveling. in addition, we should allow for changes, alternatives and emergency in our plan and organization. only in this way can we guarantee our self-help traveling trip sound and safe.

热点预测8 on knock-off products

1. 近几年,市场上出现了大量的山寨产品

2. 山寨产品的盛行可能引发的问题

3. 如何改变这种情况

on knock-off products

nowadays, there emerge a great number of knock-off products in the market. they are made nearly the same as famous brand products with a much lower price and mostly in poor qualities.

these products are popular among people, especially those who love but can’t afford the authentic ones. however, the popularity of knock-off products may bring about a series of problems. in the first place, making knock-off products is a blatant violation of intellectual property rights, which sours the normal market and hinders overseas companies from investing in chinese market. secondly, the knock-offs eat into the profits of ho nest producers of authentic goods. what’s worse, since the quality of knock-off goods cannot be guaranteed, consumers’ interest and safety may be at risk.

in summary, some rules must be implemented to regulate the operation of market and prohibit the knock-offs. what’s more, consumers should be educated to realize the knock-offs’ negative influence on both individuals and society. if we want to smoothly advance the economic development, we must clear the barrier of knock-offs and make every made-in-china item trustworthy.

热点预测9 peer pressure

1. 来自同辈的压力对年轻人有着潜移默化的影响

2. 我们该如何应对这种同辈压力

peer pressure

peer pressure refers to the influence exerted by a peer group in encouraging a person to change his or her attitudes, values, or behavior in order to conform to group

norms. though the idea that “everyone’s doing it” can sometimes strengthen our sense of competition, it can also mislead us to leave our judgment, or our common sense behind.

no one can avoid peer pressure, however, as we grow, we learn to deal with it properly. to begin with, we must be true to ourselves. paying attention to our own feelings and beliefs about what is right or wrong will help us make our own decision. inner strength and self-confidence keep us standing firm instead of being affected by the external influences. secondly, be careful when choosing friends. we may try to get together with friends of similar values, interests or backgrounds to reduce the pressure from different minds. what’s more, when we find the peer pressure is overwhelming, we might as well turn to someone we trust for help.

though we may feel annoyed when caught in peer pressure, we can learn a lot through coping with it. eventually we will reach the balance between our own beliefs and external influences.

热点预测10talent shows on tv

1. 近年来,各类选秀节目越来越多

2. 我对选秀节目的看法及理由

talent shows on tv

recentlyvarious talent shows and reality shows have sprung up in mass media. people’s opinions towards them are various. on the one ha nd, talent shows serve as a perfect arena for gifted people to show themselves. on the other hand, the fad of these shows attracts many people, especially the teenagers to fancy becoming famous overnight, instead of working hard on their studies. personally, i think the advantages of talent shows on tv outweigh their disadvantages.

the following reasons can account for my point of view. firstly, they provide talented grassroots people with access to easy and instant fame, publicity and profit which they may never dream of. secondly, talent shows also bring pleas ure and excitement to viewers. the story of susan boyle, an ordinary rural woman who stunned and inspired millions of people with her amazing singing through a famous british talent show, has greatly encouraged people to pursue their dreams bravely. thirdly, the increasing popularity of talent shows helps organizers generate huge revenues through advertisements. these incomes will contribute to the development of the tv industry.

in conclusion, talent shows provide people with a stage to pursue their dreams, offer us entertainment and bring profits to tv stations. thus there is a lot of sense in keeping and encouraging these shows.

热点预测11 libraries open to beggars and junkmen

1. 目前有些图书馆对乞丐和拾荒者开放

2. 人们对此有不同的看法

3. 我的看法

libraries open to beggars and junkmen

in recent days, what arouses the public attention is that some libraries are open to beggars and junkmen. hangzhou library, for instance, provides beggars and junkmen chances to read there as long as they clean their hands before reading.


